Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1619: Magical world to ...

The battle between Xu Yiwen and Xiao Yun attracted many eyes.

Although she was just a girl, but the perception of the avenue made many men ashamed.

"I hope Sister Xu can win!" On a huge stone pillar of Tao, some female disciples in the Jiuqing Holy Palace clenched their fists, exposing their faces with the desired color.

"It is said that this Xiao Yun and the quasi-daughter Ling Xi are old. The two have a close relationship. After entering the sanctuary, the sacred Ling Xi treats me with the genius of the Jiuqing Holy Palace. If this Xiao Yun is defeated in the hands of Sister Xu, I see what other face he continues to pursue and linger on Ling Ling. "

On those stone pillars (pigs) (pigs) (islands) of the Taoist novel, a male disciple of the Jiuqing Holy Palace said coldly.

These are the lovers of Ling Xi.

"Sister Xu Yiwen's perception of Tiandi Avenue is less comparable in my Jiuqing Holy Palace. With her realm, she should be able to win that Xiao Yun."

Many people's eyes show expectations, expecting Xu Yiwen to defeat Xiao Yun.


Also when everyone was thinking, staring at the battle platform, the handle contained the trend of heaven and earth, and merged with Xu Yiwen's giant sword, and cut to Xiao Yun.

"Human, heaven and earth, is Kendo united?" When the sword was cut off, Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and then a smile arose from the corner of his mouth. "It seems that I have reached such a state."

Xiao Yun then stepped forward.

This time he stepped forward, his body dissipated out of thin air and turned into a swallowing spin.

This cyclone seemed to be a mad dragon, and opened its huge mouth directly, engulfing the huge sword in front of it with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers.

"This Xiao Yun ...!"

"Did you swallow it?" Such a tyrannical attitude shocked many people.

At the same time that many people's hearts were shocked, many people tightened their hearts.

"This Xiao Yun actually swallowed Sister Xu's sword directly with magical powers. Wasn't he afraid that this sword would hurt his Yuanyuan origin?"

"Huh, this is a sword that is looking for death, containing the potential of the heaven and the earth, how can it be swallowed like this!"

Many snorted, waiting for the swallow torn.

Waiting for Xiao Yun Yuanyuan to be injured.

Xiao's children also tightened their nerves.

"Xiao Gongzi should have enough confidence to do so!" Many people secretly murmured.

For Xiao Yun, they still have a little confidence.

But at this time they still couldn't help but clenched their palms, and their eyes were dry and worried when they glared to the stage.

Because this level of combat is so amazing, one can accidentally hurt himself.

"Dare to swallow my sword?" At this time on the stage, when the swallow swept inside, the sword was surprised when it was cut.

Obviously even Xu Yiwen did not expect Xiao Yun to be so.

"Why don't you dare?" In the cyclone, there was no one who saw Xiao Yun, but his voice came out. "You understand the trend of the heaven and earth, but I also have my own way. Today, I will look at you Who is stronger! "When the words fell, a force of heaven and earth avenue was oppressed towards this engulfed great sword.

The momentum was oppressed, the great sword trembled, and the momentum was blocked.


At this moment, the swallowing weather swirled and began to devour the mighty power released by the sword of heaven and earth.

Under this devouring, Xu Yiwen could clearly feel that the power of his sword began to flow away, and then was swallowed up by the swallowing weather.

"Break me!" Within the sword of heaven and earth, Xu Yiwen's cold voice came.

At the same time, the sword of heaven and earth is soaring to the sky, carrying the potential of the road, to tear the power of devour.

The sharp sword really rips the devouring pattern.


Within the swallowing weather, the stirring swallowing text cannot reach the sword of heaven and earth at all.

The power is so strong that it cannot be swallowed up by the Devourer.

Then the long sword Guanghong flashed, and Xiao Yun's swallowing weather was torn apart with the tendency to cut the sky.

At the same time, thousands of sword lights bloomed, piercing the void that devoured the world.

This momentum is trembling.

If anyone was here, I'm afraid it would have been beheaded by Jianguang.

It's useless even if there are hundreds of people who make it to Heaven.

It can be seen that Ye Yiwen is strong in this sword.

"This sword may be enough to deal with Yuwen's seven hundred disciples." Xiao Yun secretly thought.

Of course, those seven hundred disciples had to exclude Yuwen Chengtian and Yuwenhao, referring to those seven hundred ordinary geniuses.

If Yu Wen Chengtian and Yu Wenhao are there, will it increase?

"It's just my world here. Within my world, I'm the master!" Although Xiao Yun was surprised by the sword power of Xu Yiwen, he was still fearless, and the low voice swirled from the swallowing weather. Inside said, "Supernatural world, now!" When his words fell, the swallowing heaven and earth immediately rippled.

Originally, this was just a huge swallowing weather, and it contained Daowei.

When Xiao Yun's thoughts moved, the cyclone began to change, and it turned into a vast world.

A mighty majesty fell down.

Daowei capsized, with inexplicable dominance.

Under the suppression of this power, the dazzling Jianguang was broken up and turned into rain.

"Your sword is strong, but it is not invincible!" The low voice sounded from within this world again.


A reincarnation uprising oppressed with the potential of heaven and earth.

This time, the heavens and the earth worked like a reincarnation.

This world is reincarnation!

Under the blessing of this avenue, Xiao Yun's reincarnation uprising is stronger than before.

Even if it is the righteousness of the road, if you don't have enough strength to support it, you will realize that it is difficult to exert its due strength.

Unable to evolve the ultimate mystic operation.

This is beyond power!

But at this time, under the blessing of the power of the Heaven and Earth Avenue, the reincarnation uprising seemed to have been sublimated, and that uprising was gradually released.

The power of that mystery became clearer.

Under the samsara uprising, time can go backwards!

The power of that heaven and earth is also chaotic, and moves with reincarnation.

Even Xu Yiwen's sword is in disorder.

Originally intended to burst out, the vast sword potential that captured Xiao Yun's magical world returned at this time and poured into the sword.

In this way, you can feel the pressure of this sword on Xiao Yun's supernatural world is weakening.

The same is true. From the outsider's point of view, this is the weakening of the sword.

"This is the samsara of reincarnation!" Xiao Yun knew in his heart ~ ~ and when the sword weakened, Xiao Yun's vast power of the earth and earth oppressed.

This power is as simple as oppression, and it must penetrate into her sword.

The sudden influx of force made her the strength of the sword and the world disordered and the space unstable.


Finally, the sword of the sky shivered and cracks appeared.

When the crack appeared, Xiao Yun's vast world was under constant pressure.


Finally, the sword of that day collapsed, and the vast sword exploded, as if the sword ball exploded, accompanied by a horrible energy wave.

Under this kind of energy fluctuation, the magical world where Xiao Yun is also trembling.

There are unbearable signs in this world.

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