Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1675: Although defeated

On the battlefield, Xiao Qianlong did not hesitate to urge the original **** pattern again and tried his best.

This time his deity's big hand was broken, but Wu Hun was a broken star.

The deity shot with Wu Hun, and the offensive was irresistible.

He had the power to break the void and drown all directions.

This kind of offensive, below the deities, really few people can resist.

"This momentum ..." Xiao Tianxiang and others tightened their nerves.

& n * pig * pig * island * fiction w.zuzdbsp; The crowd seemed extremely nervous.

At the same time, they also sweated for Xiao Yun.

"Is the power of the original **** pattern?" Xiao Yun frowned on the battle platform.

He is also familiar with this power.

Like Ren Kexin at the time, she was amazed when she urged the power of the original **** pattern, which was unmatched.

This Xiao Qianlong is also the son of the **** king, and the power of the original **** pattern cannot be inferred.

Now that he is shooting with all his strength, the power is really irresistible.

Even Xiao Yun felt the pressure.

It's the same. At the beginning, he felt that his chance of winning was not big.

But at this moment Xiao Yun had to deal with it with all his strength.

All he saw was his eyes condensing, striding forward, ripples on him, and the pattern of mixed yuan blooming.

Then Xiao Yunru turned into a world and headed straight ahead.

In the middle of the day, Xiao Yun strolled and evolved a swallowing weather spin, engulfing Xiao Qianlong's offensive.

However, that ancient Tiangong momentum is like a rainbow, tearing up the swallowing pattern instantly.

The world he evolved is trembling.


When that big hand and fist blasted, the reincarnation uprising performed.

However, under the absolute power, the reincarnation uprising collapsed, and even the original returning power of Yuanyuan Tiandi became smaller, which could not affect Xiao Qianlong's attack.


Then, the world collapsed and Xiao Yun's figure appeared.

He was hit by those two attacks, and the powerful force shook his bones.

In Xiao Yun's body, the blood was about to rupture.

Not only that, his soul was also under tremendous oppression.

That kind of oppression made his first baby seem to collapse.

You know, now Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying is about to transform into Yuan Shen. He is already extremely powerful.

But under the attack of Xiao Qianlong, he still felt great oppression.

It can be seen that Xiao Qianlong's hit is strong.

That divine impact, every trace seemed to tear the world.

Xiao Yun's body was torn by a Wandao sharp blade.

His clothes were cracked, dense cracks appeared on his bones, and his flesh was cut.

Xiao Qianlong's blow was really too powerful.

You know, the true mystery of Shinto is just the momentum, which contains the imprint of Shinto, which can tear the world and destroy all directions.

Although Xiao Qianlong has not controlled this kind of Shinto power, but he has also touched this doorway. Now he has inspired the divine power within the original **** pattern. The power is naturally not comparable to ordinary people. Even on this suspended platform, everyone felt a The depressive breath of the stock market is the force of oppression.

It is Xiao Qianlong's power that has given way to the avenue.

We must know that if the restraint of the Shinto avenue on the Shinto power is very weak today, the force that the average person simply urges cannot cause the sensation of the avenue.

But this Xiao Qianlong caused a sense of avenue.

Of course, Xiao Qianlong also had some reservations, especially when he felt the power of the road immediately restrained the momentum, a fear of inspiring the road punishment, he was afraid of the power of the road, At that time, I don't know how many gods fell on the power of this avenue!

"Mystery of life!" When the flesh was torn, Xiao Yun immediately activated the meaning of life.

There was a flicker of blue light on him, repairing his body.

"Swallow the sky!" At the same time, he operated the swallowing magical power, engulfing the lingering aftermath.

Although he couldn't completely swallow it, he might swallow it a bit, and it would also reduce the impact of the shock he suffered.

In addition, Xiao Yun's knowledge of the sea has also been strongly impacted.

You know, the war is invisible, the divine power is overbearing, and he directly invades the sea.

Under this oppression, Xiao Yun's Zhan Wuhun tried his best to resist.

Of course, Xiao Yun, who has a magic soldier, is naturally not afraid.

But he did not urge the soldiers.

Because this is learning.

He can lose in this kind of consultation!

But can not use the magic soldier!

Once the magical soldiers are used, they fall into the best.


Defeated and decent.

Therefore, within the knowledge of the sea, Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying also evolved supernatural powers.

There is a magical power that swallows the heavens, engulfing that power.

But the immense power and shock came from Xiao Yun's shot within the knowledge of the sea, he could not show his fist at all.

Under this kind of shock, Xiao Yun's Yuanying evolved into a supernatural power that collapsed and had a powerful divine impact on Yuanying.

Divine impact came to tear everything.

That kind of sternness is almost irresistible.

Even Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying collapsed.

"Divine power, indeed powerful!" Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying collapsed when he broke up.

Of course, he did so intentionally, and also wanted to use this to sharpen his Yuan Ying.

Divine shock, like baptism, reunited Xiao Yunyuan.

Only in Yuan Ying, there is a **** pattern with a light pattern flashing.

It was the life pattern that Xiao Yun gathered after a few nirvana.

Now Yuan Ying collapses, and the life pattern is also impacted by that divine power.

Under the impact of this divine power, the life pattern creeps and is derived from divine power. An inexplicable feeling pours into Xiao Yun's mind. It is a feeling of renewed power, and it seems that there is a long-lost power reuniting. It's just that this power is very weak, very slow, and not so surging.

"This is divine power?" Xiao Yun sensed carefully, his heart shook.

His life pattern really seems to be derived from divine power.

Although weak, it was a metamorphosis that gave him a vision.


At this point, Xiao Yun Nirvana was up and running, and that Yuan Ying reunited.

As for the vast divine power, it gradually weakened.


When Shi Haiyuan was condensed and formed, Xiao Yun's deity was shocked to the ground by the aftermath.

"Xiao Yun lost!" Xiao Xiao's children couldn't help exclaiming when Xiao Yun wolfed to the ground, his clothes were torn, rags were flying, and he looked like a fierce defeat.

"It's a pity!" Xiao Hong sighed, feeling a little sorry.

In his opinion, this war should not be fought now.

Especially after World War I, this idea was even worse.

Because from the confrontation just now, it is clear that Xiao Yun is not weaker than Xiao Qianlong at all.

Otherwise, how could this Xiao Qianlong urge the original **** pattern?

This is obviously driven by Xiao Yun to the point that he has to procure the original **** pattern.

If Xiao Qianlong does not have the original **** pattern, whoever is strong and who is weak in this battle will still say two things.

Of course, having the original **** pattern is also an advantage.

However, if Xiao Yun himself realized the power of Shinto and set foot on Shinto, then the advantage of Xiao Qianlong with the original God pattern would be weakened a lot.

Because Xiao Yun, who also has divine power, is not worse than Xiao Qianlong.

But at this time, the power of the **** between heaven and earth is still there, and everyone cannot become a god, and Xiao Yun who set foot in the semi-god realm cannot realize the mystery of Shinto so quickly. Naturally, there is no advantage. Many people in the Xiao family did not want Xiao Yun to fight at this time because it was not a fair battle at all.

It can be said that although Xiao Yun lost in this battle, he was defeated.

Because he forced Xiao Qianlong to use the power of the original **** pattern.

It was easily defeated by Xiao Qianlong.

"Oh!" Many people sighed, but didn't speak.

Because the other party was Xiao Qianlong, if they expressed their regrets, they would undoubtedly be on the opposite side of the Son of God.

So everyone was silent.

But when they turned to Xiao Yun, they were full of awe.

Because through this battle, they knew that this young man was extraordinary in combat power, and how talented he was. They were completely comparable to the Son of God, and his future was boundless.

But no one knew, but Xiao Yun had changed a little within the sea.

On the battle platform, Xiao Yun got up. He licked the blood on the corner of his mouth.

There, Xiao Qianlong stood proud.

"The Son of God is indeed very powerful!" Xiao Yun was surrounded by the lines of life, repairing his body, and at the same time, his eyes rose towards Xiao Qianlong's fist.

For Xiao Qianlong's original divine power, Xiao Yun knew about it when the former and Yiyi were in a war.

So Xiao Yun had expected the outcome of this battle.

Now after World War I, he has a more intuitive feeling of this divine power.

This power is really not so easy to resist.

Unless he also has such powers.

It's not so easy to get divine power.

He was not in a hurry.

"Oh, you are not bad. It is worthy of being Xiao's contemporary talent. It will shine in the future!" Xiao Qianlong laughed loudly and looked quite graceful.

His original divine pattern was introverted into the sea of ​​knowledge.

At the same time, the body's blood power is also submerged.

Now that Xiao Yun has conceded, then there is no need for him to continue his shot.

Otherwise, if it continues, it will seem a bit narrow-minded and will leave a bad impression in front of the people.

Although he is not very optimistic about contemporary Xiao's children.

But the continuation of a clan has to rely on these thousands of descendants.

Their few **** sons only play a role in picking the girders.

Xiao Yun held his fist and walked towards the audience.

As soon as Xiao Qianlong's eyes condensed, he walked towards the high platform.

Only momentarily, they both regained their seats.

On the platform, the nine gods looked different.

It's just obvious that when they look down at the younger children below, they have lost the previous arrogance.

Just before the war, Xiao Yun's strength surprised them.

They even have the feeling of being beaten.

Dignified God Son!

Xiao Qianlong, the head of the **** son, was forced to use the original **** pattern by a younger son.

For them only ~ ~ This battle is not a victory.

it's a shame.

But they need such a victory.

Without this victory, I am afraid they will lose their final cover.

At that time, the real face was lost.

So when Xiao Yun and Xiao Qianlong took their seats, the atmosphere in the field was awkward.

Xiao Mu and others did not know how to speak.

Afraid of saying something wrong, they provoked the Son of God.

Of course, as a hero, it is also difficult for them to say something against them.

After all, being in this class of people still has a bit of backbone.

They clearly saw that Xiao Yun's natural talents were different, and there was a tendency to surpass the Son of God, but they had to let them compliment the Son of God, and they felt a thorn in their hearts.

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