Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1680: Gather 6 kinds of fetish

If there are not enough benefits, it will be difficult for the big races to really cut the ribs.

Such as Yuwen's, Qingtian, Giant Spirit.

Although these three clans stood on the same front against Xiao Yun.

But all of this is because they were raving about Xiao Yun's treasures at that time.

If there are not enough interests and common goals, they will not deal with Xiao together.

Furthermore, when the two sides had formed a beam, they had to unite the front.

& nb, pig, pig, island, fiction ww.zhuzhudasp; Otherwise, no matter what kind of family, there is no way to Xiao Xiao.

It's the same, that makes them seem extremely connected at this time.

Xiao Yun has great opportunities and has a relationship with Hengdi.

This led Jiang to take the initiative to draw relationships with him.

If it is a child of another clan, even if it is the personality of Jiuyang Holy Palace, it will not let Jiang's people drop down.

After all, in Jiang's eyes, they are like the emperor, and other forces are not worth mentioning.

"So, I will go to practice first!" Xiao Yun said to Xiao Mu.

"Good!" Xiao Mu nodded.

Subsequently, Xiao Yun returned to his residence and began to retreat.

Time passed quietly.

The sanctuary is calm.

Now that the quasi-god road is open, many Tianjiao immediately set foot in the semi-god realm and immediately prepare to impact the quasi-god realm.

Longevity tortoises and phantoms have set foot in the paradise.

Yi Yi's blood awakened, and unknowingly set foot in the paranormal state.

At his fingertips, it has been more than a year since Xiao Yunlai's ancestral home.

During this period, the power of heaven and earth to restrain the Shinto continued to weaken.

It makes people feel a lot easier about Shinto.

"In my blood, there is no blood divine power, so the divine power must be cultivated by myself." Within the secret room, Xiao Yun constantly evolved his own power of heaven and earth.

Those gods have blood in their bodies.

This is passed down to the ancestors.

Even those descendants of God have bloodline power, although weak, they also surpass ordinary people, which is their natural advantage.

People like Xiao Yun have to feel the power of Shinto on their own.

Longevity turtle is destined to become a god, it naturally cultivated a weak divine power and set foot in the quasi-god state.

The Phantom Worm accompanies in the Phantom God's Eye, and also contains a little weak divine power, making it based on this, step by step cultivation, and finally set foot in the quasi-god.

Xiao Yun blended with Phantom Eyes.

Originally, after reaching his realm, he could fully inspire the power in the eyes.

But he didn't.

He returned to God's eyes.

Blended into the mixed world.

He has to practice divine power by himself, not rely on inheriting the divine power of others, and set foot in the paranormal divine realm.

At this time, Xiao Yun evolved from day to day, with a mysterious power derivative.

This is an inexplicable power, born with the elevation of Xiao Yun's realm.

It's just that kind of power, but it's a bit mixed.

"My road is not an ordinary road!" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and the world of Xunyuan continued to evolve, deducing.

He is perfecting the world of Hunyuan.

In it, various ups and downs evolved and interwoven, and finally merged, attributed to the mixed element, and attributed to this world.


In the end, a wave of ripples appeared in the mixed world, sinking into Xiao Yun's body.

In his body, the power of the mixed elements shook.

This power has a taste of God, but it is even more detached.

"Is this a step into the quasi-god?" Feeling these powers of himself, Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a faint smile.

But he also knew in his heart that his way of mingling was not perfect.

There is still one step left to truly reach the quasi-god realm.

But how detached is he from the world?

Even if it is still one step behind, the divine power possessed at this time is comparable to that of a quasi-spiritual practitioner.

After taking a deep breath, Xiao Yun stood up arrogantly.

He pushed out the door.

The outside world is still there, and clouds are rolling over the mountain.


When Xiao Yun stepped out of the gate, Yi Yi came.

The little boy fell on Xiao Yun's shoulder with a look of excitement, and then rubbed Xiao Yun's neck with that furry head.

In front, Sister Ren's stepped lotus step by step.

Ren Keying has also set foot in the semi-god realm, but he is still far away from the quasi-god realm.

Although she got a lot of opportunities along the way with Xiao Yun, and she had no time for her body, she was still a little bit behind.

Ren Kexin possessed the original **** pattern, but soon set foot in the quasi-god realm.

"Brother, haven't you stepped into the quasi-god state yet?" Ren Keying walked to Xiao Yun, and those long eyelashes blinked, asking with some uncertainty.

Xiao Yun was aloof at this time.

But she did not feel the breath unique to the quasi-god realm.

It was a breath of divine power.

What is a quasi-god?

That is to be able to set foot on Shinto at any time, and already have some of the power of Shinto.

Like divine power!

The difference is Shinto mystery.

The rules of Shinto.

If you control the rules of Shinto, you can set foot on Shinto completely.

"It's true that it hasn't completely set foot in the paranormal state." Xiao Yun spread his palms.

"But your breath does not seem worse than the quasi-god realm." Ren Keying asked with a little suspicion.

This is just the breath that naturally emanates.

If it is true, it can completely crush many quasi-gods.

"Everyone's way is different, there is no need to be judged for a while." Xiao Yun laughed.

"Huh!" Ren Keying nodded.

"This is the medicinal material sent by Xiao recently. You are retreating and they will hand it over to me." Ren Keyingyu took a hand and took out a dazzling storage ring.

"Oh." Hearing, Xiao Yun was a joy, and quickly took the storage ring.

During the six months of his retreat, Xiao searched for a lot of medicinal herbs for him.

Those are the herbs needed by the three major gods in the land of condemnation.

In addition, there was news from the Wushu Chamber of Commerce that day and asked Xiao Yun to get medicine.

But these things Xiao Yun let Xiao's people do it for them.

Under the efforts of these two forces, the medicinal materials are getting more and more powerful.

After all, this is super power.

They have a strong background and the ability to buy these herbs.

If you are an ordinary person, you will not be able to take it down even if you find it.

After taking the storage ring, Xiao Yun infiltrated his mind.

"Yes, now there are six medicinal herbs, six of which have been raised, and four of them are enough." Be careful, Xiao Yun's eyes show satisfaction.

How long has this been.

He came to the sanctuary only four years ago, and gradually gathered these herbs.

Of course, most of them were raised in this half year.

This is all the efficiency of the clan.

Seven kinds of Divine Extract, Divine Flower, Divine Fruit, Mixed Yuan Stone, Tiansha Divine Crystal, Red Star Stone, Purple You Tian Luo Guo, Yellow Spring Water.

Some of these divine extracts are used to resolve sin lines, and some are things that protect the soul.

These are extremely rare things ~ ~ especially the mixed yuan stone and yellow spring water.

If it were not for Xiao Yun's visit to the Yuanyuan Land while on the ancient road, he would not have been able to gather the Stone of the Yuanyuan.

The remaining yellow spring water is also extremely difficult to see.

"Water of Huangquan!" Xiao Yun frowned.

This is what he desperately needs now.

"This fetish may have to ask the gods."

Xiao Yun once asked Xiao Mu.

But Xiao Mu didn't know about it.

This kind of Huangquan water is rare even in ancient times.

He is a contemporary man and knows very little.

Want to know the clues of these artifacts or ask those **** sons are good after all.

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