On the battlefield, the son of the son of Long Mao was shocking, and Long Wei shook all directions.

The golden light of the blood-stained dragon is flickering, and the golden light released contains the divine power.

This divine power tears the void towards him, sweeping towards Xiao Yun.

This is the power of quasi-god realm.

It is just a momentum, but it contains divine power.

Based on this, the quasi-god can completely crush countless demigods.

But Xiao Yun was very indifferent, and let the vast divine power shake.

His body trembled, and there was a ripple in front of him, and the ripple was rippling, absorbing the divine power from the son of Dragon King.

Then the divine power was resolved.

"Did you dissolve all my divine power?" Seeing this, the eyes of the son of Long Mao were surprised.

Then it moved the full power of the blood.

The blood flew behind it and evolved into a golden world.

When the blood power rolled, it seemed like dragons were roaring, and the momentum was shaking.

The light pattern flickered in front of the dragon prince's body, and in a vague manner, it seemed to be transformed into a dragon.

Long Xiao Nine Days

When the deep voice sounded, the dragon son was seen opening.

Looking away, he saw the corner of his mouth open and turn into a dragon head.

When the dragon first opened, the dragon's sound rolled and trembled for nine days, and the sound wave rushed toward the void ahead like a row of mountains.

The sound waves passed, and the void was crumbling.

Divine power is also contained in that sound wave.

Although there is no brand of Shinto, the impact of that power is unstoppable.

The sound waves rolled and rushed.

This is the mystery of the dragon dragon family.

It is rumored that in the ancient times, Longxiao was able to shake the sun and the moon for nine days.

It can be seen how powerful the Dragons are.

The sound waves passed, and the void in front of Xiao Yun shattered.

The shard of emptiness bloomed like a light rain, dazzling.

In front of Xiao Yun, tremendous strength came.

This kind of power is really powerful.

Like the seventh son of the hole, all eyes are condensed.

"This ancient dragon has good ancient sound," said the son of Kirin, who was pale and shocked by the sound.

On the "Dragon Sonic" battle platform, Xiao Yun stood. Under this powerful sound, he did not even step back.

At this moment, he could see that the sound wave rushed, which contained the divine power, and there seemed to be thousands of dragons rushing towards him together.

Under the impact of this dragon, the void shattered.

This offensive is really not something ordinary people can resist.

Through the divine power, even thousands of horses and horses have to be turned into powder.

This is the power of quasi-gods.

"The divine power is indeed very powerful" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed and murmured, "Although I have not fully condensed the divine power, my heaven and earth power and my heaven and earth road are more mysterious." Xiao Yun's steps leaped forward, and the next world evolved.

The mixed yuan world swept out.

The world is like a cyclone, swallowing up that Dragon Yin sound wave.

"Everything belongs to the original," a volume of cyclone, derived from the meaning of heaven and earth.

As soon as this uprising is over, everything in the heavens and the earth must be brought back to the original, and blended into the time when the heavens and the earth were not open.

Under this mystery, the son of the dragon cricket clearly felt that the sound of his dragon's yin had weakened, and there were signs that he would be assimilated and merged by Tiandi Avenue.


The son of the dragon dragon tried his best to run the blood and blood, and the roar was shocking, to break through the mixed world.

"Reincarnation" At this time, Xiao Yun's pace was approaching again. When urging the mixed world heaven and earth uprising, the reincarnation uprising also diffused from this world.

Once in samsara, the sound wave was a meal.

"Give me a break"

Subsequently, Xiao Yun punched out.

The fist blasted out, and a mixed world burst out.

With a punch, the sound wave broke apart, and the mighty power of the heavens and the earth rushed directly towards the dragon son in front.

Its Dragon Yin sound wave was broken by Xiao Yun.

A punch blows, the momentum covers the sky.

"This fist contains the power of heaven and earth." The fist in front flickered, and the heavens and earth floated up and down, and the dragon son felt a tremendous pressure.

There is no immense divine power within this punch, but the power of the sky and earth seems to destroy everything.

That great power made it feel tremendous pressure.


In this way, the body of the dragon sister-in-law collapsed.

At the same time, his fist moved, and he went away.

The son of the dragon dragon blasted out with a punch, and the dragon dragon screamed from his fist.

This is Longquan

With a punch, the Canglong is amazing, and the momentum is amazing.


The fists of the two met, sending a violent impact in the void.

The dragon and Xunyuan confronted each other, their strengths were different.

The dragon has released its magical power and has the potential to break the sky.

However, the Yunyuan heaven and earth evolved from Xiao Yun's fist is carrying the potential of heaven and earth.

Although there is no immense divine power, there is an extremely pure power of mixed elements.

In recent practice, Xiao Yun ’s power of mixed elements has gradually been tempered. Although it has not been condensed into a so-called divine power, the power of mixed elements is more mysterious.

In addition, the mixed world is accompanied by the uprising of heaven and earth.

The power of reincarnation together with the heaven and earth uprising made the momentum of the Canglong that was about to break through obstruct.

Then, the power of the Canglong weakened under the power of reincarnation, even the divine power was changing, and there was a tendency to turn it into the power of ordinary blood.

This is the mystery of the power of reincarnation.

The return to the uprising is to merge it into the mixed Yuan era.

In this way, the power of the Canglong weakened, but Xiao Yun's fist was an unstoppable bombardment.


A loud noise came out, and the Canglong was defeated, and the son of Dragon Cunt felt only a pain in his fist, his bones were broken, and a vast force of heaven and earth swept through.


Its body collapsed, and the power of the blood released from its body was shattered by that power.

The horrible aftershock came, and the slap made its bones hurt, as if to crack, and the blood tumbled, hard to calm down.

"This fist can actually dissolve my bloodline power." When the body exploded, the dragon prince raised his head and hurled Xiao Yun forward, and his eyes were surprised.

The mystery of this punch was beyond his imagination.

It was just not waiting for the dragon son to stabilize his body, Xiao Yun strode forward, already taking advantage of the situation.

All he saw was a big hand flip, and the vanity on the battlefield changed color.

A mixed Yuan world repressed towards the son of Dragon King.

The immense force was crushed by the void.

The pattern is dazzling, like a sea of ​​mixed yuan, to cover the world.

The power of returning in it makes the son of Long Mao panic.

In panic, he tried his best to stimulate the blood in the body.


Then the golden light flashed, and the dragon prince turned into the body of the dragon. A long howling sounded, it was shaking up, the dragon grabbed the void and shook the giant hand.

Endless Shenmang also rushed towards the mixed world.

The golden god's mansion cracked and emptied the sea of ​​mixed yuan.

But the volume of the sea of ​​mixed yuan swallowed up the gods that broke into it.

Then the power of reincarnation, returned to the beginning of the uprising, swallowed up the uprising to evolve together.

Under these uprights, those gods are refined.

Even though the son of Dragon King is so imposing, he still cannot break the world of Xiao Yun.

Then the distant practitioner saw the big hand fall.


The big hand hits the dragon.

The bright light burst out.

The void crumbled, ripples set off, like golden waves rolling.

In the end, the crowd saw the dragon being struck and the endless golden goddess crumbled.


In the rippling waves like the stormy waves, the figures flickered, and the dragon's body flew out extremely embarrassingly.

Today it has become a human body, with blood spit out from the mouth and splashed into the air.


In the end, it landed extremely terribly on the battlefield, and the pace kept receding.

It didn't land on the edge of the platform until it retreated a kilometer.

At this time, there was blood in the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were scarlet, his appearance looked extremely embarrassed.

On the other side, Xiao Yun fluttered down, his hair fluttered while his clothes fluttered, and his eyes looked like a king, and he looked extraordinary and magnificent.

In the distance, the practitioners of all races in the Tian Yao domain are all stunned.

How long before this, the son of Long Mao was seriously injured and hematemesis, there seems to be an insurmountable gap between the two sides.

"This Xiao Yun obviously has the tendency to crush the dragons," said Gao Huanggong's eyes, murmured.

"Although Long Yan is not a son of God, he is very rich in blood and good in talent. He just fought with all his strength in the first battle, but he was so vulnerable. It can be seen that Xiao Yun is indeed very strong." When Xun went forward, she also showed a calm color. The eyes of these gods Xun Yun finally changed.

"It seems that Xiao Yun has become stronger than in the realm of Shenxu." The son of Yulin muttered to himself.

The geniuses who have seen the wind of Xiao Yun nodded slightly.

They have improved over the past year, but this Xiao Yun obviously has not regressed.

In this way, they are afraid that it will be extremely difficult to catch up with this young man's wish.

"I haven't seen it for a few years, but this little Yunzi is getting stronger and stronger."

Although it also wanted to surpass this young man, but it was so, it had no choice but to admit that this young man was really talented and difficult to catch up with.

"I didn't expect that you were so powerful." On the battle platform, the son of Dragon King took a deep breath, and after calming down the breath, he said forward.

There is a bit unwilling in its eyes.

In the realm of Shenxu, it had never played against Xiao Yun.

So it always wanted to learn from Xiao Yun.

But after fighting at this time ~ www.readwn.com ~ it only knew the gap between the two sides.

But still unwilling.

Because it knows that the gap between the two sides will be even greater in the future.

"I don't know if Longzhang's son will continue the war," Xiao Yun said with a smile, and smiled at Longzhang's son.

Today, he is full of self-confidence.

"Oh, although I didn't do my best, I just fought a moment ago, and I know the gap between you and me. If I continue the war, I will not deceive myself." Although the child was unwilling, he laughed and laughed. Since he lost, it has not It's necessary to fight and fight. As a genius, it can still afford this blow.

"So, it was accepted" Xiao Yun arched his hand towards the son of Long Mao.

"Polite", the son of Dragon King returned to the ceremony, immediately bowed slightly, and then turned around and swept forward to the observation platform.

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