Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1638: King's Pose [...

Jiang Youdao had six worlds up and down in front of him. He had long hair flying, tearing the void to the ground.

He is a magnificent figure, handsome and extraordinary, as proud as a **** son.

At this point he did not rush to shoot, but let Xiao Yun fight hard.

It seems that he is not willing to defeat Xiao Yun easily.

What he wants is a lively battle!

"Okay, then I will accompany you to fight hard!" Seeing Jiang Youdao say so, Xiao Yun was also excited.

& ~ Pig ~ Pig ~ Island ~ Small ~ say ~ www ~ zuhu ~; Then his body shook with the power of a vast world.

Xiao Yun stood on the spot like that, but there were ripples around him.

There was a world of heaven and earth between the ripples.

It felt like it was facing a world of heaven and earth, but it was just one person in front of him.

"Take yourself as the heaven and earth?" After feeling this momentum, Jiang Youdao's eyes froze, and there was a hint of wonder. "I didn't expect you to go this way." As a genius, for all kinds of He has also been aware of Dadao, but in the end he still insisted on his six reincarnation.

Even if a genius is to repair a road, it will inevitably be shaken, he will seek out and appreciate other ways.

Like Xiao Yun, he was also shaken, but in the end he was still firm in his own way.

"This is my way!" Xiao Yun said, blinking.

At this time, even his eyes opened up and down between heaven and earth, so that the rhyme, surpassed countless people.

"Then let me teach you this!" Jiang Youdao's eyes flickered, and his big hand pulled sharply.


Waiting for him to pull with both hands, the six worlds flashed, suppressing Xiao Yun ahead.

All the six worlds have the power of the vast world. The reincarnation uprising runs, the power of the heaven and earth in front of it begins to disorder, Qiankun seems to be upside down.

The same mystery, the same magical power, but this time the momentum and strength of the shot is much stronger than just now.

Obviously, Jiang Youdao really intends to do his best.

"This Jiang has a good shot!" The practitioners watching the war tightened their nerves.

Then everyone turned towards Xiao Yun.

At this time, Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and his strides were taken violently.

This time he moved with a big hand and patted straight ahead.

Big hands hit the air, and there was a sky and earth suspension inside.

Within the heavens and earth, various supernatural powers and uprisings revolve and burst out together.

The force of ice and fire swept open, frozen the world and burned everything!

The monstrous warfare also swept out.

Just a palm, but it contains the power of Xiao Yun's avenue.

The giant palm fell, shaking the world, the six worlds ahead were blocked, and the magical powers of the two sides collided with each other, violently colliding.

It was so loud that the six worlds trembled, but they were repelled by that palm.

The big hand was also shaken, and was shaken back by a mighty force.

This time the two were on par.

However, it seems that Xiao Yun still has an extra 1,800 meters in pace.

"It seems that Jiang Youdao is a little better!" Seeing this, those practitioners who watched the battle brightened their eyes.

"It's okay this time, but it's still not enough!" Jiang Youdao laughed loudly after holding his body, then took that step and attacked Xiao Yun again.

With a big move of his hand, six worlds burst out and the town moved forward.

The six worlds revolve and are intertwined, and they seem to be transformed into six worlds.

The momentum of the six worlds has become stronger this time.

The six worlds repressed, and the power of reincarnation burst out, turning the heavens and the earth into color.

Xiao Yun stabilized his body and also stepped forward.

He strode forward as if a heaven and earth drifted forward, and a blast of heaven and earth blasted away.

But the six worlds were extremely overbearing, and they directly hit Xiao Yun.

Even though Xiao Yun's magical powers are still alive, they are still worse.


The two faced off on the battlefield.

Xiao Yun shots from time to time, and various magical powers are displayed. The simple punch can collapse the void, so that the momentum makes many people look at him with admiration.

But the six reincarnation supernatural powers are too rebellious, the six worlds can suppress the heaven and earth, and that reincarnation uprising is even more reversible.

With the cooperation of the two, it can be described as an extremely perfect magical power.

It is too difficult to fight with these six reincarnations.

"My magical power has not yet reached perfection, so I can't compete with it!" Xiao Yun sighed.

The six worlds are very strong, not much weaker than Xiao Yun's own supernatural powers.

However, Jiang Youdao's six reincarnation uprisings are extremely profound, exceeding Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun controls many magical powers.

Such as Binghuo, fighting Wuhun, samsara uprising ...

But his supernatural powers have not yet reached the perfect level.

If his reincarnation uprising works at this time, it cannot be compared with Jiang Youdao's reincarnation uprising at all.

This supernatural power gap makes Xiao Yun unable to prevail.

"Should be good at a supernatural power?" Xiao Yun frowned, pondering his own way.

If he concentrates on a supernatural power, has he reached perfection at this time? Can you fight with the six reincarnation uprisings?

Only in the face of these strong men will he find his shortcomings.

Although this will make people shake their hearts.

But as long as you realize it, you can make people transform and sublime.

This is an improvement!

Therefore, only by fighting against the strong can you benefit a lot.

In Xiao Yun's heart, Jiang Youdao shot at the moment.

"Condensing the power of the six worlds, playing the reincarnation of heaven and earth!" A low voice spit out of this Jiang Youdao mouth.

When the words fell, he was pulling with both hands, surrounded by road patterns, pulling six worlds.

These six worlds rotate, and the light veins squirm in front, and a cycle of heaven and earth evolves.

This cycle of reincarnation is connected to the six worlds, and a reincarnation of the reincarnation is pervasive. It seems that people are really introduced into these six worlds for reincarnation.

"This will be my full blow, you have to be careful!" When condensing the power of these six worlds and evolving the world of reincarnation, Jiang Youdao also spoke to Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun's face was so calm that he could naturally feel the momentum of these six reincarnation worlds at this time.

In front of him, the reincarnation heaven and earth condensed and formed, connecting the six worlds behind.

This reincarnation is like a reincarnation passage.

Through this, you can fall into those six worlds and be reborn.

Although Jiang Youdao's six worlds are not perfect, they are just a prototype.

It is not difficult to imagine, if it was really introduced into the six worlds by his reincarnation uprising, what horror should it be?

This will inevitably become a fisherman, let him slaughter.

This is definitely a great magical power!

"I am the world!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and a world evolved beside him.

The heavens and the earth evolved, and his body seemed to blend into the heavens and the earth and become ethereal.

The vast power of heaven and earth pervaded.

After Chu Yunfei defeated Yuan Ying and reunited his body power, Xiao Yun's strength soared, and his understanding of the avenue also increased.

Every move of him contained the power of heaven and earth.

The same is true, he will be directly promoted by the selection of Shenxu Realm.

This is the realm of Shenxu Realm who thinks he has great potential.

But it is not because his fighting power has suppressed Jiang Youdao.

But Xiao Yun's momentum released at this time was really powerful.

The world evolved around him, and his body was futile, making it difficult to see whether it was Xiao Yun himself or a world that evolved on the battle platform.

"This Xiao Yun's perception of Tiandi Avenue has surpassed others!" Many people felt Xiao Yun's breath, and their hearts were ashamed.

"He is a little stronger than when he fought with me!" Xu Yi Wenmei's eyes were frozen, and a little surprise appeared on the cold jade.

"In my Jiuqing Holy Palace, there are few such figures!" Many disciples in Jiuqing Holy Palace looked bitter.

Although Jiuqing Holy Palace has a rich heritage, there are only a handful of contemporary ones who can compete with this Xiao Yun.

And one of them was the lingling quasi-girl who had a relationship with Xiao Yun.

As for other Tianjiao, they are not contemporary characters.

So they feel bitter.

Because of this, no one in the contemporary world can compete with Xiao Yun for Ling Xi.

At least no one can suppress Xiao Yun and make him lose his glory.

"Perhaps only the Son of God is born!" Many people murmured in their hearts.

"The six reincarnation uprisings of Jiang Youdao have been operated to the extreme!" Xiao Tianxiang and others clenched their fists, their faces were tense.

"One of the six reincarnations, who can resist?" Dustless wind took a deep breath.

The sinking fish was even more tense, and Mei Mei stared forward, blinking.

Because she knew that when Jiang Youyang's six reincarnation supernatural powers had completely evolved, this battle should also end.


Under the gaze of countless eyes, the reincarnation trembled, like a channel of abyss, thoroughly communicating the six worlds behind.

At this time, the six worlds are connected, forming a heaven and earth universe.

It's like these six worlds are a world of things.

Now the reincarnation channel communicates the six worlds. The strength of the two sides is fused and shocking.

At this moment, the power of reincarnation contains six powers, and the power of the world.

Although he has not yet realized the power of the rules, it has also made this superpower extremely powerful.

"Control your life and death, but I have six reincarnations!" When this supernatural power fully evolved, the low voice was also spit out from Jiang Youdao's mouth.

When this voice came out, Jiang Youdao had his hair flying, and he had a breath of great shore.

Today, he is truly like a king of gods who can control the universe.

That kind of prestige makes people awe-inspiring, can not help but give birth to worship.

This is the King's Pose!

When the voice came down ~ ~ he pulled with both hands, and the six reincarnation supernatural powers floated towards Xiao Yun.

At the same time, the reincarnation heaven and earth carried a volume of six powers, just like the angry dragon, like a long river that can control the heavens and earth, to wrap Xiao Yun into the six worlds, amazing power from God Passed out inside the market pattern, those practitioners who watched the war changed their faces.

Because under this kind of strength, even those who watch the war in the distance feel their strength disorder, it seems to be changing from youth to childhood, and the blood in the body is gradually weakening. ? The power of these six reincarnations is so strong that it has long exceeded countless supernatural powers.

"Can Xiao Xiao resist this great power?" The silver teeth of Ju Shenyu clenched his lips, and the clenched jade hand had been pierced by his nails, but he still did not know.

"This is the true first magical power of ancient times!" Numerous practitioners tightened their nerves, staring at the front stage without blinking.

At this moment Jiang Youdao was full of awe.

"I have already returned from Shanghai. In Wei, the letter sent a photo with Liu Yan. You can go and see, plus, just reply to the photo."

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