Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1678: See Gu Tiangong

As for the moire, although it is mentioned in ancient books, it is not too detailed. ╪╪┢╪. 〔[. c 《o

Especially the situation like Xiao Yun is rare in ancient times.

"This situation is a bit troublesome," Swallowing the Supreme Frown, said, "Life patterns are constantly broken in samsara, and they want to condense, unless they are re-condensed with the great magical power uprising. Why, you awaken the life pattern?"

"Good." Xiao Yun nodded.

"Okay!" After hearing the words, the Supreme Devourer exclaimed, "No wonder you always feel that you are an extraordinary kid, but you have awakened the life pattern. It seems that the previous life is also a god."

"Then how do you wake up?" He was full of expectations.

"Although there are memories of previous lives, they are slightly vague, unable to perceive the mysteries of Shintoism practiced in previous lives. There is no divine power in the life pattern. It was also shocked by that divine power today, but it suddenly excited a little divine power, but it was too weak to use Come and strengthen your body, and realize the mystery of Shinto. "Xiao Yun said with regret.

Now that the Son of God is born and the world is fighting, if he does not have enough strength, he will not be able to stand.

So now he urgently wants to improve his strength.

"It's a bit difficult for you." Swallowing Supreme Supreme frowned. "It seems that you must continue to be enlightened and reunited with the power of life pattern to make it perfect."

"Of course, this confrontation caused Mingwen to excite its power, and Xu was stimulated by it."

"Do you still have divine power?" Xiao Yunmulu asked.

"Do you want me to excite your life pattern?" Tun Tian supreme.

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded.

"You can give it a try!" Said Tuntian Supreme.

"Okay!" Then, Xiao Yun's mind moved, and the Yuanying didn't come out directly from the sea.

Devour the Supreme to release, and there will be a divine power released from the Devour Tower.

Of course, this divine power is suppressed, it is not pure, and it will not cause heaven to drop penalty.

Divine power is released, like a blade, to tear everything.

Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying was torn and his soul collapsed.

That divine impact also touched Xiao Yun's life pattern.

But this impact, the life pattern was just a ripple, there was no more divine power to breed.

At this time, the Supreme Devourer converged his divine power.

Otherwise, if he continues to shoot, under the impact of divine power, even if Xiao Yun controls Nirvana Uprising, the soul will be completely annihilated, and it will be ridiculed. .

Nirvana should be born again.

After all, this Nirvana uprising is also limited and cannot make people truly immortal.

Unless you control the complete Nirvana Uprising, control life and death!

Yuan Ying reunited, everything is the same.

Xiao Yun didn't feel that there were too many changes in that pattern.

"Useless." Xiao Yun was slightly lost.

"Mysterious patterns are related to the mysteries of the heavens and the earth. I think you have to continue to comprehend and consolidate the power of the vital patterns to produce the power of the previous life.

Swallowed Heaven said.

"It should be so." Xiao Yun nodded.

His life pattern is indeed condensed in the perception.

This time the divine power is derived, it should only be the power of the divine spirit that stimulates the life pattern.

If you want to keep improving, you have to continue to feel.

In this way, Xiao Yunyuan infant flashed into the sea of ​​knowledge.

Now that the quasi-god road is open, even if the fortune pattern has no derived divine power, he can set foot in the quasi-god realm.

"Improve your strength first. As for the matter of life pattern, you should come step by step." Xiao Yun secretly thought.

At this time, his strength is not bad.

After all, not many people like Xiao Qianlong.

"Nevertheless, the Divine Path is about to open, and my Divine Distillery will raise a lot more." Soon, Xiao Yun thought about it.

He thought of the gods needed by the three major protoss in the land of condemnation.

Although he has raised a lot, it is still not enough.

"There are so many people in Xiao's family. Let them search!"

Later, Xiao Yun found Xiao's people and asked them to help search for Divine Essence.

"I can collect the expenses of the gods," Xiao Yun said.

"Okay, rest assured, we will do our best to search for these **** extracts for Xiao Yun," Xiao said solemnly, "as for the cost, I can afford Xiao Xiao." How many deities, spiritual stones within the clan, and soldiers have been passed down a lot, and their financial resources are difficult for ordinary people to imagine.

Today, Xiao Yun's identity is comparable to that of the Son of God, and it is normal to get these resources.

With Xiao's promise, Xiao Yun left with satisfaction. ┞┞┞╪┠┟┠═. "".

After returning, Xiao Yun went to Xiao's Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to read ancient books.

First, he went to check the information about Mingwen.

"In my case, I really can't expect Mingwen to awaken, and to consolidate the power of Mingwen through her perception."

After consulting an ancient book, Xiao Yun knew more about himself.

For those who have inherited the life pattern by birth, they have complete life pattern, as long as they constantly awaken the power in it.

But Xiao Yun didn't inherit the life pattern originally. He reunited the life pattern through Nirvana, but had to rely on himself to reunite the life pattern.

"In Xiao, that ancient Tiangong power is also good."

After consulting some of Xiao's ancient books, Xiao Yun planned to learn about Xiao's ancient Tiangong and strengthen himself.

There are many martial arts inherited from the Xiao family.

Like dragons and snakes!

This is also an ancient skill. If you truly understand it, you can evolve from a dragon to a heaven and a snake to a great magical power.

Of course, Xiao's true town tribe's ancient merit is sky-high.

This is the seed of the Xiao family that can be cultivated.

Seeing Gu Tiangong, the Xiao Presbyterian Church and the patriarch agreed.

When Xiao Yun made this request, Xiao Zhentian immediately agreed that the other elders naturally had no opinion.

With the talent that Xiao Yun now shows, he can fully understand these ancient talents.

Subsequently, Xiao Mu took Xiao Yun to the core forbidden area.

Here, there is Xiao Tian's Gu Tiangong.

This place is isolated from the battlefield, extremely deep.

When you walk inside, you can see Wubei, Wuzhu here.

These martial arts and pillars are imprinted with martial arts left by the gods.

"In the Wu Bei, there is a record of the dragon and snake's dual-strength ancient merit."

A dragon and snake are engraved on this pillar.

But if you look closely, you can see that one party is up and down.

If you continue to look at it, you can have a powerful man pulling with both hands, and evolve the dragon and snake.

"Is the dragon and the snake dual-line?" Only a little induction, Xiao Yun knew that Wu Bei recorded the complete dragon and snake dual-line ancient merit.

This is a Shinto martial art, which is unspeakable and difficult to be branded with letters.

The best way to comprehend is to enlighten before this Wuzhu.

The same is true, the dragon and snake double line obtained by the Xiao Family of Fengyue Kingdom only gained a trace of fur.

Not even fur.

When Xiao Yun's mind moved, Wu Zhu's light and shadow flickered, and he entered a martial arts world.

There is a deity here that is evolving the dragon and snake to perform two ancient exercises.

Xiao Yun watched silently.

Dragon and snake double line!

This is the transformation of heaven into a dragon and earth into a snake.

Together with dragons and snakes, the situation of heaven and earth will merge!

Dragon, but dragon for nine days, unparalleled momentum.

Just like Xiao's warfare, when you look down on the nine days, and the momentum covers the sky, the two are naturally overwhelming.

The snake, seemingly ordinary, has the wisdom to ascend to heaven. Once it rises, it can stir the situation and change the color of the world.

The unity of the two, such as the unity of heaven and earth, and the juxtaposition of heaven and earth, the power of the attack will not leak, making people irresistible.

"This is indeed a powerful set of ancient God-level exercises." Xiao Yun nodded slightly as he watched the ancient dragon-snake ancient skills evolved.

This kind of understanding, if you are there, you can not only see the details of the ancient evolution of the deities, but also how to pull the heaven and earth.

The changes are clear at a glance.

Of course, more importantly, you can feel the power of this ancient Tiangong.

Subsequently, the figure dissipated, leaving Xiao Yun alone in this space.

The shadow of Xiao Yun's evolving man's eyes froze, and there was a picture evolution in his heart.

Then he pulled with both hands and evolved into the sky and the ground.

Under his traction, the sky is like a dragon, controlled by him in his hands, and the ground is like a snake, dragged by his wrists.

Then dragged with both hands, the dragon and snake immediately undulated, and now attacked ahead.

Today Xiao Yun is extremely talented. He has control of a hint of heaven and earth, and has evolved the prototype of heaven and earth. It is natural to realize that this martial art of the gods is not a problem.

If let him come to understand before, it is naturally difficult to move.

This is the vision problem.

When a person reaches a certain level, the former bottlenecks will no longer be a problem.

Within the space, Xiao Yun repeatedly pulled the power of heaven and earth to evolve the dragon and snake double line.

In the end, he had taken control of this martial art.

"I can evolve my own world into this dragon and snake!" Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

Then the world of Xunyuan evolved.

He did not rely on the potential of heaven and earth, but evolved with his own heaven and earth.


Dragon and Snake!

This is a dragon and snake with a pattern of mixed elements.

"You can also join the mystery of returning to the beginning!" Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

At this point he was pulling with both hands, the breath of that dragon and snake had changed, and it was a little more of Xiao Yun's mystery.

He completely merged it with his own world.

"When so." At the end, Xiao Yun recovered his hands, and the power of heaven and earth was restrained, and he was no longer shooting.

At this time he fully integrated the martial arts.

Martial arts does not compete, but it has martial arts that suits itself.

There is no need to be restrained, when bold improvement.

In the end, Xiao Yun withdrew from the space.

It doesn't matter whether this dragon and snake martial arts can sweep the enemies.

But at least this understanding has made Xiao Yun's accomplishment of martial arts sublime and sublime.

This is progress, and it is vital for anyone.

A practitioner who wants to become a guru must continue to sublimate and break through himself.

After learning about the dragon and snake dual martial arts, Xiao Yun continued to enlighten other ~ ~ with Xiao Yun's talent, it was no problem to enlighten other martial arts.

In the end, Xiao Mu led Xiao Yun before a huge Wuya.

Wu Ya.

In the past, you have to set foot on an ancient bridge, all of which are engraved with gods, and you must have a special waist card from Xiao's to enter.

Otherwise, it will touch the forbidden pattern left by the god, it will be a disaster, and the gods will fall.

"This martial arts monument is the township martial arts branded by my Xiao family. It was created by the supreme, and the seven styles are in the sky!"

When he came to Wu Ya, Xiao Mu looked completely blank.

He is full of respect for this martial art.

This represents a monument to Xiao's!


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