Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1650: Megatron 8

In the void, Xiao Yun took a strong shot and shot Yu Wenyang in one shot.

Such a scene came too suddenly, it was too shocking.

At this time, the demigods of all races felt that heart suddenly jumped, and their minds were blank, but they stared blankly at the void in front of them.

Even Yuwen Zhaoran and others stopped.

The crowd then stared forward, watching the aftermath of the stormy waves gradually calm down.

Watching the broken void heal again.

& nbs + pig + pig + island + fiction ww.zhomp; "Yu Wenyang is ridiculed?" When the aftermath subsided, the void healed, and the exclaimed voice finally came out from the mouths of practitioners of all races.

"This kid is more powerful than ever!" Longshan brow frowned.

He had also seen Xiao Yun's mighty arrow at the beginning.

But at this time Xiao Yun's combat power suddenly surpassed the previous.

The power of this arrow is no longer something ordinary people can resist.

When frowning, everyone was flustered.

"This Xiao Yun has set foot in the demigod realm, I'm afraid that it is no longer comparable to the ordinary demigod!" The demigods of all races frowned.

When Yu Wenyang fell, they were already afraid.

"That ancient bow!" At this moment, even Zheng Feiying frowned.

The mighty power that radiated above the ancient bow made him even startled.

"How can this be so bad?" Qin Jian looked dignified.

Just now Xiao Yun has displayed a **** tower and a war **** king soldier.

Then he cast another thing and resisted the Jinyang God Seal.

Now he urged Gu Gong and shot Yu Wenyang!

In this way, there are three comparable **** king soldiers!

Thinking of this, he felt a heavy cloud over his head and felt inexplicably depressed.

"This Xiao Yun ’s fighting power at the Shenxu Daotai overwhelmed his contemporaries. This was Gai Dairenjie. Now he has set foot in the demigod. Although he only dares to enter this realm, he is not an ordinary person. The clan may not be able to succeed. In the near future, Xiao ’s people are coming. What should we do? ”In the distance, the demigod that swallowed the heavenly soul and took a look at each other, then glanced towards the one headed by that one. Respecting the demigods, showing the color of inquiry, apparently they also know that opportunities are fleeting.

"This Xiao Yun has been extremely calm from the beginning. He should have enough grasp. It is not so easy to win him. Furthermore, the magic soldiers have spirits. As long as they are in full control, the soldiers and spirits will cooperate with each other. Although we have two A **** king soldier, if he shots with the three major protoss, there will be a few chances to win him, but in this void, there are people around to stand by. "Swallowing the soul of Wutian, a long man wearing a weave robe The person's eyes flashed and said.

"Lin Ye means no shot?" Wen Yan, a few sacred gods next to him.

The person headed by that person is the Zhou Dai's Gai Daijie, named Zhou Lin.

Today he is one of the most dazzling people in the vein of swallowing the soul of the sky.

"Um." Zhou Lin's eyes lightened and said, "Those who don't have a grasp don't need to do anything."

After hearing that, everyone else was silent.

If Yu Wenyang and others successfully crushed Xiao Yun, they would naturally shoot and swallow the Tower of Tensions.

But things changed, and they had to be careful.

Although they were far apart, Xiao Yun's arrow just made everyone frightened.

That kind of mighty power has simply surpassed many magical soldiers.

Xiao Yun's prestige suddenly shocked the heroes.

But at this time Xiao Yun frowned slightly.

"Siyuan Arrow requires a lot of Qiyuan Qi. Now Qiyuan Qi in my body has been exhausted by 70%. It is difficult to shoot such a powerful arrow."

Xiao Yun's eyes flashed and he looked forward.

At present, the three demigods are still staring at each other. Although they are hesitant, they have not yet retreated.

Although Xiao Yun understood the world of Yuanyuan, he had a strong spirit of Yuanyuan.

After all, Qi of Yuanyuan is not Qi of Yuanyuan.

In addition, his own ambivalence is also limited.

It's almost impossible to let Siyuan Arrow display infinitely.

No matter who it is, mobilizing the magic soldier will exhaust a lot of true elements and soul power.

The higher the level of the soldiers, the greater the rare urges.

"His ancient bow's breath has weakened." At this moment, Zheng Feiying's eyes lightened, and he discovered the change of Siyuan bow's breath.

"We have a strong shot, there should still be a chance!" Zheng Feiying said to Qin Jian next to him.

Qin Jian frowned slightly.

Because he knew they had lost the edge at this point.

But at this moment, how can you retreat?

"Battle!" At last Qin Jian issued a low roar, and strode violently.

The others also looked scarlet, forming a large array of attacks, and violently attacked Xiao Yun and others.

"Oh, one less **** king soldier, how can you still fight?" At this time, Xiao Kuanglong's martial spirit shot strongly and wanted to kill and share the pressure for Xiao Yun.

Only to see his martial spirit holding battle Ge, kill several demi-gods.

Xiao Kuanglong shot, and the battle was transformed into a sea of ​​stars, covering all directions, and his Qi machine immediately locked six demigods.

The war-fighting roll wrapped the six men.

Including Yuwen Zhaoran, Longshan son.

"This Xiao Kuanglong!" Being dragged by Xiao Kuanglong, everyone frowned.

Then they tried their best to urge the King of God to kill Xiao Kuanglong's martial spirit.

It's just that Xiao Kuanglong is too powerful, and even if a martial spirit, he is capable of enemies.

However, the son of Longshan, who was holding the false **** king soldier, was not so vulnerable.

"There are people from all ethnic groups around here. If you don't kill the three ethnic demigods early, I'm afraid there will be trouble!" At this time, Zuo Shaoqin and others still looked dignified.

"After insisting for a while, I will be Xiao Xiao." Xiao Mu said.

But he still looked dignified.

Because Xiao Yun obtained the fetish, it is no longer a simple grudge against the three races.

Perhaps other forces will also take the opportunity.

Although Xiao's is strong, it is obviously unable to deter the entire Holy Land Protoss.

You know, that fetish is a god!

When this road of God is about to open, who won't fight for it?


Zheng Feiying shot strongly.

In the same way, they also let the clan help.

If the three major protoss each have two Gai Dai characters, they will win this Xiao Yun.

The richness of the three races ~ ~ How is it comparable to Xiao?

So they still intend to delay.


Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, his hands moved, and the swallowing tower of **** of heaven flew in, and then evolved into a huge swallowing weather that enveloped him and everyone around him.

Under this cyclone, no one could hurt Zuo Shaoqin, Zuo Xishuang and others.

"Brother Xiao Yun, these people don't know how to deal with it, let me kill them all, right?" Ming Ziyu said.

"It's not the time!" Xiao Yun groaned slightly, then said.

"Oh?" Ming Ziyu Mulu asked the color.

"Wait to see if there are still any shots. If so, it's not too late!" Xiao Yun said.

"Good!" Wen Yan said, Ming Ziyu nodded, and he also knew that only in this way can the opportunity at that time be used to the maximum effect.

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