Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1709: Iron Underwood

Now Xiao Yun has set foot in the paranormal state. ?? Look at the book 1? Ka? N? Shu ·

In addition, he realized the Taoism of Yuanyuan.

At this moment, the more he felt the extraordinaryness of the condemned land.

Especially the Yin-Yang Baojian filled him with expectations.

If you go there for your own enlightenment, you may be able to set foot in the paranormal state.

In this way, his combat power will soar, and he can compete with that top godson.

"Let's go find the water of Huangquan together?" Then, a **** son of Xiao's eyes revealed the color of inquiry.

"Looking for the water of Huangquan?" Xiao Qianlong frowned, and he didn't have much interest in it.

Xiao Tianye did too.

Because they learned from the king of the hundred war gods that Huang Quanhe is very dangerous, and the gods dare not touch the Huang Quan's breath.

Moreover, there are many relics in this place where the gods are buried.

Among them is the Yin fruit, which is of great benefit to tempering the gods.

In addition to meeting the King of God, they also wanted to look for the Yin fruit.

"If you have other goals, let me go to the Huangquan River by myself!" Xiao Yun seems to know that these people also have their own plans, and then frowned slightly.

"It's just that you go alone, I'm afraid it's wrong!" Xiao Qianlong's eyes hesitated.

Although Xiao Yun still has Ling Xi in the Jiuqing Holy Palace, he is weak and weak.

He was not relieved to let them go alone.

"Let ’s go with them!" Xiao Zhan's eyes narrowed and he said.

"It's so good!" Xiao Qianlong nodded slightly, "If I get the Yin fruit, etc., I will keep it for you."

Even if it is the Son of God, they need to constantly improve themselves.

After all, after a thousand years of sealing, their flesh and blood, the gods, were somewhat weakened.

At this time, a lot of divine spirits are needed to improve one's foundation.

"Okay." Xiao Zhan nodded.

"So, thank you brother." Xiao Yun slightly raised his fist.

In fact, he doesn't care.

However, this Xiao Zhan is willing to go with him, but also has a bit of affection, and he is not good at rejecting it.

"You're welcome." Xiao Zhan waved.

Although he also knew Xiao Yun was strong.

Just one more person, at least one more. Read a book? · 1? ·

Subsequently, the crowd left this place where Xiao's funeral was buried.

Xiao Qianlong took Xiao Tianye and others to find some spiritual extract in the underworld.

Xiao Yun went to the Huangquan River with Xiao Zhan.

Of course, Ling Xi and Ren's sisters also followed Xiao Yun.

The shadowy land is huge, like a big world, with boundless horizons.

Although in ancient times, the **** kings of all races swept here together.

After all, there are still many dangerous places to go.

Such as the area where the Huangquan River is located.

This is a dangerous place in the underworld.

Xiao Yun and Xiao Zhan and others flew all the way, and it took them half a month to come to this area.

You know, Xiao Zhan has reached the quasi-god realm, and he urged the soldiers to fly, at that time, how many times faster than the demigods and the heavenly cultivators.

But they also spent half a month flying.

For ordinary practitioners, it will take one year or even ten years to come here.

When he came here, the qi was stronger.

The sorrowful air in front of it was dark, and the sky and the sky were almost the same.

Even if there are some spar, there is a glimmer of light.

When I came here, I felt a huge force in the sky.

The qi in the void is like a dragon, constantly stirred, and cracks can be seen.

These cracks exuded a terrifying breath, and seemed to swallow the world.

At this point, Xiao Zhan did not dare to rush forward.


When Shenzhou landed, the **** pattern spread out, revealing Xiao Yun and others.

In front of them, there was a muffled atmosphere, covering the whole world.

With his eyesight, he could not see the void in the distance.

At this time, they can only see a high mountain surrounded by dark air.

This mountain is very strange. It looks very tall and towering, but it feels a bit illusory. It doesn't seem to be high, just like a plain hill.

"The front convenience is Huangquan Mountain!" Xiao Yun gazed at the huge mountain hidden in the mage in front of him, and said, "You can see the Huangquan River when you step through this Huangquan Mountain."

Everything here is almost the same as what the King of Battles said. ?? ~ ~ Legend has the existence of soul-stealing flowers in Huangquan Mountain. "Xiao Zhan said," This flower is extremely mysterious, it can be hidden in the mountain. It can wait for opportunity to move, eat human flesh, eat human souls, powerful soul eating flowers, even the gods can swallow it. This is a powerful plant At that time, you and I have to be careful. "

"Well," Xiao Yun nodded, and turned towards the sister Ren Ren next to him.

"Don't worry, now that I am a quasi-god and strong, I don't need to hide in your tower." Ren Kexin seemed to know what Xiao Yun thought, and said at the moment, "Further, I need to continue to sharpen and improve myself To become a strong one, you have to go through wind and rain after all. "At this time, she also wanted to sharpen herself.

"Little girl is right." Ren Keying nodded. "We should sharpen it too."

She also did not want to live under the protection of Xiao Yun.

"Then let's move on!" Xiao Yun nodded, and didn't say much, walked ahead and walked away.

The ground in front of it was cracked, and a lot of ghost gas emerged from the ground, turning into a storm.

If you are not careful, you are likely to be caught up in the storm.

Xiao Yun's eyes were wide, and his eyes were in all directions, sensing the fluctuations of the nearby atmosphere, so as to avoid the turbulent gas storm.

Sister Ren's sisters all have divine eyes, which can also be used to break the imagination, and penetrate into the qi and perceive all directions.

In this way, the disadvantages brought by that qi have weakened.

Although Ling Xi didn't have a god's eyes, the light lines in her eyes flickered, and there seemed to be a condensate of the lines. Based on this, she could also observe the fluctuations in all directions.

Xiao Zhan's warfare soared into the sky, and he directly overwhelmed the qi within a kilometer, which seemed extremely overbearing.

In this way, everyone went forward, but soon came to the foot of the mountain ahead.

After reaching the foot of the mountain, Xiao Yun's brow frowned slightly.

The mountains ahead were swaying.

At first glance, it seems to be as high as ten feet.

But if you look closely, it looks like a flat horse.

At a glance, the ripples in front appear like a world.

It seems that as long as you set foot in this mountain, you will enter another world.

For practitioners, this is undoubtedly terrifying.

Entering another world means endless unknown.

That danger can be imagined.

In ancient times, there was an old saying that when you entered Huangquan Mountain, you entered the gate of the ghost gate like half a foot.

One can imagine the horror of this mountain.

"Go!" After inducting Huang Quanshan in front, Xiao Yun stepped and set foot on a footpath at the foot of the mountain.

Ling Xi and Sister Ren followed.

Xiao Zhan swept behind in case there was something smashing.


Entering Huangquan Mountain, the picture in front of it flashed, the mountain disappeared, and a dense forest appeared in front.

There are endless giant trees in the jungle.

This is an iron haunted tree, lingering above it, like a dragon hovering.

After entering it, you can obviously feel a sense of depression.

In the dense forest, the mountain road extends.

Xiao Yun took the lead, and at the same time, the mind was released, carefully sensing the nearby fluctuations.

"Some of these underworld trees are spiritual and will actively attack people." Xiao Yun said.

This is what the King of Battles informed.

Ren Keying and others are paying attention to everything here.

However, as they moved forward, they did not encounter any danger.

In this way, it is very stable to go all the way, without encountering any danger.

The more you do, the more nervous you become.

Suddenly, everyone came to a valley.


Only then set foot in the valley, the world changed immediately.

The soaring tall trees next to it began to move.

The old tree moved, and there were still ghost lines on that branch.

Then the branches extended and shrouded the valley.

Brush, brush!

Only momentarily, the whole valley was shrouded in Xiao Yun and others in all directions, no way out, and some were just a tree of iron haunting with fame.

These trees have extremely hard branches, comparable to fine iron.

The most frightening thing is the lingering lines.

This is like the Taoist pattern of the practitioner, which contains supernatural powers.

The pattern blocked the valley, and then every branch was like a spear. Now Xiao Yun and others penetrated it.

At the same time, there was still a powerful force over the dow pattern in the void.

That power, extremely mysterious, turned into a field, to bind Xiao Yun and others in the valley.

"Trees will line up, kill?" Seeing this, Xiao Zhandu's eyes were surprised.

"It is indeed dangerous." Xiao Yun's eyes lightened.

If not prepared, who can withstand this raid.

Kill the sky!

When the Tie Mingshu struck, Xiao Yun shot strongly.

All he saw was that he took a step forward, and that big hand was cut in vain.


The hand-sharpened blade, wherever it was passed, the void was torn, and the branches of the iron nether tree were immediately broken.

On the other side, the Ren sisters also shot.

The left eye is chaotic, the right eye is broken!

The power of the two gods' eyes condensed, and the eyes flashed, and the world changed color.

"This little girl actually has such a powerful eye?" Especially when Ren Kexin's power of that eye appeared, even Xiao Zhan's eyes were surprised.

Ren Kexin's body has the original **** pattern, and the power of that eye is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.


The light lines of that god's eye came out, and the mysterious lines made the void in front of it chaotic, with a turbulent evolution of space.

The branches of the Tie Ning tree immediately fell into a turbulent space and could not pass through to hurt people.

After the invasion of the left eye affected the attack of Tie Ningshu, the right eye flashed, and the eye of the **** appeared.

The power of broken eyes swept out of this man's eye.


The eyes of this **** passed by, the void in front of it shattered, and all the branches of the iron nether tree were broken, turning into powder.

The power of the anti-chaos god's eyes was immediately revealed.

It can be said that ~ ~ This is a powerful eye, and its combat power is not inferior to some of the top ten martial spirits in ancient times, and it is even stronger.

Although Ren Keying was worse than that, it was not bad.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhan also knew a little about the sisters' combat capabilities.

Of course, Ling Xi is not bad.

With her jade hand rising, a force of heaven and earth swept out.

As soon as the power of this heaven and earth came out, the void in front of it solidified.

Then she pulled her jade hands, and the sword was soaring into the sky, chopping off the iron branches.

She looked calm and elegant when she shot, but the combat power was unequivocal.

Under Xiao Yun and others' shots, those Tie Ning trees could not approach the kilometers in front of them at all.


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