Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1679: The meaning of killing the sky

Shaw forbidden.

Below a cliff, Xiao Mu is staring at the cliff ahead.

Inscribed on this is the town's Tiangong of Xiao's family, and the seven styles!

"Seven days of killing!" Xiao Yun couldn't help but looked up and looked forward.

Caiyu turned forward to Wuya, and the cliff immediately flashed with light, and there was a mighty divine shock.

This **** is awe-inspiring and awe-inspiring.

& nb "Pig", "Pig" and "Island" novels www.zhuzud.omsp; "The Seven Types of Killing Heavens was created by my Supreme Master Xiao, but the heavens and earth suddenly changed in ancient times. There are no traces, and the seven killing days on the cliff are left by a **** of our ancient times. "Xiao Mu raised his eyes, staring at the cliff in front of him, and said to Xiao Yun.

In ancient times, nine days had not yet broken down, and Xiao had the Supreme.

It was a great age, with many Shinto Supremes.

Unfortunately, the war wrinkled, the Supreme was also involved, the world was in chaos, and each plane was broken.

Later, the Supreme disappeared.

There are only gods left in all races.

Can fight to the back, princes are rare.

The heavens and the earth were completely shattered. After the gods fell into the earth, the dormant dormants of the gods were destroyed by the destruction of heaven.

In the end, the King of Gods became the top combat force.

This is a time of chaos.

It is also an era of oracles!

For the chaos in ancient times, Xiao Yun also learned from ancient books.

In that glorious age.

At that time, Shinto Supremes flocked together to fight for the throne.

It's just an emperor withered bones, blood from endless heroes.

Even so, it was an age of aspiration, an era of hope.

"I hope that when the Divine Way opens, we can create glory again!" Xiao Yun murmured as his eyes condensed.

For that great world, he is also full of expectations.

Then his heart moved, and he began to drop his eyes on the cliff.


His mind touched that cliff, and immediately there was a ripple in front of him. The world was spinning, there was a sudden storm, and the wind was howling.

Then the next frames circulated and appeared in front of Xiao Yun.

That's the Qitianqi style!

Each style clearly appeared in front of Xiao Yun.

Seven pictures, seven figures shot, evolved into ancient Tiangong.

Finally, the seven pictures dissipated.

In front of Xiao Yun's eyes, a flash of light appeared, and a galaxy appeared.

Among the galaxies, there is a **** standing.

"The vastness of the Shinto, the avenues are numerous, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. My Xiao's warfare, to take a word of war, is to have a war that will destroy the sky, and the war will be destroyed by the war. The prince stood in the middle of the galaxy. He was imposing, with long hair flying, and the words fell like a thunderous thunder shaking Jiuxiao.

That sound wave was so inspiring.

Xiao Yun's heart rumbled and set off a stormy sea.

"As far as the war is concerned, the starry sky is going to be reversed!" Xiao Yun was shaking inside, "So big!"

This courage is shocking.

This is by no means so simple. This person spoke, and the galaxy in front was really rolling.

That momentum is awesome.

This is the character of Gai Dai. With a single thought, the world can change color.

"Using superior martial arts, melt my warfare, but I can slaughter God and exterminate the demon!" The **** king spoke, his voice like a Brahman singing, with a strong magic power, which made people addicted.

"Using martial arts, blending war will!" Xiao Yun moved slightly.

In this regard, he has long realized.

The fusion of martial arts and war will be extremely powerful.

"These seven styles of killing the sky, each style has undergone thousands of trials and hardships, in which there are endless changes, taking the extreme of martial arts, blending endless war will, and working for God!"

The man spoke.

This is to elaborate the true meaning of the seven styles.

Xiao Yun was listening silently.

"There is no end to monasticism, but our monks should have the heart of killing the sky. Fighting with the sky can have the courage and the fearlessness of war. Therefore, this day of work is called killing the sky!" Speaking, telling the origin of the seven styles of killing the sky, this ancient Tiangong does not mean that you can really kill the sky after practicing.

This is to allow the practitioners to develop a momentum.

Develop a heart to kill the sky.

Cultivator, this is to fight with heaven.

How can you set foot on top without the killing of the sky?

"It turns out that this is the origin of this ancient Tiangong name!" Xiao Yun nodded slightly.

Everyone has a different Tao and a different opinion.

It is also reasonable that the ancestors of Xiao's ancestors should develop the heart of killing the sky.

After all, they cultivate supreme warfare.

Without this unbridled heart, how can you develop supreme warfare?

Subsequently, the man began to evolve the Qiqi style.

This time it evolved separately, showing the mystery slowly.

Xiao Yun is paying attention, remembering every detail of this man's evolution of Tiangong, and the change of that momentum.

Seven styles of killing the sky, the first style is cracked!

This is a starter, but it's amazing!

Xiao Yun has long been taught.

But the man evolved at this time, and the momentum was even more amazing.

The big hand cracked and Xinghe separated, turning into a raging wave and rolling towards both sides.

That power is so shocking.

Second style, broken star!

One star break!

You can also point a broken star and a broken star!

The moves are not important.

What matters is the idea.

What's important is that momentum.

"If the meaning is enough, the star can be broken at a glance!" After evolving this pattern in various ways, the god-monarch began.

He could only see his eyes flash, and there really was a broken star in front of him.

This is what it means, it can collapse the stars.

This is the real meaning!

"This is what people should do!" Seeing this, Xiao Yun was surging.

This is the true deity.

The thoughts can break the stars.

This is the pinnacle of Takeshi!

Subsequently, the Qitianqi style continued to evolve.

Each style is stronger than one.

However, if you want to evolve, the realm you need will be even higher.

This is not something ordinary people can do!

The last one, kill the sky!

The prince casts it, but it is not perfect.

"The heaven is supreme, dominating everything, to kill the sky, only to be detached from the heaven."

The prince sighed.

Although he is a god, he still cannot do this step.

The Qitianqi style is not truly perfect.

"If someone is out of heaven, maybe they can truly perfect the seven styles!"

Finally, his figure dissipated.

"Under the heavens, they are all ants!" Seeing the divine dissipated with a bit of disappointment, Xiao Yun thought of a sentence in the ancient books.

The same is true. Only then will so many gods fall in the midst of heaven punishment.

It's just that what happened in ancient times is unknown.

Xiao Yun didn't think much about the ancient things.

Today, the most important thing is to improve his strength.

Only in this way, he can save his suzerain, protect his loved ones and love others.

Then, his eyes narrowed, digesting the Qitian Qi.

A little later, he started to evolve the first form.


This style is the starting style and the simplest style. It pays attention to the endless war will and the true meaning of martial arts to break the void.

If the divine power is sufficient, infinity can evolve.

He lacked divine power, but he realized the mystery of heaven and earth.

He merged the power of heaven and earth, and evolved this style with the true meaning of martial arts and infinite war will.

Of course, this requires a process.

First of all, he did not fully integrate into his own ideas and simply carried out this style.

The big hand was like a blade, tearing the void.

In the end, he began to fuse the heavens and the earth.

Join your own martial truth.

Like the power of reincarnation in the heavens and the earth.


This blow was cut, not only the potential can be broken, but also the power of reincarnation spreading, so that the day and the place are affected, Qiankun will be reversed.

"This way, the power will be stronger." Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

Later he continued to evolve and perfect this style.

Today Xiao Yun's accomplishment in martial arts has suddenly reached the level of master.

He learns Tiangong and is not restricted to form, but integrates according to his own situation.

Because others' martial arts are not necessarily the strongest.

It's not necessarily the best for you.

Only the martial arts created according to their own conditions is the strongest.

This varies from person to person.

Subsequently, the second type of broken star.

This cloud is strong, but it must have true Shinto mystery.

Otherwise, that kind of potential cannot be evolved.

As for the third type of martial arts, it is even more difficult.

"I haven't set foot on Shinto yet, so I can't fully demonstrate this martial art."

In the end, Xiao Yun did not continue to evolve.

Because the realm is not enough, evolution is also futile at this time.

Xiao Yun's mind moved, and she withdrew from that understanding.

"You can gain something." Seeing Xiao Yun's mind quit, Xiao Mu asked.

"Gu Tiangong is so deep in the sea that if he does not enter the Shinto, after all, he cannot control it." Xiao Yun said.

"Oh, it's good to have some understanding. With your talent, when the road of God opens, you can set foot on Shinto." Xiao Mu laughed.

He is also very optimistic about Xiao Yun's potential.

"Well." Xiao Yun nodded, and he was full of confidence in himself.

They then withdrew from the forbidden area.

"If necessary, you can find me!" Xiao Mu laughed after leaving the forbidden area.

"Uncle Xiao Mu, can Xiao Xiao know something about that gate?" Xiao Yun asked.

"Shadow Gate?" Xiao Mu frowned, "This is a mysterious force, with numerous helms, and it is not impossible to find them."

"Oh!" Xiao Yun said with a frown.

"Do you have something?" Xiao Mu asked.

"I have a senior, captured by Shadow Gate." Xiao Yun said.

"This is a bit of trouble," Xiao Mu said. "The shadow gate is too big. If you can't determine which sub-branch your predecessor is in, you will only rush into trouble."

"It seems that only the accumulation of strength first, and one of them is begging to be broken." Xiao Yun's eyes lightened.

"The shadow gate is very strong, not worse than my Xiao's," said Xiao Mu. "If you have any action, you should discuss with me and not act rashly."

He was afraid that Xiao Yun would fall into the shadow gate ~ ~ Okay, if there is any action, I will discuss with Uncle Xiao. "Xiao Yun said.

"It's so good. Although my Xiao can't be invincible in the sanctuary, he still has some strength." Xiao Mu said, "Furthermore, we can join forces with other forces, such as Jiang, Jue and my clan. Some friendships. Now that you have shown a strong background, there are great opportunities for the emperor, and they will also want to enter into a relationship with you. "

In this world, interests are paramount.

As last time, Xiao's was ambushed and Jue didn't take any action.

Even many clans did not take action.

Because they don't have enough interests.

Even if they make good friends with Xiao, they have not yet reached the point where they can fight against the clans of the Holy Land.

Unless there are enough benefits.

Now that Xiao Yun has revealed the details, the situation is different.

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