Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1616: Old man

I am heaven and earth!

When the blood power is working, Zheng Tianci is also a supernatural power.

At this moment, he is like the galaxy heaven and earth, with a great momentum shaking.

Not only that, he also condensed mystery with the power of blood.

This is God King Kill!

The veins of that blood line squirmed and evolved a tomahawk.

The tomahawk moved, with a crimson divine pattern, and slanted it away toward the giant hand that suppressed it in front.


When the tomahawk moved, a flash of red light was seen, and the void was born to tear a mouth, and then it went from bottom to top, and then swept toward Xiao Yun's suppression.

When the giant axe passed, Chiguang wiped out the nearby terror waves.

The power of this blow suddenly surpassed the demigod.

This offensive is very common.

The giant spirits in the distance widened their eyes.

Because they knew, Zheng Tianci tried his best.

Can you win Xiao Yun this time?

While looking forward, everyone is also a bit worried.

The red giant axe burst into the air, carrying the power of God.

This is a secret technique evolved from the power of squeezing the blood, and it is also the advantage of the deities.

If ordinary people meet them, they will be crushed.

Even the powerful blow from Xiao Yun was blocked.

The red giant axe had the axe like a rainbow, tearing his magical power.

After all, the blood and power of the gods cannot be underestimated.

"The power of the gods?" Xiao Yun glanced at him, "Swallow me!"

He only saw his heart move, and swallowed up the heavens and uprisings.

Then the heaven and earth evolved by his giant hand immediately extended, and an abyss evolved, engulfing the red giant axe and even the gods it carried.

Then the swallowing pattern began to resolve this divine power.

Consumption of upheaval uprising also contains the power of the avenue, suppressing that divine power.

这种 Under this repression, he began to dissolve the blood power of Zheng Tianci.

But his axe is too strong and still unstoppable.

"Hum, to the extreme, isn't it your swallowing upright mystery?" Zheng Tianci lengheng, "Break me!"

A powerful momentum poured into the tomahawk.

The tomahawk flickered, and the divine power trembled to break the engulfing pattern.

The gulp of the devouring trembled really seemed to collapse.

"In my world, I am the master!" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and within that cyclone, the power of the vast avenue of heaven and earth fell down, immediately suppressing the power of Zheng Tianci, and he shot again, "Reincarnation! "Beware of the movement of God, the reincarnation uprising falls down. Under this uprising, the rules of heaven and earth seem to be disordered.

Zheng Tianci's divine power finally reversed, as if going backwards, powerful and unable to exert it.

This is just the primary upright reincarnation uprising.

When reincarnation!

Can make people from old to young, but also aging from young.

Can make people's power burst suddenly, can make people's power flow backwards.

This is the reincarnation uprising!

He is also Zheng Tianci who has the blood of the God King. Otherwise, under the force of reincarnation, there is no trace of resistance at all.

When Zheng Tianci's strength of the blow weakened, Xiao Yun's giant hand like heaven and earth had been suppressed.


The gigantic hand fell, and the void shook with a horrible wave.

Then, everyone saw the huge hand hitting the red giant axe that Zheng Tianci evolved.

The first thing that hits me is the supernatural powers in that supernatural world.

Phoenix rushes, with the flame of God sweeping through.

虽然 Although this fire is not as powerful as Zheng Tianci ’s blood, it can also resolve and weaken the strength of the other party.

So, under the resolution of various supernatural powers, Zheng Tianci ’s axe power of that **** king was sharply reduced.

When it confronted that supernatural world, the giant axe broke apart.

A force of heaven and earth rolled down.

Under this power, the magical world that Zheng Tianci evolved beside him collapsed.

"This ..." A kind of inability came to heart, Zheng Tianci's face suddenly changed.

When the magical world repressed, Xiao Yun also appeared.

At the moment, a ripple of ripples appeared in the void, Xiao Yun's eyebrows were enlightened.

"Not good!" In a hurry, Zheng Tianci immediately felt a little bit bad.

"Withdraw!" Soon, he immediately broke his card.

Because he felt a breathtaking mystery in Xiao Yun's open eyes.

At this time, he was defeated, and the magical power has not yet condensed. He has no power to resist. If he doesn't make a decision early, he will only fall into passive.

So people immediately broke the Shenxu Ming cards.

"The reaction is so fast!" Xiao Yun frowned.

I just, he had expected it.

宇 Since Yuwen Chengtian and others have fallen behind, the people of the Qingtian and Giant Spirit races have all feared him.

These people are also decisive, naturally they will not 踌躇.

After all, life is the most important.

Zheng Tianci suddenly broke his life card, but it made the minds of those practitioners who watched the game extremely surprised.

"This Zheng Tianci also lost?" On those pillars, practitioners of all races could not help but widen their eyes.

难以 An indescribable emotion came to my heart.

萧 This Xiao Yun lost several Tianjiao in a row, is he really going to skyrocket?

"Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun!"

"Master Xiao is amazing!"

Seeing Xiao Yun win, Xiao's children shouted.

Those of the Zuo Family are also full of joy.

Cheers rang immediately in the market.

"This Zheng Tianci is indeed very strong, but I don't know what about other geniuses?" After winning, Xiao Yun was ashamed.

The sooner I reach the end, the stronger the geniuses encountered.

This Zheng Tianci is still so, what about the others?

"It's not important to be able to reach the summit. What's important is that I can discuss with those who are truly proud of themselves." Soon, Xiao Yun dispelled the thought in his heart.

名 For him, ranking is not important.

The important thing is whether I can improve in this discussion.

Can I broaden my horizons.

This is the fundamental.

Next, Xiao Yun began to meet the strong in the sky demon domain.

"Kong Qi Gongzi!" He met Kong Gongzi.

The two looked at each other and appeared on a battle platform.

"Hehe, I didn't expect to meet here!" On the battlefield, Kong Qixiong seemed very happy ~ ~ Yes! "Xiao Yun also sighed," "At the beginning, the land of the Yuanyuan collapsed. I was lucky to be dead!" "

"How are you doing these years?" Kong Qigong smiled and asked.

"All these years, it is quite smooth." Xiao Yun smiled, and then said, "I also encountered the son of Kirin and others."

Later, he talked about the son of Kirin and others.

"What! They fell into the hands of the human race!" Hearing, Kong Qigong's face changed suddenly, but he was relieved after hearing that they were safe and sound, "Well, after I leave the realm of Shenxu, I will find opportunities Go and introduce them into the sky demon realm. "It is naturally inevitable for this matter.

After all, they all came from the **** continent.

"That's good!" Xiao Yun asked later, "Tianming?"

它 "It!" Kong Qigongzi smiled, "It has gained something in a historic site, and is now closing its doors."

"Rest assured, now it's a core child in swallowing the sky tits. If you go further this time, the treatment will be improved again."

"That's good." After hearing the words, Xiao Yun nodded.

As long as these acquaintances are doing well, he will be relieved.

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