Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1649: Showway

Xiao Yun looked up and screamed at the repressed divine seal, with a sharp light burst out in his eyes.

The light is like a blade, and the void in front of it is cracking.

Today, Xiao Yun has ripples around him, and the demigod's breath permeates.

Even his breath surpassed the ordinary demigods.

He stood in the air, but like a heaven and earth, released with a great power of heaven and earth.

Under this momentum, the golden seal was a slight meal.

{Pig + Pig + Island} novel www.hzua "Have you stepped into the semi-god?" Yu Wenyang evoked a icy arc, "Even if you step into the semi-god, you still have to fall here.

Then he moved his mind and communicated the seal of God.


The divine seal was shocking, and the dazzling golden light seemed to fall down toward Xiao Yun.

The emptiness under this kind of mansions is completely pierced. It is not difficult to imagine, how can a monk resist this kind of mansions?

"Today, no one can kill me Xiao Yun!" Xiao Yun lifted the void, his eyes flashing with confidence.

When he said this, in his brows, a hazy ancient seal floated out.

This is Si Yuan Ling!

As soon as the source of the order came out, shocking supreme might.

That kind of mighty power, like a king like an emperor, seems to be above the gods.

As soon as this breath came out, the repressed golden light trembled.

Not only that, but the golden seal of God also buzzed.

The sound of fear seemed to be in the buzz.

"This ..." When Shenyin buzzed, the eyes of Yu Wenyang were astonished.

This is the seal of the **** king, but there is a powerful seal in it!

At this moment, the seal of God made a buzzing sound, showing the meaning of fear.

With his sense of mind, he apparently discovered that it was the dread of the Hinds.

There was fear in this fear.

This surprised Yu Wenyang.

What can make the Inner Spirit in the Seal of the God King so?

Siyuan ordered that the divine power trembled and met the golden seal of God.


Siyuan's divine pattern trembled, engulfing the golden god's mansion a little.

Behind Xiao Yun, the pressure on Xiao Mu and others immediately weakened.

"This is it?" Everyone was surprised and looked up.

When they looked up, they saw that Siyuan Ling was bombarded with the Divine Seal.



The loud noise shook the sky, and Siyuan Ling bombarded the golden seal of God. Immediately, there was a shocking loud noise. The feeling was as if the heavens and earth were colliding and the towering sky was up.

The vast fluctuations also swept in all directions.

Looking from a distance, the impact set off a thousand waves.

This horror wave swept away like a galaxy storm to wipe out everything.

Yu Wenyang trembled, but also quickly retreated.

The divine seal flashed before his eyes.

"It's strong!" Yu Wenyang stared forward after stabilizing his figure, his eyes shook, "What kind of soldier is he?"

At this time, Yu Wenyang set off a stormy sea.

You know, Xiao Yun has just urged the **** soldier to swallow the **** tower.

At this time, the **** tower was still fighting fiercely with Zheng Feiying.

But at this time he urged another fetish of this level!

In this way, he alone controlled at least two **** king soldiers!

"Two **** king soldiers?" Yu Wenyang's eyes were dignified, and his mood was complicated when he looked forward.

You know, it is very remarkable that one person controls a **** king soldier.

If he is in control for two years, he is definitely a real Gai Dai figure, destined to dominate the world.

But at this moment the young man urged two weapons of the level of God King.

"Resisted?" At this time, Zheng Feiying, who was far away, was surprised.

It shocked him.

At this time he felt struggling to resist the tower.

I don't want that young man to have more energy.

"Why does he have such details?" Qin Jian frowned.

This change made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Don't you resist it?" In the distance, the eyes of the six reincarnation Wuhun were surprised.

"This young man really has some means." Everyone was surprised.

"It's a curious junior." Jiang Changkong's mouth evoked a smile, but his eyes blinked and he stared at Ming Ziyu.

There was obviously a bit of loss in his eyes.

"Unfortunately, this junior didn't take any action." Jiang Changkong sighed.

He came here not to see Xiao Yun, but to Ming Ziyu.

When the ancient miracles of the ancient Ming clan opened, some people sighed in the vein of the six reincarnation Wushun.

Unfortunately, they didn't get any news.

Because Gu Mingshi has been shrouded in a large array, outsiders cannot break in.

Even the strong ones deduced and found nothing.

It seems that everything that happened there has been forcibly isolated from outsiders.

Later, Jiang's people asked about it several times, only to get a glimpse of the news.

After they learned that the miracles had begun, the various races went against the ancient Ming clan.

In the end, Di Wei shocked and made people awesome.

That is a power beyond God.

When that power came out, it was like an emperor.

And all the people of all races were ridiculed.

As for the specific details, those people are also unknown.

"Diwei!" Thinking of these two words, Jiang Changkong's eyes were flashing with fiery light, and those six reincarnations were inexplicably up and down.

Because they know an ancient thing.

That is the inheritance left by an emperor of the Jiang family in the ancient Ming family.

It's just that this inheritance is only for the Gu Mings and the ancient ancestors of the Jiangs, and they are not allowed to interfere.

However, Jiang Changkong was quite interested in this emperor's affairs.

At least, he wondered if the emperor was alive.

This is a Gai Dai character who is above God, even Supreme!

"It seems that these three clans can't win this Xiao Yun!" In addition to these six reincarnations, there are still people lurking in the distance.

"That **** tower is so powerful that it resembles the Supreme Tower mentioned in my ancient books!"

These people are the ones who swallow the soul of the sky.

After their people learned that Xiao Yun had beheaded Yuwen's people, they discussed whether they should take the shot.

Because they knew that Yu Wenshi would not give up.

In the end, they got the news that the three ethnic groups gathered to discuss major events and sent someone here.

They want to touch the fish in the muddy waters and seize the pagoda.

But at this point, things are not as simple as they think.

In addition to this vein of swallowing the soul, there are people hiding beside.

It was just that they were unsure.

Someone is watching a show.

Someone wants to know the ending.

Some people also want to know the details of each race.

But what they knew at this time was the details of Xiao Yun.

"What magical soldier did he use to defeat that seal of God?" Many people's eyes were curious, and their eyes were condensed, to see clearly the artifacts urged by Xiao Yun.

Yu Wenyang also urged God's eyes and wanted to see clearly.

It was only that the lines of Siyuan flickered, like a heaven and earth, isolated from all detections. Even if he had a divine eye, he could not see the Siyuan Ling inside.

And Xiao Yun's mind moved, Siyuan Ling has already fallen into the sea of ​​knowledge.

"Now I step into the demigod and realize that the avenue of the mixed world is returning to the beginning. At this time, I have more control over this beginning source." Xiao Yun blinked.

After comprehending the return of the avenue to the beginning and the evolution of the mixed world, Xiao Yun apparently got closer to this source.

You should know that the Qi of Qiyuan was born of the Qi of Qiyuan.

Moreover, the Qi of Qiyuan is just like the Qi of Yuanyuan, but it has much less impurities and is more pure.

There are many mixed elements, and there are many that have not been eliminated, such as the dark air, and so on.

So Xiao Yun's control of Siyuan now makes it much smoother.

With this blow just now, the power radiated by Siyuan Ling did not disappoint Xiao Yun.

However, when he was at a loss, Siyuan Ling was included in the knowledge of the sea.

Subsequently, Xiao Yun strode forward, and that palm followed.


The light pattern flickered, but Shiyuan bow appeared in his palm.

When Siyuan Gong appeared, a huge Siyuan divine power also shook with it.

That kind of divine power made the distant demigod tremble.


When Xiao Yun's eyes moved, he pulled the bowstring and locked the Yuwenyang in front.

"This ancient bow!" Yu Wenyang frowned when Shiyuan bow appeared.

"It's that ancient bow!" Longshan Gongzi and others were all staring.

"Today, it's you!" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, locking Yu Wenyang in front of him. When the words fell, Siyuan's arrow flashed through the void.

call out!

Siyuan arrows pierced the void, like a meteor pulling a tail flame.

The tail flame agitated and set off a storm, and the storm swept all directions to destroy everything.

Yu Wenyang's brows froze tightly, and he felt a terrible gas lock him.

He couldn't even escape under this kind of gas engine.

Jinyang God Seal!

Yu Wenyang frowned, quickly urging the seal of God.

The divine seal bloomed with immense divine power, but at this time, the inner spirit of the divine fainted.

"You can't do that!" When Yu Ling's eyes flickered when he felt the fear of Yin Ling, he also showed the color of terror.

Without God King Soldiers, how could he compete with Xiao Yun?

"No ... this person is not guilty!" It was just that the Yin Ling made a sound, flashed quickly, and directly cut through the sky, away from the void.

"So the **** king seal is gone?" When the **** seal left, an uproar immediately sounded, and the demigods of various races lurking in the distance were also shocked.

This is the God King Soldier!

What other weapons in the world can make God King soldiers fear?

Brush, brush, brush!

Suddenly, countless eyes gathered on Xiao Yun.


At this time, the flash of Siyuan's arrow flickered, and the vast Siyuan god's pattern bloomed, which had enveloped Yu Wenyang.

Yu Wenyang was so anxious that he frowned, trying his best to stimulate the blood.

Even he started to burn blood.

"Burning divine power, the god's eyes are gone!" Suddenly, there was a horrific concentration of power in his eyebrows.

call out!

A ray of god's eyes met the arrow of Siyuan.


The two confronted each other ~ ~

Then, under the gaze of countless Taoguang, the mang of the god's eye collapsed.

Siyuan's arrow is like a bamboo shoot, directly drowning the glory that Yu Wenyang blooms.

call out!

Then the arrows flickered and passed through Yu Wenyang's eyebrows.


The divine pattern trembled and exploded as it passed through Yu Wenyang.

Then the void collapsed, completely submerged by Qiyuan's gas.

It was just that Yu Wenyang's breath was dissipated.


An arrogant man of heaven who had made a name for himself in that era was ridiculed!

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