Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1726: I'm afraid

Gu's and Zhu's quasi-god help.

With the addition of these four people, Xiao was finally not so weak.

"Are these people crazy?" Tiandu frowned at some forces.

They feel a little incredible.

This Chuyang and others are menacing, and the other four are obviously strong men in the sanctuary and have a long history.

But at this time they dare to oppose it?

/ Pig / Pig / Island / Novel www.huuo. Are they not afraid to offend the Jiuyang Holy Palace?

"The quasi-god of that ancient clan mentioned Xiao Yun earlier, did this Xiao Yun break out of some famous churches in the sanctuary?" Someone secretly thought.

It's just that the battle ahead is too fierce, and everyone dare not intervene.

After a fight, Xiao et al.

The quasi-gods of the Gus and Zhushen are also unable to fight against the Chus.

Xiao's children are full of worries.

If this defeat, they may really be removed from the sky.

Faced with such strong men, they have no trace of resistance!

"Don't you do anything at this time, but when will you wait?"

When the crowd was repelled, and they couldn't compete with Chu Yang and others, the Gu's quasi-god opened his mouth behind him.

Among the crowd were two quasi-gods from the sanctuary.

One is Xiaoxi Tianjiao.

One comes from Taixumen!

Both of them are strong.

In addition, each of these two forces also came with a demigod.

Counting so, there are four more.

"That Xiao Yun is a villain, even Jiang's initiative to make friends with him, even if the road of God opens, he will not be ordinary!"

The hearts of these two quasi-gods were dark.

"Okay!" After a secret whisper, the two walked and immediately headed forward.

The heavens behind them shook their heads and had to follow.

In this way, Xiao's four more powerful helpers.

With these four shots, Xiao's side was finally reluctant to compete with Chu's.

"Are you all going to help this Xiao family?" Seeing this, Chu Yang was completely angry.

This is not fear.

This is the disregard of the Chus by various ethnic groups.

At this time obviously Xiao's prestige, but someone helped.

What does this mean?

This shows that people of all ethnic groups are optimistic about Xiao and Xiao Yun.

How could Chuyang not be angry?

"That being the case, then you will be buried with Xiao's people today!" A slightly murmured voice came out of this Chuyang mouth.

Then, he strode forward, and mysterious lines bloomed in the sun.

Then there was a ripple in his body.

At this moment, he seemed to merge with that Shenyang.


Shenyang flashed, carrying Supreme God's might and suppressing forward.

"Shenyang Fengtian!" At this time, the four Chu's quasi-gods also shot with all their strength.

Only four rounds of Shenyang emerged, one after another in the void.

That divine pattern lingers, continually merges, and turns into a large array.

This large array is constantly expanding, such as being transformed into the sky of Shenyang, covering the whole void.

Gu Shi, Zhu Shi, Tai Xu Men, the quasi-gods of Xiaoxi Tianjiao are all shrouded in this world.

Look at this, Chu's people are planning to kill all these people in the large array.

"Shenyang refining the sky!" Within the large array, Chu's heroes pulled with both hands, and the four rounds of Shenyang merged into an oven, and the endless flames fell down. It turned, the vastness of the mighty power overthrew, and the void was burning, and the powerful men of the clan, such as the ancients and the Zhus, changed their colors.

"These guys all have gods!"

The faces of the people were astonished.

Although they also have magic soldiers, they are obviously inferior to people.

The strong men of all races tried their best to fight, but it was still difficult to resist the prestige of Chu.

Chu Yang's repression of Shenyang directly caused Xiao Xiong to explode and blood spit out from his mouth.

His spear almost shattered.

Outside, Xiao's strong men urged a large array of help.

A martial art evolved from the sky.

Na Wuyin was so imposing that the war was sweeping in all directions.

Unfortunately, the war power was incinerated only when it touched that day, and there was only a ripple in that void.

Na Wuyin repressed, but failed to shake the big burst at all, but was frightened by a god.

Although Xiaodu ’s ancestors were gods, they were just ordinary gods. How could the soldiers and seals left by him be comparable to those in that sanctuary?

Seeing Wu Yin being struck and flying, people of all races looked dignified.

"It seems that Xiaodu can't escape this disaster." Many people secretly thought.

"Huh, they have occupied Xiao Zhantian, they have dominated the sky for several years, and now it's time to close the curtain." Someone hummed coldly.

The ancient clan in the large array, and other ethnic quasi-gods were also Zhenfei, vomiting blood in his mouth.

"It seems we are really tragedy this time!" Zhu's quasi-god smiled bitterly.

"The Chu people in Sanctuary are really strong!" Gu's quasi-god also sighed.

After all, they are still a little behind.

"But you don't need to worry, I got a message ..." The Guzheng's quasi-god was not worried.

"What's the news?" Xiaoxi Tianjiao's quasi-god asked.

At this time they tried hard to resist, the magical soldiers bloomed endlessly, and shone in the world, but they could not resist the power of Chu.

At this moment, they also began to worry.

"The son of Xiao Yun has also come to Tiandu." Gu's quasi-god said.

"Xiao Yun is here too? Why don't you see him in Xiao's?" Xiaoxi Tianjiao's quasi-shintoism.

"I also got the news." Zhu's quasi-shinto.

In fact, when they came to Xiao's this time, they actually wanted to see Xiao Yunrong more.

Unfortunately, Xiao Yun is not in the Xiao family.

"At this moment, do you still expect that Xiao Yun?" Chu Yang strolled in the formation space, and the Shenyang above his head was suspended and imposing, his eyes twinkled like the Shenyang, and the gods of those big races were coldly Staring, "I will kill you all here today, see how Xiao Yun avenges you?"

With a look of shame, he had planned to kill all of them.


Just at this moment, this array of law space suddenly trembled, and that Shenyang showed signs of instability.

A horrendous wave raged, making Chu Yang and others discolor.

"It's such a powerful wave. Who's shooting outside?" Chu's quasi-gods looked dignified.

Then everyone released their minds and moved towards the outside of the array.

When they were shocked, the burst of law burst violently, and all the soldiers were shocked.

Horrified, they quickly took the soldiers to their side.

Subsequently, Chu's quasi-god turned, with a stern look on his face toward the void in the distance.

There were ripples in that void, and silhouettes appeared one after another.

Someone shot just now, hitting this array.

"Are there people again?" When these people appeared, the demigods of various ethnic groups within the Xiao family were surprised.

Then everyone's eyes locked tightly forward.

But they saw the void, and men appeared out of thin air.

The man headed was slender, with a handsome face, his eyebrows were like swords, with a bit of sharpness, and his dark eyes were like a deep void, which could not be seen through.

When the robe danced with the wind, it was a little airy.

There is a bloom of Shenxi on him.

This man has a transcendent temperament, just like the Son of God.

But at this moment there was a cold flash of light in his eyes.

The light looked like a sharp blade, tearing the void and falling on Chu's quasi-god.

When this light fell on the body, Chu's quasi-god's heart shuddered.

"This ... this is Xiao Yun?" And when the elders of various ethnic groups in the distance in the distance saw the young man, the heart couldn't help but jump.

A deep shock came to my heart.

Who is Xiao Yun in front of?

It's just that Xiao Yun's temperament today is transcendent, like a god!

This makes it hard to think of that hero.

You know, at that time, although Xiao Yun was already on the rise, he was just a spiritual master.

In contrast, at this time Xiao Yun, how aloof his temperament?

Even the geniuses from the Sanctuary of Chu Family were overshadowed by him.

"Xiao ... Xiao Yun?" Xiao Xiong showed excitement.

"Is that the kid?" Xiao Yuan murmured.

At this moment from the young man in front, he felt a special temperament.

That temperament was so dusty that it surpassed the Son of God.

This is no longer the case!

"He did come to Tianduyu!" Gu's quasi-god's eyes showed joy.

"Fortunately, he is finally here!" Zhu's quasi-god was relieved.

This time he was shot for adventure, and intends to win once.

But the great risks involved are obvious to the world.

If Xiao Yun hadn't come, they would have been afraid to get out.

"He's here too!" Chu's quasi-god filled his face completely.

There was dread in their eyes.

Obviously, Xiao Yun's name has long been popular.

"Xiao Yun!" Then Chuyang's brows frowned, and Xiao Yun's eyes looked extremely complicated.

There was hatred and jealousy.

In addition, there are deep fears and fears.

This young man is not afraid of heaven!

In the beginning, even the heroes of the three major gods dare to cut.

Who dares to be lucky in the face of such a character?

So Chu Yang's heart could not help but tremble at this time.

Something called fear has been breeding in his mind unconsciously.

In the void, Ling Xi, Sister Ren, and Xiao Linger accompanied Xiao Yun.

Only when I came here did I find a war.

Xiao Yun took the lead.

Now, after seeing that the person who dealt with Xiao's is Chu Yang, Xiao Yun's eyes became cold.

"Chuyang, it's you!" The low voice spit out from Xiao Yun's mouth.

The voice was not loud, but it was shaking in all directions, so that everyone in the world could hear it.

At this moment, heaven and earth seemed to be silent.

Xiao's people looked up and looked at the young man who suddenly appeared.

"Is this the son of Xiao Yun?" Everyone was extremely excited.

In the eyes of Xiao's children, Xiao Yun is a legend.

He represents miracles and represents hope.

Now that he is back, Xiao's crisis should be resolved.

In the eyes of practitioners of all ethnic groups, Xiao Yun is an insurmountable mountain.

Xiao Yun is an outstanding person.

Even this is a taboo character ~ ~ You can only look at it from afar, do not think about profanity.

Especially at this time ...

After seeing Xiao Yun's momentum, the quasi-gods of all races couldn't help holding their breath.

They rush forward, as if they were greeting a deity.

The powerhouses these days are all trembling!

Even Chu Yang showed fear at this time.

His previous arrogance was gone.

In his ears, there was only Xiao Yun's simple words.

The words were short, but Chu Yang heard a strong killing.

His body shuddered as the sound wave concussed.

He was really scared ...

"Everyone has a monthly pass, remember to vote for the old demon."

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