Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1687: Holy Son of God ...

Xiao Yun and Taichen the Son of God fought in a battle.

Although Xiao Yun is strong, he can't help each other.

Taichen's son is so powerful that he can't evolve all the seven kills, nor can he defeat Xiao Yun.

Not a god, after all, Tiangong cannot be fully evolved.

After the First World War, the people of the Six Demon Clan apparently paid more respect to Xiao Yun.

Although Xiao Yun did not defeat the son of Taichen.

But this **** son is the hero of the White Tiger tribe.

To be able to fight equally with such a character is rare in ancient times, not to mention contemporary people?

Such a record, if you say it, is enough to be proud.

Therefore, the gods of various races naturally have a little more respect for Xiao Yun.

They suddenly put Xiao Yun on a level.

The wine was drinking, and everyone said without a word.

Xiao Yun talked about the ancients and the modern with some godsons, and it seemed quite harmonious.

The son of the dragon sister next to him was bitter.

At that time, they and Xiao Yun fought in the realm of Shenxu together.

At that time, they were a level of genius.

But now, Xiao Yun is fighting with the Son of God.

However, they can only watch the game from the stage, and they no longer have the power to fight.

Of course, the most bitter is Dragon Teng and others.

The gap between them and Xiao Yun is getting bigger and bigger.

It even feels that if it continues, perhaps it will completely become two worlds with this youth.

If you want to sit and talk with them, you must touch the light of these gods in the clan.

"Come, you have to drink this cup. How long have you been a kid, you haven't seen it, and it's strong again. God must have drunk you so that you can't practice for two or three years." Xiao Yun, it was originally a gain in the Tian Yao domain, it is a character, and I still wondered if I could be a boss, covering Xiao Yun.

But who knows, the news that Xiao Yunli overpowered his contemporaries soon came out.

Seeing now, Xiao Yun was able to compete with the Son of God.

The gap between the two seems to be widened again.

This makes the swallowing bird very depressed.

Of course, in his heart it was still happy for the brother.

This **** is just a joke.

"Yes, he has to be drunk for two or three years and cannot practice!" Wen Yan said that Kong Qigong also echoed and stood up to toast Xiao Yun.

The next son of the Seven Killers, the Son of the Phoenix and others raised their glasses.

Xiao Yun has today's achievements, and they are extremely happy when they boast.

"Oh, just this little wine, I'm afraid I can't get drunk, I'm afraid of drinking a few brothers!" Xiao Yun toasted, also very happy.

"Oh, Brother Xiao, rest assured, we still have a lot of wine here." Long Xun Shenzi smiled.

Several godsons were also happy.

Seal for thousands of years!

I thought no one in future generations could compete with them.

Even the opponents are just those old partners.

But now I find such a hero, how can they be upset?

When he spoke, Xiao Yun was unknowingly called a brother.

The other day Princess Lin looked at Xiao Yun and the Son of God as brothers and sisters, and she was not very embarrassed in her heart.

This young man is really getting more and more extraordinary.

In the future, the gap between the two sides will probably be even larger.

However, she was also happy for Xiao Yun.


The gods of all races came here and felt that it was a worthwhile trip.

On the second day after drinking, Xiao's son also came here, including Xiao Zhan and Xiao Bo.

That Xiao Qianlong was in retreat and did not appear.

In this way, the God son of the Xiao family and the **** sons of this tribe also have discussions.

Both sides were running out of order, but they were fighting happily.

The supernatural display of the great demon **** sons made Xiao Yun's eyes wide open.

Seven days later, Xiao Qianlong stepped out of the customs and came to meet the demon son of the monster tribe himself.

"This time, the gods of the sanctuary and the contemporary people of all ethnic groups will go to the ancient city of Xuantian to gather." On a reception counter outside, Xiao Qianlong was sitting upright, his eyes dazzled, and he turned to the gods on the left and right. He said, "Can you friends gather together?" Now, after his retreat, his breath has become even more transcendent.

At this point the person sits flat.

Xiao Yun sat next to the Son of God.

As for Kirin and others, they are sitting on the edge.

This is also based on Xiao Yun's affection, otherwise it will not be able to seat at all.

"Are the gods of the sanctuary gathering?" After hearing the words, the eyes of the demon's gods were exposed.

"Yes." Xiao Qianlong blinked his eyes and said immediately, "After the party, I will go to the place of burial gods."

When the gods of various races were born, they were going to bury the gods to communicate with the sealed gods in their race.

They are all planning for the way of God.

"Is it the land where the gods are buried?" After hearing the words, Taichen's son stared at the light and said, "There are also gods in our tribe who claim to be there. After this trip, they should also enter it."

They also occupy the land in the land of burial gods.

In the same way, the Miracle Road opens, and they are preparing for it.

In fact, the children of these six protoss came to the Terrans to see the situation of the Terrans.

At the same time, the road of God is open, and it is good to meet some people.

"That being the case, then we can bury the land of God together." Long Xun said.

"This is also the case, when we meet with the clan people." God God Gaohuang said, "This time also happened to meet the **** son of the people."

"Oh, everyone from Daoist joined, I think this party will be a bit more flavorful." Xiao Qianlong laughed loudly.

These six gods are definitely strong.

They are all the hegemons of the sky demon domain.

These gods are also top-level beings, representing the combat power of the Tian Yao Realm.

If you send a few ordinary gods here, and lose without two games, wouldn't it have lost the face of the monsters?

Like the son of Taichen, although he ranks second in the White Tigers, his combat power is not worse than that of Xiao Qianlong.

Especially when the seven kills came out, it was truly overwhelming enough to sweep the Gai people of many ethnic groups.

Everyone was chatting, and the relationship was not bad.

Vaguely, the six demon clan and Xiao's have a little friendship.

Although the demons are tyrants, they also know that the magic road is about to open and it is good to have more friends.

Because of Xiao Yun's relationship, Xiao naturally became the first choice for their association.

In the Peacock clan, Xiao Yun had seven sons with holes as old friends.

There are Chu Tianming of the swallowing tits.

The Phoenix clan has the **** Phoenix son.

Although Kirin and the Seven Killers are now average, multiple acquaintances can also make people feel kind.

In particular, Xiao Yun admired this young man after listening to several deities for the sake of their demon children.

Think of Xiao Yun as a person.

The same is true, they will come to Shaw.

Otherwise, the arrogance of these clans will not be so low.

Three days later, Xiao Yun, Xiao Tianye, and Xiao's **** sons and the demon **** son left the secret realm together and went to the ancient city of Xuantian with the formation method.

The Ren sisters also followed Xiao Yun.

Princess Kirin and others followed the demon children to the party of the gods.

Hanging ancient city.

This is a city suspended in the void.

This city is located on the edge of the sanctuary.

It is also an ancient city near the place where the gods were buried.

The land where the gods are buried is actually a fragmented plane.

The place where it is located is deserted and dazzling, few people live there.

Of course, there is a secret place of the Hades near.

However, there is still aura on the suspended platform where Xuantian City is located.

It is foggy with mountains.

Although it is an ancient city, it is vast and boundless, just like a mortal kingdom, with mountains and rivers inside, ancient buildings with brilliant splendor, and many perfect platforms.

"This is the ancient city of Xuantian, sealed by the end of ancient times." Far away, Xiao Qianlong introduced to Xiao Yun and others.

"Xuantian Ancient City!" Xiao Yun and others stared, staring at the ancient city in front of the empty space.

Today, the ancient city has opened, with a vast and majestic atmosphere.

It was a vicissitudes of breath, and it also carried a sense of Shinto.

There are practitioners on it.

There is huge open space outside the city.


When Xiao Yun and others were light, they fell outside the city gate.

When they landed, someone ushered in immediately.

"Brother Xiao Yun!" A woman in a purple dress hugged a spirited fox came.

Beside her, Zuo Qing, Zuo Xunshuang and others accompanied him.

Of course, there are some elders among them.

In addition, two **** sons came forward.

This is Xiao Linger, the **** of seal in ancient times.

But at this time they did not show much expression when they rushed to Xiao Yun.

"Sister Linger!" Seeing Xiao Linger's captivating bird rushed to Xiao Yun and smiled, he went out of the crowd.

"This is ..." The gods next to him were curious.

"This woman is pretty."

"This is Xiao Yun's younger sister, the quasi-daughter of the Ice and Snow Palace." Xiao Tianxiang explained to the crowd.

"Oh." Everyone was curious.

At this time, Xiao Linger was already in the arms of Xiao Yun like a child.

The girl was full of thoughts.


In Ren Kexin's arms, Yi Yi jumped out and landed on Xiao Linger's shoulder.

"Little guy!" Xiao Linger hugged him with joy.

Yi Yi stretched out her claws and asked for an elixir.

This actually surprised the two sons of Zuo's.

"Brother Xiao!" Zuo Qing stepped forward and greeted Xiao Yun.

For this young man, Zuo Qing also admired it heartily.

"Brother Zuo!" Xiao Yun smiled.

That Zuo Yanshuang also slightly gestured towards Xiao Yun.

"This is my **** son, Zuo Tianchen, Tianchen son!" Zuo Qing introduced to Xiao Yun, "This is Xiao Yun Xiao son!"

Then Zuo Tianchen's eyes moved slightly ~ ~ Xiao Xiang Yun said lightly, "I heard that you are a contemporary man, now when you see it, you have a certain transcendent trend."

Although the words were polite, the indifferent tone was obviously a bit proud.

"Oh, the big age is starting. Whoever is the best person still needs big waves to scour the sand!" Xiao Yunxi smiled slightly and motioned slightly, saying hello.

These gods are arrogant. He has been taught a long time ago, so he did not take their attitudes to heart.

"That's right, Zhenrenjie, not afraid of big waves and sands!" Zuo Yuchen beside him laughed loudly.

This is also the son of Zuo's Zuo Shaoqin.

That Zuo Qing introduced him and Xiao Yun.

After the two sides met, Xiao Qianlong and others also walked slowly.

"My sister is married today, and then I have to go to Yiyang. I have to run around these days, so today and tomorrow are the same. Forgive me.

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