Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1655: Diwei

In the void, Zhou's two Tianjiao shot and fled immediately.

"The people of Zhou's actually retired?" Seeing this, many people were surprised.

"Zhou Lin son?" And other people who swallowed the soul of Tian Wu's soul also asked Mu Lu.

"The towering spirit inside the pagoda does not accept me to wait!" Zhou Yun said with a little regret.

"How could this be?"

"Isn't this the ultimate ancestor of my ancestors? Why would it rather follow the outsiders and not belong to my swallowing army?"

Those demigods are all surprised.

"I don't know what's wrong with this towering spirit." Zhou Lin's eyes were a little dark.

But he was helpless.

Although he is a hero, he is helpless in the face of this artifact.

You know, these instrumental spirits live endless years!

If there are no restrictions on the avenue rules, they will be enough to destroy many clans under their shots. Who can compete with them?

The same is true, then the scene where the soldiers deserted and fled.

This is because the people in the world cannot really control the magic soldiers.

"It's a shame!" Sighed the eyes of those who swallowed Tianwu's soul.

"Goddess, return!" Just as the man who swallowed the soul of the sky sighed, Xiao Yun was moved, and the tossed-out stage brought the vastness and power to his side.

That Yang Xiao and others were in a war, and no one had the chance to get this thing.

All this is under Xiao Yun's control.

"This kid has taken away the God's Terrace!" Seeing this, Yang Xiao and others flashed their eyes.

"Boy, are you playing this seat?" The **** of the dark martial spirit hummed coldly.

Brush, brush!

Everyone is rushing towards Xiao Yun.

Someone even shot and killed Xiao Yun.


The swallowing **** tower flickered and blasted forward.

The void exploded immediately.

"Kill the kid first!"

Seeing this, Yang Xiao and others looked at each other and then said.

"Okay!" The demigod in the dark martial spirit nodded.

Then he stepped forward, carrying a black sky and oppressed Xiao Yun.

The three demigods of the three major protoss are also strolling.

Divine king soldiers bloomed with immense divine power, like a raging wave.

Those fluctuations made Xiao Mu and others around Xiao Yun feel breathless.

"This ..." Zuo Shaoqin frowned.

At this point, there were seven more demigods, and they didn't have the power of a battle!

"What kind of trick is Xiao Yun playing?" The distant practitioners tightened their hearts.

They naturally could see that all this was Xiao Yun's intention.

But now that so many people stand out, how can he fight?

"Today, don't even want to run any of you!" Just as everyone was surprised, a low voice moved forward.

"It's the young man!" Then, everyone's eyes moved, locking Ming Ziyu beside Xiao Yun.


When everyone's eyes locked on Ming Ziyu, the young man's eyebrows flashed, and a huge cyclone evolved immediately in front of him.

When this cyclone emerged, a vast dynamo shocked.

Once this coercion came out, it immediately covered all the power of the **** king soldiers.

Even the power released by the Devouring Tower was suppressed.

Such power is beyond description.

If you really want to describe it, everyone can only say that word.

That is Diwei!

"This is ..." The eyes of Yang Xiao, who was being shot down with the seal of Jiuyang, suddenly shrank.

The Emperor was shaking, and at this moment he felt his heart tremble.

An inexplicable might of oppression forced him to breathe.

"What kind of soldier is this?" Chu Shen also froze in place.

The dark martial arts soul, the demigods of the Saint Martial Palace, and the demigods of the three major deities were shocked.

At this moment, their evolving attack was also shaken by the Emperor, and the stormy waves rolled over, almost drowning them.

That kind of imperial prestige is not only impressive, but that prestige can crush everything.

"What's going on?" The practitioners in the distance were surprised.

Even Zheng Feiying and others were surprised.

When the eyes of everyone turned around, the mind followed the Diwei's induction, and it was the source of the Diwei.

"It's that young man!" Soon, countless eyes fell on Ming Ziyu.

"Diwei!" At this time, the practitioners of the six reincarnation martial arts soul only boiled their blood.

"A descendant of that ancient Ming!"

Everyone was inexplicably excited.

"Have you finally shot?" Jiang Changkong's mouth evoked a smile.

After waiting so long, he finally waited for this moment.

And this result also verified his idea.

"Will it be the treasure left by Emperor Emperor?" The demigods of the six reincarnation martial arts souls were all looking forward with their expectant eyes.

At this moment, there was a ripple in the void ahead.

Immediately in front of Mingzi Yu, a figure shot out of thin air.

This is a man like a giant who wears a robe and looks like ink.

His eyes were as deep as a starry sky before he appeared, and his stern eyes were all in all directions.

In his eyes, there are six worlds floating up and down, a force of reincarnation spreads out, which makes the world change color.

Under this kind of power, Qiankun seems to be upside down, and the day and place are rebelled.

Everyone felt like they were being drawn into reincarnation.

"Who is this person?"

"This is the reincarnation uprising!" When the man on the shore appeared, the heart of Yangxiao sank.

"Why do I have a feeling of being dominated by heaven and earth?" That kind of oppression made Chu Shen extremely dignified.

"This uprising, this momentum ..." The mood of the six reincarnation pulses fluctuated.

"Is this Emperor?" The crowd was very excited.

Emperor ...

This is a legend of Jiang's six reincarnation!

This is the existence of being an emperor in God!

What is Emperor?

One man is for Emperor!

It ’s for the emperor!

Gongshen is for the Emperor!


"This ... should be the Emperor of the Emperor!" At this time, even Chang Changkong, who had been so calm, couldn't suppress the emotion in his heart.

At this moment his eyes were staring forward.

Staring at the man in great shape.

"Who is this person?" Not only Jiang Changkong, the demigods of all races focused their eyes on this sudden emergence of Emperor.

Everyone was suspicious.

Although he was suspicious in his heart, he did not exclaim.

The whole void became inexplicably quiet.

Because under this divine power, no one dared to make a noise, and all were stopped by that power.

Even the aftermath of Yang Xiao and others' attacking was gradually restored by Nadi Weiping.

The void was restored to peace, no longer swept by the vast stormy waves, some were only the mighty Emperor Wei.


The void is surprisingly quiet!

Quiet a bit scary!

The demigods of the three major protoss are panicking.

Their heartbeat was rippling through the void.

Even Yang Xiao's heartfelt voice accelerated.

At this point, the crowd had been suppressed by Diwei and there was no war.

Under this prestige, everyone's souls shuddered, and they dared not make trouble.

"Who is this?" At this time, Xiao Mu and others also held back.

Xiao Huang and others looked at the man who suddenly appeared in awe.

Even though they are outstanding, they still have awe in their hearts when they look at this man.

At the same time, Xiao Mu also understood why Xiao Yun didn't have to be afraid.

Those practitioners in the distance also understood why Xiao Yun took out the **** stage and played with various races.

Because he has always been fearless.

"Is this these people?" At this time, after the Emperor Emperor's eyes went out in all directions, he turned his eyes toward the next side of Ming Ziyu, his eyes inquiring.

"Um." Ming Ziyu nodded.

When he urged that reincarnation, he passed through Hengdigou.

"Okay, everything has me!" The Emperor said lightly, and then his eyes were shining, his eyes fell on the Yangxiao and the three deities of the three deities.

Under his eyes, everyone seemed unable to move.

Under this light, the **** king soldiers in their hands were trembling.


Suddenly, a flash of the **** king's seal on Yangxiao broke through the sky and left.

"No ..." Yangxiao screamed, and fear began to appear in those eyes.

He who lost the King of the Gods seemed to have lost his greatest support.

And when the king soldier of the Yangxiao fled, the other king soldiers shuddered.

"This character ..." Those god-king soldiers trembled, as if they saw Gai Dai characters, terrified.

"There are six reincarnations, is that the Emperor?"

"Withdraw!" Those soldiers were terrified.

Then they tried to spur the divine power, tearing away the oppression and fled.

The soldiers fled one after another, but the Emperor of Emperor did not pursue it, he just glanced at all directions, and it was awesome.

But the distant practitioners are still stuck.

So they watched every piece of magical soldiers cut through the sky and rushed to all directions.

Not only are the **** king soldiers, those great **** king soldiers also retreat.

They dare not stay long!

Only momentarily, the demigods of the three major deities were all separated, and they were empty-handed, and no more deities captured them.


"Do not……"

When the soldiers departed, the unwillingness and panic came out.

At this moment, these people are despairing.

"Divine soldiers fled, even the divine king soldiers were afraid of this person?"

"What kind of character is this?"

People of all races in the distance are in a state of solemn dignity.

"It is worthy of being the Emperor!" But the soul of the six reincarnation Wuhun was extremely sighing.

There were even tears rolling in the eyes of many demigods, and they were excited.

This is the emperor of their Jiang family!

"Senior, are you?" Yang Xiao looked horrified and asked quickly.

He was sweating on his forehead, feeling despair.

But he still had doubts in his heart and wanted to know who this person was.

Others also asked.

Even the demigods in the dark martial arts soul were dreaded at this moment.

More unwilling, and regret.

I regret that I should not be greedy.

"Six reincarnation!" Hengdi said lightly, without saying too much.


"Is he the ancestor of the six reincarnation Jiang?" Many people looked suspiciously.

"Six reincarnation, who has this power?" Yang Xiao looked suspiciously.

But I'm not sure.

There are too many amazing characters in Jiang's family ~ ~ Among them are God King, God King, and Shinto Supreme.

"God's way is about to begin, so it's OK to fight for the way of God, but you should not be the one to mess with me!" Emperor Emperor, no matter what everyone thought, he carried his hands on his shoulders, in all directions, the word One sentence said.

"Senior, I don't know if this Xiao Yun has something to do with you, but please be merciful!" Chu Shenmu blinked and said, "I'm a person from Jiuyang Holy Palace. I also asked seniors to see the ancestors of my palace For your part, please wait for my life. "He moved out of Jiuyang Holy Palace at this time, all he wanted was for this senior to watch the Jiuyang Holy Palace and stay.

Because Jiuyang Holy Palace has also appeared in Gai Dai characters.

Now that the road of God is about to open, multiple allies are naturally good.

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