Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1673: Even if lost, ...

This time when I came to see the Son of God, Xiao Yun really wanted to see the manner of these Sons of God. ≤u? ∥∈∥∧≤≥v8∈ ≧ Fiction ≦ ∈.╇.

It was just a battle with this godson, or against the strongest Xiao Qianlong, but he never thought about it.

Because he set foot in the semi-godder, his foundation was still unstable.

But since the other party has indicated that he is going to fight, how can he refuse?

Even if you lose!

Try your best to fight even if you lose!

"This Xiao Yun is fighting!" When Xiao Yun spoke, there was an uproar immediately on the suspended platform.

"It is not wise to fight at this time!" Xiao Hong sighed.

"This battle, Xiao Yun will most likely lose!" Many people secretly murmured.

Just nobody stopped.

They don't speak well either.

This battle is imperative for Xiao Qianlong.

"Xiao Yun ..." On the stand, Ren Kexin shouted, his eyes tense.

"How can Master Xiao Yun fight?" Ren Keying frowned.

"Yeah!" Yi Yi said lightly on the battle platform, and gestured towards Xiao Yun.

The little man gestured with his paw, and from time to time he turned towards the opposite Xiao Qianlong. The gem-like eyes had a fierce light flashing.

Then, his furry paw patted his chest, a confident look.

Look at this, it seems to be saying, let it deal with that Xiao Qianlong, it also assured Xiao Yun that he must win.

"Oh, you don't need to worry. As a practitioner, you should consult with people who are better than yourself. Only then can you really know your deficiencies and stimulate your potential. Otherwise, you just blindly consult with ordinary people. What's the point? "Seeing Yi Yi, Xiao Yun's heart felt extremely warm. v∈.┿╬.╳c╳o╇m

Although the little beast cannot speak.

But from its expression, Xiao Yun could feel the purest friendship.

Just this battle, he will not retreat.

"Yeah!" Yi Yi said lightly, blinking his eyes and staring at Xiao Yun, showing a worried face.

It fought with Xiao Qianlong and knew the strength of the other side.

"Hehe, you can rest assured, just to learn from each other." Xiao Yun laughed. "Furthermore, I am not without a fight."

He caressed Yi Yi's head and comforted the little guy.

"Yeah." Seeing Xiao Yun being so, Yi Yi said nothing, then stopped persuading.

It also knows Xiao Yun's dedication.

"You go down first!" Xiao Yun laughed.

Yi Yi nodded, and after giving Xiao Yun a cheering wink, it swept away towards the stand.

Ren Kexinyu opened her hand and took it into her arms.

While stroking Yi Yi's silky fluff, Ren Kexin's eyes turned forward with a little worry.

After Yi Yi went down, Xiao Yun raised his eyebrows lightly, his eyes flickered, and he looked forward.

At this time, Xiao Qianlong stared at Xiao Yun with a smile.

"The seal is bound for thousands of years. My Xiao family can still give you such arrogance. It is the happiness of my Xiao family. I hope you and I will have a great fight this time!" Xiao Qianlong laughed.

"Please!" Xiao Yun also politely reached out and made a gesture of please. ≮v ≦ ≤.╬.

"Okay!" Xiao Qianlong's eyes condensed, and when the voice fell, a vast blood power came out of him.

The war was like a sea, raging towards Xiao Yun.

In this battle, Xiao Yun could feel a sharp sense of Shinto.

This breath is similar to the breath left by his finger on Wuya.

But this breath is not pure enough, there is no real brand of Shinto.

But there is already the power of Shinto in this breath!

"Is this because his blood power contains divine power?" Xiao Yun was meditating at the time of induction.

Only through constant reflection and verification can we analyze the root of this Shinto mystery.

Only in this way can he improve.

Therefore, even if he fought with others, Xiao Yun still held a learning attitude, rather than a fierce mentality of fighting with others.

If you are blindly thinking about competing with others, how can you calmly comprehend the mysteries of each one?

This is why Xiao Yun is promoted as a result of repeated consultations.

Because all he wanted was to improve himself.

The vast momentum swept through, Xiao Yun did not immediately resist, he first allowed these momentums to impact on himself, he carefully sensed.

Under this induction, he soon realized the difference in momentum.

"Although this momentum contains Shinto momentum and is accompanied by divine power, but because the Shinto brand has not been condensed, it is not eternal and can still be resolved." With a little induction, Xiao Yun realized the weakness of this momentum, far from being The momentum emitted by that finger is comparable, which is the difference between a deity and a non-god. Net ≤.┿.

"So, swallow it!" After feeling the difference in momentum, Xiao Yun was so moved that a ripple rippled around him and swallowed the weather.

He is like a whole swallow.

When the momentum raged and hit him, he was like an abyss, and swallowed it directly.

Then began to refine.

Devouring the uprising works, refining that momentum a little bit.

"Although refining is more laborious than other forces, at least it can still be refined!" Xiao Yunxin has a definition.

Of course, this is only his analysis of Xiao Qianlong's strength, but it does not mean that he can defeat the opponent.

"Refined me, all refined?" Opposite, Xiao Qianlong froze slightly.

With the mind's perception, he clearly showed that his released momentum was refined by Xiao Yun.

This surprised him slightly.

After all, he has the power of Shinto.

If it were an ordinary demigod, he would simply not be able to withstand his momentum.


After a little surprise, Xiao Qianlong's eyes flashed, and the step was a violent step.

When he stepped forward, the big hand moved, and the shot went away.

The palm fell, the world shivered, and the towering warfare capsized like the sea.

The simple blow contained infinite warfare and towering magic.

The big hand hit and covered the sky, covering Xiao Yun and the battle platform.

As soon as Xiao Yun's eyes were condensed, the step took off, and his fist blasted out. ≠ ≤∈⊥.╇.

Heaven and Earth Boxing!

Xiao Yun punched out and took the world with him.

The fist flickered, and heaven and earth floated up and down.

When the world was ups and downs, there was another abyss that was swallowing the sky.

This devouring abyss released the devouring upright righteousness, devouring the towering warfare from the front.

It can be said that Xiao Yun's attack was also extremely mysterious.

First, the power of heaven and earth directly crushed each other with supreme power.

Secondly, that swallowing upright mystery is using mysterious means to resolve the power of the other party.

How many people can resist the two together?

Under this kind of force, the combat power of the towering sea was directly resolved.

Then Xiao Yun's fist exploded on the big hand with an irresistible trend.


The fist passed, the void trembled, and the divine pattern bloomed by the big hand collapsed, and was directly blasted by a punch, even the heaven and earth evolved by the big hand collapsed.

"There is a bit of momentum!" Xiao Qianlong moved his palm and quickly retracted, and the body slightly backed away.

"Since you are going to fight, you will do your best!" Xiao Yun took advantage of the attack, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

Immediately after that, his fist blasted out, carrying the situation of heaven and earth.

After re-understanding the mysteries of the heavens and the earth, Xiao Yun's strength has reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Even if it is Xiao Qianlong, it is difficult to please him if he doesn't do his best.

"Then I'll do it for you!" Seeing Xiao Yun's aggressive attack, Xiao Qianlong's mouth evoked a radian, and the step was taken.

Accompanied by a strong sense of warfare and towering divine power.

Looking from a distance, you can see that his blood is soaring into the sky, and the body has the divine power flashing with divine patterns.

These forces were pulled by both hands and integrated into martial arts.

He really shot with all his strength.

Kill the sky!

When pulled by divine power, Xiao Qianlong exhibited a sky-stretching start-up style, cracking the sky!

He has a large hand like a blade, with a flickering sacred awn, and cuts directly forward.


However, he saw the void be cut off, and the blade-like palms carried vast warfare against Xiao Yun's fist.

Heaven and earth floated on that fist, but Xiao Qianlong's big hand only had a sturdy spirit and infinite warfare.

This is a domineering blow. For Gu Tiangong, it will be broken.

So there is no need for too much magical change.

When the big hand was cut, the light veins in Xiao Yun's fist flickered, and a huge swallow turned like a python, swallowing directly towards the big hand.

The devouring force first dissolves that powerful force.


The blade-like hand was cut in contact with the cyclone.

At that moment, the void trembled, and horrible ripples shook.

The swallowing weather spins and stirs madly, with the pattern of mixed elements turning into the blade of devouring, to shatter the Shinto power.

After comprehending the uprising of the beginning of the world, Xiao Yun also had preliminary control over the power of the Yuan Dynasty.

Under the blessing of the power of the mixed yuan, swallowing up the upheaval also became stronger.

Therefore, in this confrontation, Xiao Qianlong was unable to defeat the cyclone in one fell swoop.

The two sides were entangled for a breath.

But the divine power is vast and unparalleled, and the power of ancient heaven is irresistible. The big hand of God is broken and the pattern of devouring is torn apart.

In the end, the weather swept away, and Xiao Qianlong came to attack.


The hand-blade dazzling, dazzling, appeared in front of Xiao Yun.

At this time, Xiao Yun's fist also met.

Reincarnation Uprising!

When the fist met, another kind of magical mystery was urged by Xiao Yun.

At this time, Xiao Qianlong's momentum was slightly weakened.

In this way, the big hand gave a slight meal under the samsara of reincarnation.

"Binghuo Upright!" Then, Binghuo Upright took advantage.

Under this mystery, Xiao Qianlong felt that the power released by him was gradually frozen.

At that moment, only 80% remained.

"This Xiao Yun actually controls so many magical powers!" The two confronted each other and could clearly sense the magical powers of the other side. After feeling several kinds of magical powers that Xiao Yun exhibited instantly, Xiao Qianlong was also surprised. The strength of this junior, beyond his imagination, is indeed a genius.


When Xiao Qianlong was slightly surprised, the fist and his big hand had already hit each other.

The fist exploded, and the momentum was immense, as if there was a world of suppression.

That mighty power seems to be able to overwhelm the sky.

Even Xiao Qianlong frowned.


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