Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1736: Refining Heaven and Earth

Xiao Yun brought Ling Xi and Sister Ren to the space where Siyuan Ding leads to.

Here, Daowei is pervasive, as if coming to a place of Daoyuan.

Sister Ren's and Ling Xi are both naturally immersed in the sense of being here.

There is a large array of yin and yang ahead.

In addition, an altar appeared before.

There is a yin and yang cyclone in front of the altar as if it encompasses the world.

& nbsp [猪] [猪] [岛] 小说 www.huhu.m; Xiao Yun's eyes were naturally locked on this cyclone.

It was here that he obtained the yin and yang divine pattern, which he used to save himself many times.

In addition, the various contradictions of the yin and yang **** pattern also made him curious about the way of yin and yang.

Xiao Yun stepped forward.

The yin and yang air lingering in front of it, as shrouded in the sky.

That kind of prestige makes it difficult to move.

But this time Xiao Yun stepped forward, he felt like he was fused with this void.

His mixed-yuan world was pulled by an inexplicable uprising and evolved.

The Xunyuan Heaven and Earth actually coincides with this yin and yang mystery.

Xiao Yun then moved forward and entered the altar ahead.

The altar is full of prestige, and that prestige makes people long for it, but it also makes people feel suffocated. As if oppressed by the avenue, it seems that their bodies are about to collapse.

Xiao Yun walked step by step.

Ling Xi and Ren's sisters also walked away.

Finally, they came to the altar.

The huge yin and yang cyclone in front of him appeared clearly.

The cyclone agitated in front of me, as if it connected the heavens and the world, as if it contained the galaxy.

The kind of prestige is pervasive, which makes people stand up and can't help worshiping.

At the same time, Ren Keying was finally unable to move forward.

That power made her feel that her blood was going to burst.

Later, Ren Kexin also paused.

Ling Xi came to the yin and yang battle but couldn't move forward.

Although they couldn't move forward, they didn't force it, they all stopped there, closed their eyes, and carefully sensed the mystery of the Supreme Avenue here.

Xiao Yun's pace was not hindered by that formation.

He didn't even notice it.

Because he is sensing the Yin and Yang uprightness.

Finally, Xiao Yun came to the yin and yang cyclone.

The endless flow of yin and yang, such as the evolution of the world, is all-encompassing.

Xiao Yun stomped his feet, and there was a sound in his ear.

"Voice of the Avenue!"

Under this kind of Taoist tone, Xiao Yun's mind was quiet and he had no other thought.

He was completely immersed under the avenue.

His heart was following the frequency of the avenue.

Xiao Yun unknowingly crossed his knees.

Then his eyes closed, his face was serene.

That look, like the old monk is settled, is feeling the Supreme Avenue.

Under this perception, if Xiao Yun's body is in harmony with the Tao, his mind is integrated into this yin and yang.

In front of Xiao Yun, a world of chaos appeared.

There are no creatures here, everything is chaotic.

Xiao Yun experienced a lot of this scene.

But at this time, he felt inexplicable, such as in person, with inexplicable feelings pouring into his heart.

There was chaos in that chaos world.

At this time, Xiao Yun's body in the Yuanyuan world followed suit, as in Lintong Avenue.

Xiao Yun's mind completely followed the frequency of the yin and yang world.

In that yin and yang world, chaos tumbled, and the air flow began to change.

Hazy airflow.

There was a purple light flashing in the air flow.

This is the first light brought by this chaotic world.

In the end, the air mass squirmed and kept changing, starting to look like a river, with clear lines, giving rise to two other streams.

That's yin and yang!

When yin and yang evolved, the air mass swelled sharply.


Loud noises, such as thunderstorms, are deafening.

When this rumble sounds, there is clear air rising in the chaotic world, and turbid air sinking.

One yin and one yang, settled the world, evolved the world!

"This is the world!" Xiao Yun was shocked inside.

At the same time, his own evolved Xunyuan heaven and earth are following along.

Hunyuan heaven and earth evolved behind him and opened up a world.


The loud noise really created the world.

But the world soon broke up.

Xiao Yun is not God after all.

Not only that, he has not yet reached that state, and it is difficult to evolve such a vision.

Heaven and earth collapsed, but Xiao Yun's mind was still immersed in that kind of perception.

The world of Yin-Yang cyclone evolution is still changing.

The yin and yang settled the rules of washing the heavens and the earth, and the atmosphere of heaven and earth began to change.

The primal qi is analyzed in the yin-yang qi.

Siyuan Qi evolved various heaven and earth qi ...

The world's structure once again clearly appeared in front of Xiao Yun.

A kind of Ming Wu poured into my heart!

"Evolution of the world ... dominate yourself!" Xiao Yun was moved.

From this world, he thinks a lot.

First of all, the development of the world, the creation of all beings, Xiao Yun and other beings are one of those beings.

However, there are rules in this world.

There are those who control the rules.

Although Xiao Yun didn't see it, he could feel it.

Otherwise, why would the gods fall?

How could a catastrophe occur in ancient times?

Everything shows that the gods are not the peak of the world.

Now, when he came to the place of condemnation, he felt the taste of dominating sentient beings.

This time, Xiao Yun's perception has improved significantly.

"I am also the master in my mixed world." Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

Subsequently, his mind was agitated, the mixed elements in the body evolved, and the world was agitating.

As the mixed-yuan world evolved, Xiao Yun felt the kind of trend that would break new ground.

It's just that the world is not enough. As for something, that is what Xiao Yun can't have today.

"Although I can't really open up the world, it can make my mixed-yuan world more perfect." Xiao Yun didn't mean to give up.

Although he can't break the ground, he can improve himself.

Anyone who wants to be strong must not be touched.

"Then what should I improve now?" Xiao Yun was thinking.

Now he has realized the world of Hunyuan.

Although this is just a prototype, it is hard to come by.

"Since it is heaven and earth, we should have masters and will!" Xiao Yun groaned. "I want this heaven and earth to be my own heaven and earth, to be with my flesh and soul."

"I want to make it into my heart!"

Xiao Yun's eyes condensed.

Refining God's heart is the foundation of becoming a god.

Such as the warrior of the martial arts soul will refine the mind of war, and so on.

Xiao Yun had not made a breakthrough before, but he hadn't completely realized it.

Although he also knows that the hybrid world is the foundation of his being a god.

But he did not expect that the mixed world would need to be perfected.

Just one step, but it is difficult to cross!

Now Ming Wu is a natural fit.

As far as Xiao Yun was concerned, the mixed world was restrained.

A world resembling **** overwhelmed the world.

This is Xiao Yun's will.

When this will shrouded the world, Xiao Yun began to control the mixed Yuan Qi.

The whole mixed world was shrunk under the control of the will.

This is condensing the world.

The vast and boundless world is shrinking, but Xiao Yun's will continues to merge with this world.

Time passed quietly.


Finally, the mixed world was completely smelted into the size of a fist by Xiao Yun's will.

This world was like a magical power, it was a void existence.

But at this time under the will of Xiao Yun, he has refined it into a fist-sized space world.

There was a hazy dow pattern on it, and an astonishing prestige filled with it.

"Take heaven and earth for my heart!" Xiao Yun moved.

Then in his knowledge of the sea, the power of the soul poured into this world.

Suddenly, Xiao Yun's breath was sublimating.

The lines of his body were dazzling like gods and masters, and his eyebrows filled with supreme power.

Soul and heaven and earth merge!

"God's heart, melt!"

The low voice sounded, and the divine heart blended into Xiao Yun's Dantian.


When the heaven and earth's spirit and heart merged into Xiao Yun's Dantian, a loud voice sounded immediately.

It's like breaking new ground.

Cultivate the heart of God, a big step for the practitioner.

This is to approach the gods.

At this point, it is also called the quasi-god!

Most practitioners will refine their supernatural powers into divine hearts.

It is not too difficult for these people to set foot in the paranormal state.

Such as Jiang Youdao and others set foot in the quasi-god state early.

But Xiao Yun repaired the world.

This is a difficult way, and everything has to be realized on its own.

Xiao Yun was too difficult to take this step without the experience of his predecessors.

Now that he has attained his divine heart, he can truly be considered as a quasi-god.

Divine heart blended into Dan Tian, ​​which became part of Xiao Yun.

This world is under his complete control.

Even when he realized heaven and earth before, he was like heaven and earth, and heaven and earth were like him!

But after all, it is magical, like fantasy.

It's different now.

Supernatural heaven and earth are refined into a **** heart!

This is a prototype of heaven and earth.

If we go further in the future, we can really open up a real world.

One is illusory ...

One is true ...

The gap between the two is self-evident!

It can be said that Xiao Yun took a very important step in the road construction at this time!

Not only that, God's heart is cultivated, but also derived from divine power. At this moment, Xiao Yun's Yuanying has a divine power flowing and turned into a pattern.

Yuan Yuan, who was not so high, now turns into an eight-foot man in Xiao Yun's sea, just like his deity.

This is Yuan Shen!

Yuanshencheng, the eyebrow's life pattern also flowed with divine power, constantly merging with Yuanshen.

After the refining and refining of Shenxin Tiandi was successfully completed, Yuan Ying was completely transformed into Yuan Shen. In front of Xiao Yun, the yin and yang cyclone seemed to be dragged. In the inner world of the gods' heart, it is finally imprinted on the lines of the god's heart and completely integrated with it. A breath of avenues flows into the gods and fuses with them.

"Is this the brand of the avenue?" This made Xiao Yun's eyes astonished.

When this pattern merged into the heart of God, Xiao Yun clearly felt a familiar kind of rhyme.

This kind of road pattern is constantly injected into the heart of God, and finally a clear vein is formed, which becomes a road pattern of a website.

When this pattern was formed, Xiao Yun's mind was shaken, and the whole person's eyes dazzled. The world seemed to be spinning, as if he had traveled to another space.

When the heaven and earth resumed rotation, Xiao Yun found out that his mind actually appeared outside the Siyuan Mountain, and now he was overlooking the earth.

"Isn't I in Siyuan Mountain?" Xiao Yun wondered, "Why did my mind appear here?"

This made Xiao Yun feel inexplicable.

"Is that the pattern?" After thinking about it, the only thing he could think of was the Yin-Yang cyclone.


Just at this moment, Xiao Yun's mind felt a flash before his eyes, and the sky and the earth changed accordingly, and his mind suddenly appeared on the other side.

"Is this in the yin and yang cyclone?" Only when his mind appeared after this, Xiao Yun became more and more surprised.

Because he appeared in the yin and yang cyclone that he had previously entered.

In front of him, there was a floating treasure book floating in yin and yang.

"Today, in the prestige of the old demon, the mystery of the next chapter of the gate of God was published on the public account. There is no addition. The old demon can be searched. The demon moon night. The only number that appears is the old demon. Wei, The signal is, you can see it when you return to your life. In addition, the old demon intends to start the monthly ticket next month. From now on, the Android phone will be opened with a red envelope, monthly vote function, five yuan, one vote, if everyone has the ability If so, I hope I can vote for Undead Wu Zun. "

Originally, the old demon did not want to fight for monthly passes again.

But recently many readers asked the old demon: "Are there any comics of undead Wu Zun?" "Old demon, undead Wu Zun will definitely look good if it is made into a TV series." "Lao Yao, undead Wu Zun, when will you change the game? If you change , Be sure to notify me. "


There are many such inquiries.

In this regard, I am helpless.

Because all kinds of adaptations require a lot of funds, investors must make money to buy those popular works.

"Undead Wu Zun" achieved good results with everyone's support. In 2014, it was even Teng. The existence of the top five in the literature fantasy fantasy.

Today, all major channels are still hot.

Unfortunately, the old demon is a newcomer after all, and his popularity has not accumulated enough, so he cannot reach this level.

But there is still a chance!

That's the monthly ticket list!

Today, Teng, Xunhe, Qi, and the monthly ticket list for reading are merged, and there is great competition.

But there are also opportunities!

Because of this, the monthly ticket list of points has gathered a large number of readers!

If a book comes first, it can radiate and let countless readers know that popularity will soar.

Of course, the chance is small, but I want to fight.

If you don't fight, your dreams will never succeed!

Fighting ... at least one percent chance!

I just need to subscribe for a monthly ticket, and I need money. Lao Yao doesn't know how many readers are willing to support and fight with me?

Will I fight alone?

I do not know!

But I know that Undead Wu Zun is everything to me!

I am willing to fight for it!

Even if it's just me, I won't complain, and thank you for your company.

Because without you, there is no such thing as undead Wu Zun today!

I still remember that I wanted to write a novel ten years ago.

But economic conditions do n’t allow it, and I ca n’t even afford a computer. I do n’t know how to accomplish this dream!

But I have always had a dream, a novel dream in my heart, and I have always insisted!

Since 2005, I have been persistent!

For this reason, in 2011, I saved three years of living expenses and started writing novels directly.

Because I am a newcomer, I wrote 2 million words in the first year, updated 6,000 words every day, and received a 400-time attendance award from the website, which made more than 3,000 yuan.


This money is not enough for rent and utilities.

So it was a difficult year!

[That year, almost everyone opposed it, everyone didn't understand it, everyone thought I was crazy, and they didn't believe I could write a wonderful novel. 】

I also began to doubt myself and couldn't write a great story.

But I am insisting!

Now that you have chosen and decided, you should go ahead and execute it!

Three years!

This is my deadline!

In 2012, I wrote a new book, Xuantian Zunzhuang, under the pseudonym Yaoyue.

This book is sold out! Twenty thousand words!

Write 200,000 words a month and deduct 12% of the tax and more than 3,000!

Although not many, for the old demon, as if seeing hope!

At that time, the book was very good, and the major channels were very hot, and the value created was not known.

I was twenty-three that year, and I was under pressure to buy a house, and so on.

Three or five thousand a month is obviously not enough!

In desperation, in the human world, Xuan Tianzhan finished the book, leaving a regret.

In 2013, The Demon Blood Emperor began.

This book is a book that I have prepared for a long time, but it is also a book that made me fall into the bottom of my life.

Because this book costs only five or six hundred drafts a month, and for almost half a year, I have almost no income!

I felt tremendous pressure during that half year!

I started to doubt myself!

I felt lonely, helpless, and powerless during that half year!

Under this pressure, I lost sleep every day to two or three, and I stayed up late every day when I wrote "Xuan Tian Zun Zun", and my body also crossed.

Even finally got depression and began to doubt life!

Do you doubt that it is worthwhile to insist on the so-called dream value? Is it a ridiculous dream?

Under this despair and suspicion, the old demon finally cleared his mood and decided to fight.

Because no matter how difficult you are, how much others do n’t understand, how helpless you are, no one supports you, but as a man

Man, you only have to straighten your waist again to face the reality and go back to battle!

So the "Monster Blood Emperor" is over a million words, leaving a regret for the old demon.

Under the pressure of life, the old demon had to do so.

Money is not a panacea, but without money, life cannot be maintained. What is the dream?

[So the old demon appeals to all capable brothers and sisters, if you can, please come to Genesis Chinese, Net or, qq read, start, click Chinese, Net support genuine]

Perhaps it is trivial for a person to recharge and spend money to subscribe, and it seems that nothing can be changed!

But invisibly, you are supporting the dream of an author, and you have become a shelter for the author! [Each genuine reader is a cute angel, because you let a person ’s dream continue, you make the fiction world prosper, and you make countless wonderful novels in this world]

Looking at piracy, it is the dream of strangling the authors invisible!

On December 16, 2013, "Undead Wu Zun" was released!

After the book was put on the shelves, it achieved remarkable results, surpassing Lao Yao's expectations, and also allowed Lao Yao to reach his peak and become the so-called great god.

All these are the achievements brought by your siblings' subscription support.

Here, Lao Yao thanked every sibling who spent money to subscribe to "Undead Wu Zun".

Because it ’s not just that you let “Undead Wu Zun” reach a pinnacle, you have also changed the fate of the old demon and saved that side in despair

Fate of me.

2014 is my birth year.

This year before the fire of Undead Wu Zun, my body straddled.

From February to March, my body was tragedy.

For a long time, I could n’t sit and just stood on the code.

At that time, I checked a lot of information and said that surgery would be the best way.

Seeing this, I was almost desperate!

Because once surgery means that I can't code for half a month or even a month. [If you do n’t update, you lose readers. What about dreams? 】

Furthermore, there is no guarantee that surgery will not relapse.

It can be said that this is simply desperate news.

That was my most difficult time!

At that time, "The Undead Wu Zun" only showed up and had a chance to fire.

I know that if I can't continue writing, this book will be over, and my life will be over.

[Because at the time of writing this book, I have experienced the failure of the Demon Blood Emperor, and I have no confidence at all. My heart that is about to collapse is no longer

Suffer again

No matter how strong people are, there are times when they fall down!

At that time, I often asked, why did God treat me this way?

Am I doomed to fail?

In March 2014, it was a month of despair!

There is always a way out!

In despair, I also found information that Chinese medicine has a chance to heal, but the chance is small.

And now there are few Chinese medicine practitioners.

Fortunately, I heard that an old Chinese medicine practitioner near us was very good, so I went.

The old Chinese doctor began to tell me that he could heal as long as he cooperated, because he cured a child with a similar condition, and it was just two months.

Holding on to the mentality of trying, I started to drink Chinese medicine!

It was a bit effective at the beginning.

But the effect is not great.

Two months have passed and the expected results have not been achieved.

But I can only continue!

Three months, a lot better!

[Because I am a code character, I have to sit for a long time, and my blood is not as good as a person who is often active, so now I will write activities for a while, and I will not be sedentary, so I have less time for code characters every day]

So it is difficult to heal.

In this way, I drank the medicine for four months before I could sit down.

If you are interested, you should remember that I mentioned this in the previous chapter.

[Here, thanks to TCM for its great heritage. Of course, TCM has to look for older people, preferably seventy or eighty, because this requires experience

Only the right medicine]

I can persevere, and it has something to do with the results of "Undead Wu Zun".

If I didn't see the hope of life, I saw the dream in front of me, I'm afraid I can't overcome the disease.

Therefore, the old demon sincerely thank all the brothers and sisters who have been with you.

I hope that everyone can exercise more and pay attention to the body. The body is the capital of the revolution.

Having said that, Lao Yao really hopes that you can continue to support you.

Of course, it's very difficult for everyone to spend money to subscribe for support. It also gives you extra support and is unsatisfactory, so the old demon will not say anything.

At this moment, I just want to have some brothers who fight together along the way, to accompany me to fight together [even if there are only ten or a hundred, the old demon will not feel lonely again at least]

Who wants to make Undead Wu Zun create brilliance and fulfill that dream together?

Will this be our dream together?

Will anyone work with the old demon to create a miracle?

If yes, if yes, please add the old demon prestige, this is a personal number or add this **** group 20715, 0720 to accompany the old demon in the battle.


Add Verification as Hardcore!

Only add hardcores willing to fight together, forgive me! Unprecedented execution continues!

Three years!

This is my deadline!

In 2012, I wrote a new book, Xuantian Zunzhuang, under the pseudonym Yaoyue.

This book is sold out! Twenty thousand words!

Write 200,000 words a month and deduct 12% of the tax and more than 3,000!

Although not many, for the old demon, as if seeing hope!

At that time, the book was very good, and the major channels were very hot, and the value created was not known.

I was twenty-three that year, and I was under pressure to buy a house, and so on.

Three or five thousand a month is obviously not enough!

In desperation, in the human world, Xuan Tianzhan finished the book, leaving a regret.

In 2013, The Demon Blood Emperor began.

This book is a book that I have prepared for a long time, but it is also a book that made me fall into the bottom of my life.

Because this book costs only five or six hundred drafts a month, and for almost half a year, I have almost no income!

I felt tremendous pressure during that half year!

I started to doubt myself!

I felt lonely, helpless, and powerless during that half year!

Under this pressure, I lost sleep every day to two or three, and I stayed up late every day when I wrote "Xuan Tian Zun Zun", and my body also crossed.

Even finally got depression and began to doubt life!

Do you doubt that it is worthwhile to insist on the so-called dream value? Is it a ridiculous dream?

Under this despair and suspicion, the old demon finally cleared his mood and decided to fight.

Because no matter how difficult you are, how much others do n’t understand, how helpless you are, no one supports you, but as a man

Man, you only have to straighten your waist again to face the reality and go back to battle!

So the "Monster Blood Emperor" is over a million words, leaving a regret for the old demon.

Under the pressure of life, the old demon had to do so.

Money is not a panacea, but without money, life cannot be maintained. What is the dream?

[So the old demon appeals to all capable brothers and sisters, if you can, please come to Genesis Chinese, Net or, qq read, start, click Chinese, Net support genuine]

Perhaps it is trivial for a person to recharge and spend money to subscribe, and it seems that nothing can be changed!

But invisibly, you are supporting the dream of an author, and you have become a shelter for the author! [Each genuine reader is a cute angel, because you let a person ’s dream continue, you make the fiction world prosper, and you make countless wonderful novels in this world]

Looking at piracy, it is the dream of strangling the authors invisible!

On December 16, 2013, "Undead Wu Zun" was released!

After the book was put on the shelves, it achieved remarkable results, surpassing Lao Yao's expectations, and also allowed Lao Yao to reach his peak and become the so-called great god.

All these are the achievements brought by your siblings' subscription support.

Here, Lao Yao thanked every sibling who spent money to subscribe to "Undead Wu Zun".

Because it ’s not just that you let “Undead Wu Zun” reach a pinnacle, you have also changed the fate of the old demon and saved that side in despair

Fate of me.

2014 is my birth year.

This year before the fire of Undead Wu Zun, my body straddled.

From February to March, my body was tragedy.

For a long time, I could n’t sit and just stood on the code.

At that time, I checked a lot of information and said that surgery would be the best way.

Seeing this, I was almost desperate!

Because once surgery means that I can't code for half a month or even a month. [If you do n’t update, you lose readers. What about dreams? 】

Furthermore, there is no guarantee that surgery will not relapse.

It can be said that this is simply desperate news.

That was my most difficult time!

At that time, "The Undead Wu Zun" only showed up and had a chance to fire.

I know that if I can't continue writing, this book will be over, and my life will be over.

[Because at the time of writing this book, I have experienced the failure of the Demon Blood Emperor, and I have no confidence at all. My heart that is about to collapse is no longer

Suffer again

No matter how strong people are, there are times when they fall down!

At that time, I often asked, why did God treat me this way?

Am I doomed to fail?

In March 2014, it was a month of despair!

There is always a way out!

In despair, I also found information that Chinese medicine has a chance to heal, but the chance is small.

And now there are few Chinese medicine practitioners.

Fortunately, I heard that an old Chinese medicine practitioner near us was very good, so I went.

The old Chinese doctor began to tell me that he could heal as long as he cooperated, because he cured a child with a similar condition, and it was just two months.

Holding on to the mentality of trying, I started to drink Chinese medicine!

It was a bit effective at the beginning.

But the effect is not great.

Two months have passed and the expected results have not been achieved.

But I can only continue!

Three months, a lot better!

[Because I am a code character, I have to sit for a long time, and my blood is not as good as a person who is often active, so now I will write activities for a while, and I will not be sedentary, so I have less time for code characters every day]

So it is difficult to heal.

In this way, I drank the medicine for four months before I could sit down.

If you are interested, you should remember that I mentioned this in the previous chapter.

[Here, thanks to TCM for its great heritage. Of course, TCM has to look for older people, preferably seventy or eighty, because this requires experience

Only the right medicine]

I can persevere, and it has something to do with the results of "Undead Wu Zun".

If I didn't see the hope of life, I saw the dream in front of me, I'm afraid I can't overcome the disease.

Therefore, the old demon sincerely thank all the brothers and sisters who have been with you.

I hope that everyone can exercise more and pay attention to the body. The body is the capital of the revolution.

Having said so much ~ ~ Lao Yao really hopes that you can continue to support you.

Of course, it's very difficult for everyone to spend money to subscribe for support. It also gives you extra support and is unsatisfactory, so the old demon will not say anything.

At this moment, I just want to have some brothers who fight together along the way, to accompany me to fight together [even if there are only ten or a hundred, the old demon will not feel lonely again at least]

Who wants to make Undead Wu Zun create brilliance and fulfill that dream together?

Will this be our dream together?

Will anyone work with the old demon to create a miracle?

If yes, if yes, please add the old demon prestige, this is a personal number or add this **** group 20715, 0720 to accompany the old demon in the battle.


Add Verification as Hardcore!

Only add hardcores willing to fight together, forgive me!

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