Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1618: 9 Qing Holy Palace Xu ...

"There will be only nine people left this time!"

It is Xiao Yun's inexplicable expectations.

He also wanted to see which nine people would advance to the second level.

Sixty-eight individuals are each in the mysterious space on the third floor, waiting for the start of the duel.

There was a flash of light on the stage of the battle, and in front of them, a figure appeared immediately.

This kind of confrontation does not mean that you can fight against whomever you want to fight. The two parties need the will to match.

Suddenly, before Xiao Yun's eyes, there was a woman with a beautiful appearance and aura that was as noble and cold as a nine-day fairy.

This is a woman in a light blue dress.

She moved her eyes and saw Xiao Yun.

At the moment when Xiao Yun was seen, a faint smile appeared on the woman's cold and cozy face.

"It's you!" The woman said secretly.

Subsequently, a soul wave entered Xiao Yun's mind.

"Are you going to fight me?" After receiving the soul wave, Xiao Yun gave a slight stun, and then smiled, "Since that's the case, I'll be accompanied next."

Subsequently, his soul wave also entered the other party's mind.

In this way, the duel candidates for this battle have been determined.

The light pattern flashed, and Xiao Yun's body was dragged by the force of a god's ruins and came to a battle platform.

In front of him, a beautiful figure floated down.

The woman's body was dazzling with light, and her long hair flew like an immortal.

There was a scent of fragrance in her.

The scent, which is a body scent, fills the whole battle platform and makes people nervous.

After seeing the sudden and peerless pride that appeared before Xiao Yun, a smile appeared on Xiao Ran's solemn face.

Of course, he was more curious.

Because the woman chose to fight him, there seemed to be another secret.

The same is true of Xiao Yun.

"Xiao's, Xiao Yun, from the **** continent, Tiandu domain?" On the opposite side, the long eyelashes of the woman like Tianxian blinked, and there was a flash of light in those beautiful eyes, and she stared with a smile-like expression. Xiao Yun immediately opened the lips, and said lightly, but she seemed to have deep meaning in her words.

"Do you know me?" Xiao Yun froze when she saw the woman speak like this.

Looks like he doesn't know this woman!

"Jiuqing Holy Palace, Xu Yiwen!" The woman smiled indifferently.

"Jiuqing Holy Palace!" After hearing the words, Xiao Yun thought for a moment that his eyes were stunned, and then his eyes moved slightly, and he looked at the woman, saying, "What is Ling Xi doing at Jiuqing Holy Palace now? She knows Am I in the sanctuary? "

This Xu Yiwen would know Xiao Yun and would fight with him, apparently he had something to do with Ling Xi.

"Do you want to know her news?" Then Xu Yiwen raised her eyebrows and blinked her long eyelashes. When she turned towards Xiao Yun, she had a bit of inexplicable charm and charm. She started to chuckle and said softly, "You want to know For her news, please defeat me first, otherwise, you want to collide with my quasi-daughter in Jiuqing Palace, but it is not so easy! "

"I don't know how many male disciples admire Master Lingxi in my Jiuqing Holy Palace!"

There was something playful in her smile.

It is hard to imagine that at first the noble and cold woman would laugh at Xiao Yun at this time.

"Is it better than you?" Seeing Xu Yiwen doing this, Xiao Yun had to take a deep breath, then his eyes fixed on the woman in front of him, and said, "Since that is the case, then I will not be merciful!"

"Hee hee, will not be merciless? It seems that you are quite confident in yourself, but I will not let the water go. If you can't beat me, then there is no need to entangle with Sister Ling Xi Now, because you will be directly crushed by her suitor. "Xu Yiwen chuckled.

Although she only smiled indifferently, when her hair was flying, she looked very kind.

It was only a cold woman, but the smile made her feel like two people.

But when the words came down, there was a very strong breath permeating on her.

When this breath permeated, Xiao Yun's face was calm.

"My Jiuqing Holy Palace is mostly a female disciple, with a body of heavenly spirit, practicing the sword of heaven, and also practicing the Tao of Heaven!" I could only see that Ye Yi's temperament changed suddenly, and a ripple rippled around her, and her body was evolution Out of a heaven and earth, this heaven and earth is extremely real, like a real heaven and earth world, in which there is a sense of perseverance.

"This ..." Feeling that kind of prestige, Xiao Yun's heart moved.

The opponent's prestige actually has a true world trend.

This is not a simple magical world.

This is not simply a matter of taking advantage of heaven and earth!

Obviously, Ye Yiwen, who possesses the heavenly spirit body, transcended many geniuses.

It's the same way that she can get here.

When Xu Yiwen stepped forward, a trend of heaven and earth followed the pressure of Xiao Yun.

Along with it was a dazzling light.

This light can tear the sky and the earth like a blade.

Haven't really shot yet, but that momentum is enough to make a lot of strong people look intimidated.

"It's a bit of strength!" Xiao Yun stared at the light, staring at the women in the Jiuqing Holy Palace.

Although this woman did not show her supernatural powers, she was so imposing that she had surpassed countless geniuses.

"Then, let's fight!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and he was also polite, and evolved his magical world directly.


A roll of cyclone, in front of Xiao Yun, a cyclone evolved.

This cyclone can swallow the sky, and likewise, there is a wave of heaven and earth on the road.

Under this general trend, the general trend from Xu Yiwen was immediately resisted.

Not only that, swallowing the weather, but also swallowing each other's momentum.

"Swallowing the magical powers of the heavens ... and the trend of the avenue, it seems your talent is also good!" Xu Yiwen slightly surprised.

Later, her jade appearance changed, and the jade hand rose.

Consolidate the sword of heaven and earth with the potential of heaven and earth!

Drinking lightly from this Xu Yi immediately swept the power of heaven and earth behind the back, with a giant sword condensed and formed.

As soon as this great sword came out, it was cut in vain.


The giant sword fell, without the madness of the sword, and seemed very soft, but it contained the general situation of heaven and earth.

The fall of the giant sword directly tore Xiao Yun's swallowing weather spin out of a mouth, so powerful, really irresistible.

There are thousands of Kendo uprights!

Some people are paranoid and repair swords!

Some mad swords!

Each is strong, and each has its own advantages!

This Xu Yiwen repairs the sword of heaven and earth, which is obviously a bit higher than other people's realm.

This sword fell, as the heavens and earth cut, carrying the might of the heaven and earth road.

Under this absolute power, many supernatural powers will be disintegrated.

"Then, let's see if your sword of heaven and earth is powerful, or my sword of heaven and earth is powerful!" After the sword of that heaven and earth tore the swallowing spin, Xiao Yun stepped forward, and he punched directly towards the momentum Gai Tian's sword of heaven and earth has such a gesture that even Xu Yiwen's brow moved slightly after seeing it.

"This guy ..." Xu Yiwen moved slightly.


Xiao Yun punched out, and the heavens and earth floated up and down, and the power of the road shook.

That mighty force immediately collided with the power of the sky.


In the void, the loud noise shook the sky, and the sword of that day trembled and was smashed by Xiao Yun's punch.

However, astonishing fluctuations began to shake, Xiao Yun's body also retreated.

In his fist, there is also the power of the heavens and the earth, and the majesty of the war.

The sword of Xu Yiwen also contains the power of the Heaven and Earth Avenue, and also contains the meaning of the sword.

It can be said that they are so close to each other that they want to make a difference, depending on who has a better understanding of the road.

However, the vast waves oscillated, and Xiao Yun swallowed up the volume around him to completely resolve it.

On the other side, Xu Yiwen was not so easy.

Under the impact of that kind of strength, she backed up again and again, only two kilometers back to be able to stabilize her figure.

"This Xiao Yun's perception of Tiandi Avenue is not bad." His body was shaken back, and Xu Yiwen's beautiful eyes were slightly surprised.

She couldn't help glancing at this young man.

You know, she is a child of the Celestial Protoss.

Such protoss children are naturally close to the power of the Heaven and Earth Avenue, and can feel the Avenue.

To her, it's not surprising that she can accomplish this.

But how rare is this Xiao Yun, a young man from a barren land has such talent?

"Not really, barely have the qualifications to pursue Sister Ling Xi, but you still have to defeat me!" After a little surprise, Xu Yiwen sighed softly.

Later, her momentum continued to rise, and looking at it, it seemed that she was going to try her best.

"Reluctantly has the qualification to pursue Ling Xi?" Wen Yan said, but Xiao Yun was stunned, then rolled his eyes, and secretly whispered in his heart, "Doesn't this woman know that Ling Xi is already my person?" Thinking of here He couldn't help but look at Xu Yiwen with a kind of eyes that looked at that. This woman really didn't know anything, so she had to be nosy!

"Really a little girl." Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

Although thinking in his heart, Xu Yiwen's strength is really good, it is worth his every effort to fight.

"Next, you will introduce me to the strongest blow!" At this time, Xu Yiwen's beautiful move, the whole body was overwhelming, the long hair flying, the robe agitated, but it had a bit of heroic flavor, only After seeing her words fall, the step took a sudden step, but when she took this step, the body disappeared out of thin air.

Not only that, but the heavens and earth that she evolved have disappeared.

In that void, a great sword emerged.

At this moment, the giant sword was rippling with ripples, the sword was like heaven and earth, but also Xu Yiwen.

When the sentiment of Taoism reached a level beyond the reach of the heavenly practitioners.

"The women of Jiuqing Palace are actually so powerful?" After the sword condensed and formed, the geniuses on the stone pillars in the distance could not help but take a deep breath.

It's hard to imagine that a woman would be so powerful.

Such a sense of uprightness, UU reading this state of affairs, really exceeds countless men.

Even some kendo geniuses are ashamed.

Especially Ye Fei.

"Her sword is above me!" Ye Fei sighed.

As a disciple of Tianjian Valley, his accomplishments in kendo are not as good as those of Jiuqing Holy Palace, which makes him ashamed.

Many people could not help but tighten their nerves and stared at the battle platform.

"Gong Xiao, can you win?" Xiao's children looked expectantly.

Although not on the stage, they can still feel the strength of Xu Yiwen.

At this time, everyone also understood that the geniuses who had reached the third level were all extraordinary. They are the arrogance of the contemporary and have a bright future.

"Can Xiao Yun win? Even if it is Ling Xi, it will win!" Xiao Yun said, "I haven't seen Tao Ling for a long time, please ask for a monthly ticket."

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