Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1647: Determination of 3 races

At high altitude, Yu Wen appeared without fear. He was so imposing that his eyes were dazzling, if there was a round of sun rising and falling.

He stared forward, to let Xiao's hand in.

But Xiao Kuanglong had no fear and shot strongly.

Suddenly, Yu Wen's imposing manner was resisted.

"Oh, Xiao Kuanglong, I haven't seen your warfare for many years and I still haven't diminished that year, but today this young man will die, even if you can't shelter him!"

Seeing Xiao Kuanglong's shot, Yu Wen was brazen but stood proud in the air, and his eyes were magnificent when the light was shining, and there was no language at all. Pig. Pig. island. The novel conceals his intention to kill Xiao Yun.

"Huh, everyone else is out, why hide behind?" Xiao Kuanglong strode forward, emerged directly from the chart, and appeared in the void.

His eyes were condensed, and he was flying in all directions, and the long beard was flying, just like the warlord would fight the enemies.

"Oh, Xiao Kuanglong, I haven't seen you for a long time!" Also when Xiao Kuanglong's voice dropped, a ripple of ripples appeared in the void on both sides, and another practitioner appeared.

A low voice sounded.

On the right, however, an elder standing five feet tall and wearing a silver armor stepped forward.

"Zheng Feiying!" Xiao Kuanglong stared at the light, his eyes staring at the man who stepped forward.

This man is a man of the giant spirit tribe.

"Zheng Feiying! He's here too!" On the astrolabe, the old man looked dignified.

"Is this person strong?" Ming Ziyu asked.

"This is a great man. In their time, he ranked sixth in the battle of Shenxu Taotai!" Said Fu Lao. First, although there were no heroes in the vein of the six reincarnation martial arts, it was enough to show that he was powerful. "

"So strong?" Wen Yan said, the light in Ming Ziyu's eyes grew sharper.

But when Zheng Feiying stepped out, the light and shadow on the left also flashed, and an elder who was full of great power came out.

"This is Qin Jian, but the hero of the Qingtian clan!" When this man fired, Fu Lao's brows frowned tightly, his expression looked extremely solemn.

Obviously, this is also a talent, and his reputation is not worse than that of Zheng Feiying.

The sanctuary is too big.

I don't know how many people have been in these thousands of years.

The emperor has a thousand years of life, so most of the people are not yet ridiculed, but they will not come out.

When the two men appeared, shadows kept appearing beside them.

As near that Wenwen Wuji, Yuwen suddenly appeared.

In addition, Na Yuwenyang also appeared.

In the Qingtian clan, Qin Longshan also appeared.

There were several demigods beside him that were not weaker than him.

These are Tianjiao.

Some are a few decades old, and some are several hundred years old.

Some giant spirits also appeared, and almost none of the people who came here were mediocre.

"These three clans come out together!" Seeing this, Fu Lao's heart could not help but tighten.

At this moment, even the left Shao Qin frowned tightly.

There are seven people from each of these three major clans.

Together they are twenty-one and a half gods.

And these demigods can dominate the outside world. Who can compete with them in such a position?

Especially the three people headed by those who are more proud than their contemporaries!

"It seems that you have been preparing for a long time." Xiao Kuanglong stared at the light and sank.

It is no accident that so many demigods are released, and most of them are arrogance that does not show up all year round.

You know, most of these people are retreating all year round, and they won't easily be born. Wanting to gather together is definitely not a matter of a short while.

"Yes, we have been preparing for this battle for a long time, Xiao Kuanglong, surrender this Xiao Yun if you are acquainted, otherwise we will have to fight with you Xiao's blood. This young man killed my people, and he will die today!" Zheng Feiying of the Ling clan stepped forward, his eyes were dazzling, he looked down at Xiao Kuanglong in front of him, and said in a deep voice.

"Leave this young man on!" Qin Jian of Qingtian said with a bit of coldness.

"I know you're waiting for the Xiao's clan to come to help, but do you think they have time?" In addition, Yu Wen also said aggressively.

Hearing, Xiao Mu frowned.

Suddenly, he also felt a headache.

As the Yuwen said without fear, when the Xiao clan arrived, I was afraid that it was too late.

Although Xiao has many strong people, most of them are in retreat, and they can't find so many people for a while!

Ordinary demigods are useless here.

"Hehe, I Xiao, there are only those who died in battle, but no surrender, let alone their own tribe to die?" Only facing the oppression of various ethnic groups, Xiao Kuanglong laughed loudly, his pace was fierce The ground stepped forward, and the battlefield was overwhelming. When the long beard moved, the void in front was torn.

The immense warfare swept away and made people scared.

"This Xiao Kuanglong really is a hero of the older generation!" Even Lian Yuwen Zhaoran frowned.

The momentum of Xiao Kuanglong suddenly surpassed the ordinary Tianjiao.

"That being the case, then we blame us for being ruthless!" Seeing this, Yu Wen was so jealous that his eyes were cold, and then he turned to others, and said, "I will deal with this Xiao Kuanglong, and the rest will be left to you." Then! ”Then, he strode forward suddenly, the blood on his body was soaring, and the golden light was transformed into a golden ocean flowing.


He was evolved into a world by his blood.

I can only see that this unscrupulous eyebrow of Yuwen's eyes opened and closed, in which there was a powerful airlock that locked Xiao Kuanglong.

"Go!" At this time, that Yu Wenyang, Yu Wen Haoran and others were swept away towards the astrolabe.

On the other side, Zheng Feiying is also sweeping the battlefield and intends to stop Xiao Kuanglong from giving him a chance to support him.

"It seems to be a **** battle!" Above the astrolabe, Xiao Mu's eyes condensed, and he immediately said to Xiao Yun, "Don't be afraid, as long as you delay, my Xiao family will have a strong one to help. By then, since Can resolve this crisis. "

"Oh, afraid?" But Xiao Yun's brows were bent at this time, his eyes were sharp, and he looked coldly at the three powerful protoss in front of him. "I'm afraid they want to kill me today. It wasn't that easy. "When the words fell, a sense of murderousness permeated from him.

This killing intention made the people beside him shiver.

"This youth ..." Fu Lao frowned slightly. From Xiao Yun's body, he felt a dangerous breath.

It seems that now this young man, like the dormant tiger, must not touch his beard.

But the boys of Kirin still have some concerns.

This time, however, twenty-one Tianjiao came to kill.

There must be no shortage of **** kings in the hands of these people.

It is obviously impossible to end like Tianwu City.

Because here someone can deal with Xiao Kuanglong.

"You go into the pagoda to hide for a moment!" Xiao Yun stared at the light, and said to the worried Kirin boy and others beside him.

"Hmm!" Kirin nodded.

It knows that this kind of war is not what it can participate in at all.

"Brother Xiao Yun, I won't go in!" Ming Ziyu said with a condensed eye.

"Good!" Xiao Yun nodded slightly after seeing Ming Ziyu's eyes showing firmness.

As for Xiao Linger, her jade hand was raised, and the ice and snow scepter had already appeared in her hand.

The twelve demigods of the Frozen Snow Palace also sacrificed the soldiers and were ready to shoot.


At this time, the war ahead has begun.

That Yuwen shot with no worries, his eyes opened and opened, a golden light pierced through the void, straight to Xiao Kuanglong.

Xiao Kuanglong hit the air with his big hand and blasted away towards the front of God.

But at the time of their war, Yu Wenyang was already coming.

He took out a round of golden imprints.

This is the God King Soldier, and when it is taken out, there is a vast and mighty divine shock.

This Yu Wenyang must not have Xiao Yun and others a chance to escape, and directly suppress it with the seal of God.

This divine seal is like a round of Jinyang, carrying down the mighty divine power.

Under the golden seal, the astrolabe trembled, and the light pattern shrouded above shattered directly.

A mighty divine oppression came down.

Swallow Tenjin Tower!

At this time, Xiao Yun shot.

The Swallowing God Tower appeared out of thin air and rushed towards Jin Yang, who was oppressed.

Taking advantage of this, the people on the astrolabe blasted backwards.


The loud noise shook the sky, and the Devouring God Tower bombarded the Jinyang God Seal, and that round of God Seal was immediately overturned, setting off a huge wave in place.

It was only when Xiao Yun and others went backwards that the demigods of Qingtian and Giant Spirits had already surrounded them.

In addition to a few predatory battles, intending to stop Xiao Kuanglong's demigods, here are fourteen demigods.

Fourteen people, each one is a character!

Like Yu Wenyang, he is enough to rival Xiao Mu.

If you add his **** Wangbing, Xiao Mu can be crushed.

Qin Jian of the Qingtian clan was holding a sharp gun, which was also imposing.

The power of the King of God was exuded above this magic gun.

This is the true king of soldiers!

The other Longshan sons and others are also very strong. Although there are no **** king soldiers, there are pseudo **** king soldiers, which can completely resist Zuo Shaoqin and others.

In addition, Zheng Feiying has a king of soldiers, he is in the array, ready to deal with Xiao Kuanglong or Xiao Yun and others.


When Xiao Yun struck the Jinyang God Seal, Qin Jian stabbed with the King of God.


The shot stabbed, and the void collapsed directly.

It was just an immense swath of mighty power that swept across and flooded all directions.

Such an offensive is simply a breathless opportunity.

Frozen the world!

At this time, Xiao Linger made a strong shot, and the ice and snow scepter bloomed with ice grains, leaving him frozen ahead.

The storm stirred by the spear was immediately frozen.

"Give me a break!" Qin Jian's wrist shook, and there was a divine pattern on the spear, which immediately shattered the ice pattern.

Then he strode forward ~ ~ and killed the past.

At this time other Tianjiao also shot strongly.

Although these people did not have a king of soldiers, the false king of soldiers was also imposing.

With so many people attacking, that power is even more irresistible.

Even if the people in the Ice and Snow Palace offered a soldier of a false king, they were still unable to resist this offensive.

Xiao Linger's attack was also defeated.


Suddenly, everyone immediately retreated, and then they retreated thousands of miles.

"Can't you win them?" At this time, Zheng Feiying, who was trembling in the distance, was staring.

He strode forward with a tomahawk in his hand.

A force of the **** king pervaded.

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