Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1677: hope

Xiao Yun put away Shentai, everything was as usual.

Although the Supreme Lord of Heaven once said that he should not let people easily observe God's platform.

But he was not afraid at this time either, and he was not afraid that the nine gods would forcibly take the stage.

First of all, he has a king of soldiers in his hand, and he has all kinds of means to trump cards. He really wants to do it, and he is not afraid of the gods.

Moreover, this altar has his soul imprinted, and it is not that they claim that seizure can be seized.

Now these **** sons return the **** stage, that is naturally the best.

| 猪 | 猪 | 岛 | Novel www. [Zhu] [zhu] []; "Now that the road of God is about to open, everyone will work hard and strive to set foot on Shinto together!" After drinking, Xiao Qianlong stood up and said to the people.

This also amounts to announcing the end of the party.

"I will definitely try to cultivate and grow Xiao's with the gods!" Xiao's children stood up and arched.

This meeting, although the attitude of the Son of God began to disappoint everyone.

But later the wine has gained a lot of benefits for everyone, and it is considered that this Qianlong boy has shown his sincerity.

In this way, everyone can be regarded as a release.

So when we are going to break up, everyone is in a good mood.

"Good!" Xiao Qianlong nodded.

Then everyone left one after another.

"Farewell!" Xiao Yun and the others arched their hands, and also took Yi Yi and Sister Ren to leave.

"This Xiao Yun has great potential!" When Xiao Yun and others left, the nine gods looked at the void and muttered.

"He walked out of his own way. If he set foot on the Shinto, it would be extraordinary!" Xiao Qianlong's eyes lighted and said, "I didn't expect that there would be such heavenly pride in future generations." For Xiao Yun, he also gave a very high evaluation, Although he was reluctant to admit it, he had to accept this indisputable fact.

The next **** nodded.

A person without an original **** pattern can fight Xiao Qianlong to this point.

"That little beast is also strong." Xiao Zhan said, "Have you ever seen that this is a little beast?"

"This beast is definitely not as simple as a **** beast." Xiao Qianlong shook his head, then said so.

"Isn't it that simple?" Wen Yan said, everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath, and stared more dizzily when he turned towards the direction where Xiao Yun left in the distance.

"Oh, you don't need to think much about it. He is my Xiao's child. If he is really better than me, it will be Xiao's blessing." Xiao Zhan laughed.

"So too." After hearing the words, the gods nodded.

"After all, the peak of Shinto is strong and weak, and my Xiao can't be invincible. It would be a good thing if there is a cover generation character in the clan." Xiao Qianlong nodded.

Although he is proud.

But he understood the truth.

Even if he overpowered Xiao's contemporaries, he was not able to overpower Tianjiao between heaven and earth.

In this case, it is naturally good to have one more character in the clan.

If a clan wants to grow, it cannot rely on only these gods.

After a few greetings, the sons of the gods also retired and went to practice with concentration.

"Little brother, can you be injured?" In the void, Ren Keying's long eyelashes blinked, and she worried about Xiao Yun.

The battle just now really worried her.

That Xiao Qianlong's imposing manner overwhelms the sky, is really almost comparable to the gods.

Ren Kexin clenched Xiao Yun's arm tightly, and also showed concern.

"Just rest assured, I don't have any big trouble." Xiao Yun laughed.

The battle just now really hurt him badly.

Under that divine power, his flesh and blood, and even the bones of his brow, were broken.

The same is true, a large amount of divine power invaded his sea of ​​knowledge.

However, it is not difficult for him to recover this injury after he has taken control of the life uprightness.

At this point his broken clothes had long been turned into nothingness, and replaced by the flame-condensed armor.

His long hair was quite imposing when flying.

"It's all right." Ren Keying was relieved.

"These gods are really strong." Ren Kexin's beautiful eyes blinked, and a bit of melancholy appeared in the jewel-like eyes.

She thought of Ren Zongzhu again.

As a major force in the sanctuary, the shadow gate certainly has a sealed son.

It is extremely difficult to rescue her father!

"The Son of God is indeed strong, but it is not invincible." Xiao Yun seemed to see the worry in Ren Kexin's heart, and said, "You can rest assured that in time, I will rescue the Sovereign." Yun didn't forget Ren Zong, but the shadow gate is mysterious, and the sanctuary is vast. It is not easy to find Ren Zong.

The most important thing is that Xiao Yun doesn't have enough strength yet.

If you find Ren Zongzhu, but fail to rescue him, you will fight against the grass, but it will be a bad thing.

So he must have enough confidence.

"Well." Seeing Xiao Yun say so, Ren Kexin nodded, and there was something inexplicable in her heart.

Over the years, Xiao Yun's efforts have always been in her eyes.

This young man has risen from the small Wuzong to the heaven and earth, and now in the sanctuary.

How difficult this road is, they know better than anyone else.

The same is true. Even though they are worried about his father's safety, Sister Ren did not urge Xiao Yun.

Because they knew the youth was hard enough.

"Now my life pattern has derived divine power, although it is still very little, but it is a hope. If it can be sustained, even if facing the Son of God, I will not lose my advantage. Even if I have enough divine power, I can completely suppress it. They are both. "Xiao Yun was groaning while Sister Ren's heart was secretive.

This battle allowed him to teach the might of the Son of God.

Similarly, he saw his hope.

"Let's work together to save the suzerain!" Finally, Xiao Yun and Sister Ren's came to the suspended platform where they lived, Xiao Yun encouraged.

"We will work hard!" Ren Keying nodded.

"Well." Ren Kexin also had a firm face, "I won't be worse than others."

She who has the original **** pattern is indeed no worse than others.

Even after seeing Xiao Qianlong's use of the power of the original **** pattern so powerful, Ren Kexin's confidence skyrocketed.

Seeing Xiao Shimei's appearance like this, Xiao Yun was not very embarrassed, her eyes regretted.

How cute and cute was the little sister at the time?

It's just a past, it's a memory, and there is no need to think about it.

Everything must grasp the present and work for the future.

Now the birth of the Son of God is the beginning of a world of contention.

Xiao Yun didn't dare to slack off, so he went back to his training room after a few greetings with the two sisters.

As for Yi Yi.

The blood flow between the little guy and Xiao Qianlong was inspired after World War I, and his strength was improved.

After the wine of Shenquan got down, it was already dizzy and turned and was lying in Xiao Yunhuai's snoring.

"This little guy has awakened his blood now, and he will become stronger and stronger in the future." Said the Supreme Devourer.

Looking at Yi Yi who was dazzling with radiance and aloof temperament, Xiao Yun could not help but evoke a smile.

The cute look of this guy is still vivid.

After placing Yi Yi on the side, Xiao Yun himself began to cross his knees.

First of all, he moved his mind and realized the life patterns in the sea.

At this time, the light pattern on this life pattern blooms, as the **** pattern is creeping, containing a pure divine power.

This divine power is still very thin.

However, under the careful induction of Xiao Yun, he can be sure that this is the real divine power, even more pure than that of Xiao Qianlong.

"Why is this?" Xiao Yun's eyes groaned.

In the past, he consulted many sources.

Also know about the life pattern.

This is the divine pattern left by the previous life of the practitioner, which records everything in the previous life.

This is also called the life pattern.

There are several ancient times of the Xiao family, and there are many ancient books in this respect.

The traditions of the practitioners are bloodline and Wuhun.

Constitution is also a kind of blood vein.

But besides that, there are the original divine patterns.

The so-called original **** pattern refers to the purest original mystery of this inheritance.

Such as swallowing the magical power of the heavens, there is the purest swallowing uprising within the original **** pattern. Once it is excited, that mystery will really swallow the heavens.

Of course, the original God pattern also has strength.

Such as Ren Kexin.

She is not a goddess, so the original **** pattern contains only the original mystery, but does not have too much Shinto power.

The original **** pattern was inspired, and all power was based on her realm.

But Xiao Qianlong was different.

He is the Son of God, not only the purest mystery of war, but also the power of Shinto.

This Shinto power can increase his combat power.

If you cooperate with the original warfare, that combat power will reach a peak.

The same is true of Xiao Yun.

In addition to the original **** pattern, there is a more mysterious heritage.

That is the life pattern.

The motif, the imprint of the imprint of the practitioner's previous life, is generally the only thing that can be left by the gods to awaken in the next life.

This requires step-by-step awakening, which constantly inspires life lines.

Although the moire was not very noticeable at first, the potential was infinite.

Because this includes the previous experience of the practitioner.

The enlightenment of the two generations is too important for the practitioner.

Many times, once the life pattern is awakened, the bottlenecks of this life will be resolved.

Xiao Yun didn't wake up at first.

Because his life pattern was incomplete and unsustainable.

If he had not realized the Nirvana uprising in this life, he would not have been able to reunite the life pattern.

Even after condensing the life patterns, they are also very incomplete, not even containing the divine power, and those fragments of memories of previous lives are also very blurred.

This is like a broken lifeline.

But now, the life pattern has a divine power.

This allows Xiao Yun to see hope ~ ~ This will also be the basis for his future battle with the sons of the gods.

"Just, how do you continue to complete this life pattern?" Xiao Yunmu groaned.

Now he senses carefully, still unable to use his own mind to stimulate the power of life.

"Do you know the meaning of the life pattern?" At last, Xiao Yun was so moved that he asked the Supreme Devourer.

Although he knew the sea turtles and phantoms.

But these two obviously I can't compare with the Supreme Devourer.

"Life pattern?" Throwing the eyes of Supreme Master, murmured, "This life pattern is the dejection of the gods ..."

He began to mutter.

"If the life pattern re-condenses, but it does not contain divine power ... how to let it derive divine power and mystery." Xiao Yun continued to ask, saying his own situation.

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