Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1737: Controlling Yin Yang Bao ...

Xiao Yunlian mixed the spirit of the heavens and the earth and set foot in the quasi-god realm.

Just then, the mutation suddenly emerged.

His mind first appeared outside Siyuan Mountain.

Then his mind appeared in the yin and yang cyclone again.

When he saw the yin and yang treasure in front of his eyes, his heart was shocked.

This time, there were no sounds of confusion, some just a avenue.

That kind of breath [pig ^ pig ^ island ^ novel] [www]. [Zhu] []. [] Made Xiao Yun can't help but want to be close.

His mind approached, staring at the yin and yang baojian ahead.

Yinyang Baojian is square and square, and the material is gray, like jade like stone, with a faint luster, and the road pattern flows and flashes like a stream of water.

This is the material for the edges.

At the center of Baojian, the yin and yang roads wriggled, as if the waves were rolling, and the inside seemed to be evolving, and it seemed to encompass the heavens and earth.

"Yin and Yang ..." Looking at the rolling yin and yang lines, Xiao Yun couldn't help immersing himself in it.

It seems that there is an evolution in the Supreme Avenue, which makes people can't help but go to see it in detail.

However, Xiao Yun's mind touched those lines in the center of the Yin-Yang Baojian, and a vortex of heaven and earth seemed to spawn suddenly, absorbing his mind.

"Not good!" Xiao Yun was sober, and immediately woke up from that immersion.

It was just that the cyclone was not the only thing Xiao Yun could do.

Within his mind, there was a twinkling of yin and yang.

This is the yin and yang pattern that he merged with at the beginning.

Led by this divine pattern, his mind is fused with the Tao pattern rules in this yin and yang book.

Watching for God's integration with the pattern rule, Xiao Yun actually felt that he had made an inexplicable connection with this yin and yang treasure.

As this integration continues, that connection becomes stronger.

This finally made his nervous heart just relax.

Finally, the fusion was completely completed.

The next moment, Xiao Yun's mind was released.

The mind turned into a human figure and appeared in a space.

The space is flowing between yin and yang, and Dawei is pervasive, but nothing can be seen.

"Where is this?" Xiao Yun was surprised.

At this moment, the yin and yang moved nearby.


A heaven and earth evolved.

This is the place of condemnation.

Xiao Yun suddenly appeared in the place of condemnation.

There are mountains and rivers here, and you can see the towering Siyuan Mountain.

As far as Xiao Yun is concerned, almost everything in this condemned place can be sensed.

In the distance, people of the three major protoss emerged.

Someone is picking the fruit.

Some people are hunting in the mountains.

Others are doing secret repairs, and some people break through, which has led to disasters.


"Sister, what are the identities of the women who came with the messenger? Are they all his wives?"

In the wooden pavilion of Linyuan in Yinyin clan, the pretty little girl blinked her smart eyes, and looked at the woman on the edge of the mountain who was looking out into the distance.

"It should be, after all, he is such an excellent person, and naturally many women will like him."

The woman did not look back, but the little girl next to her still could hear the loneliness from her tone.

"Does that sister like him?" The little girl asked.

"Like?" The woman smiled bitterly, but didn't answer, just looking at the void in the distance, the color of remembrance appeared in her eyes.

At that time, when Xiao Yun mobilized the two controversial beasts of Megatron, the peerless style was still in her mind, lingering.

Except for this ghost ...

In the Shiyuan tribe, there are women in the Jinwu tribe.

Xiao Yun suddenly became the object of love of the three ethnic women.

"These girls!" As far as Xiao Yun was concerned, he actually watched it all.

This gave him a headache.

This guy is too good to be a trouble!

Xiao Yun's mind was taken back.

At the next moment, he turned his gaze and turned to all directions.


A wave of ripples appeared, and the yin and yang lines were lingering.

"I'm still in this yin-yang world?" Xiao Yun's eyes were surprised.

But he had just seen everything in the condemned land.

With a little surprise, he sensed the place of condemnation.

His mind moved, and the light flashed before him, and the place of condemnation immediately appeared.

"What's going on?" Xiao Yun set off a stormy sea in his heart.

This shock is too great.

His mind tried to sense the place carefully.

Finally, he felt the end.

As far as his mind is concerned, it is the Jianbi of the Yin and Yang Baojian.

There are also yin and yang lines running like water.

"I am in the yin and yang treasure book?" Xiao Yun was completely stunned at this moment.

He is actually in the yin and yang treasure book.

But why did the land of condemnation surface that day?

Still so lifelike, it's really true.

"Is the place of condemnation in the yin and yang treasures?" Xiao Yun began to think, "or is this yin and yang treasures really all-encompassing and can pass through all heavens and heavens?"

This is incredible.

"Will my mind be able to withdraw from this place." Xiao Yun then secretly wondered.

As soon as his mind moved, Daowen wriggled and evolved into a cyclone.

This cyclone seemed to communicate the heavens and the world.

The next moment, Xiao Yun's mind was introduced into the cyclone.


The mind flashed back into the sea of ​​devotion.

"Have you returned?" Xiao Yun murmured when God returned to knowing the sea and seeing familiar things in the sea.

"Is this all true just now?"

What just happened surprised him a little.

But under his sense of heart, he found that his mind was actually connected with the Yin-Yang Baojian.

As long as his mind is moving, he can see the things in the yin and yang treasure book.

"My mind really blends with this yin and yang treasure book?" Xiao Yun's heart couldn't help but startled.

Next, he started to do the verification.

First of all, he moved his mind and tried to see if he could enter the Yin-Yang Baojian.

Subsequently, his mind floated out, derived from the yin and yang road pattern, and evolved into a cyclone.

This cyclone traction brought Xiao Yun's mind into the yin and yang treasures.

After that, he was moved to the sea of ​​knowledge.

"I really got in touch with Yinyang Baojian." After several verifications, Xiao Yun finally determined the matter.

After ascertaining the matter, he was shocked.

At the same time, I was a little excited.

You know, this yin and yang baojian is extremely mysterious, like a treasure.

The pervasive prestige in it surpassed Siyuan Ling and Siyuan Gong.

Although Xiao Yun didn't know what it was, he could know that it was of infinite value.

Even, he sensed swallowing the **** tower at this moment.

But the breath of the pagoda was blinded.

Devouring Supreme cannot sense this place at all.

This is true even of long-lived turtles and phantoms.

They also cannot know these adventures of Xiao Yun.

An inexplicable prestige put them into the realm of enlightenment.

"Now that I've got in touch with this yin and yang baojian, can I control it completely?"

Xiao Yun wanted to accept this treasure.

As soon as he thought, Xiao Yun tried to sense, pulling the Yin and Yang Baojian from him.


In the yin and yang cyclone ahead, Tao sounded.

Then yin and yang squirmed and a road opened.

Inside it, a yin and yang treasure book flew.

"It's done?" When Xiaoyin Baojian flew in, Xiao Yun felt a joy in his heart and was a little surprised.

Waiting for the treasure to be led by him, how can he not be surprised?

The yin and yang baojian flew, the prestige was diffused, and the endless yin and yang pattern bloomed, covering this void into the yin and yang world.

Later, Xiao Yun's eyebrow had a yin and yang pattern and evolved into a cyclone.

The yin and yang baojian lost her voice.


Subsequently, this yin and yang baojian fell into Xiao Yun's Yuanshen.

"Incorporated into Yuanshen?" Xiao Yun was surprised.

But think about it is normal.

Because there is a yin and yang pattern in his Yuanshen.

There is no excuse for the integration of this yin and yang baojian.

Then, as soon as his mind moved, he sensed carefully and found that there was indeed a yin and yang treasure in his Yuanshen.

In Baojian, he can still sense all the creatures in the condemned land.

The feeling of dominating everything in the world poured into my heart.

"About the mystery of this yin and yang baojian, we can ponder it later." Xiao Yun withdrew his mind.

Today, he clearly cannot fully understand the situation of this yin and yang treasure.

The mind retreated, he was watching ahead.

That yin and yang cyclone was still there, but there was obviously a kind of rhyme.

It felt like the core was being drawn, and it had become flashy.

"Is it because of the Yin and Yang Baojian?" Xiao Yun muttered.

Xiao Yun then stood up and retreated.

This time he came here to refine the heaven and earth spirit, and set foot in the quasi-god realm has already achieved the goal.

Now getting the Yin and Yang Baojian is completely beyond his expectation.

This can be described as an excess of good fortune.

It's time to leave.

When he retreated, he discovered that Ling Xi and Sister Ren were still enlightening.

So he waited.

During this time, he was also absorbing the yin and yang energy, tempering his body to consolidate his realm.

Seven days later, Ling Xi opened her eyes and was finished.

She gained something, her temperament became more transcendent, and her physique was transformed.

Ten days later, Ren Kexin also got up and lived a huge benefit.

At fifteen days, Ren Keying also got up.

In this way, Xiao Yun retreated.

And his realm was stabilized during that period.

Outside of Siyuan Ding, the three major protoss are still enlightening.

The road is hard to understand and few people can touch.

But with this kind of enlightenment, people of all races have a clear understanding.

Xiao Yun didn't bother these people.

He left Siyuan Mountain.

After going out, Xiao Yun was so absorbed in his mind that he immediately found everything in Siyuan Mountain.

Originally, there was a seal here, and he could not easily control it.

But it was different now.

Now he is truly the master of this world ~ ~ In the land of condemnation, there are many ancient beasts, among which the condemned beast is the most powerful. "Xiao Yun then began to investigate everything in the place of condemnation.

He wants to understand the power here.

The future will be a big time. Since Xiao Yun has taken control of the place of condemnation, he naturally has to make good use of the forces in it, so that he can gain a foothold in the world.

"The condemned beast was also restricted from becoming a god."

After several inductions, Xiao Yun gradually learned some information.

The rules of the condemned land are turned into information, pouring into my heart.

But now, he can clearly feel that the breath of these condemned beasts is gradually getting stronger.

Xiao Yun nodded slightly and was very satisfied with it.

"In a few moments, with the children of the three major protoss and these beasts of condemnation, I can completely compete with any of the great forces in the sanctuary." Xiao Yun's eyes were full of confidence.

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