Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1674: Eye-catching [...

Under Xiao Yun's fist, the gods blooming from Xiao Qianlong's big hand collapsed, and the vast warfare began to disintegrate.

Of course, Xiao Yun also endured a strong kickback.

The opponent's divine power is extremely powerful, reaching the level that ordinary people cannot reach.

You know, this Xiao Qianlong just released the momentum that contains divine power, not to mention he hit it with all his strength?

Under the impact of this divine power, the light streaks on his fist also collapsed, and an astonishing force came from the waves, making his body back and forth.

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Thus, in the void, both Xiao Qianlong and Xiao Yun retreated.

After their retreat, the confrontational place collapsed, and heavy waves set off thousands of meters high, and horrible waves shook all directions, flooding the mountains and rivers.

The two retreated, each standing on the edge of the platform.

The violent waves oscillated, but they were directly shaken by their powerful momentum.

On the viewing platform, everyone was already tense.

"This Xiao Yun actually resisted the full blow of Qianlong's son." The eight gods were all surprised.

Xiao Qianlong shot just now, but he performed Gu Tiangong!

It stands to reason that this should be enough to push Xiao Yun across.

You know, even in ancient times, Tianjiao can take Xiao Qianlong's full blow.

But the children of later generations took the attack hard, how could these godsons not be surprised.

"The son of Xiao Yun is not bad." As for Xiao Tianxiang and others, they were inexplicably excited, and the eyes glaring forward were fiery.

If Xiao Yunneng can compete with Xiao Qianlong, these children will be ashamed.

"Yes, I didn't expect that you came out of your own path." On the battle platform, Xiao Qianlong's eyes flickered, and he looked at Xiao Yun with a look of astonishment.

In his eyes, there was no such contempt.

This young man deserves his solemn treatment.

From the confrontation just now, he has found that Xiao Yun does not rely on Xiao's war martial spirit.

He relies on another Tao.

A way of heaven and earth is stronger than Zhan Wuhun.

It surprised him.

At the same time, he also understands why this young man's ability overwhelms his contemporaries.

"The blood of the gods is also very strong." Xiao Yun's eyes lightened and said so.

But these words were heard in Xiao Qianlong's ears, but they were a little upset.

Although they have not yet won the battle, the difference between the two sides has been determined.

For example, Xiao Qianlong relied on the blood of the **** king, and relied on the power of his fathers to suppress the contemporaries.

Although he is also the pride of heaven, he has unique views on martial arts.

But compared to Xiao Yun who did not rely on the supernatural powers of his predecessors and walked out of his own way, it was still worse.

At this time Xiao Qianlong also understood why the young man was not so concerned about the so-called deities.

Because he had already walked out of his own way long ago, ordinary gods could not provide real help at all, and everything had to be explored by himself.

"God is naturally extraordinary!" However, although Xiao Qianlong knew in his heart that Xiao Yun was talented and surpassed himself, he still didn't mean to be convinced. On the contrary, his idea of ​​defeating the young man in his heart became stronger. Pressing this youth, I'm afraid that this child will not be able to take orders.

"Next, I'll let you learn the real Shinto power!" Xiao Qianlong's eyes flashed, and the blood in his body rose like a roar of a dragon, and the veins of divine power rose up.

The power of the blood veins is stimulated, and the imprint of the blood veins of the gods contained in it also rises to the **** pattern.

This divine pattern is dazzling, accompanied by an amazing divine power.

Xiao Qianlong hauled with both hands, and gathered endless divine power.

This time his momentum suddenly climbed to an unattainable level of ordinary people. The divine power shock, accompanied by a mighty divine power, made people scared.

This is the oppression from the blood.

In the distance, those Xiao's children couldn't help but turned pale, shocked by the coercion.


When the blood power was inspired, Xiao Qianlong shot strong again.

The big hand cracked and fell to Xiao Yun.

Opposite Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and that step was also taken violently.

Although this Xiao Qianlong's blood is amazing, the **** is so powerful that even his Zhanwu soul feels tremendous oppression.

"Return to the beginning!" But Xiao Yun was not an independent martial arts soul, and that the operation of the mixed world was to resolve this oppression.

Everything in the world, everything is back!

Even with blood pressure.

When that big hand struck, Xiao Yun stepped forward and rushed away again.

This time with a punch, the sky and earth trembled ahead, and a hazy world evolved.

This time no longer evolved to swallow the weather, Xiao Yun directly fisted, and evolved into the Yuanyuan heaven and earth to meet the killing sky.

The hazy sky rises and falls, and the pattern of the mixed element stirs, engulfing the sky.

Xiao Qianlong was so war-fighting that the gods were so powerful that his large hand and **** pattern bloomed, tearing the pattern of the hybrid Yuan and killing Xiao Yun directly.

It was only when he killed the past that people in the distance saw the volume of the zhanyuan pattern and wrapped it.

But in it, Xiao Qianlong's momentum remained the same. He wanted to tear the world and kill Xiao Yun.

The divine power shook, and the horrific warfare swept through, breaking up the world, making this mixed world tremble.

However, just as the mixed world trembled, there was a mysterious mysterious derivative inside.

"Mixed Yuan Uprising, all things belong to the original!" Xiao Yun was moved, and in the mixed Yuan Tiandi there was an uprising operation, strange powers covering the whole world.

Under this mystery, it seems that all powers and all magical powers will belong to the time when the day and the earth are not open.

Even the vast divine power is disturbed by this power, and it seems that it really needs to be reduced to the original and integrated into the mixed world.

"What is this uprising!" When this uprising emerged, Xiao Qianlong finally changed his color.

When the upanishad overturned, the reincarnation upanishad followed.

As soon as the reincarnation uprising came out, Xiao Qianlong's attack strength became weaker.

His divine power really shows signs of being incorporated into the world of mixed Yuan.

At this moment, even Xiao Qianlong was anxious.

"Broken!" Xiao Qianlong tried his best to run the divine power to resist the mystery of the mixed world.

However, he still couldn't get rid of that bondage.

"He has upheld the power of rules in this world?" Xiao Qianlong's face was completely calm.

Xiao Yunzhi's strength is beyond his imagination.

It is also his immense power, otherwise he can't resist this world uprightness.

But he couldn't get rid of this power.

When Xiao Qianlong was constrained by the uprising, the fist had already bombarded him, and directly confronted him like a blade-like hand, colliding with terror waves.


The loud noise shook the sky, and the immense power of the heavens and the earth struck, crushing the power of Xiao Qianlong's blow, and the horrifying power passed into his body along his arm.

Suddenly, Xiao Qianli felt his arms were numb and seemed to be broken.

At the same time, a huge wave slammed on his body, his bones rattled, cracks appeared, and the blood in his body tumbled, and the blood rose from his throat.


A bite of blood spit out of his mouth, and Xiao Qianlong's body was shaken by a mighty might.

On the battlefield, the hazy sky shivered and a figure stepped back.

When the figure stepped back, those practitioners who watched the war were widening their eyes.

Then everyone saw Xiao Qianlong who looked a little embarrassed.

There was still blood spilling from the corner of Xiao Qianlong's mouth.

"Qianlong's son was repelled?" Seeing this, Xiao Zhentian's pupils suddenly shrank, revealing surprise.

"This ..." Xiao Mu froze completely, and seemed unable to believe the scene in front of him.

How powerful Xiao Qianlong was. He shot with all his strength and performed Gu Tiangong, but was repelled.

how can that be?

The minds of countless practitioners revealed an incredible look.

But when they looked around, they were completely still when they turned to the other side.

On the other side of the battle platform, he saw the hazy world restrained, Xiao Yun's hair fluttered, and he walked out of it. At this time, his eyes were filled with transcendent temperament, and he looked like a avenue from ancient chaos The son, that temperament, makes one cannot help but worship.

"This Xiao Yun is so powerful?" Eight deities are also surprised.

"Mr. Xiao Yun is really amazing!" When many young people of Xiao's family turned to Xiao Yun, their eyes were worshipped.

Ren Kexin's tense voice was also relaxed.

"A child in the next generation can practice this way?" On the battle platform, Xiao Qianlong's eyes flickered, and Xiao Yun showed complex colors when he looked forward.

Originally, after being born, after discovering that the children of the Xiao family had thin bloodlines, Xiao Qianlong had no hope for the children of the next generation.

The same is true, he will show contempt when he meets everyone.

Even in the face of Xiao Yun, he didn't pay much attention to it.

But after this battle, he realized the power of this young man.

"If you cannot defeat him in this battle, you will not be able to order Xiao's children in the future!" Xiao Qianlong's eyes flashed. "Even if he is truly talented, this battle must still be defeated!" It is the flickering of the **** pattern, a sense of origin permeates, and endless war will sweep all directions.

This time, Xiao Qianlong did not hesitate to procure the original **** pattern.

"Original **** pattern!" When the breath came out, the eight gods flashed.

They knew that Xiao Qianlong would defeat Xiao Yun next.

But there was no trace of joy on their faces.

As a **** child, how can you be happy when you have to use the original **** pattern to force a younger generation?

Primal **** pattern, which contains the most primitive divine power, has the purest war martial spirit mystery.

This is also the root of Xiao Qianlong.

When the power of this source spurred, UU read the book the war-fighting spirit increased, Xiao Qianlong's momentum rose.

Today, he is flying soaring, and the whole man has become fierce when he changed the previous slump.


He strode forward and performed Gu Tiangong.

Sky-Breaking Stars!

After the first show, he performed another.

Before urging the source **** pattern, his divine power could not support him to perform two ancient Tiangong successively.

But now it's different.

He has enough power to perform this ancient Tiangong.

Suddenly, the front was empty, and his hand was cut to Xiao Yun like a magic blade.

After a blow, another fist came to blow the stars.

That is Zhan Wuhun's shot.

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