Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1656: All ridiculed [...

Chu Shen opened his mouth and moved out of the Jiuyang Holy Palace, hoping that Emperor Hengdi could show mercy.

After all, the Jiuyang Holy Palace is the first force on the bright side of the sanctuary. The ancestor also had many Gaidai characters. Maybe this person knows the Yangs.

"Jiuyang Holy Palace?" After hearing the words, the Emperor was indifferent. "No matter who it is, since he has started with my people, then he should pay the price, whether it be a **** son or a **** king. So, today you ... "At the end of the discourse, Emperor Emperor did not speak, but stepped forward directly.

Then he made a big move.


& nbsp / pig / pig / island / fiction www.huuo .; Hengdi's big hand fell.

Looking from a distance, his palms are constantly enlarged.

There are six reincarnations floating up and down in that palm, like a world inside.

The force of reincarnation burst out within that big hand.

Wherever he went, Qiankun turned upside down, and heaven and earth rebelled.

Yang Xiao felt his strength passing.

Even others could feel his black hair turned white as snow.

That is also true of Chu Shen.

He passed by with his hands, and dozens of demigods were old.

They felt their blood gas was exhausted.

The breath of death followed.

"No ..." When feeling this power, the sound of despair sounded.

But among those big hands, there seems to be a reincarnation channel evolution.

Everybody flickered, was introduced into the cycle of reincarnation, and fell into the six worlds in the palm of their hands.

People in the distance watched a personal jade being taken into Hengdi's palm.

"No ..." In the distance, Yu Wen shouted without fear. He was unwilling and wanted to burn the blood to resist this power.

Unfortunately, Hengdi's reincarnation power is too horrible, so horrible that his blood cannot burn.

Later, even Yuwen was introduced.

"This kind of power ...!" Beside Yuwen Wuji, Xiao Kuanglong looked up, and after the old eyes turned towards Hengdi, his heart was also extremely shocked.

That power was too terrifying, and it suddenly evolved the power of reincarnation.

The Emperor of the Emperor made a big move, and the six worlds dissipated.

Wherever Tianjiao took the shot against Xiao Yun, all scorned.

Such as Yuwen Zhaoran, Longshan son, Zheng Feiying, and so on.

"Are all ridiculed?" The practitioners of all races in the distance felt the whole body cold.

Everyone felt that their blood was extremely cold.

Regardless of the emperor or the hero, it is extremely shivering.

"Who the **** is this person? A mighty divine power will scare the spirit of the divine soldiers, and turn dozens of people into jealousy. May I ask who is comparable in this world?"

Many people are shocked inside.

"Fortunately ... Fortunately, we retired." In the distance, Zhou Yun was pale at this time, and sweat beads fell on his forehead.

"What kind of character is this? Look at that, it shouldn't be a contemporary person?" Zhou Lin frowned, and his face was solemn.

Because if it is contemporary Tianjiao, it will be a little bit impressed.

But no matter what he thinks, he can't imagine who has reached the point of the six reincarnation Wuhun.

Such characters have long surpassed the ordinary Gai Daijie.

This should be the existence of overwhelming force!

"Hope he won't continue to shoot?" Zhou Yun murmured.

At this moment he was worried and afraid, but he did not dare to run away.

Because he knew that in the presence of such a character, if he moved, he was afraid that the other person could wipe it out with a single thought.

Reaching this level, it is not surprising to kill millions of miles in a flash.

Because the person in front of him is stronger than demigod, beyond quasi-god.

This person's strength cannot be taken for granted.

"It is worthy of being the Emperor!" The soul of the six reincarnation Wuhun was uplifted.

Everyone waited to confess their relatives.

I was just afraid that Tang broke the Emperor and was destroyed by Diwei.

"Is the descendant of Jiang's?" At this moment, Hengdi's eyes turned, and his eyes fell on Jiang Changkong and others in front.

Jiang Changkong had an artifact floating above their heads, covering their shape and breath.

It is difficult for the average person to sense their exact location.

But Hengdi glanced at everyone at a glance.

"I was discovered by Emperor Heng!" Then the light of the eye swept, and Jiang's hearts jumped, everyone's mind was blank, and they were at a loss for a moment.

"It is worthy of being the great emperor of my tribe!" Jiang Changkong took a deep breath and murmured.

Immediately he strode forward and walked towards the void ahead.

Just two breaths, Jiang Changkong appeared in Xiao Yun's area.

Other Jiang's demigods followed.

"That's Jiang Changkong!"

"This is a contemporary man of the six reincarnation Wuhun!" When Jiang Changkong appeared, everyone was surprised.

The man of six reincarnations is not comparable to other people.

People in this vein are destined to look down at other protoss.

"They are actually lurking here, what is Jiang Changkong doing now?" Finally, there was a loud noise in the distance.

"Jiang's pulse, the 1879th grandson, Jiang Changkong, meet Hengzu!" Jiang Changkong knelt down on one knee and saluted the man in front of the great shore.

"Jiang's pulse ... Meet Hengzu!"

The other Jiang children descended on their knees, and the sound of thunder rang through the heavens and earth, and their tone was full of pride.

This is pride as a child of Jiang.

This is proud of Jiang's ancestor.

"Hengzu?" Many ancestral demigods groaned after listening, and their minds were turning, counting the characters of Jiang's Gai Dai.

But many people didn't think of anything.

"Jiang Changkong? How talented it is, get up!" Hengdi's eyes moved, but he just saw through Jiang Changkong at a glance, knowing the person's understanding of the six reincarnations, he waved his hands and had his own faint tone. An omnipresent power permeated, which made the children of the Jiang family tremble with trembling.

"Xie Hengzu!" Jiang Changkong got up and was extremely excited.

Hengzu praised him just now!

Moreover, from Hengzu's answer, this is really the emperor of their Jiang family!

Even though Jiang Changkong is a hero of the Jiang family, he has always been proud of his contemporaries since he was a child.

The person in front of him is overwhelming.

Don't say him, the King of God will do the same to the Emperor.

"You have been here for a long time, but have been watching?" It was just that, how long before Jiang Changkong was happy, Hengdi's eyes became sharper.

His tone was slightly indifferent.

"I also ask Hengzu to forgive me. Changkong is like this. I just want to see Hengzu's honor, and I can't bear it anymore, otherwise I will definitely not stand idly by!" He heard that Jiang Changkong was sweating coldly, and he panicked, and said quickly that he also knew This ancestor was so bad that it was beyond the reach of ordinary people. He should know everything.

"The descendants have their own blessings, and Gu Mingshi also has their fate, but now God's way will open. If you have this power, don't forget them."

Emperor Heng's eyes moved slightly, looking down at Jiang Changkong Road.

"Yes! Yes!" Jiang Changkong nodded, saying again and again, "Changkong Dingdang respects the will of Hengzu."

In this regard, he dare not neglect.

According to Jiang's records, Hengdi grew up in the ancient Ming family when he was young.

The same is true, the Emperor will leave the heritage in Gu Mingshi.

It's just that Jiang and Gu Ming are not too close.

For various reasons, they gradually lost contact with Gu Mingshi.

However, the Jiang family is also paying close attention to the ancient Ming family. The Emperor Emperor has a relationship, and they will not let the clan really break off.

"So good!" Hengdi nodded slightly, and he also had deep feelings for Gu Mingshi.

Even if he became an emperor, he could not forget his childhood memories.

"Hengzu, is this your spiritual body?" Seeing Hengzu's eyes reminiscing, Jiang Changkong's eyes rose, and he hesitated slightly.

Actually this is what he wants to know.

It was also his purpose here.

"That's right!" Hengzu's eyes flashed, and he glanced at Jiang Changkong before glancing.

"Changkong dare to ask if you still know Hengzu's deity ..." Jiang Changkong said vaguely.

This is what the entire Jiang family wants to know.

If Hengzu was alive, after the opening of the Divine Road, their Jiang family was destined to rule for nine days.

It is also because of the existence of Emperor Heng that Jiang has no interest in dealing with various ethnic groups or the dominance of the sanctuary.

Because they knew how to run the Jiuyang Holy Palace and other forces as long as this emperor was still there, they were just turkeys in front of Jiang.

"The future has its own set number. As long as it seizes the opportunity in front of it, if it is not strong enough, it will not be eternal after all!" Hengdi said.

"Only you are strong, and Fang is king!"

The same is true, he left Gu Mingshi to die on his own.

After all, it is not a long-term solution if you rely on the shelter of an individual.

Even the Great Emperor has its own downfall.

Only a clan that can stand on its own can inherit eternity.

"Changkong obeys Hengzu's teachings!" Although he was still unwilling, Jiang Changkong had to say so.

He knew that Hengdi didn't want to say more. If he asked more, it would be bad if he angered the other party.

Now make an impression, maybe he will meet in the future, he can still be remembered by Emperor.

After saying a word, the Emperor stepped forward and turned his eyes to Xiao Yun next to Ming Ziyu.

"Thank you, Emperor Hengdi for making a siege!" Xiao Yun shouted toward Hengdi, his eyes showing gratitude.

"Hehe, if you can meet, you have a destiny!" Hengdi smiled, and flickered into Xiao Yunshi's eyes, "Yes, within a short period of time, he has risen to this realm, and he will become a **** in the future, remember, persist Daoxin, you can set foot on top, the world of the future belongs to you. "

Just a glance, Hengdi could see the depth of Xiao Yun.

Also see his achievements at this time.

"Thank you for your help!" Xiao Yun nodded heavily.

At this time he also knew that adhering to his own way was the way out.

"Hard work!" Emperor Heng nodded and said to Ming Ziyu immediately.

"Um." Ming Ziyu also nodded heavily.

Emperor Emperor nodded, and then looked at him in all directions.

As his eyes passed by, the demigods lurking in the dark were all chills ~ ~ Everyone had a sense of being seen through.

It seems that as long as this person takes the shot, they will all scorn.

This feeling is scary.

However, Hengdi did not take any action. He fluttered into a reincarnation cyclone and fell into Mingziyu's eyebrows.

In this way, the horrible Emperor was able to dissipate.

"Today I sent another post of Xiao Zhantian, for the Shenmen article, that is, what happened after Xiao Zhantian set foot on the ancient road. Because it is not easy to write in the text, it will affect the rhythm. If you have n’t added it, you can find it, old demon power, Xingong, Zhonghao, and reply to the king of war. ”Xiao Yun said.

"Did it dissipate?" The practitioners of all races were relieved.

But the kind of power and shock brought by Emperor Hengdi made it difficult for them to calm down.

Similarly, the cultivators of all races are also extremely suspicious.

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