Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1639: Gotendi

Jiang Youdao shot with all his strength, and evolved into a true six reincarnation supernatural powers.

Although these six are just prototypes, they are just getting closer to perfection.

When that round of cyclones revolved, the world changed color, and the world was chaotic, Xiao Yun felt only a mighty force covering him.

When this mighty force shrouded Xiao Yun, a force of reincarnation reversed the chaos, allowing Xiao Yun's power to flow backwards, to make him fall from the peak to ordinary.

This is the reincarnation uprising!

Even reincarnation uprising can make people sensible to death.

Of course, although Jiang Youdao is very strong at this time, the reincarnation uprising is not up to this point.

After all, Xiao Yun's strength is not much worse than him.

If a mortal faced his reincarnation uprising, there might be a chance of aging.

That kind of mighty infiltration, trying to change Xiao Yun against chaos.

But Xiao Yun was shocked suddenly.


A vast force of heaven and earth shook.

The power of this world immediately shattered the power of reincarnation, making Xiao Yun's blood and blood immediately return to normal.

It ’s just that the reincarnation heaven and earth in front are still rolling in rage, and the power of the six worlds shows no sign of weakening.

On the contrary, the force became more and more tyrannical and came directly to the ground, shattering the world and crushing everything.

Faced with this kind of strength, Xiao Yun's pace moved like a heaven and earth, facing the forces of the six reincarnation ahead.

And within this heaven and earth there is pervasive power.

The ice and fire uprising swept away, carrying the power of the six reincarnation with the potential of heaven and earth.

But under the mighty power of the six worlds, the frozen force shattered and hummed.

At the same time, Xiao Yun punched out.

When he punched out, he turned into a world bombardment.

From a distance, the sky and the earth are like a fist, with endless fighting intentions bursting out.

This war is overwhelming!


The fist passed, the front void collapsed, and the forces of six reincarnation were shattered.

The power of this punch is evident.

Even that cycle of cyclones rolled back under this punch.

Under the power of reincarnation, it is difficult to reverse the world.

"This punch is so strong!" Many people were shocked inside.

This fist can really be called Tiandiquan.

With one punch, the potential of heaven and earth is contained.

Not only that, the vast expanse of fist, the sky will be broken.

"Under this punch, ordinary demigods are to be smashed, right?" Many eyes were jealous.

"This Xiao Yun cannot be underestimated!"

"This is a future lord!" Said many people.

"This Xiao Yun's strength is not comparable to ordinary people!" Zhou Qitian glared in his eyes, murmured, "at least in my contemporary Zhou family, it is difficult to find such a person.

Thinking of this, he frowned.

Zhou originally wanted them to weigh Xiao Yun's strength and solve it later.

After all, that swallowing magical power cannot be leaked.

But now it seems that the other person's true cultivation is not a magical power.

That is the stronger way of heaven and earth.

"He is stronger than I thought!" Zhou Qiwen looked dignified.

"It's a personal thing!" Tianjiao of all ethnic groups stared at Xiao Yun.

Fist passed, unstoppable, Jiang Youdao's eyes flashed.

"It can actually defeat my reincarnation world, yes, yes!" When surprised, Jiang Youdao's mouth evoked a smile.

"So interesting."

For Xiao Yun's punch, Jiang Youdao did not feel frightened, but was inexplicably excited.

Only then did he find a touch of rivalry.

Earlier, he didn't have a real all-out fight.

Because those people are not worth his efforts.

"Then, let's fight!" After a slight smile, Jiang Youdao's steps leaped sharply.

When the steps were taken, his body was rippled, and the six worlds were also shocked.

Then everyone saw Jiang Youdao dissipating on the battle platform out of thin air.

"Is there a way for Jiang?" Seeing this, many people were surprised.

"He is integrated into the six worlds!" Yang Lingtian's eyes flashed and murmured, "This is his real killer!"

When Jiang Youdao merged into the six worlds, the momentum of the six worlds became stronger and stronger.

You can clearly feel the flavor of Jiang Youdao in it.

The previous six worlds were like a dead thing.

But at this time it seemed to be infused with life, becoming more energetic, and the power of that avenue suddenly became much better.

"This is the real best shot!" Many people expressed emotion inside.

"In the previous battle, he didn't do his best!" The sons of Long Mao, Yang Lingtian, and others who had dealt with Jiang had a bitter face.

They were unwilling to lose.

But at this point, the other party did nothing.

But they lost!

What does this mean?

This shows that Jiang Youdao is better than them by more than a star.

There is an insurmountable gap between the two sides.

This discovery made these days extremely lost.

Jiang Youdao himself is integrated into the six worlds, so this world is like one more master.

This is like a machine with one more center to control the limbs, which can better exert its power.

"Six worlds, control the world, control life and death!" The low voice oscillated from within the six worlds.

This sound wave oscillates in all directions, as the sound of the Tao billows, it contains an amazing force.

The sound wave came out, and the world changed color.

Then the six worlds carried the reincarnation sky and swept towards Xiao Yun.

The power of the vast world shook, and the void in front of it shattered.

The light rain was blooming, but was affected by the force of reincarnation, and it was constantly rolling against the current, making the void seem strange.

It suddenly changed when these six worlds bombarded, and it seemed like a fist met Xiao Yun's fist.

But if you look closely, it is clearly a six world.

"This **** has a way of merging the six worlds, and it can already act as a force to move this world!"

Seeing this, the practitioners of all races looked completely blank.

This means that Jiang Youdao's control of the uprising of Tiandi Avenue has reached a very high level.

Otherwise, he cannot evolve supernatural powers so randomly.

The two fists collided together, as if the two worlds were colliding.

This is the real peak matchup.


The world is shaking, the sound of rumbles is constantly sounding, the terror waves are shaking, and cracks are spreading.

This kind of confrontation is almost impossible.

Under that rumbling sound, the forces of the two worlds are constantly intertwined, and each other's forces are being resolved.

Various supernatural powers and uprights were evolved and collided with a bright light.

All mysteries are like rivers in the sky.

But the mystery collapsed under the power, and finally turned into nothingness.


Six worlds shook, Xiao Yun shattered that day.

Then he flew upside down.

The corner of his mouth was wide open when he flew up, and blood was spit out.

On the other hand, the six worlds just shuddered and were shocked back.

Then Jiang Youdao's body emerged.

But his arrogant emptiness led the six worlds to resolve the aftermath of that terror.

"It's still a little better for Jiang!"

"Six reincarnation is invincible!"

"Deserves to be recognized as the head of magical powers of ancient times!"

Seeing this, the geniuses of all ethnic groups could not help but sigh.

The confrontation can already see the difference in strength between the two.

"That Xiao Yun is not weak, and Jiang Youdao is not in a state of crushing!" Said the genius of Jueshi.

"It's rare to be able to come to this step!" Xiao Tianye said with both hands on his shoulders.

"Although I was defeated!" Xiao Hong nodded.

Even though Xiao Yun was defeated, they felt glorious.

So at this time, even those who had expected Xiao Yun's defeat in Jiuqing Holy Palace just showed shocking expressions and didn't say much.

Because they know that Xiao Yun can take this step enough to be proud of the heroes.

How many days do you have to fight with Jiang Youdao today?

Such characters are afraid of being numbered!

Xiao Yun can become one of them and can be proud of all directions.

"The six reincarnations are really strong, but is it really invincible?" Xiao Yun was still thinking when his body broke out.

He was urged by various magical powers just now.

But under Jiang Youdao's six reincarnation uprisings, he was finally resolved a little bit.

In the end his magical world was defeated.

"The six reincarnations are very strong, and they are self-contained, but my way of heaven and earth is not bad. How can I be defeated?" Xiao Yun groaned.

Just moments later, he thought a lot.

Reaching this level, a single thought can evolve all kinds of visions to deduce what you think.

"If this is your strongest way, then this battle is over!" Just as Xiao Yun was thinking, the opposite voice suddenly sounded.

But you can see that Jiang Youdao has resolved the vast aftermath.

He strode forward towards Xiao Yun.


Jiang Youdao took a step forward. With the mighty prestige, the mighty power shook all directions and shattered some of the aftershocks that hit Xiao Yun.

Jiang Youdao is like the king Linchen, and he is about to make a final blow.

This kind of fluctuation oscillated, making Xiao Yun, who was feeling and thinking, suddenly looked up.

"No! My Word should not be just this! I am supernatural and there should be something missing!"

"What is the world?" Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed, and pictures came to mind.

In the end, the picture was fixed in the scene when he was enlightened by the Tao of the Mountain and the Mountain.

It was a chaotic and hazy world.

The development of heaven and earth was demonstrated there.

"Yes!" Suddenly, Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and he seemed to realize that there was a chaos in his eyes.

Then his momentum soared.

"When the world is not open, the universe is a chaos ... After the chaos, it is divided into yin and yang, and the origin of the birth of the world ... gave birth to all things in the world. Now my world has not experienced all this. There is a return to the beginning, a return to chaos, a re-classification of yin and yang ... A perfect world can be truly born and nurture everything ~ ~ Now, my world is not a world, it is just a magical world!

Xiao Yun's eyes were exposed to Huiguang.

At this point, he finally understood his deficiencies.

He hadn't thought of it here before.

Only in front of the enemy.

Only after failing can you find your shortcomings.

Find the key.

Today Xiao Yun finally realized something.

When comprehended here, all the supernatural patterns in Xiao Yun's body were restrained.

He directly shattered the previous magical patterns.

When the authentic pattern collapsed that day, Xiao Yun's body was derived from the ambiguity.

There is also a mixture of Yuanyuan Qi in his Yuanying.

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