Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1731: Shinko Yokosu

"What kind of soldier is this?" Lord Longxiang was astonished.

"Isn't they a master of the world? How can there be such a means!" Those **** sons who regained their lives were exclaimed directly.

Because their actions have slowed, there are signs of restraint.

"Come on, kill out with the magic soldier!" In a panic, the son of God Longxiang sank.

Then it took out a magic soldier.

This is a bone battle made from the dragon's bone, and it is close to the **** soldier.

&! Pig! Pig! Island! Novel. Zuzudo.

In addition, eight other **** sons also shot together.

These **** sons spurred the magic soldiers, evolved an ancient beast, and rushed to Yiyi's giant tripod.

The Son of God shot and was so imposing, it was just that the diffused divine power made the demigods distant from the distance, and the soul was shaking.

It was a shock from blood and soul.

Such an offensive, even one person is enough to crush a few quasi-gods in the demon domain.

There is an insurmountable divide between the two sides.

Just Yi Yi said it lightly, it smashed Bao Ding directly to the past.


When Baoding passed by, a vast light pattern bloomed, which flashed into an ancient beast.

This is an ancient animal with scaled heads and dragon heads.

Ancient beasts emerged, with mighty might, as if from ancient times, and like the ancestors of all beasts, that might make the gods of the demon eyes dull and trembling.

Those ordinary monster tribe children are even more fearful, as if the ancient ancestors came to dust.

All I saw was that the ancient beast opened its mouth and swallowed up the air, which engulfed the flesh evolved by those **** soldiers.

Then, the godson swept away with a big hand.


The soldiers of the nine gods were blown away, and their bodies were swept away as if flooded.

Not only that, the horrible waves swept away and drowned the wide platform in front.

The gods who lost their lives and were reborn have been set off, and they almost have no chance to shoot.

Of course, those demon children bound by them were also taken off.

"It's fierce!" Watching the gods being lifted up, the people of the demon tribe were dumbfounded.

Even the son of Kong Qi, the son of Dragon Teng, and others were stunned.

Although they have seen Yi Yi crushing the Son of God.

But everyone did not think that it could crush dozens of gods at the same time.

This scene is completely beyond their imagination.

This makes those demon demigods and quasi-gods who are preparing to shoot all stay in place.

Do we still need them in today's situation?

"Little guy, that's great!" The Skyfinch was also excited and could not help but praise it.

Then it strode forward and went straight forward.


With a big hand, he turned into a cyclone, and involved all the bound people.

"Save the people first!" Seeing this, the son of Dragon Teng and others immediately set off.

Son of God Phoenix and others also immediately shot to save the people.

In a blink of an eye, those who were bound were rescued.

As for the **** sons, they have not stabilized their bodies yet.

"Kill!" A low voice came from the mouth of the swallowing bird.

"Yeah!" Yi Yi said quietly, holding the Baoding and heading forward.

Longteng son, Kong Qi son, and others followed.


Demi demigods, quasi-gods have left.

For a time, the violent attack went towards the gods like a storm.

Various ancient beasts rushed and shrouded the void.

"This ..." When these attacks overturned, the Dragon Son and others finally showed their fear.

Of course, the one who made them most frightened was Yi Yi.

The little beast, Baoding, smashed, and the horrible breath enveloped all directions, causing their blood vessels to burst.

That terrible oppression was so powerful that even the Son of God could not resist it.

These people are after all ordinary gods!

You know, Lin Chen's father is a half-step god!

How strong is his bloodline?

How can the bloodline divine power be compared to idle gods!

But such **** sons were crushed by Yi Yi, not to mention these ordinary **** sons.

Moreover, Yi Yi urged Baoding this time.

Is this Baoding prestige the ordinary soldiers of these gods can resist?

This is bound to be a crushing!

Those **** sons were smashed to pieces.

The Goddess Longxiang vomited blood and could not beat the enemy.

Baoding's light pattern flickered, and imprisonment blocked the void.

These gods are all bound.

Suddenly, they no longer had the power of a war.


Suddenly, the killing sounded.

The eyes of the demon are red, and all hatred erupts at this moment.

For the past six months, they have endured humiliation. Now that they have the opportunity, how can they miss it?

"You can't kill me. I wait for my father to be a god. The road to God will be opened on the other day. They will be born. By then, who can resist? Don't make yourself wrong."

Longxiang threatened.

"Let you go? Are you stupid?" Swallowed a sneer. "Before we had no grudges, but you gods treat my people like grass. Now there are such grudges. Your father was born. Are you alive? Now that your hatred is settled and you are still tied up, do n’t think about preaching and become a god! ”

"Further, even if your father was born? Are they **** kings?"

Swallowing the sky but the tone is cold.

"Do it, kill them!"

Then it came first.

Yi Yi also fell with Baoding.


Kong Qigongzi and others shot together.

At the moment, the Son of God was smashed into bones.

There is only the God of the Son of God.

But before they fled, the magical soldiers cut them and completely destroyed them.

In this way, dozens of **** sons all stunned.

Under the imprisoned magic power of Iina, they are like fish, slaughtering anyone.

Nine **** sons!

Sixty-five sons who regained their lives!

All ridiculed!

This void will never see their shadow again.

Looking at the void in front, the people of the Yao clan couldn't calm down.

"We killed the Son of God?"

Wu Chuye muttered to himself.

The quasi-gods of all races also came to rest.

Son of God ...

In the past, this was a lofty existence.

They should be treated respectfully.

But at this time was killed.

It feels dreamy.

"It's just the Son of God, why is it so?" The swallowing brood frowned, his face indifferent.

In its view, it was no big deal to chop a few gods.

But others were worried, fearing the revenge of the gods.

"You don't need to worry." Kong Qigongzi said, "We're here to visit the demon realm to take everyone to the sanctuary."

"If in the sanctuary, the gods will not dare to move us!"

In this regard, it is full of confidence.

How vast is the sanctuary?

Are the super powers comparable to these ordinary gods?

"It's just that there are so many people of each ethnic group. How can you just leave?" Someone worried.

"This is the end of the matter, there is no need to think too much." Kong Qigongzi said, "It is still early before the birth of the gods, we can slowly send the people to the sanctuary."

If today is changing, it will be much easier to enter the sanctuary in the future.

Furthermore, Xiao Yun has a strong background, and it is not difficult to accomplish this.

"Then I'll leave it to you to make arrangements." At this point, the elders of all races had to rely on these younger generations.

They also discovered that the larvae and other people went to the sanctuary, and they have transformed.

They old men, it's time to retreat.

Afterwards, everyone began to embarrass and ask something.

"Isn't this little beast Xiao Yun's little beast?" Chu father blinked, and couldn't help asking after glancing at Yi Yi.

The elders of the unicorns, phoenixes, peacocks, etc. are also suspicious.

Xiao Yun stirred up a storm in the demon domain.

Many people also have impressions of Yi Yi.

It was just that Yi Yi was too powerful. The battle almost swept the Son of God. The others just followed suit.

They are hard to imagine, and the little beast would have been so strong.

Especially the Qiye of the Qilin tribe.

It was crushed by Yi Yi!

"This is Xiao Yun's little beast, Yi Yi!" Swallowed the sky bird and smiled.

"Really that little beast?" Everyone's eyes were wrong.

"Yeah!" Yi Yi's eyes narrowed, and he looked at everyone with a lovely face.

"What a beast!" Seeing Yi Yi's lovely appearance, everyone took a deep breath and murmured.

"Even this little beast is so powerful, to what extent is Xiao Yun now strong?" When shocked, everyone couldn't help thinking that.

"Oh, now Xiao Yun is the first person in the world, and it is in the sanctuary, and few people can compete with it."

Kong Qigongzi laughed.

Xiao Yun and Taichen were at the beginning of the battle, but they have fresh memories!

How terrible was the Taihu Seven Kills of Taichen?

Ke Rao is so, still unable to defeat Xiao Yun.

Such a character is also a top-level existence among the Sons of God.

Moreover, Xiao Yun does not seem to have set foot in the paranormal state.

"He's so strong?" Seeing this, everyone was suspicious.

"Oh, if you have a chance in the future, you see him, naturally you will know." Kong Qigongzi laughed out loud.

The crowd still showed an incredible look.

"He's really strong!" Said Long Tengzi, his eyes fixed.

When the son of Long Teng said so, the people showed a doubtful look.

"I'm really looking forward to seeing this young man again!" Then the elders of all ethnic groups murmured.

The Son of God was taken captive, and the storm in the demon realm was also calmed down.

After recounting the past with these deceased people, they started to plan to leave the **** continent with their clan.

There are countless people in each clan.

In addition, they also have forbidden grounds, and you need to expend some energy to remove them.

After all, even the sanctuary is rich in resources.

But others will not rush to them.

Everything depends on you.

If it weren't for Xiao Yun's relationship, they would not have a foothold even if they went to the sanctuary.

But now it's different ~ ~ Every ethnic group in the sanctuary will give face, it is still possible to set a place for this person to settle.

When they swallowed the sky tits, they planned how to go to the sacred realm, and Xiao Yun's affairs in the tiandu realm were almost cleared up.

First, he asked Xue Qianye to take some people to the sanctuary.

Also let Xiao's send someone here to cope.

They have begun to take some people to the sanctuary.

The reason for this rush is because Xiao Yun was afraid that Chu Yunfei would rush to commit crimes.

After all, he beheaded Chu Yang, and it was inevitable that Chu Yunfei would not come here with anger.

And he was about to go to the ground of condemnation.

During this time, Xiao Yun was unable to protect all ethnic groups, so he had to let them enter the sanctuary first.

"Heavenly condemnation!" After arranging these things, Xiao Yun set off.

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