Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1708: walk my own path

"You can't set foot on the road with a sacred thing?" Wen Yan said that all of Xiao's people were slightly discolored.

At first, everyone thought that if they got the fetish, they could set foot on the path of God.

The same is true. After Xiao Yun obtained the Shentai, all the ethnic groups did not hesitate to take the shot to seize the Shentai.

But at this point it sounds like things are not so simple.

"The road to God is opened. It is a big time and there must be disputes." The King of Battles said, "Before that day, no one knows what will happen."

"Don't the gods have deduced" Pig

"The horizon is unpredictable, and there will be too many variables in the future. Even the gods can only see a corner even if they are trying hard to figure it out." The King of Battles said with a look of calmness. To start, it must be the time when the war of gods starts. Now you have to work hard to cultivate yourself and improve yourself. "

"Once the Divine Road opens, it is also the time when the Divine War begins?" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened.

"So Father, what do I need to do now?" Xiao Qianlong said.

"You just need to wait for a long time to live." The king of battles is king, "At that time, when the gods are born, you need to have sufficient knowledge if you want to rise among them."

"A **** is born!" Hearing this, the people in the field were inexplicably dignified.

Especially those **** sons, they know the power of the gods.

Once the gods are born, they can only look at them.

"So, you must hurry up and cultivate, and strive to become a **** in one fell swoop when the road of God opens."

"Well," Xiao Qianlong nodded. "The child has the confidence to become a **** when the road of God opens."

In this regard, he is full of confidence.

In ancient times, he was confident to become a god.

But because the power of the rules of heaven and earth has changed, he can no longer progress.

"It's so good." The King of Battles nodded slightly.

"Father, what else do you have to explain?" Xiao Qianlong asked.

"There are many divine soldiers in my clan, ashamed!" God of hundreds of wars, "As for the shinto ruins, there are also in the clan. Now, as a father, I can only evolve the mystery of the Shinto. Let you wait to feel it, just as A practitioner, when he has his own Tao, is like this Xiao Xiaoyou. As a child of the Xiao family, he has taken a different path and has taken a different path. These characters, such courage, if they grow up, they will become a great tool in the future. " He also attaches great importance to Xiao Yun.

Because too many people just keep the heritage of that ancestor.

How many people think for themselves and go their own way?

Because this will give up their advantages first.

This is bound to be a bumpy road.

The same is true. Few people will abandon the inheritance in the clan and cultivate another way.

"Well." The crowd nodded.

They also understand the truth.

Even though everyone is Xiu's war intentions, they are all different.

There is also mad warfare, warfare, and vastness ...

As soon as the light of the King of Battles condensed, a ripple appeared immediately in front of everyone.

When the ripples emerged a heaven and earth evolved.

As soon as the hearts of the people moved, they sank into this heaven and earth.

There is a lifetime experience of the King of Fighters.

Xiao Yun and others felt with heart.

The life of a **** king is doomed to be extraordinary and has too much to learn.

Although Xiao Yun has seen the experience of many gods, he is full of life, and every time he enlightens, he can make people understand.

After a long time, everyone withdrew from that perception.

There was a ripple in the void, and the King of Battles appeared.

"Do you have any more questions?" The King of Battles asked.

"What is it?" Xiao Hong asked.

"Even if you look at others, you have a lot of life and changes in the world, but after all, you have to go your own way. The way of others, after all, has an end. Go and explore, "said the King of Battles," the only way to see the end is full of possibilities. "

"The road that can't see the end is full of infinite possibilities?" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, his heart moved and he realized something.

There were many hesitations in his mind, and all his worries disappeared.

In the past, he was at a loss because he didn't gather his magical power.

Because many people have set foot in the paranormal state.

But he seemed remote.

But as the King of Battles said, without seeing the end, the unclear road is full of infinite possibilities.

"Today, all you can do is follow the path under your feet and go forward indefinitely."

"Thank you for your guidance!" Xiao Yun said in a pinch.

At this point he was clear-headed and no fog left.

He is confident in his own way.

Isn't his path at this time as difficult as the vast Shinto?

But it is precisely this that has infinite possibilities.

There are countless uprights waiting for him to explore.

"Cultivation depends on oneself, and the predecessors only mentioned one or two." The king of battles waved his hand.

"Dare to ask the king, I wonder if you know where there is water from Huangquan?" Xiao Yun groaned slightly, then looked up and asked.

"Water of Huangquan?" After hearing the words, the king of hundred battles frowned. "In the dark place, there is indeed a Huangquan River, but this Huangquan water is extremely mysterious, but it is not accessible to ordinary people. What are you looking for? He was slightly worried, but the water of Huangquan was so mysterious that even the gods were afraid of it.

"There is something in the younger generation, you must find this water of Huangquan." Xiao Yun said.

"Since you desperately need this water, I will give you that address." As soon as the King of Fighting God's eyes condensed, he quickly emptied his fingers.


The divine pattern bloomed, the map was branded and injected into Xiao Yun's knowledge of the sea.

Suddenly, Xiao Yun saw the rolling mountains and rivers, as well as information on nearby things.

"If you can't get close to the Huangquan River, don't be able to do it," the King of Battles reminded.

"Thank you God, there must be a sense for the younger generation." Xiao Yun sighed.

"Okay!" The King of Battles nodded and said, "So, I fell asleep. Remember, now that the road of God is about to open, everything is important. If you can get along with the various races, you will do well. In the future, do n’t It will be calm, even if you set foot in the realm of God, you need enough allies, it will be a glorious era, but also a difficult era. "

"Well." Xiao Qianlong nodded.

Then, a ripple appeared on the body of the King of Battles, and it dissipated.

If the restraint of the earth's power still exists today, he cannot stay long.

Moreover, at this time, he was also a virtual body condensed by the power of the Yuan Shen, not even the spiritual body, nor could he maintain it for too long.

At this moment, their deity cannot be born at all.

Looking at the dissipated figure, everyone felt emotional.

Especially Xiao Tianye and other contemporary children.

They still feel dreamy.

Just now ~ ~ They also talked to the **** king.

"Oh, as long as the rules of heaven and earth dissipate the restraint of Shinto power, I will have a chance to become the King of God." Xiao Qianlong laughed when he saw these contemporary children sighing.

"Well," Xiao Yan nodded, full of expectations for the future.

As for Xiao Yun, he was thinking of Huang Quanshui.

"As long as I find the water of Huangquan, I can go to the ground of condemnation to take out the three major protoss, and by the way explore the land of condemnation that day." Xiao Yun's eyes flashed.

His eyes were full of expectations.

He felt vaguely that day of condemnation.

Moreover, there are many places there that he has not yet explored.

[Now it ’s almost New Year ’s and New Year ’s Day, the old demon will be updated steadily, and now the plot is coming to an end. The place of condemnation that everyone has been waiting for will also go. How great will Xiao Yun be then? Let's smash the monthly pass. 】

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