Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1640: Gadayen

Under the pressure of Jiang Youdao.

Under the failure, Xiao Yun began to look for his deficiencies.

Finally, he realized.

All he could see was the turbulence of mixed yuan around him, turning into a hazy world.

There is an unspeakable power in this mixed-yuan spirit.

When the air of the mixed yuan vibrated, the world changed, and Xiao Yun's body became hazy. He gradually integrated into that mixed yuan world.

Island> fiction www.zuzud; the next moment, a mixed world evolved.

This world is endless, hazy, without the ice and fire supernatural powers, without the wings of the Phoenix, and without the roar of the unicorn. Everything is attributed to nothingness. Some are just a hazy world, some are the most primitive.

The mighty force swayed away, hindering the force of samsara ahead.

"This ..." Jiang Youdao looked surprised when the force stunned.

But at this time his six heavens and earth have been suppressed.

"That's it!" Xiao Yun's voice came from within the hazy world.

That day and time changed into Xiao Yun.

But at this time he was dangled by the pattern of the mixed element, like a world, hazy, so that he could not see his body.

"Is the six reincarnations?" Xiao Yun looked up, and glanced at the repressed six reincarnation world.

Then he stepped forward, and when the tattoo of the mixed body on him was shaking, he smashed away with his hands.

There is no special magical power in this stroke. I can't see the meaning of ice and fire, I can't feel the vast warfare, and some are just a hazy world.

But when this hazy world fell, the power of the blooming avenue was to shatter the power of the six reincarnation worlds.

The pattern of the mixed element trembled, swallowing up the power of reincarnation, and finally dissolved into the mixed element.

"Everything in the world belongs to the beginning!" Xiao Yun's mouth only opened, and the sound of a boulevard-like voice shook.

Then his strides continued, and the big hand suppressed strongly.


When the big hand fell, the void buzzed as if the mirror was broken.

Then the forces of the six reincarnation were knocked down.

The six great worlds shivered with reincarnation, and they retreated back and forth, unable to resist the vast power brought by Xiao Yun's palm.

But Xiao Yun's big hand was taking advantage.

"This ..." Suddenly, those practitioners watching the battle stopped completely.

Xiao Yun was still in a disadvantage just now, and she looked like she was going to lose.

But it was only a long time before he suddenly changed his momentum and judged them as two.

This slap is to repel the six reincarnation worlds.

This change is unacceptable for a while.

"Is this still Xiao Yun?" Xu Yiwen stared at the boss.

Zhou Qiwen and others were also shocked.

"He's too fierce!" Ye Fei's eyebrows frowned, and her eyes were surprised.

"He ... why did he suddenly become so powerful?" The geniuses of each tribe looked at each other, showing an incredible look.


When the monks of various ethnic groups were shocked, the giant hand fell and struck the six reincarnation worlds.

The emblazone of the Xunyuan swelled down with the mighty mighty force, and directly crushed the reincarnation channel.

When the reincarnation channel collapsed, the giant hand took advantage of it and landed on the six worlds.


This giant hand fell, like a mixed Yuantian world repressed. When he touched the six worlds, the void shook, and then he saw the six worlds collapse. The six worlds seemed to collapse like six mirrors broken.

An astonishing wave also swept across all directions, setting off a terrible horror wave in the void on the battlefield.


When these six worlds collapsed, Jiang Youdao's body also appeared.

All he saw was that the kite flew out like a disconnected kite, and the blood in the corner of his mouth spewed out like an arrow.

After the blood was spit out, it was wrapped in a horrible mixed yuan wave.

Jiang Youdao feels that he is in an inexplicable world, and that body has signs that he will be merged by the power of the mixed yuan and classified into the mixed yuan.

This feeling made him jump.

He worked hard to urge six reincarnation uprisings to resist.

But that mystery was swallowed up by the mixed river.

"What avenue is this!" After feeling this situation, Jiang Youdao was astonished.

For the first time in his heart there was panic.

For the first time, his frown was so tight.

At this time, Xiao Yun's body shook, and the air of Hunyuan stirred, like a cyclone, completely swallowing up the aftermath and attributed it to Hunyuan.

Then his eyes lightened and he looked forward.

In his eyes there was a feeling of landing on the avenue.

"Heaven and Earth, Bento is so!" Xiao Yun muttered.

At this moment, he was full of confidence in the avenues of heaven and earth he felt.

This is the avenue he has been looking for!

With a big movement of his hand, the mixed Yuan Changhe wrapped in Jiang Youdao fell into his body.

Then Jiang Youdao's body appeared out of thin air.

But at this time, Jiang Youdao had messy hair and looked extremely embarrassed.

He didn't even think of the outcome of this battle.

"This battle ... I lost!" After taking a deep breath, Jiang Youdao raised his eyes, and sighed at the young man who walked like a king, and sighed, "You Avenue of Heaven and Earth, for me I have never seen it.

In the past, he has been independent on the top of the mountain, and it is difficult to find a defeat. But now that he has really lost, he still has a little loss in his heart.

"Assign!" Xiao Yun said, holding his fist at Jiang Youdao, "The six reincarnations are also the deserved heads of the top ten martial spirits in ancient times!"

Despite this victory, Xiao Yun, the strongest of the six reincarnations, was deeply moved.

Had it not been for his understanding during the war with Yang Lingtian, he would not have qualified for the peak matchup with this Jiang Youdao.

If he hadn't realized it just now, he wouldn't be able to defeat Jiang Youdao.

So Xiao Yun also respects this opponent.

It can be said that without Jiang Youdao, the opponent Xiao Yun, it would be difficult to get to where he is now.

"Oh, your talent is the deserved king of Tianjiao I have ever met, and I will not lose this battle!"

Jiang smiled.

Although he still had a bit of bitterness in his heart, he also understood that Xiao Yun was not a mediocre person.

At least a moment ago, he clearly felt the change in Xiao Yun's situation.

This sudden realization is too rare.

Obviously, Xiao Yun used to lack genius to sharpen, and he was not as young as a genius in the sacred world. He was amazed when he was young. Now in this genius battle, his potential has been inspired a little bit. It was time for him to show the sharp edge.

Jiang Youdao also takes a little respect for the true genius.

"Congratulations, this time!" Jiang Youdao then held his fist towards Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun returned the gift.

At this time, on the monument at the top of the Shenxu Terrace, the light pattern has flickered, and the ranking has changed.

Xiao Yun ranks first.

Below are Jiang Youdao, Yang Lingtian, Qing Ming, Long Yun, and Chu Yunfei ...

When this ranking is completely determined, it means that the battle of Shenxu Taotai has come to an end.

Looking at the determined rank, the hearts of the practitioners of all races were inexplicably shaking.

Especially the word Xiao Yun constantly hit their soul.

The name seems to have a special magic power that makes it hard to calm down.

"Xiao Yun won the first place?"

"The reincarnation of Wu Soul, the contemporary arrogant Jiang Youdao, has actually lost?"

The practitioners of all races looked up at the void, looked at the battlefield of the Tao, and looked at the monument to the gods' fairs. Countless people showed incredible looks.

"Xiao Yunming had already severely vomited blood just now, it was a blow!"

"How can he turn defeat into victory?"

At this moment, everyone is still unable to believe that Xiao Yun will win.

"How can our six reincarnation supernatural powers be defeated? How can a Taoist son be defeated?" The children of Jiang Clan, who are in the same vein as the reincarnation of Wushun, are all ashamed at this moment, and the result is like a heavy blow to them. .

In their eyes, the six reincarnation supernatural powers are the supreme supernatural powers, and they cannot be defeated!

Moreover, Jiang Youdao is a real hero. How can he be defeated?

Or lost to a young man from outside the domain?

"Haha, my Tian Wu Hui finally produced a Gai Daijiejie!"

"The son of Xiao Xiao won the first prize, for the sake of those of us!"

"Who said that he could not soar for nine days from a humble origin? This Xiao Gongzi is from the **** continent, but it is a barren place of heaven and earth, and the blood of all races is thin, but he has come to this step like this. What does this mean? It must be the Supreme King, and talent is king. "

Some even shouted directly.

Tears shed as the words fell.

In the sanctuary, the blood is always supreme.

Those who came from the ancestral land were always superior, and they looked down at all beings like the Son of God.

In this regard, those of ordinary origin feel extremely weak.

They want to prove themselves, but they are as difficult as ever.

The rise of Xiao Yun made them see a glimmer of hope.

In their opinion, Xiao Yun's ability to break into the top ten is already justified for them.

In the subsequent promotion to the top five, everyone was extremely excited and felt incredible.

As for winning, they have hardly thought about it.

Because the first few people are too strong.

Especially Yang Lingtian and Jiang Youdao.

But at this time Jiang Youdao lost, Xiao Yun won.

How can everyone not be excited?

It can be said that in the 10,000 years in Sanctuary, there hasn't been a day out of the gods' continent to reach Xiao Yun's step.

Xiao Yun created a miracle.

This caused the geniuses of all races to be shocked by this fact, feeling a bit illusory.


"Xiao Gongzi won the championship!" Xiao's children also took a deep breath, a sense of happiness poured into their hearts.

For Xiao's ~ ~ this is definitely a glory.

Although Xiao is very strong, it is still a bit worse than the six reincarnation Wuhun.

Many times in the battle of Shenxu Taotai, Xiao's children have never touched the crown.

It can be said that Xiao Yun has won the glory of countless children's dreams for Xiao.

"This guy actually won the championship!" Xu Yiwen pursed his lips, with a little in his heart.

Now Xiao Yun wins the championship, becoming a well-known Gai Daijie.

With Xiao Yun's status at this time, she was also qualified to pursue the Ling Xizhun maiden of the Jiuqing Holy Palace.

"Xiao Yun came step by step and finally rose up in the sanctuary to overwhelm his contemporaries. He did not rely on blood. [Although he had a father against the sky, he was totally stocked.] Fearless, the indomitable Taoist heart allowed him to seize every opportunity. With his amazing talent, he continued to study and learn before he found his own Tao. Today, he finally wins the championship, which makes people not to be sigh , By the way for a monthly pass. "

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