Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1730: Shinko Mudou ...

The **** son of the demon domain wants to slay people of all races. Read a book ?? w? Ww? 1? K? An? Sh? U? ·

But at this moment, an unwelcome guest arrived.

"Who?" When the voice came, the goddess of Longxiang looked cold.

Beside it, the gods of that tribe are all gloomy.

Suddenly, on this wide platform, dozens of eyes were looking at the sound.

At the same time, people of all ethnic groups in the demon domain also followed.

They are also very curious, who dares to appear at this time.

"Is that brother?" Chu Tianxia's heart throbbed, and she immediately looked around.

"Are you really here?" The elders of the Kirin, Peacock, and other ethnic groups were all moved and their hearts tightened.

Obviously, they also got news.

However, in the void ahead, several figures suddenly appeared.

That's so impressive.

And the person who just spoke is also it!

The larva walked along, and the peacock followed, and a fluffy white beast stood on her shoulder.

At this time, the little beast's jewel-like eyes had a fierce light flashing.

This little beast is naturally Yi.

Yi Yi was staring at the demon of the demon clan at this moment.

Beside him, the seven sons of Kong, the son of Kirin, the son of Shenhuang and others came together.

There was a strong murderous sky on them at this time.

This is to see the prisoners of their own clan being angry, endless blood burst out from them, and evolved the skyfinch, dragon, unicorn, etc.

The powerful momentum overwhelms the mountains and rivers, making the imperial emperors feel difficulty breathing.

Even some demigods felt oppression.

"That's the son of Tianming who swallowed the tits!"

"This is Princess Peacock!"


After seeing these people, the exclamation sounded from the crowd of all ethnic groups. ?? 一 看书 ww? W · 1? K? Anshu ·

"Isn't they on the ancient road, going to the sanctuary, why are they all back?"

"They seem to have surpassed their momentum and approached the Son of God!"

All kinds of exclamations sounded, many of them were shocked.

Because today's Kong Qigongzi is so extraordinary.

Especially the five queen swallows, the prince of the Phoenix and the princess Tianlian, the son of Longteng, and the son of Kong Qi.

Now their momentum is not much weaker than the Son of God in the field.

It's shocking, it's all incredible.

First of all, the swallowing queen has gained the inheritance of the gods, and has surpassed ordinary people.

That **** phoenix and other people merged some mixed Yuan Qi in the place of mixed Yuan, and then had a chance in the sanctuary, and became extremely powerful.

Now that they appear, they will naturally shock the people of the Yao tribe.

"It's brother, it's really here!" Chu Tianxia was inexplicably excited.

"Ming and Qidi have become stronger, but after all, they are not gods. There are too many gods in the ancient world. I'm afraid they still can't compete with them!"

Mr. Kong is still worried.

Among this group of people, they also swallowed sky tits, sons of Kong Qi, sons of Long Teng, sons of Shenhuang, and sons of Tianlian who approached those gods.

After all, the unicorn son, princess unicorn, the seventh killer, etc. are still a bit behind.

But there are nine true gods of all races!

In addition, there are as many as sixty-five sons who lost their lives and were born again.

Although these **** sons are not as real as the **** son, they are also very strong.

With this power, even people from all races in the demon domain are useless.

After all, these gods have reached the quasi-god state, and just one person can sweep several quasi-gods of all races in the demon domain.

The same is true, all the clan domains did not fight back.

Because if so, they will completely tear their faces, and they will miss the road to God.

In this case, the quasi-gods of all races, the quasi-gods chose to bear the burden.

Today, the swallowing queen and other people return, the strong of the demon clan still don't think they can fight with the gods at this time. Read a book ?? w? Ww? 1? K? An? Sh? U? ·

Furthermore, there are still gods behind the Son of God. Once these gods are born, how can they compete with them?

"You are the heroes of the demon domain?" At this moment, the Dragon God brow frowned, with a bit of coldness at the corner of his mouth, and looked down at the swallowing bird and others in front of him, and said gently.

The other godsons also stared coldly at the swallowing **** and others.

From the voices of various ethnic groups, they have understood the identity of people such as swallows.

But these gods are not worried.

Because they clearly feel that the momentum of people such as swallowing **** is nothing like this.

With such a few powerful people still can't regret them.

"Exactly!" Said the swallow-tailed sparrow, strolling softly.

It stood in front of the broad stage with the peacock princess, and looked like it was going to confront the Son of God.

As for the dragon son and others, they fell into their own ethnic group.

At this time, all races have demigods.

There are even Paolong, Peacock, and Kirin, and there are quasi-gods.

If everyone is united, it is also a big force.

So they return to the ethnic group.

"You shouldn't come!" They just belonged to the clan, and the elder sighed immediately.

"Uncles don't need to worry. We already know the situation in the demon domain. This time we are going to return to the gods and return justice to my demon children!"

Kong Qigongzi said to the clan.

For these gods, it does not have a slight favor.

"God of God !?" As soon as this word came out, the demigods and quasi-gods of the demons jumped.

"Hey, do you know what you're talking about?" Said a demigod of the Peacock.

The elders of other races asked the same.

"Uncles and grandpas don't need to worry." Kong Qigongzi is still very indifferent, he glanced at all directions, said, "The **** son is really strong, but it is not impossible to defeat, we are here, we are naturally confident!"

Seeing these people speak, the **** sons are very indifferent, just staring coldly at the elders of various races.

Looking at this, they seem to want to see how big a wave these people can make.

"Lao Qi, you have to know that there is a deity behind the Son of God. Once the God is born, we all have to bear the wrath of the God!" Said the grandson Kong.

"God?" Kong Qigong frowned, and said, "My monk, this is to fight against the sky and become a god. If you are afraid of the tail, how can you reach the peak? Otherwise, you can only be reduced to a ants. Born with the breath of others, if so, what's the point? "After so much, Kong Qigong saw a lot.

In particular, Xiao Yun's experience allowed it to strengthen this belief.

"Fearless?" After hearing the words, Grand Master Kong couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This principle, it also understands.

But how easy is it to do that?

After all, behind these gods are gods!

God ...

Since ancient times, this is an insurmountable mountain in the heart of the world, a sacred existence.

Who dares to disobey the gods?

"Brother don't need to worry, there are more than just these gods in heaven and earth?" Kong Qigongzi said. Realm, even if these gods are born, what can they do? "It has increased its horizons since it stayed in the sanctuary, naturally it will not be too jealous of those gods.

"Sanctuary!" Said Grand Master Kong eyes, "You have entered the sanctuary?"

"Good." Kong Qigong nodded. "Not only that, we also experienced all kinds of things there. These things are long talked about, and I will say later. In short, you do n’t need to worry about them. Now solve these gods first, and return them to me. A piece of Qingning first. "

"Okay!" Kong Qixiong nodded so confidently.

Afterwards, everyone heard.

In addition, the big dragons such as the Nine Dragons and the Kirin tribe also take their hearts.

They also want to resist, but they just lack a leader.

"The godless son treats me as a mustard, and I am a monk, so I should have a blood of blood, and have the spirit to fight with heaven, dare to fight even the sky, why fear a son of God?" Standing in the air, it looked around in all directions and said to the practitioners of all races in the demon domain, the rolling sound waves were shocking.

Many people feel the blood boil when they smell it.

"The son of God is ignorant, be a grandma!" An old man stood up.

"How can I be willing to be a slave?"

He got up again.

Subsequently, one by one clan expressed their opinions.

For a time, most people of all ethnic groups in the demon domain expressed their opinions.

A strong war sentiment swept in all directions.

This change made the face of the godson on the broad platform completely darkened.

"It seems that you really don't want to live anymore. One after another, the children of imperfect bloodlines, also want to rebel against the offender, want to kill the godson? It's just a joke.

As soon as the **** of Longxiang's eyes was cold, the step suddenly jumped from the wide platform, and then the dragon's energy behind it soared into the sky, and the dragon dragon circled to release the vast dragon power.

The other **** sons followed the stroll.

"Kill those people!" As they strolled out, the son of God Longxiang said coldly, to kill some of the big family members who were bound.

"Yes!" At that moment, those gods who lost their lives and reborn nodded.

As soon as these people move their hands, they will take action to obliterate those monks who were going to kill the demon demon.


Just when these people were about to make a shot, Yi Yi said lightly, and the little boy yanked from Princess Peacock's shoulder and flew towards the front.

Yi Yi's speed is very fast, just like Hoshiya has crossed the void, and everyone has shot it, but it has already appeared on the edge of the broad platform.

Later, the little man was flashing with multicolored light patterns, and there was a lingering spirit on that paw.

Only to see its little paw move, a round of Baoding appeared.

This is its own colorful Baoding ~ ~ which also has an eagle with colorful feet on it.

This is the beast of the mixed Yuan, also known as the swallow cloud beast.

This Baoding did not show its prestige at first, but in fact it is a precious treasure. It is more powerful than swallowing the **** tower. Now the blood of Yiyi is gradually recovering. Pervasive, now, Yi Yi's little claws move, that Baoding blooms with colorful light patterns.

This tripod buckle directly bloomed into a mixed light pattern, like the sky, to cover the void in front.

When the mixed light pattern fell down, a force of imprisonment followed, and the void was solidified, and the gods of the demon immediately felt their flying bodies, and the world was bound by strange forces. Even the divine power inside them slowly flowed, so now the face of the God of Dragon Xiang suddenly changed.

[Okay, Yi Yi is going to pretend again, compare, ask for a monthly ticket]


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