Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1727: Since here, ...


Xiao Yun's appearance changed the world. Please search (品 # 书 ¥ 网) to see the most complete! Newest Fastest Novel

The mood of countless people has changed accordingly.

Chu's genius looked at the sudden appearance of Xiao Yunji, who could not help pouting, his heart seemed extremely tense.

A little fear could be seen in their eyes.

"You ... you actually came to Tianduyu!" Under this fear, many words in Chu Yang's heart were turned into blank, and in the end, they just said so. This tone was obviously a little scared with tension, Xiao The appearance of the cloud completely exceeded his expectation. He originally thought that he would return to the sanctuary immediately after destroying the Xiaodu of the capital.

In this way, even if Xiao Yun knew about it, he couldn't help him.

But who would have thought that Xiao Yun had come to Tianduyu.

"You can go to heaven, why can't I come?" Xiao Yun said coldly.

At the same time, his eyes flashed, and the phantom's eyes urged.

At present, every scene appeared in front of Xiao Yun.

This is the picture of Chu Yang coming here.

The story of this incident was immediately known to Xiao Yun.

"Mr. Xiao Yun, please decide for my brother!" Just then, a king bowed in the distance.

This is a captain of the guard.

"Gongzi, please be my brother, he was killed by this Chuyang just now!" Another person knelt down.

At this time, these people also saw the extraordinary momentum of Xiao Yun.

So they want revenge!

"Please give me Xiao Xiao Liwei for me!"

"Please Xiao Gongzi to strengthen my prestige!"

Within Wucheng, countless Xiao's children knelt down.

A deep voice sounded like a thunder.

What kind of humiliation was that Chu Yang killed just now, the **** array was broken, and the strong was trapped?

The most important thing is that there are guests from all ethnic groups here.

Many haven't been ridiculed yet, waiting for Xiao's death.

All this was seen by Xiao's children.

But they are helpless!

Now that Xiao Yun has returned, everyone immediately feels that the suffocation in his heart seems to be vented.

The sound came out, and the practitioners of all races were shocked.

Because this is the determination of Xiao's children.

This clan has a strong heart.

After this humiliation, they will surely work hard.

"Everyone rest assured, since I am Xiao Yun here, naturally I will not let my Xiao family ridicule!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened in all directions, Shen said.

Suddenly, the world was silent, and Xiao's children were not talking.

They just looked at the void and stared at Xiao Yun.

In their eyes there was the expected light flickering.


At this time, Xiao Yun stepped forward.

At the same time, a strong momentum locked Chuyang and others in front.

That momentum made Chu Yang and others' souls tremble.

Everyone couldn't help but retreat.


At this time, Xiao Yun was surrounded by a gust of wind, a ripple rippled in the sky, and a huge cyclone shrouded the sky, blocking the void.

Chu Yang and others immediately felt a strong oppression.

"You ... what do you want to do?" Chu Yang Mulu was terrified.

Even though he was pregnant, he was still scared.

But he knew that Xiao Yun had God King Soldiers in his hands!

His hordes of heavenly soldiers are simply not enough.

"What do I want to do?" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened and asked, "You are so aggressive that you will come to destroy Xiao, my heavenly capital. Do you still want to retreat from your whole body?"

"Xiao Yun, don't be proud. My brother is now a seed disciple of Jiuyang Holy Palace. He can already compete with the Son of God, even if you can force the same generation before? You are not a Son of God, if you move me, I I will chop you. "Seeing Xiao Yun's murderous look, Chu Yang was insulted with a threatening tone.

"Your brother?" Xiao Yun frowned.

"Yes!" Chu Yang proudly said, "Now that the Son of God is born, you ca n’t be a mustard! If you are honest, you can still become a god. If you dare to move me, my brother will not let you go. "When it comes to Chu Yunfei, he is full of pride. This is a man who can fight with the Son of God!

"Are you really stupid or fake stupid?" Seeing Chuyang like this, Xue Qianye at the back couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said, "Daughter Xiao Yun is a character on behalf of Gai, and he can fight with the son of God. Has the beast beside him crushed the Son of God? "He looked scornful, and looked at Chuyang as if looking at an idiot.

"That little beast?" Chu Yang shook his head, "It's not him!"

He also heard about it.

But this is just a beast, not Xiao Yun crushed the **** son.

"Don't say anything. Since you have given birth to the heart of Xiaoshi, I do n’t want to leave today.

In this regard, Xiao Yun did not want to say more.

Eat up!

Only when the words fell, Xiao Yun's deep voice sounded.

Then swallowed the **** tower to urge.


A huge cyclone emerged out of thin air.

This cyclone stirred as if it connected another world.

The horrible devouring force stirred, to swallow the Chu people into the abyss cyclone.

Under this devouring cyclone, Chu Yang immediately felt that the true elements in his body were being pulled out.

The same is true of those four Chu children.

The two demigods in Tiangong are all panicked.

Chen Shaohua was frightened.

"What to do?" Everyone looked at each other.

"Kill it out!" Chu Yang glazed, Shen said.

"Well!" All of a sudden, everyone urged the soldiers.

Brush, brush!

That Shenyang cracked, it is necessary to cut through this engulfing world that Xiao Yun evolved.

"I just want you to break my world?" Xiao Yun looked cold.

Only to see him step forward.


The Devouring God Tower emerged.

The tower immediately evolved into a giant tower that connected heaven and earth.

When the giant tower appeared, it ran straight towards the eight divine soldiers.

This is the simplest hit.

However, under this impact, eight Shenbing soldiers were shaken and the light patterns were dim.

You know, Xiao Yun swallowed the **** tower, but once resisted four **** kings.

It is natural to resist these eight ordinary soldiers.

Some soldiers have shuddered and are afraid to fight.

That Chuyang traction will attract the magic soldiers.

But this magic soldier turned into a Changhong, broke through the void, and was far away.

"No ...!" Looking at the creeping soldier, Chu Yang's eyes were terrified and he exclaimed immediately.

But did the soldiers ignore him?

Soon, several other soldiers of the heavens also left.

The remaining ordinary magic soldiers were restrained and did not dare to shoot.

Swallowing the **** tower, just like Qingtian giant tower, directly rammed towards this Chuyang and others.

At the same time, a force of swarms wrapped them.

Under this power, they can't even perform magical powers.

Even though their Tianyang power could burn the sky, but that power was released and swallowed up by the Tower of Heaven God, how did they compete with Xiao Yun?

At this time, Chu Yang had no trace of resistance at all.


Then the sacred tower came and everyone was hit hard.

Figures flew upside down, the sound of a broken bone came out, and Chu Yang vomited blood, and his whole face was pale.

His breath was weak, and he was already dying.


At this time, Xiao Yun's big hand moved, and the sky disappeared.

The dying Chu Yang and others appeared in the eyes of practitioners of all races.

"Already solved?" Seeing this, the demigods of all races were shocked, and a raging sea was set in their hearts.

How aggressive were Chuyang and others just now?

Xiao's demigod could not compete with it at all.

But how long did Xiao Yun take this shot?

These people are all dying!

"To what extent is Xiao Yun powerful?" Countless people were shocked inside.

They were full of awe when they turned towards Xiao Yun.

"Tiangong Chu's and Xiao's grievances are known to everyone. At the time, my father destroyed Tiangong and he had already had a deep hatred with me. Xiao Yun was not the one who killed all the people and did not have time to ignore the younger generations, but if anyone Dare to commit Xiao Xiao, then he will only have one end, that is blood debt and blood compensation, even if he is a **** descendant or a son of God, I Xiao Yun will not kill it! " Said, "This Chuyang and others are the children of the Chu family, who are members of the Jiuyang Holy Palace, but he committed me Xiao, and today Xiao Yun cut it off, even if the Jiuyang Holy Palace is strong. "

When the words fell, Xiao Yun moved a large hand and looked forward.


This big hand came in, as the sky overturned, covering Chu Yang and others.

The general trend immediately locked them.

The breath of death poured into my heart.

"No ..." Chuyang exclaimed, "You can't kill me, my brother won't let you go!"

"No, I am a descendant of Chu, you can't move me!" The four Chu children were also shouting.

But Xiao Yun didn't mean to stop.

Seeing this, they are about to burn the blood source.

A powerful bloodline burst out ~ ~ It's just that their bloodline power hasn't completely burned yet, a mysterious mystery is covering them.

This is the samsara uprising!

Everyone felt that the power of the blood was flowing backwards and could not burn at all.

Under the samsara of reincarnation, they could not do it even if they wanted to burn the source and try hard.

In addition, the return to the uprising works.

The power of Chu Yang and others are dissipating and being integrated into the world.


Subsequently, Xiao Yun's big hand fell.

The big hand fell, and the tremor of the void made a loud noise.

Then Chu Yang and others were filmed into pieces.

Their bones were shattered.


The flames flashed, burning everyone to nothing.

The next moment, Xiao Yun closed his hands.

The ripples of the void dissipated, restoring peace.

But in the void, the figures of Chu Yang and others have disappeared.

In such a scene, the monks of all ethnic groups are sweating from the back.

"This Xiao Yun is still so decisive!"

"Xiao's offense!"

"Fortunately, we didn't rush to deal with Xiao's just now!"

The practitioners of all races were completely shocked by the iron-blooded means of Xiao Yun.

Even Gu Shi, Zhu Shi and other quasi-gods from the sanctuary could not help but take a deep breath.

You know, this Chuyang is the person of Jiuyang Holy Palace!

That Chu Yunfei has risen in the Jiuyang Holy Palace and is a pivotal figure.

Who dares to touch him?

Few people dare to touch him even in the sanctuary!

But at this time Xiao Yun had almost no hesitation, and killed all of them.

It's all because these people want to destroy Xiaodu.

"This Xiao Yun has such a fiery method. Who would dare to commit Xiao?"

The hearts of everyone were dark.

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