Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1684: Miko Shiratora ...

The geniuses of all races in the Tianyao domain were complex when the dragon sons landed.

"How about Xiao Yun?" Someone asked.

"It's very strong. He doesn't seem to have condensed magical powers, but his magical powers are amazing. My magical powers were completely resolved by his magical powers, and it couldn't work at all."

The son of the son of Long Yan said.

He felt extremely helpless about this.

Originally, when he saw Xiao Yun, he felt strange about the latter.

[Pig] [Pig] [Island] Novel www.huhu.m This young man seems to have no divine power fluctuations, but he has the potential of quasi-god.

Now after the fight, I feel the other party is unfathomable.

"It seems that he has something extraordinary." The **** son of the six clan nodded, and then hurried to the battlefield ahead.

The crowd looked at the battlefield, with that kind of glance, with a little sorrow.

Today, these godsons are less proud than when they first saw Xiao Yun.

Of course, their eyes were quickly perceived by Xiao Yun.

"Oh, but I don't know who else wants to discuss with me?"

Seeing this, Xiao Yun's eyes brightened and he laughed loudly.

He knew that most of these demon gods were still unwilling.

Because the son of Long Yu did not test anything at all.

When Xiao Yun said this, the gods moved slightly.

However, although they wanted to take a shot, they were embarrassed to drop their faces and fight.

In their hearts, there is still a bit of arrogance.

The divine son, but challenged a younger generation, wouldn't it be a joke to say it?

"Oh, then let me teach Xiao Gongzi's magical powers!" Seeing that the gods of all ethnic groups are all eyes exposed, the gods of the Baihu tribe stood up arrogantly.

This godson is named Taichen.

Although it is not the top character among the ancient gods of the White Tigers, it also ranks second, and there is not much difference with the first strong of the White Tigers.

This is definitely an ancient hero.

The White Tigers are militant, and the Lord kills.

Therefore, it does not have too many scruples. Since it is here, it should be a happy fight.

"Hehe, Brother Taichen is willing to take a shot, that's the best." Seeing this, the other gods are all smiling.

They wanted to see Xiao Yun's strength, but they also took care of their faces. Now that this son of Taichen has shot, they are naturally willing.

Taichen Shenzi was wearing a white-weave robe. He was arrogant, with long hair, and after he got up, he stepped toward the front of the stage.

There is an immense divine power shaking between the steps.

"This Taichen is a **** of the White Tigers. It is extremely powerful. In ancient times, it is also a strong person. Few people can be rivaled!" On the viewing platform, the **** of the Peacocks whispered to Kong Qigongzi and others. Militant, it will not be merciful this time, it will be divided, but I do not know how many rounds Xiao Yun can fight with? "

In its view, Tai Chen was defeated and Xiao Yun was defeated.

Kong Qigong, who was next to him, looked so surprised.

Although they knew Xiao Yun's talents were different, now the Son of God has shot, but they don't have much confidence.

Princess Lian clenched her hand that day, and her face was worried.

However, Sister Ren's eyes did not have much worry at this time.

"Brother Xiao could have fought against Xiao Qianlong at the beginning, but now he has improved, and he should be stronger than before." Ren Keying secretly murmured, "Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to have fully united his divine power yet. The original **** pattern, and most of these sons have inherited the original **** pattern, and they are already invincible. "

"But I don't know how strong Xiaoyunzi is at this time?" The Skyfinch and the Peacock sat side by side.

For Xiao Yun, it is full of expectations.

Along the way, this young man has given it too many miracles.

Everyone's minds were different, and they were staring closely at the front.


In white fluttering, the son of Taichen landed.

He had long hair flying and dancing in white, and the eyebrow stared at Xiao Yun in front of him, his temperament was transcendent.

"Xiao Gongzi, please!" Tai Chen landed and immediately made a gesture to Xiao Yun.

It had a look of utter solitude, and it already had a strong sense of war.

It seems ready to fight.

This is the White Tiger!

"Please!" Xiao Yun also made a gesture of please.

The opposite son of Taichen was overwhelming, and Xiao Yun didn't have any contempt.

After seeing the momentum of the Xiao son, Xiao Yun already knew the extraordinaryness of the son.

Tai Chen nodded, and then his eyes lightened, his body dazzling.

This divine power blooms, as if surrounded by the same pattern of lines, and it seems like a white tiger hovering beside it.

A shocking momentum permeated.

White Tiger Boxing!

I saw that Taichen Godson stepped forward and punched Xiao Yun forward.


With a punch, the void in front collapsed.

A simple blow is overbearing.

The fist blasted out, a white tiger rushed out, and the mighty divine power was slashed away forward like the blade of a godsman.

As a son of God, this Taichen has the purity of the divine power in his body, and the richness of his blood is much richer than that of the son of Dragon King.

Moreover, its control of martial arts is also very strong, otherwise it will not be famous in ancient times.

Now with a punch, domineering and scary.


On the battle platform, there was a roar, and the sound was soaring, and the sound wave shook the sky.

However, Taichen did not perform any tiger and shouting skills.

This is where it comes in.

As far as the momentum is concerned, the Tiger Tiger Tiangong of the White Tigers has been incorporated into it.

It has long touched Shinto, and as long as the path is opened, it will become a god.

This is also the gap between him and the son of Long Ying.

"So powerful!" On the battle platform, Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and the Taichen son in front of him was clearly punched out, but what he saw was a thousand white tigers rushing and rushed towards it. Then Howling, deafening, and trembling, this sound wave is powerful and can capture the soul. If the strength is not enough, the soul will be shattered.

Tiger Howling Dragon Yin!

These are the two great sonic magics!

After this sound wave, a punch came.

This method of attack does not give people a respite.

If the strength is slightly worse, you will lose directly.

Although it was only a tentative attack, the son of God Taichen also worked hard.

Faced with such an attack, Xiao Yun had to stand by.

All he saw was his step forward, but also a punch.

The punch exploded, the void shook, and a huge cyclone swept out.

The cyclone rolled out, and then it engulfed the vast sound of divine power on the opposite side.

In this way, as the cyclone swallowed thousands of white tigers, a respect rushed to tear the cyclone.

It was just that the cyclone trembled, and a ripple appeared, turning it into a vast and boundless world.

Today, Xiao Yun's use of heaven and earth uprightness has reached the realm of freewheeling.

The heavens trembled, and the air of the mixed Yuan rolled, turning into a sea of ​​mixed Yuan to be swallowed up, integrating the vast divine power.

At the same time, the power of samsara evolved.

Under the force of reincarnation, those roaring white tigers stopped roaring.

Power of Ice and Fire!

When the White Tiger stopped roaring, the ice fire immediately burned it into nothingness.

These white tigers were originally transformed by divine power, but they were brought to life only by Tai Chen's great magical powers.

When the power of reincarnation and the power of ice and fire fall down, they become nothingness.

But for Taichen, this is only refined with some divine power and flesh.

This consumption is not enough to affect too much.

But this sonic offensive obviously did nothing.

In this way, Xiao Yun was still imposing when his fist came.

The fate of Xiao Yun's fist carrying heaven and earth was also bombarded.

Suddenly, the power of Shenmang and Hunyuan collided, and a shocking collision occurred in the void on the battle platform.


The loud noise was rumbling, as if the heavens and the earth were blown away.

The dazzling light pattern blooms, the **** pattern blooms, and the vast divine power erupts.

The divine power is like a blade that tears the void, and the scene is so amazing that even the people who stepped into the semi-god realm can't help tightening their nerves to reveal the utter calm.

Fist confrontation is a real showdown.

There are vast expanse of heaven and earth and divine power.

Under this kind of power, there is no mountain or river, and the void is falling apart.

Both Xiao Yun and Taichen felt that their fists had exploded above the mountains of heaven and earth, and it was difficult to move forward.

Then both of them were shocked, and both were repelled by a huge force.

At the same time, the fluctuations that seemed like a world extinction storm also swept towards them.

This kind of storm is enough to seriously hurt the demigods.

Hunyuan world!

When the storm rolled around, Xiao Yun felt a ripple around him, just like a world, and then the storm touched him and was absorbed.

In that mixed world, the uprising of that day and the world started to resolve this aftermath.

In this way, these storms did not affect Xiao Yun at all.

But on the other side, Taichen was surrounded by the evolution of the white tiger.

The divine pattern squirmed, turned into a huge vortex to resist the front, and also devoured and resolved those after waves.

However, this resolution was slightly inferior to Xiao Yun, causing its body to be backed up seven meters by the aftershocks.

But the son of Taichen himself didn't have much trouble.

"A descendant of a future generation has this kind of combat power!" After stabilizing his figure, the son of Taichen raised his eyes, and when his eyes fell on Xiao Yun in front, there was a surprise in his eyes. In addition, there is a strong sense of war emerging from its eyes, and its momentum is constantly rising.

Looking at this, it seems that Xiao Yun's mighty power has evoked its warfare.

"So, do your best to fight!" Taichen's son flashed his eyes, Shen said, "You should do your best!"

Obviously, this time it intends to make a full shot.

"Okay!" Xiao Yun said, nodding.

He knew that the son of Taichen was very strong, so he dared not care.

After nodding, he was dazzled by the power of the Yuan.

The power of these hybrids is pure, and can tear the void like divine power.

On the opposite side, Taichen's son Guangguang condensed ~ ~ and a world of mystery spread along with it.

"My White Tiger tribe is the **** of war among beasts. The Seven Killing Heavenly Gong has shocked several times. Today, I will let you see the power of my White Tiger."

Taichen said.

It suddenly intends to go all out and shoot it out.

"Seven kills of the white tiger!" Wen Yan said that the gods on the platform were all eyes bright.

"This is the Tiangong of the White Tigers!" Long Xungong's eyes condensed, showing a little fiery.

"With this, it is enough to detect the depth of Xiao Yun." God God Gaohuang also smiled slightly.

This is White Tiger's killing trick!

As soon as these ancient exercises come out, even they will have a headache.

How many people can resist today?

Many of the demon **** sons looked completely blank.

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