Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1672: defeat?

Yi Yi shots with all his strength, mouth to swallow.

At the same time, an imprisonment force continued to fall down, and Xiao Qianlong was imprisoned.

In this way, everyone could faintly see that the goddess blooming from Xiao Qianlong's fist gradually restrained, and the fluctuations caused by it began to freeze.

"This ..." Xiao Zhentian's eyes were shocked.

"The Shinto power of Qianlong's attack was imprisoned?" The eight gods were shocked inside, all with incredible expressions.

They knew Xiao Qianlong's strength.

How many people can resist when he kills him?

Now his attack has been resolved.

What a terrible thing!

"That little beast is not easy!" Xiao Zhan took a deep breath and murmured.

"But I don't know if Qianlong can break the restraint force!" Xiao Zhentian and other elders Xiao Xiao twinkled, muttering inexplicably.

Xiao Qianlong, Xiao's ancient heroes, overwhelmed Xiao's contemporaries. If he cannot break the attack of this little beast, it will undoubtedly hurt Xiao's confidence.

At this time, Xiao's children all stared at the void ahead.

The field quieted inexplicably.

Even Xiao Yun is paying attention to the front.

Yi Yi also shocked him with the power released.

"If you encounter such a magical power, it will be a big trouble!" Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

This magical power is as difficult as swallowing the magical power of heaven.

When the crowd was paying close attention to the battle platform, Xiao Qianlong was also ashamed.

He deeply felt Yi Yi's power.

The giant mouth opened to engulf him, and the drooping pattern on it contained the force of imprisonment.

Not only that, the power of disintegration also weakened his divine power.

This turned his original mighty blow into a mediocre blow.

Even he was in danger of being swallowed.

It can be said that during this confrontation, he fell into the downwind.

"Supernatural power is very strong, but it is not irresistible." Xiao Qianlong's eyes lightened. Suddenly, the light lines on his eyebrows flickered, and a source of God lines appeared.

This is the source of his war martial spirit.

When the original divine pattern emerged, the vast divine power stunned and immediately shattered the restraining force.

In this way, Xiao Qianlong was able to regain control of his own power, and the fist that had been struck out spurted out, shaking the void in front of him.

Yi Yi came a little under this punch.

Taking advantage of this, Xiao Qianlong's big hand recovered and began to print.

At the origin of his eyebrows, the divine patterns flickered, and all the divine patterns were released.

In this divine pattern contains a monstrous warfare, but also contains amazing divine power.

"With the power of my origins, consolidate the seal of war!" Xiao Qianlong's eyes condensed, and a deep voice spit out of his mouth.

When the voice fell, there was a divine seal in his hands.

This is the divine seal woven with divine patterns.

The seal of God was formed, but it contained heaven and earth, like a starry sky, with silhouettes emerging.

This figure is Xiao Qianlong himself.

This is the seal of war God formed by his original **** pattern, which contains his martial will and the original **** seal.

It can be said that this is his strongest blow.


The seal of God of War condensed and formed.

The vastness and power shook, making the world tremble.

The world evolved by Yiyin's multicolored **** pattern is also slightly trembling, and Xiao Qianlong cannot be completely covered.

"Mark of War God!" On the high platform, several gods' eyes were exposed.

These seals of God are not condensed by ordinary people.

It is difficult to reach this point even if it is formed by agglomeration.

God of War!

On the battle platform, Xiao Qianlong pulled with both hands, and a low voice sounded.

Then he saw a flash of the imprint in his hands and floated forward.

When the seal of God shone, there was a **** of war strolling out of it.

This **** of war looks the same as Xiao Qianlong.

With a big movement of his hand, holding the seal, he was suppressing towards Yi Yi ahead.


The seal of God pressed down, and the endless divine power spurted out.

Accompanied by that skyward battle.


Under the divine seal, the void in front of it collapsed, and the multicolored divine pattern collapsed.

In the end, God's seal struck Yi's opened mouth.

The zhanyuan's pattern blooms and the seal of God is engaged in fierce confrontation.

This is a battle of Shinto power and a confrontation of supernatural powers.

Yiyi is superb and world-wide, dissolving the vast war will.

But the imprint of this **** is too strong, after all, it is still beyond Yi Yi's tolerance.

Under that shock, Yi Yi's gigantic mouth flickered and dissipated immediately.

When its huge mouth dissipated, a vast divine power came along to suppress it.


Yi Yi's giant claws were empty, resisting the divine power, and colliding with the divine seal.

However, the seal of God was unstoppable, and the immense power of the gods came in, swallowing Yi Yi directly like the ocean.

Later, Xiao's children in the distance could see Yi Yi being shocked.

At the time of Zhenfei's huge body, there was a ripple, and the scales on his body dissipated, and he turned from a state of the ancient beast into a little beast.


At the same time, a mouthful of blood was also spit from his mouth.

"Yiyi!" Seeing this, Xiao Yun's eyes flickered, and after exclaiming, he strolled and appeared on the front stage.

On the battle platform, there were vast aftermaths raging on. After Xiao Yun stepped into it, he transformed into a world and evolved to swallow the weather. He stood directly in front of Yi Yi to resist the aftershock. After swallowing that power, Xiao Yun's mystery of swallowing the magical power of heaven is even stronger now.

The aftermath was swallowed up, Yi Yi's body was rolled up by Xiao Yun, and ingested around him.

Looking at that mouth spitting blood, turned into a furry little beast, Xiao Yun's eyes showed pity.

Alas, alas!

But Yi Yi drew a little paw, and babbled in her mouth.

Look at that, the little guy is saying, I haven't lost yet, I still have a fight.

At the moment of babbling, the little guy really wanted to break away from Xiao Yun's great hand-rolling force, and it really seemed like he was going to fight.

"No need." Seeing the stubborn, unwilling to admit defeat, Xiao Yun smiled, then hugged him, and said, "You are already very good, there is no need to prove anything. In time, you will sweep the world, The fastest growing beast. "Xiao Yun is really optimistic about Yi Yi's potential.


Hearing Xiao Yun's praise, Yi Yi narrowed her eyes, and lay prone in Xiao Yun's palm.

Xiao Yun smiled indifferently.

No matter how powerful this little animal becomes in the future, in his eyes, it will always be the lovely Yi.

Then his eyes moved and he turned towards Xiao Qianlong ahead.

At this time, Xiao Qianlong's body was shocked, and the Seal of War God had been restrained and turned into a divine pattern into the original divine pattern of his brows.

But his momentum remained the same, and the warfare around him rolled like an ocean, making him the same **** of war, and spreading his own worldly power.

That sharp edge, even Xiao Yun frowned slightly.

"You little beast is good." Seeing Xiao Yun on the stage, Xiao Qianlong's eyes lightened, Shen cried.

At this time he also had to admit Yi Yi's strength.

If he hadn't used the power of the original **** pattern, I'm afraid he would not be able to defeat the opponent.

"Qianlong's fighting power is so amazing that he is worthy of being an ancient hero!" Xiao Yun said, his tone was still high.

Even if the opponent is a Son of God, he still does.

As a practitioner, he has his own confidence.

The Son of God is powerful, but Xiao Yun believes that as long as he strives to cultivate, he will not succeed in the future.

So there is no need to bow down.

If at this time because they are inferior to the other side, they are humiliating, not the martial arts.

Cultivators should have no fear, no power in their eyes, and no bloodlines.

Some are just Tao!

"Oh, I'm waiting for the Son of God, naturally not comparable to the world." Xiao Qianlong laughed loudly, and the eyebrows were still full of pride, "You little beast is very strong, but you don't know how powerful your master is? Is your contemporary arrogance well-deserved? "His words are vague, but they undoubtedly challenge Xiao Yun.

This made Xiao Yun slightly hesitated.

"Is Qianlong son challenging Xiao Yun son?" Those Xiao children in the field were also stunned.

After sacrifice, everyone soon had the desired light.

One is the ancient Gaijiejie!

One is contemporary Gai Daijiejie!

Are these two stubborn?

Everyone wants to know the result.

This is also true of people like Xiao Zhentian and Xiao Mu.

"Although Xiao Yun is powerful, he is not the son of the God King after all, and he has no sense of the mystery of Shinto. If he had a war, he would lose his innate advantage." Xiao Kuanglong's eyes sank, his heart darkened.

"The Son of God has a unique advantage. Now that the path of God is not open, it is difficult for me to comprehend the mystery of Shinto. Even if I can comprehend it, after all, I have n’t set foot in this realm. How can I cultivate with these people for years, and how long I have comprehended it God's son is comparable? This Qianlong son challenged Xiao Yun at this time, not enough minded. "

Xiao Hong kept secretly in his heart.

Many people think so.

They naturally know why Xiao Qianlong challenged Xiao Yun.

This is going to lead!

Suddenly, everyone fell on Xiao Yun.

The crowd was waiting for his answer.

Someone is full of expectations and wants to see Xiao Yun's unique style.

Some people shook their heads and did not want Xiao Yun to fight at this time.

At least he has to wait for him to cultivate for a while, and touch the mystery of Shinto.

The battle at this time was undoubtedly a stretch out of your face and let people fight!

This is unwise.

After the battle between Xiao Qianlong and Yiyi just now, everyone knew the strength of the former.

Xiao Yun also knew that Xiao Qianlong was very powerful and worthy of being an ancient hero.

The same is the case ~ ~ When Xiao Qianlong spoke, he was stunned, apparently did not expect this person to challenge his junior.

But his eyes moved, and after seeing Xiao Qianlong's smile, Xiao Yun knew that the other party was doing so intentionally, and he was fighting with him.

This is to kill chickens, tamarins and monkeys.

"Oh, Qianlong is going to fight with me?" After knowing Xiao Qianlong's intention, Xiao Yun frowned and laughed loudly.

"The seal is boundless. It's a rare activity. You should be happy, but you don't know if you have this intention?" Xiao Qianlong smiled, and said nothing else, just because of interest.

But everyone in the field knows that he is going to stand up.

"Being able to fight against the ancient heroes is a great thing in life. Since Qianlong has the intention, Xiao Yun should be accompanied!"

Xiao Yun laughed.

"Ask for next month's ticket and recommendation ticket, everyone can also introduce a lot of friends to support it."

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