Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1671: Ancient beast

Yi Yi and Xiao Qianlong fought in the end, after all, was invincible to the opponent's invincible blood.

It was only when Xiao Yun was about to take office, Yi Yi stimulated the blood.

This time, it is really undergoing metamorphosis.

The hazy mist rose, and the light and shadow flickered inside.


But I heard a cheerful light drink, the hazy mist was shaken, and then on the battle platform, a beast that can only be three feet high was in the sight of everyone, this is a horned owl Alas, a mighty beast, although it is not big, but it has a dragon head and an elder horn.

On it, the scale armor is sensational, and the colorful **** pattern is flowing.

The blood flew up, as if Xiangyun Ruicai was suspended in the air.

It was dazzled by the colorful light, but there was a supreme power between the eyebrows.

Yi Yi now feels like two beasts.

"This ... how did this little beast change?" When Yi Yi appeared in the sight of everyone, there was an uproar immediately.

"This is completely different from before!" Xiao Tianxiang froze.

The former Yiyi state of mind is ridiculous and people like it.

At this time, Yi Yi had a domineering atmosphere that was awesome.

"It has become stronger." Ren Kexin's sapphire-like eyes blinked, and the color of surprise appeared, but after the surprise, she was secretly relieved, and even a little happy. Yi becomes stronger, so she doesn't need to worry about the safety of this little guy.

"Has metamorphosis occurred?" On the battle platform, Xiao Qianlong's eyes froze, and there was a sense of excitement. "It seems that this little animal has not yet fully awakened the blood, and now it is truly awakened." Yi's blood was stimulated, and his blood gas soared into the sky, and evolved that respectful Dharma.

But that's just the evolution of blood.

Today it is the evolution of the deity.

This is metamorphosis.

Everything is awakened by its blood.


When the blood awakened, Yi Yi's eyes flashed, and he looked at Xiao Qianlong ahead fiercely.

Subsequently, the power of the blood in his body was constantly excited, and his little body was raised in place.

Originally only three feet high, it immediately turned into Zhang Xu, San Zhang!

In the end, it turned into a beast that was thirty feet tall.

There are multicolored light lines around the beast's feet, and the clouds will be carried.

There was a divine pattern on its head, like a hazy sky.

The sky was vast, with a majestic shock, and the dimness contained the meaning of the avenue.

Looking from a distance, it is really an ancient **** and beast.

This scene was deeply engraved in everyone's mind, and it is hard to forget.


Yi Yi said, moving toward the sole of his foot, and heading forward.

Then its feet extended out in the air, with sharp claws, like a sharp blade, tearing the void and heading directly towards Xiao Qianlong ahead.


The claw passed, and the void was torn.

The sharp claws brought up a cold mang, and there was a glorious bloom, leaving a gorgeous tail flame, a sharp breath swept over Xiao Qianlong frowned.

"More than twice as powerful as before!"

Slightly frowning, Xiao Qianlong took a deep breath, and the divine pattern on his body flickered, and an immense amount of warfare burst out with great divine power.

When this war broke out, the heavens and the earth changed colors.


I only saw Xiao Qianlong step forward, with a big move, he hit Yi Yi ahead.

With this big hand falling, there is a tendency to strike the stars.

The son of the King of God shot with all his strength, enough to scare countless people.

But at this time those who watched the war still strained their nerves and seemed extremely nervous.

Because the transformed beast is just as powerful, not worse than the son of the **** king.


When Iinari's claws moved, the divine pattern flashed.

That is a force of decomposition.

Under the power of this divine pattern, the momentum released by Xiao Qianlong's blow was directly resolved.

On the contrary, Yi Yi's paw is advancing with the momentum.


Only momentarily, this paw intersects with that big hand.


The two confronted each other, and the vast divine power hit and made a loud noise.

Divine power confronts, but intangible Shinto mystery is entangled.

The war is overwhelming, and it can be overwhelming.

But Yi Yin's Shinto uprising was resolving this kind of warfare.

Under the heavy exploitation, the war will have a sharp decline.


Finally, the big hand trembled and was defeated by a mighty force.

Xiao Qianlong felt his arm numb and quickly retracted it.

"It's so powerful now." When Xiao Qianlong's arms were retracted, Xiao Qianlong's brows froze, his face looked completely.

Yi Yi's strength exceeded his expectations.

Before Yi Yi used the supernatural powers, Xiao Qianlong could completely use the powerful war will to crush the forces, but now the two sides have the same momentum, he obviously lost this advantage, but under the force of decomposition, his momentum continues to weaken , Finally in a downwind, causing the blow to be defeated by the opponent.

Only a slight confrontation, the strengths and weaknesses of the two sides were revealed.

Yi Yi shot while taking advantage of the situation, the hand grabbed as a scout, with colorful light patterns capsized down.

Under this light streak, the void was still, and the waves set off by the blow just now condensed.

This scene surprised countless people.

You know, the wave set off by the blow just now is like a stormy sea that can drown everything.

Even the demigods are not safe from such fluctuations.

But at this moment the little beast shot, but the fluctuations were frozen.

What a horrible means?

"What magical power is this?" Many geniuses in Xiao set off a stormy sea.

"Today's means are rare in ancient times." Even the gods were ashamed.

This method should not be available to demigods.

Even if it is a god, it is only forcibly restraining that kind of fluctuation, and it is not a real imprisonment.

Now this little beast is obviously performing a magical power, not forcibly restraining the vast wave.

Under this supernatural power, Xiao Qianlong felt that the void around him was about to condense, and the divine power released from him also showed signs of stagnation.

"This imprisoned magical power is indeed powerful." Xiao Qianlong's eyes lightened, revealing the dignified color for the first time.

Then his eyes flashed, his hands pulled, and a vast divine power gathered in front of his hands, accompanied by a war-fighting war.

Kill the sky!

Xiao Qianlong drew a hand, and God's grain and war will condense between his hands. He stepped out of his feet and evolved an ancient Tiangong. The void in front of it shook.

The imprisonment force broke down directly.

Kill the sky!

When the deep voice sounded, Xiao Qianlong's right hand was like a blade, and he was cutting forward.


The palm was cut out, carrying a piece of Shenmang, and a long tail flame was rolled up, like Xinghe swept by.

That palm passed, the momentum was amazing.

This is the starting style of the ancient killings.

When the palms passed, the restraining force released by Yi Yin's giant claws was immediately broken.

The imprisonment force was broken, but Yiyi's giant claws were reversed, and they were photographed in the air.

However, when this giant palm was photographed, Xiao Qianlong's eyes were frozen, but the big hand was changed, like the dragon ascended to the sky, and rushed towards Yiyi's big hand.


The two confronted, and a terrible collision occurred in that void.

Now both sides are trying their best to show their best combat power.

After a blow, Yi Yin's giant claws were shaken.

Xiao Qianlong's body shook, and he was backed up by the horrible aftershocks.

However, as Qian Qianlong stepped back, Xiao Qianlong took a fierce step and forcibly stabilized his body. The big hand moved, carrying a monstrous war intention to make a strong shot.

Broken Star!

Xiao Qianlong pulled with both hands, condensing the ultimate intent to fight, the palm turned into a fist, and blasted directly to Yi Yi in front.

This is the second type of killing sky, broken star!

A punch was blown out, and there was a bloom of the gods on the fist, and the vast warfare burst out like a razor blade, rushing forward.

Behind the fist there was a sea of ​​warfare sweeping away.


The fist passed by, and the void ahead was smashed.

There was a big explosion in that void, and the terror wave was about to wipe out all directions.

"The killing style is Shinto martial arts. Under the gods, it is rare to be able to perform this hand style." On the high stage, Xiao Zhentian's eyes condensed and murmured, "This Qianlong dude can easily do this second style. It is worthy to be seen as a hero of ancient times when it is displayed. Look at his prestige, which already contains the trend of broken stars. "

Broken Star ...

This style is really powerful, and it can be exhibited by combining supreme warfare and divine power.

If the King of God makes a shot, with this punch, it can really break the stars.

"Is Gu Tiangong?" Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed and he just stared forward.

He also felt a terrifying power from this punch.

First of all, the kind of war will be irresistible.

As the son of the God King, this Qian Qianlong's mood of war surpassed countless people and reached a very high level.

Secondly, this fist contains Shinto mystery, which is not comparable to mortal martial arts.

Therefore, this punch was so powerful that Xiao's children were in awe of it.

At the same time, everyone could not help but Yi Yi pinch sweat.

Can this little guy resist the power of this punch?

"Yi Yi!" Ren Kexinyu clenched her hands, her nails were not in the flesh, but she didn't even notice it.

Although she is also confident that her eyes are strong, she can reverse the world.

But now it seems that this Xiao Qianlong is out of reach!


This punch was really strong, Yi Yi frowned, and felt the other party's difficulty.

But the little guy wasn't afraid.

Instead, under the kind of oppression, it will continue to excite the power of blood.

When the power of the bloodline is stimulated ~ ~ it opens its mouth like a dragon head.

The dragon's beak is open, with a dazzling light pattern.

At the same time, a multicolored **** pattern shrouded in all directions, turned into a huge cyclone, and evolved into a world.

The power of imprisonment permeated in that colorful light.

Under such force, the void was imprisoned, and the momentum of Xiao Qianlong's blow weakened.

"It didn't do its best?" Feeling the discoloration of Yiyi's breath, Xiao Qianlong's pupils shrank.

But without waiting for him to react too much, the dragon's mouth in front was wide, extending indefinitely, swallowing directly at him.

Just momentarily, Yi Yi's big mouth appeared beside Xiao Qianlong.

The lingering lines linger in his mouth, gradually dissolving the power of that punch.

This is the power of decomposition!

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