Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1648: Set foot

Xiao Yun couldn't resist the tyrannical attack of the tribe Tianjiao and had to retreat.

At this time, Zheng Feiying, who had swept away, also set off.

At this time, Yu Wen held back Xiao Kuanglong, and the overall situation was set.

Even if Xiao Kuanglong kills, he is not afraid.

Moreover, there are too many people in his giant spirit clan's ridicule. He can't wait to slay Xiao Yun to revenge.

"They have a lot of people, if you continue on this, it will be difficult to delay for a long time!" Xiao Yun receded.

Island> fiction www.zuzud /> Afterwards, Xiao Yun's heart moved, and the tower of swallowing the gods flew back.

This pagoda evolved nine thousand feet high and stood in front of it, releasing a vast and mighty power.

"Try your best to resist for a moment!" Xiao Yun said to the Supreme Devourer.

"No problem!" Swallowing the Heavenly Supreme responded, and then tried to urge the Swallowing Heaven Tower.

With him, even if Xiao Yun didn't take the shot, he could meet the enemy.


At this time, Zheng Feiying's giant axe flashed and smashed into Xiao Yun.

"Divine king soldiers also want to compete with this seat?" Swallowing the Supreme Lengheng, urging the Swallowing God Tower to blast forward.

At the same time, a huge cyclone stirred.

The vastness of the cyclone seemed to connect the heavens and the earth and touch the starry sky.

The horrible devouring power permeated, even Yuwen Zhaoran and other demigods felt trembling.

Even though they were holding the Phantom King Soldier, they were still afraid to approach the cyclone.

Only Zheng Feiying and Qin Jian can Yu Wenyang stand on the spot.

But they also felt the terror of swallowing the weather.

However, Na Yuwenyang condensed his eyes and stepped forward. He pulled the golden disc Shenguang blooming with both hands and suppressed directly towards the swallowing **** tower ahead.

Qin Jian also shot strongly.

He fired a spear and stabbed at the pagoda.

In addition, Zheng Feiying's huge axe tore off that swallowing weather spin and swallowing the **** tower had already violently confronted.

The shots of the three honorable men were extremely powerful.

Swallowing the heavens tried to spur the pagoda, which was immense and powerful, and shook the attack of the three demigods.

The **** tower blooms with immense divine power, the **** pattern creeps, and the rules of Shinto pervade.

That kind of power came out and the entire void atmosphere was suppressed for it. The inexplicable increase of the power of the road above the sky seemed to be coming down at any time.

Obviously, the Supreme Devourer has already tried his best to use his power, and the power he used is close to the limit of the avenue.

But the same is true of the other three demi-gods. They did not keep their hands. Under the attack of the three **** king soldiers, even the swallowing **** tower was shaken backwards.

The devouring cyclone shattered, setting off a terrifying stormy wave.

It was just that under the storm, the three demigods were all retreating, and they dared not advance.

Because this power is too horrible, they are hard to bear if they are not gods.

All I saw was that Qin Jian's spear shook, and that was to tear the aftermath and continue to kill.

Reaching their level, the combat power is shocking, and it is not something ordinary people can do. The power of that blow can already break the sky.

But among Xiao Yun's men and women, there were only two soldiers of the King of Gods.

Xiao Linger's shot, the power of frozen seal spread, wanting to freeze the void.

That aftermath was also frozen.

The man at the Ice and Snow Palace retreated.

"They have three **** king soldiers, we can't compete with them at all!" Zuo Shaoqin frowned.

"Abominable!" Even Xiao Mu felt powerless under this attack.

The three were already heroes. Megatrons have been known for more than hundreds of years.

Now they are equipped with the king of soldiers, the momentum can completely crush them.

This battle was doomed from the beginning.

"This time Xiao Yun will be let down!" The demigods of the three races all smiled.

Such as Qin Longshan, Yuwen Zhaoran.

They were now standing beside them.

With Zheng Feiying and the other two strong men, they didn't need to take any action.

"Brother Zheng, hold on to the pagoda, Brother Qin, go and deal with that girl, and I'll go against the others!" Yu Wenyang stared at the light and said to Zheng Feiying and Qin Jian next to him.

"Good!" After hearing the words, Zheng Feiying nodded. He held a huge axe and slashed at the Tower of Devourer.

As for Qin Jian, he killed Xiao Linger.

Seeing this, Yu Wenyang took a big step, and the golden roulette bloomed with immense power, toward Xiao Yun and Xiao Mu who were breaking through.

"It's my turn!" Beside Xiao Yun, Ming Ziyu's eyes flashed, he was waiting for an opportunity.

At this time, Xiao Linger had tried his best to urge the uprightness of Bing Zhi to resist the attack by Qin Jian.

Although she is talented, she can set foot in the semi-god realm, and the heritage is not as good as Qin Jian.

Moreover, Qin Jian's attacking power is amazing, he is also a man of great strength, and his combat power is extraordinary, which can completely resist the frozen power of Xiao Linger.

So when Nayu Wenyang and Jinyang Shenyin repressed, no one shot.


The golden light was blooming, and a divine power shook away. The sky was shivering under the pressure and set off a terrible wave.


Xiao Mu and Zuo Shaoqin were shocked by vomiting blood.

The other twelve demigods in the Ice and Snow Palace are also unable to resist this divine power.

"Oh, Xiao Yun, let's die!" Yu Wenyang's eyes were exposed, and his murderous spirit swept away like a stormy sea.

He is the elder of Jiuyang Holy Palace.

But he is also the man of Yuwen's family and the grandfather of Yuwenhao.

When the news of Yu Wenhao's downfall came, he immediately moved his heart.

"This ..." At this moment, Xiao Kuanglong's eyes were cold in the distance. With a strong heart, he sensed the situation over there.

"Get out of me!" Xiao Kuanglong saw that all his hair had spread out, and he was utterly outstretched, and the Wu Hun's body moved with a large hand to strike forward.

There is also a magic soldier above this Wuhun.

"Oh, Xiao Yun will die today!" Yu Wen snorted whimperlessly, his eyebrows flickered, and a golden eye suddenly appeared.

The eyes were completely covered by the golden divine pattern.

As soon as this eye appeared, it exuded great power.

These are the eyes left by the King of God, containing the mysteries of Shintoism, which is controlled by Yuwen Wuji.

call out!

The flash of the god's eyes flashed, and he was shooting towards Xiao Zhantian.

With this eye, Guanghua is dazzling, rendering the entire void into golden, and those who are millions of miles away can clearly feel the fluctuations.

The nearby void shattered, and the golden light ripples swept across to kill the storm.

This eye can destroy all beings!

"Break me!" It was just that Xiao Kuanglong's eyes were cold, and his deity stepped forward, holding a halberd to the front.


The war halberd flashed and confronted the eyes of the world.

At this time, on the other side, Xiao Kuanglong's Wuhun also shot.

"Xiao Kuanglong, you don't want to support it!"

But when his Wuhun shot, four demigods shot immediately.

The four men evolved into a large array, blocking the heavens and the earth, and then being suppressed by an ancient seal.

This ancient seal is like a mountain of gods, blooming with immense divine power, directly crushing the sky and breaking up, setting off a huge wave that is thousands of feet high, the power that is emitted is also close to the king of soldiers.

Xiao Kuanglong's war spirit held by a martial artist directly tore the array and greeted the ancient seal.


The sacred majesty that Zhan Ge passed was shocked, and the war intentions collapsed. Wherever he went, the **** print that bloomed in the ancient seal cracked, and Xiao Kuanglong's martial spirit killed him directly.

It was only when he went out that everything seemed too late.

Because Xiao Mu and others in the distant sky tried their best to shoot, they were hit by Yu Wenyang.

That round of golden seals had been suppressed, and the vast light enveloped Xiao Yun, who wanted to engulf it.

Xiao Yun is in danger.

"Move me to Xiao's children, my Xiao will cut you in the future!"

Xiao Kuanglong was furious. When his martial spirit moved with a large hand, he was holding Zhan Ge to cut forward.

But Yuwen Zhaoran and others had long expected.

Everyone shot together.

Thirteen demigods held the Puppet Deity Soldiers and carried the mighty Deity King to kill Xiao Kuanglong's martial spirit body.

And what he holds in this Wuhun body is nothing more than a puppet king soldier.

The tyrant's attack fell down, and in the void, the supernatural powers were like dragons, howling, and the dazzling divine light shrouded Xiao Kuanglong.

But he was so powerful that all the magical attacks were torn by the battle.

Then he killed the siege.

That momentum made the monks of all races tremble.

"This old ghost is so strong!" Yuwen Zhaoran and others were shocked, all showing surprise.

You know, they shot thirteen!

But can't stop this Xiao Kuanglong alone!

"However, everything is late!" Long Shangong grinned.

Because at this time Yu Wenyang is about to succeed.

In addition, even if Xiao Kuanglong's combat power is world-wide, Yu Wenyang is not bad. He still has the God King Soldier in his hands, and he is not afraid of this Xiao Kuanglong's intricate Wuhun body.

"This Xiao Yun is over!" In the distant sky, someone was shrouded in magical soldiers, covering his breath, but muttering while looking at the battlefield ahead.

There are nine people here. There are six heavens and earth floating behind them, and a breath of reincarnation permeates.

This is the person of the six reincarnation.

The head of the man's eyes was deep, his hair fluttered, and a strong reincarnation force permeated, giving people a feeling of rebelling against the heavens and the earth.

This person is obviously a Gai Dai figure, an old man of Jiang's name, named Jiang Changkong!

"Are we going to take a shot?" A middle-aged man stared at Jiang Changkong and said, "If you don't take another shot, this Xiao Yun will be most dangerous."

"This Xiao Yun's entry to the Emperor Emperor's Relics is considered to be related to my ancient Ming family!" The few demigods next to him were all inquiring.

Although their six reincarnation Wu souls are far away from Xixuanyu, they also know something about Gu Mingshi.

"This young man won't be so easy to get rid of!" Jiang Changkong's eyes narrowed, looking at the void in the distance, said quietly.

"Oh?" A few people beside him were surprised.

Although this Xiao Yun is a personal masterpiece, he cannot cope with so many Tianjiao, right?

That Jiang Changkong smiled faintly ~ ~ When he opened his eyes, he glanced at that Ming Ziyu more.

At this time, the void of God Seal Ruyang had been suppressed by Xiao Yun.

"Everyone who comes here today has to die!" When this divine seal repressed, Ming Ziyu's eyes were chilling with light.

All he could see was an astonishing fluctuation in his body, and the eyebrows were faint.

"Zi Yu, you don't need to take your shot, all look at me!" It was only when this Ming Ziyu was about to make a shot, Xiao Yun's eyes opened sharply, and a low voice entered Ming Ziyu's mind. A mighty mighty scroll rolled Ming Ziyu to the area where Xiao Mu and others were located.

Xiao Yun looked up and sang toward the repressed god's seal.

The sharp light also burst out from his eyes.

Today, he seems to have entered the demigod realm.

"Stepping into the semi-god realm, is it still far from God? Ask for a monthly ticket." Xiao Yun said.

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