Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1729: Demon situation

"These gods are arrogant. They regard our people as slaves, and even some people directly take homes to rebirth." In the hall, a woman of the Qilin family said.

This is a tribe they contact with Princess Kirin.

"Win the house!" After hearing the words, their faces changed.

At that time, there were people waiting for rebirth in the way of Yaogu that day.

Obviously, it is because the elders' methods are not as good as those in the sanctuary that they will be sealed in the form of divine fetuses to regenerate for future generations.

"Not only that, there are several elders in my clan who only slightly expressed their dissatisfaction with these godsons. As a result, they shot strongly and killed an elder." The woman of the Qilin clan said, "Now the people in the clan are furious "Yes!" In the presence of the Son of God, the elder elders of the world felt powerless.

No matter how bad these gods are, the magical powers are not comparable to ordinary people.

In addition, they also have magic soldiers, which can better wield the power of magic soldiers.

"It looks like the situation is not good today!" Kong Qigong frowned.

In the sanctuary it was afraid of the birth of the Son of God.

The same is true, they will rush to the Oracle 6.

But now it seems that it is still one step behind!

"In addition to this, what news is there?" Princess Qilin's eyes narrowed and asked.

"After seven days, the gods of various ethnic groups will hold a grand event of gods in the ancient city of Tian Yao." Said the Qilin woman.

"Holding a grand event?" After hearing the words, Kong Qigong and others frowned. "What do they want to do?"

"It is said that they want to Yang Wei in the presence of the world and subject all ethnic groups to surrender," said the woman.

These godsons held a grand event in order to deter all ethnic groups.

Because they were born, some people robbed some of the geniuses in the clan.

This caused dissatisfaction among the various ethnic groups.

In this way, these gods join forces to kill chickens, tamarins and monkeys, and plan to kill some of the monsters who are against them in this grand event.

"Well, the Son of God was born, but he wants to take away his descendants. Which is the Son of God, and who is the ancestor?" The Seven Killer was angry.

That is the case, there will be contradictions.

If these sons of God were born in peace like those in the sanctuary, they would naturally be happy.

Even if contemporary people of all ethnic groups are not used to it for a while, they will not dare to disrespect it.

However, at this time, these gods have lost the contemporary genius and reborn, but they have undoubtedly formed a mustard that is difficult to resolve.

"Do you know how many gods there are in each tribe?" Finally, Kong Qigong asked.

"My family has five gods. One of them did not take away the house. It was self-proclaimed in antiquity. Now it is born, but the other four are born again. One reading?

The woman said.

"As for the situation of the other races, I don't know, but probably every big race has four or five gods born."

Of course, most of them are reborn.

After all, the gods here couldn't find too many dangling things that sealed their own children.

Even the gods themselves are difficult.

"There are four statues that are reborn?" Wen Yan said, the son of Kirin frowned.

Because this means that they have four talented tribe who ridicule.

It's not hard to imagine how many geniuses were cast down by all races?


"This is the way of the world, and so is not Ming." Chu Tianzhao said.

In order to survive, do the ancient gods care about the lives of contemporary people?

"What are you going to do?" Later, Kong Qigongzi shouted to the crowd.

"If these gods are all for the sake of future generations, and we will open up a prosperous world together, I will naturally respect them, but their actions are difficult to admire."

Said God Phoenix.

"Yes, I can't just sit by and watch my loved ones get bullied!" Seven Killer said.

It is jealous and hateful, it can't bear it, it can only fight.

"I think so too!" Longteng nodded.

"It's just that if you count, there should be forty or fifty, or even nearly a hundred godsons born. With us, it's hard to compete with them!" Kong Qigong said.

Although they are strong, they are not gods after all.

"Brother Kong doesn't have to be discouraged. Since most of them are robbed and reborn, their blood is definitely not as good as the ancient times, and they can't be compared with the real God Son." , And still be able to retreat? "At this point, they can only let go of the battle.

"Good!" The crowd nodded.

The peacock princess was chilly, and it was also murderous.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" As the demon discussed, a clear voice sounded.

But Yi Yi, who was in the arms of Princess Peacock, stretched out her little paw and kept drawing.

"You?" Suddenly, the demon screamed at Yi Yi.

"Yeah, yeah!" Yi Yi sheltered with her small paws, then raised her brows, and patted her **** with a confident look.

Look at it, it seems to be saying, leave everything to it. I read a book ww? W? · 1? K? A see n? S? H? U see · c? C?

"Yi Yi is very strong. At that time, the **** son who crushed the Jiuqing Holy Palace was rare. There are few **** sons. The blood of our **** god must not be comparable to the **** son of the sanctuary. But fight with it. "Seeing this, Kong Qigong smiled slightly, said, full of confidence in Yi Yi.

"Hehe, Brother Kong made this statement even more. With Yi Yi's shot, we may not have the power of a battle!" Longteng son laughed loudly.

They didn't think of Yi Yi just now.

But now I mentioned that I remembered the power of Yi Yi at that time. They immediately became full of confidence, and the worries in their hearts disappeared.

"Oh, then, let's meet the so-called **** sons for a while!" Everyone laughed loudly.

"Yeah!" Yi Yi's jewel-like eyes blinked, and there was clearly a fiery light flashing in it. When it gripped its paws, it felt extremely fierce.

It seems that it also wants to go to those **** sons for a while!


After some discussion, Kong Qigongzi and others tried to contact the clan people to understand the situation in some clan.

However, they did not rush into the clan.

Because they appear, it is easy to cause changes.

After all, they come from all ethnic groups, and if they are scattered, it will be difficult to ensure that they can compete with those gods.

So they have to act together.

The so-called gathering of the Son of God is an opportunity.

Yaozu, Tian Yao Ancient City!

This is an ancient city.

There is a river of blood flowing in the city, which connects the ancient domain of Tian Yao in front of it.

But now the blood river has calmed down, and the ancient demon domain has been opened that day.

The city is calm and full of ancient atmosphere.

At this moment, the people of the various major demons are gathered on a huge suspended platform here.

There are the Kirin tribe, the peacock tribe, the swallow queen tribe, the dragon dragon, the basalt tribe ...

Almost all of these people have arrived.

Many familiar faces can be seen in it.

Such as Kong Siye, Chu Chu, Wu Chuye, and so on.

Many people have set foot in the semi-godder.

People of all races sit on a high platform.

In the center, it is a huge platform.

This wide platform is very high, and you can look down on the octagon from above.

At this moment, some strange faces appeared on it.

These people are powerful, one by one, and Mei Yu has an arrogance.

These people are the gods of ancient times.

In addition, there are some demon children behind them.

Looking at those **** demon children, the feelings of people of all ethnic groups are very complicated.

Because they have their loved ones.

"The birth of the Son of God was supposed to usher in a good age, but it was not so." On a high platform, Father Chu frowned.

On the wide platform in front of him, the elders with a vein of a swallowtail were tied up.

This is the man's son-in-law who was robbed of his house, but he was arrested by the gods who swallowed the larks. He wanted to kill the chickens and monkeys here to deter all the demon domains.

"This is the situation, and I can't do anything else." Chu Wuye sighed.

It was their brothers who fought.

It was harmonious then.

At least Chu Tianzhao and Chu Tianming have no brothers.

But now it's different.

These gods do n’t have a trace of affection at all. They are just like grass and mustards to their descendants.

However, they are not strong enough to compete with them.

You know, they belong to the same family, and their magical powers are not as good as those of the Son of God.

Even the soldiers were close to the Son of God.

It is also now that the road of God is about to open. Many elders hoped that they could set foot on Shinto before they could endure this breath.

Otherwise, many people will be desperate.

But now ...

Father Chu can only dare to be angry.

"Adi said that it had returned, but could it really cope with these gods?" Beside Chu's father, Chu Tianxia showed anxiety.

At the same time, her eyes blinked, and she swept towards all directions, as if looking at the trace of the swallowing bird.

There are still many people like her.

Such as Kirin, Peacock ...

Many young children of the big clan are looking around.

In their eyes, there are both expectations and worries.

It is hoped that these talents who set foot in the sanctuary will turn the tide.

The worry is that they will not be able to compete with these gods, and will instead be exiled.

At this moment, on that wide platform, the eyes of those godheads were condensed, and they were in all directions.

This is the **** son of the dragon dragon family!

He wears a dragon crown and a dragon robe, and the blood behind him is soaring. The dragon evolves and looks imposing.

"Oh, very good, the important figures of all ethnic groups are almost here." This person laughed in all directions.

The person spoke, and the audience was silent.

The other **** sons were sitting side by side, with a stern look on their faces.

"My name is Longxiang, the **** son of the ancient times. I am holding this event this time to show the world and let you know the current situation."

Longxiang God Son Road.

"This is a big time. Now that the Son of God is born, and then the spirit is born. At that time, I will lead you all to glory and set foot on Shinto."

People of all races groaned, not so excited.

"But now, there are people who don't know current affairs and have rebellious intentions. This is a wrong cognition. They are stubborn people. They will affect the friendship between us. Therefore, these people should be stunned! "Although the performance of the people of all races is very weak, the God of Dragon Xiang is still talking about himself.

When its final words fell, someone immediately walked out behind.

Then all the children of all ethnic groups were pushed forward.

When these people appeared, people of all races suddenly changed their faces and looked unhappy.

But they can only bear it.

"These people are ignorant of current affairs and pawns, but you don't need to worry. As long as you wait for the same, I will take you to the path of Shinto."

Longxiang God Son Road.

After that, he waved his hand and groaned, "Cut!"

A low voice came forth to cut off people of all races.

This made many people of all ethnic groups jump on the eyelids ~ ~ They all know that these **** sons are standing up and deterring the entire demon domain.

After all, they have limited manpower, and only then can they shake the situation most effectively.

"Do you really want to watch them kill my loved ones?"



At this time, many people of the Yao Clan were tense and nervous.

"Just you guys, and want to lead the children of all ethnic groups to the Shinto, isn't that a bit eloquent?"

Just then, a deep voice sounded.

Subsequently, a personal shadow appeared in this void.


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