Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1688: Jiang said

"These are my Xiao family ..." Xiao Yun then introduced it to everyone.

"Oh, I've known each other long ago." Zuo Yuchen laughed loudly.

"The son of Qianlong, Zhan, I haven't seen you in a long time!" Zuo Tianchen frowned, glanced at Xiao's son.

His attitude is still so light.

"It's been a long time."

In ancient times, they were all great people of various ethnic groups, and they would naturally confront each other.

In fact, most people of Terran know.

That demon clan also has some talents who know the clan.

There is some intersection between the two sides.

Of course, not everyone will know.

After all, in that era, everyone was working hard to cultivate, in order to obtain the qualifications sealed down.

Many people just go in and out of those miracles and don't deliberately get to know others.

"How many gods are there in the city?" Xiao Qianlong asked after introducing it.

"A lot of clans have come here," Zuo Yuchen said.

This meeting of the Sons of God will gather most of the Sons of the Holy Land.

Of course, it is not always here.

For example, Xiao's only four.

The remaining five are still retreating at the Xiao family.

"Are they almost here, then we will enter the city first." Xiao Qianlong's eyes narrowed and he said.

"Please!" Zuo Yuchen made a gesture of please.

Afterwards, everyone walked towards the city together.

There are not many people in the city.

But when the mind is released, all people can sense.

The most disadvantaged is also Xiao Tianxiang.

But Xiao Tianxiang is also one of the top 1,000 in the Holy Martial Arts list!

After entering the city, the geniuses of all ethnic groups searched for the old friends of the ancients.

There are also people who find themselves in this camp.

Such as Na Yuwen, Qingtian, Juling, Jiuyang Holy Palace.

The gods of these forces are together.

This Xiao family is naturally with Zuo family.

Soon after, Jiang's people also arrived.

Jiang's party. There are five **** sons.

The veins are strong, and there are also many gods of the seal, with a total of sixteen.

Five came this time. They are extremely powerful and well-known in ancient times.

These people entered the city. Immediately attracted many people's attention.

"That's Jiang Wentian!"

"Is this guy here too?" Even exclaimed.

Obviously, the **** son of Jiang's was also able to overpower his contemporaries in ancient times.

This will cause the Son of God to lose his voice.

However, Jiang's **** son did not pay attention to these people.

"Is there anyone who has contacted Xiao's?" Jiang asked Tian Moguang and asked.

"Already contacted!" Jiang Changkong said beside.

Jiang Changkong also came this time.

In addition, there are Ming Ziyu and Jiang Youdao beside him.

Jiang Changkong is Jiang's contemporary masterpiece.

But in the face of Jiang Wentian, he had to lower his posture.

You know, Jiang Wentian was the best of the ancient gods, and he overwhelmed his contemporaries.

Such characters are so amazing that they are absolutely stunning. Everyone was overshadowed by his side.

This is true even for Jiang Youdao and Jiang Changkong.

"Okay, let's go find him!" Jiang Wentian blinked, Shen Sheng stepped forward.

The next few sons followed closely.

That Jiang Changkong leads the way.

He naturally knew why this godson would drop down and visit Xiao Yun.

It's all because this young man has been appreciated by the Emperor.

If they can be paid attention to by Hengdi, even if they are just a mediocre person, they dare not neglect.

Even if it is the son of the King of God, Jiang Wentian has the opportunity to achieve the throne of God.

Such characters have more goals than God.

He also wants to be a god, a **** ...

The vastness of Shinto.

But if the emperor can get one or two instructions, it is not impossible to set foot in these realms.

Therefore, the entire Jiang family pays attention to the clues about the Emperor.

Even if it's a trace.

Mingzi Yu's status today is also extraordinary, and can be on an equal footing with Jiang's **** son.

"The Jiang's are here!" Within a hall. At this time, Xiao, Zuo, and the six major demons gathered together.

At this moment, Xiao Yun received a contact from the Jiang family.

"Are Jiang's people here?" Wen Yan said. That Zuo Tianchen was finally moved.

In ancient times, he was also a fascinating existence. Once the magical power of the ice came out, it could seal the world.

It is in the Holy Palace of Ice and Snow, he is also a hero.

But he also had a fiasco!

That was defeated by Jiang's men.

And it's not the leader of Jiang's generation.

"Is that the Jiang family with six reincarnation martial arts souls?" Even the gods of the six demon clan were moved.

Obviously, they also know Jiang's reputation.

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded.

Subsequently, the atmosphere inside the hall was a little weird.

"But I don't know how many people are here?" Xiao Qianlong looked indifferently, his heart sullen.

It seems that for Jiang's people, he also has a bit of fear.

Xiao's is strong. Think of the war clan, rarely lose. But they also know Jiang's strength.

"God of Jiang is here!" At this time, outside the hall. There are people from Zuo Family.

"Are you here!" Everyone's eyes moved, they all looked out of the hall.

Xiao Yun also looked out of the hall.

But they saw a group of men of great stature walking outside this towering hall.

The first person I saw was a man with a magnificent crown and a jade crown.

Next to the man, Jiang Changkong and Jiang Youdao and others accompanied him.

In addition, there are several **** sons.

Between these people, there was a ripple in the void next to them, and the world seemed to be in chaos.

An immense power spread from them.

I didn't do it intentionally, but the momentum was sky-high.

The godson in the hall immediately felt this oppression.

"Jiang Wentian!" Xiao Qianlong's pupils shrank in that first place. "I didn't expect that he would come here, and would come here again!"

He was surprised.

This Jiang Wentian is one of the most dazzling gods in ancient times!

Xiao Zhan next to him was also moved.

Zuo Tianchen and Zuo Yuchen frowned. With a look of astonishment.

It seems that this person is giving them great pressure.

Jiang Wentian stepped forward, others followed.

This makes the hall a little weird.

Even as the Son of God. But when people turned to Jiang's people, they obviously paid more respect.

"Hehe, Brother Jiang is here to visit. Qian Qian has lost his sights and looks forward to forgiveness!" At this time, Xiao Qianlong had stood up and walked down from the first place to welcome him.

The other gods all got up.

If this ancient man came to visit, wouldn't it be provocative if he was still sitting?

"Gongzi!" Zuo Yuchen and others followed.

"Hehe, Brother Xiao is polite, Jiang didn't know there was a visitor here. Tang Tu's visit, please also Haihan!" Jiang asked Tian Lang with a smile and a very graceful manner.

As soon as his eyes moved, he saw that the next few people were from the demon realm.

"Oh, I can see Jiang Tianjiao. I'm lucky to wait. How can I blame Tang Su for the crime?" At this time, Long Xun's son laughed.

"Come on, Jiang Gongzi please come to the seat!" Xiao Qianlong smiled and immediately asked Jiang to go to the seat. I want to give up.

This is a respect for Jiang Wentian.

For ordinary people, Xiao Qianlong would not be like this at all.

But Jiang Wentian was so shocked that he was absolutely brilliant.

He once swept the ancient gods, and there are only a handful of gods who can compete with them.

For such a good guy. People of all races are born with awe.

"Oh, I am a guest, how can I win the host, if I don't mind, I will be here!"

Jiang Wentian waved a hand and smiled, and then pointed at the empty space beside Xiao Yun's previous seat.

"Hehe, since this is the case, Jiang Gongzi is wronged." Xiao Qianlong laughed.

Then everyone regained their seats.

This is a long table.

There are tables on each side of the table, which can be used by a dozen people.

Beside Xiao Yun. Just sat with sister Ren.

At this time, Jiang Wentian and Jiang's people sat at the table next to the table.

"Brother Xiao Yun!" Ming Ziyu was sitting directly to the left of Xiao Yun.

Seeing Xiao Yun again, he also seemed quite happy.

"That's right. He has stepped into the sky." Xiao Yun glanced at Ming Ziyu and smiled.

Now Ming Ziyu has passed nineteen.

He felt a little bit more heroic in his eyebrows.

However, when he met Xiao Yun, he was still a teenager. With childish dew.

Afterwards, everyone started to introduce.

"I have heard about Xiao Yungong's righteousness, Bo Yuntian, who is a contemporary man. Now, it ’s really extraordinary!" After introducing each other, Jiang Wentian smiled and arched toward Xiao Yun, saying "The ancient Ming In a difficult situation, it was necessary for Meng Xiao to release the siege, and thank you in advance! "

Then a toast was given as a tribute.

The appearance of the ancient heroes made Zuo Tianchen wait for a while.

Especially Long Xun Gongzi and others.

"This Jiang Wentian was a real Gai Dynasty character, and few people in my demon domain could compete with it. Such characters must be extremely arrogant and not as approachable as they are now, let alone a younger generation. Let ’s take the initiative. What kind of ability does this Xiao Yun boy have, so that Jiang Wentian is so? ”

God Gaohuang's eyes were suspicious.

Although these six gods have come to human race.

But they did not know about the Emperor.

Over the years, there have been too few demon and human races, and no one knows this.

"Oh, I am very polite to ask Tiangongzi. Speaking of which, I also accept the favor of the Mongolian Ming Family."

"Oh, speaking, it's still fate. In this case, you and my tribe will come and go like brothers." Jiang asked Tian with a smile.

After that, he toasted again.

"Gongzi's pride, Xiao Yun dare not follow." Xiao Yun raised his glass and smiled.

"Hehe, when I can gather here, I have a destiny, I always do it!" Xiao Qianlong saw this and raised his glass to everyone.

Six demon **** sons echo.

Although Jiang Wentian didn't say it explicitly, they could see that this man was going to form an alliance with Xiao's.

All of this is because of Xiao Yun ~ ~ Originally, they also felt that Xiao's was good, and everyone also voted for it.

Now that there is such a relationship with Jiang, it is naturally more joyful to form an alliance.

After all, a good relationship with Xiao is equal to a good relationship with Jiang.

As a result, there is another powerful ally.

Jiang's ...

This is a big family that has dominated two eras!

Although the six demon clan also have a strong heritage.

But in this era, it is always right to have another friend.

Afterwards, everyone continued to embarrassed and talked about nothing else.

Jiang Wentian did not talk about the Emperor.

It seems that he wanted to associate with Xiao's not because of Emperor Heng. (To be continued.)

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