Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1617: Pinnacle

Kong Qigongzi and Xiao Yun embarrassed each other. .

The two chatted a lot, and they both seemed extremely happy.

"I really look forward to going out of the realm of Shenxu, we old friends are gathering together!" Kong Qigongzi said.

After coming to the sanctuary, although it has an opportunity, it still lacks a close friend.

In this world, how easy is it to have those true brothers of life and death?

Therefore, it also values ​​Xiao Yun's friendship.

"Hehe, when you come to the sanctuary together." Xiao Yun said, "If you can't find me, you can contact the people of Xiao or the Ice and Snow Palace."

These people will know Xiao Yun's whereabouts.

"Good!" Kong Qigong nodded.

"Oh, now that we have met, how about we discuss one or two?" Xiao Yun laughed.

"Have that already!" Kong Qigongzi laughed loudly.

It also wants to see to what extent Xiao Yun has become powerful over the years.

On the battle platform, the two greeted each other first, and then immediately broke out a war.

Although they are old friends, Xiao Yun and Kong Qigong did not stay.

Kong Qigongzi has always been low-key in the demon domain, but it is generally recognized by the demon domain.

When entering the land of the mixed element, it also absorbed the mixed element's gas, helping it to change the root bone.

When he entered the sky demon domain, he also got the chance.

Now, as soon as it is shot, a colorful world has evolved behind it.

Within that day, a peacock evolved.

The peacock flutters its wings and sweeps its wings, accompanied by a five-color light pattern.

This light pattern swept through, trying to do everything.

At the same time, there seems to be a heaven and earth in the light pattern, with supernatural power.

A simple blow brought huge oppression to Xiao Yun.

"The five-colored light of the peacock tribe!" Seeing this, Xiao Yun was frightened.


This is the legendary sacred bird.

Even in ancient times, it was also very famous. Xiao Yun once heard the legend about peacocks.

Especially the magical power of the peacock tribe.

According to legend, in the ancient times, the Peacock family had great power. The wings swept away, and the five-colored gods flashed, which can sweep everything in the world.

In the presence of this divine light, even supernatural powers will fail.

Now that the seventh son of Kong Kong can come to this step, it is because this supernatural power is getting stronger and stronger, reaching a level beyond ordinary people.

Even in the Peacock family, few people can compare with it.

Because at first it fell directly into the remains of a peacock deity, and got the chance.

Divine light swept, and the entire battlefield was shrouded in this colorful divine light.

Within that gorgeous light, a peacock can be seen flapping its wings.

"so beautiful!"

"Is this the magical power of the peacock family?"

When the soft colorful light bloomed, the distant practitioner couldn't help showing his admiration.

This peacock shot, too elegant, noble like a princess, fascinating.

When that colorful light bloomed and swept the world, Xiao Yun could clearly feel that a supernatural mystery began to diffuse towards him.

The kind of upheaval actually dragged him into the colorful world.

This supernatural mystery is very mysterious and contains the power of inexplicable rules. It seems that it can really pull all things and then introduce them into the colorful world.

This is similar to swallowing the magical power of heaven, but a little more mysterious.

"Is this the magical power contained in the Five-Colored Divine Light?" After feeling the mysterious power that wrapped himself, Xiao Yun's eyes condensed.

Then his eyes showed firmness.

"Since it's just supernatural power, even if it's mysterious, but as long as I'm strong enough, I can break this supernatural power!"

Xiao Yun's heart was dark.

Subsequently, Xiao Yun was seen stepping forward.

Only as he strode, his body flickered, turned into a phoenix, and flew away.

The phoenix struck its wings and hurled towards the peacock ahead.

The wing Guan Ze flowed, as if made of refined iron, but just swept away, tearing the void, and the violent wind rose, crushing the enchanting light.

At the same time, a fiery flame swept out of the Phoenix wings as they rolled.

When this flame came out, it could burn the sky.

The peacock's body, which was completely evolved by the blood of the seven sons of the hole, was invincible and was defeated in one fell swoop.

After all, that's just the evolution of flesh. Although there is magical power, the power is still worse.

"Phoenix!" Seeing this, Kong Qigong was full of curiosity. "Okay, let me play with you!"

Then he moved, turned into a real peacock, and hurled toward the phoenix.

Suddenly, on the platform, the peacock spread its wings, and behind it there was a colorful world.

Looking at it from a distance, it seems that the peacock is dragging a field away to face all directions.

On the other side, Xiao Yun turned into a phoenix and was a strong shot.

Brush, brush!

The battle between the peacock and the Phoenix, the light and shadow flickered, leaving a gorgeous light pattern on the battle platform.

"This Xiao Yun could even evolve into a Phoenix!" The mourners of all races were surprised.

"Who is this person?" Especially the person in the Phoenix vein opposite them, they were even more surprised.


On the battlefield, the two fought against each other, and the battle was a joy.

It was just a little bit of a war, after all, Xiao Yun was falling into the wind.

Because although he controlled the Phoenix Magic Power, after all, his blood was insufficient.

That supernatural power evolved, and its power was a little worse.

"Oh, Brother Xiao, you can't help me as a Phoenix!" Kong Qigongzi laughed loudly.

"Don't worry, I can fight you as well!" Xiao Yun smiled.

His phoenix spread his wings, and now there was a spread of ice and fire.

This is a fusion of upheaval, which he can cast at will.

The upheaval of the ice permeated and began to release the power of the light of the seven sons of the ice-sealed hole.

"Is it the righteousness of ice?" Seeing this, Kong Qigong was surprised for a while, and then laughed, "The righteousness of ice can freeze the world, but the five-colored light of my Peacock tribe can wipe out all the world, you Binghuo Yiyi can also be brushed, huh, you still try your best! "Laughter has not left the wings of Kong Qigongzi is a brush.


In the volume of light pattern, the five-colored divine light seems to turn into a cyclone, brushing the power of ice and fire evolved by Xiao Yun directly into the cyclone.

That kind of ice power cannot freeze his **** light at all.

"It's mysterious!" Seeing this, Xiao Yun knew that he had stunned Kong Qigong, but he laughed loudly.

"Then let you see my reincarnation uprising!"

When this discourse ended, Xiao Yun's wings evolved.


As his wings swept, a reincarnation uprising swept out.

With the help of the Phoenix, the reincarnation uprising has become even faster.

It was only in an instant that the area where Kong Qigong was located.

Suddenly, Xiao Yun could clearly feel the change in the atmosphere of Kong Qigong's son.

"Reincarnation Uprising?" Kong Qigong stunned, and it felt clearly that a mysterious mystery was affecting its five-colored light.

"Five colored worlds, brush me!" Kong Qigongzi wanted to exert the strongest mystery.

However, the reincarnation uprising swept through him, and the idea he urged was actually a meal.

Then the magical world was also slightly swayed, and did not roll towards Xiao Yun.

It was just this momentary pause, but Xiao Yun had frozen the five-colored light in front, and then the Phoenix spread its wings and appeared beside the seven sons of that hole.

Then his eyes moved, and the phantom's eyes moved.


When Phantom's eyes urged, Kong Qigongzi's mind was immediately deterred.

If it encounters an enemy, it has fallen down at this point.

However, Xiao Yun quickly withdrew the power of the magic road.

"This ..." The spirit of Kong Qigongzi withdrew from the magical territory, and it still had some shock when he rushed to Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun smiled, and the body of the Phoenix dissipated, turning into a deity.

Kong Qigongzi also became his deity.

Although it hasn't tried hard, it has failed.

"The magical power you used just now is called samsara uprising?" Kong Qigong asked.

For this upheaval, it still has a lot of worries at the moment.

Obviously, he already intends to try his best to procure magical powers.

But under this mystery, it can't actually shoot.

This is too mysterious.

"Yes, this is the reincarnation uprising. I am only in preliminary control. It involves some fur. If it is a real reincarnation uprising, it must be even more horrible." Xiao Yun said with a look of solitude, "If you encounter six reincarnation pulses Man must be careful of the other party's use of this supernatural power. "The more he controls the reincarnation uprightness, the more he knows how powerful this uprightness is.

The same is true, he will remind Kong Qigong son.

After all, knowing yourself knows how to fight.

If you are prepared, you will be more careful when you go out.

But once you're done, maybe you will scorn.

"Well." Kong Qigong nodded, knowing that Xiao Yun wanted to let it know the terror of samsara reincarnation.

"Oh, I have a chance to learn from each other in the future." Xiao Yun laughed.

Afterwards, the two embarrassed each other and went on fighting.

In this scene, Xiao Yun naturally won.

Today, though he has not fully controlled the reincarnation uprising.

But with the perfect combination of reincarnation uprising and phantom eyes, he can also defeat many geniuses.

Fighting this way, Xiao Yun encountered more and more powerful men.

During this period, Qin Xinghe was defeated by Tian Yao Yu, a genius hand of the Dragon Dragon family, who missed the opportunity to fight Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun was promoted to the third tier.

At this point, the rest are truly top-notch Tianjiao, with only 68 of them.

On the top of the battlefield in Tao, a huge monument has already appeared.

On the monument, there are floating names.

Among the top 100, Xiao Yun has the name.

At this time, the remaining three brothers of the Yang Family, Chu Yunfei, are in the Jiuyang Holy Palace.

As for Jiuyang Holy Palace, all of them were eliminated.

It can be seen that this is worse.

For example, Qin Xinghe did not enter the third floor.

Among them, there is a woman named Xu Yiwen in the Jiuqing Holy Palace. She was also a losing streak.

This surprised many people.

You know, this is a woman!

Qingyun Holy Palace, that Murong shocked and lost.

But they also have two Tianjiao promoted to the third floor.

The ice and snow palace, the mysterious boy also was promoted.

Holy martial arts palace, two geniuses were promoted.

Tianjian Valley, that Ye Fei has long since been eliminated, but two geniuses have also been promoted.

In addition, four of the six reincarnation Wuhun were promoted.

In the vein of the life and death Wuhun, three people were promoted.


In the Tian Yao domain, there are also many geniuses in those clan promotion.

Rugao, Kirin, Phoenix, Peacock, and White Tiger. Swallow Tit ...

These people are all top talents ~ ~ The sixty-eight geniuses are bound to be the most violent genius collision.

Most people are slightly nervous.

Because every defeat will be eliminated.

It's too difficult to win three consecutive games among these talents.

"At this time, there are sixty-eight people remaining. Thirty-four will be eliminated in the first duel. Thirty-four will be left. In the second battle, seventeen will be eliminated. Nine people remain and advance to the second floor! "Looking at those practitioners who were promoted to the third floor together, those in the distance on the stone pillars were inexplicably excited.

This is definitely the real peak collision.

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