Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1689: Xiao Yun's face

Inside the hall, everyone drank together, and now old friends are embarrassed.

Jiang Wentian was an ancient Gai generation, but he was approachable without losing the style of the king.

After a conversation, the two sides will inevitably help.

Of course, the Son of God will not appear.

All ethnic groups will send some contemporary Tianjiao appearances.

Such as Xiao's Xiao Tianye, Jiang Youdao, and so on.

The confrontation between these younger generations, the magical evolution of the novel, is also extremely exciting.

Nowadays, many people set foot in the demi-god, even in the quasi-god realm, and many ancient heavenly powers and secret techniques can be barely displayed.

Of course, there are also a few young people with extraordinary fighting power.

If swallowing the larks, there is a young man named Chu Congliang.

It did not participate in the battle of the Shenxu Realm.

However, its combat power is stronger than that of the Dragon King.

That swallowed the magical power of heaven and earth to change its color.

Jiang's also sent people to shoot, but not Jiang Youdao, but another contemporary talent.

This person is supernatural and not worse than Jiang.

Geniuses of all ethnic groups are so happy to learn.

Even if someone loses, for the strong, it is exactly what they need.

Because you can recognize yourself only in failure.

Only by meeting the strong can you excite your potential.

Therefore, this consultation seemed very harmonious, and there was no discordant atmosphere.

When those people were discussing, those **** sons had a good wine tasting conversation.

On the other side.

This is also a hall.

The gods of Jiuyang Holy Palace sit in the first place.

Next to it is Yuwen's God, Qingtian, and Giant Spirit.

There is even the Son of God in the Holy Martial Art Hall among them.

As for the dark martial spirit, swallowing the sky martial spirit, and so on are not here.

Obviously, these forces have also become a camp.

"Then Jiang Tiantian is here!" Someone said in this hall.

"Oh!" Wen Yan said, and Yang Hao, who was in the right position, stared at him. "Is he here too?"

This is the **** son of Yang's, and he is also a villain who used to compete with Jiang Wentian in ancient times.

But in the end, he lost once.

"He went to Xiao Family. It seems that Jiang Family really wants to form an alliance with Xiao Family." The youth of Jiuyang Holy Palace, who was responsible for inquiring the news, whispered.

Suddenly, the gods of various races in the hall moved slightly.

The gods were born, and they all knew what happened to the three ambushes of Xiao Yun.

But because of the prestige of the Emperor, everyone did not dare to go to Xiao's trouble.

At this moment, they were just wanting to see the attitude of Jiuyang Holy Palace.

After all, during the war, Jiuyang Holy Palace also ridiculed two heroes.

"It's nothing to worry about." Yang Hao's eyes lightened and said lightly, "This Jiang Wentian will go to Xiao's initiative, mostly because of that emperor."

"That great emperor?" After hearing the words, the gods of all ethnic groups were all eyes closed.

Speaking of the emperor, there is no discoloration.

"Dare to ask son Hao, is that Emperor still alive?" Next to him, a contemporary person asked.

"The great emperor is not conceivable, it ’s not that I can imagine, it ’s just the calamity of ancient heaven and earth, and there are countless deities of the Jiang family. Among them, there are many gods, but the great emperor has not appeared. The emperor can't get away. In short, I don't have to be too cautious. Just like mortal things, can you and I have time to manage it? "Yanghao asked.

"As long as it's not my uncle's child, naturally I'm too lazy to care!" Murmured several gods next to him.

In fact, if it wasn't because of his face, he wouldn't bother to care about the grudges of the last battle.

But this has something to do with the face of the clan, and they have to take a shot.

"Also, if the deities have deities, they may not be able to take care of future generations." The **** sons of various races nodded. "Furthermore, since the emperor did not sweep all races, he must also know the rules of heaven and earth. Inheriting it, after all, it is still the millions of people who are powerful. What does it mean? "

Such as retreats.

Or once for millennia.

If the clan is not strong, it may be a vicissitudes of life after leaving the customs.

"What does Nayang mean?" Asked a **** son of Yuwen's.

"Watch it first," Yang Hao said faintly. "Now that the road of God is about to open, some private grievances, why are you talking about your teeth? I am all people who are determined to become gods. The vision of the eyes will be enlarged a little, and the future is very big If you become a Shinto supreme, the world is vast, and you can stir up a storm by turning your hands? "

He didn't care about these little grudges.

No one seems ridiculous and has nothing to do with him.

Of course, he didn't hesitate because of the power of the emperor.

This Yang Hao is obviously a man with a vast world.

The other gods nodded.

"Hehe, come, drink!" Yang Hao smiled and raised a glass to the crowd.

At this time, the gods of all races were gathering.

Xiao Yun's side.

Until night, the talents dispersed.

After dispersing, Jiang Wentian went to the Shentai Mansion where Jiang's family settled.

Ming Ziyu followed Xiao Yun.

When they met, they also had a lot to say.

Ming Ziyu explained his affairs at Jiang's.

In his heart, Xiao Yun is really like his brother.

"In the future, if you sharpen it more, you will also be a hero for the world." Xiao Yun's eyes showed encouragement.

"Um." Ming Ziyu nodded earnestly. "Now my blood is constantly being stimulated, and Ming Shen's magic is gradually under control."

For the future, he is also full of confidence.

As the rule of the earth weakens the power of Shinto today, the power of his bloodline is also constantly inspiring.


The next day.

In the morning, a son of God came to visit.

This is the **** son of Jue Clan, come to visit Xiao Yun.

In addition, there are **** sons in the vein of the sun and moon martial spirit.

There is also the **** son of Yao's life in the vein of life Wuhun.

Together, the three martial spirit clan seem quite lively.

Xiao Yun immediately hosted a banquet.

The six demon clan and Xiao's people came out to accompany guests.

Later, another son came to visit.

This is someone from June Pure Land.

For example, Murong's people are impressively accompanied by Murong Jingyun.

There is also the Yuan family who stunned the body that day.

Tian Feng's eyes.

There is also the Duke of the Star Divine Clan.

That lonely star also appeared at this time.

The four protoss came to visit one after another, making the banquet even more lively.

During this visit, Jueshi brought Peerless, Peerless Wind and others.

Tian brought Tian Qingshan and others, even if Tian Qingshan and Xiao Yun had no friendship.

However, they came from the ancient road together, and when talking, it was a good starting point.

It was the same that Tian Qingshan was able to come here.

That is also true of Yuan Tianzhang.

These people came to visit Xiao Yun, and although they didn't say so, they also expressed their intention to form an alliance.

Go hand in hand on God's way together.

In this regard, Xiao's is naturally welcome.

But they didn't believe it either.

Because verbal alliances are ultimately not guaranteed.

All this depends on the actual actions of these follow-up clans.

At the banquet, children of a large family came here.

That's Gu's people.

Gu Langyu is also there.

The ancients and the Xiaos have always been at odds.

The visit of God's Son this time is surprising.

But since coming, Xiao Qianlong is also a good hospitality.

Many of them are known.

"Oh, I'm so sorry for the aristocracy!" Gu Qing's **** son, Gu Qingfeng paid his respects to the Qilin **** son.

This refers to the capture of Prince Kirin and others.

"Hehe, the old brother is polite, but since we are here, do you and our tribe have to learn from each other?" The **** son of the Qilin tribe said with a loud smile.

"Okay!" Then, the Gu family and the Kirin tribe each sent geniuses to discuss.

This can also be regarded as a Wuhui friend to resolve the previous grievances.

Not only that, Gu also gave gifts in compensation.

The divine sons apologize for this, and the Kirin tribe naturally has no reason to continue entanglement.

The grievances are resolved, and the Gus and Kirin are also quite happy.

This scene can be said to be a rare harmony.

And all of this is because of Xiao Yun.

Gods of all races will come here, naturally not because Xiao Qianlong has a big face.

All because of the great emperor behind Xiao Yun.

Under the balance, many clans will use this to make friends.

This was all they had negotiated in the clan.

There are also forces watching the changes.

There are also sons of arrogance who are not willing to visit.

But for all this, Xiao Yun didn't care.

This change also made Xiao Yun's identity in Xiao's detached.

Even at two banquets, Xiao Qianlong just became a foil.

Although Xiao Yun didn't have much words, he was obviously the real protagonist.

This made Xiao's **** son have to show a bitter smile.

Three days later, the gods of all the major forces have arrived.

In the early morning of this day, the bell in Xingtian City rang, and the meeting of the sons of various ethnic groups finally began.

There are gods in the mansion and the mansion is looted out of the mansion.

Those ordinary geniuses also followed, all eyes excited, wanting to see the glory of the gods of all races.

It can be said that this is the real grand event of the sanctuary.

Here are all top characters, representing the future of the sanctuary.

This is a very wide god.

In the Shentai Bafang, there are rows of thrones and table tables for the sitting tables.

At the center is a huge martial arts inspection platform.

This martial arts test station is generally used for learning purposes.

As a result of the meeting, some people will inevitably learn from each other to help.

Of course, at this time there is a **** standing on the high platform in the center.

This is the person of the Holy Martial Temple.

"The life and death of Wuhun is coming, and Shangguan Tianyuan is here!" The man said, his voice deep in all directions.

Whenever a clan arrives, he will announce it so that everyone knows who this person is.

By this time, there were already many gods in the field.

Behind the Son of God, many stood sideways.

In this case, it is not that the Son of God cannot sit down, otherwise the rules are broken.

Shangguan Tianyuan is a vein of life and death martial arts.

In ancient times ~ ~ he also had a prestigious existence.

"Has Shangguan Tianyuan arrived?" When Shangguan Tianyuan arrived, he immediately aroused the ideas of many **** sons.

Shangguan Tianyuan was wearing an ink-weave robe, and his long black hair was so dangling, without a crown.

He just wandered around and dropped towards a platform ahead.

When seated, he stared blankly, glancing around in all directions, as if looking at which gods had arrived.

When he glanced at this light, his eyes flickered with blue light, exuding a strong breath of life, in which everything seemed to be seen growing, a prosperous appearance, but in his other eye, he was angry Deep, like a purgatory, the dying air that emanates from it is trembling.

This look, with his handsome appearance and long, dangling hair, seemed rather evil.

Suddenly, people of all ethnic groups quickly withdrew their eyes and did not dare to look at this Shangguan Tianyuan.

The breath emanating from the other person's eyes made them scared.

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