Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1743: Enemy

Within the falling sky, Lan Xinyue shot with Yu Tianjiao to cooperate with the people outside.


Suddenly, the lines squirmed, and a powerful repulsive force burst out.


I can only see the flames in the sky above the sun-falling abyss, in order to drown out all the potentials, raging down towards this blue heart moon and Yu Tianjiao.

"Broken!" Lan Xinyue's magic sword bloomed endlessly, tearing the flame.

Yu Tianjiao jade fiddled with the piano, and the body merged with the piano. Suddenly, the strings were plucked, and the sound of the piano was rolling, raging away like a torrent, resisting the flame.

Under the attack of the two men, the momentum of the light rays of the array weakened slightly.

After all, this array of light curtains must not only resist the attack of Yu Tianjiao and Lan Xinyue, but also the fierce offensive of the Yangxu Sword.

"Miss they are cooperating." Outside, the old stunner's eyes condensed, revealing a touch of joy.

With the induction of Yangxu Shenjian, she can clearly detect the fluctuation of the breath pattern.

Based on this, she has confirmed that Yu Tianjiao and the two are shooting.

"I hope they can be rescued in time." Wen Yan said that everyone was expecting their faces and their nerves were strained.

If these two people can be rescued, it can be regarded as successful.


Just at this moment, the flames of the heavens and earth rolled, and suddenly a figure appeared.

These people tore the flames and set off a wave.

When this fluctuation came out, Yan Shifei and others also sensed it.

"It's the Jiuyang Holy Palace!" At the moment, everyone felt bad.

Not far away, Yue Xianer led the quasi-god of Jiuyang Holy Palace.

"Are the formations about to break?"

As soon as Yue Xian'er's eyes were condensed, she saw the array that was going to be broken in front.

"These people dare to come to commit my Jiuyang Holy Palace?"

There was an air of indignation on him.

Some elders are also gloomy.

"Stop them from breaking the line!" Yue Xian'er's eyes lightened, Shen said, "Those people, let's kill them!


At the moment, everyone nodded.

Sixteen strong men dispatched together.

These people are very strong, especially Yang Lingtian.

He has the Jiuyang Eucharist, and now he has set foot in the paranormal state.

In those days, there were very few people who could defeat him.

In addition to Yang Lingtian, there are several geniuses among the visitors.

These people are holding the top heavenly soldiers, or half-step gods soldiers.

As for Yang Lingtian, he has a king of soldiers.

This month, Fairy also has a king of soldiers!

In this way, seventeen strong shots together.

Divine power surged in this void, swept forward, and created a vacuum in this sea of ​​fire and earth.

Yang Lingtian strode, holding a golden Yang Halberd to cut it off.

This soldier is like a halberd, but it has a golden side.

This soldier is cut off, and can be used to cut and kill all directions.

At the same time that the **** pattern is triggered, it can also evolve Jinyang to suppress all directions.

This is the King of the Gods, only to cut it out has a terrifying breath sweeping through.

That kind of atmosphere made Yan Shifei and others feel the peak of mountains.

Even if they were also kings of soldiers, they still felt great pressure.

In addition, Xianer also shot that month.

She is holding a Tianyang Excalibur.

The long sword cracked and chopped down to the **** disk that sheltered Yan Shifei and others.

Yan Shifei and others hurriedly tried their best to urge the god.

However, when the two **** king soldiers were cut off, how can the waiting power be comparable?


Only a loud noise was seen, and the **** pattern light curtain blooming from the **** disk burst.

Before the **** king soldier completely fell, the **** trembled, and a huge impact came towards Yan Shifei and others.

"Quick retreat!" Suddenly, one of the beautiful women frowned.

She took out a magic soldier and wrapped the crowd back.

This is the magic soldier of the wind. That speed is faster than ordinary magic soldiers.

Just moments later, Yan Shifei and others flew thousands of miles away.


It was also at this moment that the **** king soldier fell down and knocked the **** flying.

This **** has spirit, and does not resist. He flew directly to the old man who controls the soldier.

At this time, Yan Shifei and others have taken out the magic soldiers themselves and are ready to face the battle.

These people were repulsed in one fell swoop, and the people in Jiuyang Holy Palace were as imposing as rainbow.

"It's you two!" Yue Xianerlian stepped on the ground, and her eyes fixed, she locked her eyes on the two beautiful women beside Yan Shifei.

The two were impressively the maids of Yu Tianjiao and Lan Xinyue.

Said to be a maid, but she was also considered a sister.

Because both of them were rescued, their talents are also good.

After following Yu Tianjiao and Lan Xinyue, they were all trained.

Most of them have been blessed by Yu Tianjiao and Lan Xinyue.

The same is true, and they risk their lives to rescue the two.

In order to repay!

As for the old man in the middle, it is a tribe of Lan Xinyue.

"Yue Xianer, you bitch!" When this month Xianer spoke, the old lady was a cold mouth.

To this woman, she seemed to hate the teeth.

In addition, there are two elders who are Yu Tianjiao.

They also stared at Yu Tianjiao with animosity.

"Look for death." Seeing these people so hostile to themselves, Yue Xian'er's beautiful eyes were frozen, and a sense of murderousness pervaded. "Today, don't say you rescue the bitch, don't even want to leave this place alive today. , Kill me, kill all of them here, don't leave any. "

Then she said to the children of Jiuyang Holy Palace beside her.

"Yes!" The quasi-god of Jiuyang Holy Palace nodded.

Then, headed by Yang Lingtian, everyone walked forward together.

For quasi-gods, thousands of miles apart are within reach.

That month, Xianer also made a strong shot and killed him directly. Seeing that momentum, he really wanted to kill all of them here.

"Do you want to kill me ?!" Among the crowd, the corner of the mouth of a black-faced elder evoked a cold arc, and he stared coldly at the killed Yuexian.

"Don't we be prepared?"

When the words fell, he strode forward.

"Go and break the battle!" He muttered toward the crowd.

When the words fell, he took the initiative to meet the people of the Jiuyang Holy Palace.

At the same time, a flash of light flickered in front of him, and a **** ashamed emerged.

When the embarrassment surfaced, he spit out a spit of blood and poured it into the embarrassment.


The ashamed light pattern flickered and turned into an Optimum Giant.

An immense amount of divine power then permeated.

With a big hand, the giant swept straight ahead.

He just kept his arms, but extended thousands of miles, swept directly in all directions, and stopped all the people in the Jiuyang Holy Palace.

"A **** ashamed?" Seeing this, Yue Xianer sneered, "Divinely ashamed, want to reach me?"

She held a magic sword and was ashamed of that god.

As for Yan Shifei and others, they assisted the uncle to break through.

Yang Xujian was photographed back.

Later, they formed here.

Only this shot, everyone hesitated to burn a trace of the power of the source and injected it into the Yangxu Sword.

Under the injection of this power, the exquisite sword Guanghua masterpiece, the momentum soared.


The Divine Sword fired again, chopping at the seal.

Under the sword, the light streaks of the seal continued to shatter and cracks appeared.

"Ling Tian, ​​go stop that Divine Sword from breaking the line!" Yue Xianer said.

"Okay!" Yang Lingtian stepped, and the big hand slammed into Yangxu Shenjian.

In addition, the fairy sword of Yuexianer was also chopped on that god.

"Shame, explosion!"

Just then, the dark-faced old man shot.

He sacrificed another **** of shame.

This **** was ashamed and flung towards Yang Lingtian.

Finally, when Yang Lingtian returned to God, he blew himself up.

In addition, the embarrassment he had urged also flew to Yuexianer.

The endless **** pattern bloomed, and then exploded.

Suddenly, the two gods exploded with shame, and the loud noise rang through the world.


God exploded, the power of terror caused the void to collapse.

The vast divine power was like a wave of world destruction, and blasted away towards the moon fairy and Yang Lingtian.

That kind of horrible wave made those behind the Jiuyang Holy Palace strongmen who were preparing to make a move.

"These guys are ashamed of themselves!" The quasi-gods looked stern.

Then they hurried back, fearing to be affected by the horrible wave.

As for the first Yang Lingtian, his face was completely darkened.

He spurred the power of the King of God while he retreated.


The light pattern of that magic soldier bloomed, and evolved into a light curtain to resist in front.

At the same time, he also took out a shield to stand in front.

Taking advantage of this, his body collapsed.

That month, Fairy quickly took out various magic soldiers to resist.

It all came so suddenly.

Even though they tried hard to resist, they were affected.


Yang Lingtian and Yue Xianer flew upside down, and the blood spit out in the mouth, which looked like they were not injured.

Even if they are guarded by magical soldiers, how easy is it to dispel the power of shame?

They are not gods after all!

Even if there are **** king soldiers!

But this magical soldier has not been able to exert its true power.

"Lingtian son!"

"Grandmother!" As they flew upside down, the quasi-god of Jiuyang Holy Palace ushered in and guarded them.

Looking at this, they also seem to be afraid that the counterattack will take advantage of the attack.

"These guys were so prepared, but they almost said their way." That month Fairy held her figure, and her face was slightly ugly.

Everyone at Jiuyang Holy Palace is jealous.

If the gods blew themselves up, even the **** soldiers and half-step **** king soldiers would feel tricky.

"Unfortunately, they were not seriously injured!" On the other side, the man sighed.

His shot was unexpected.

Even if he still feels ashamed, but the other party is prepared, it will be difficult to succeed.

After sighing a little, his eyes were frozen, and he stared at the seal of the Sundown Abyss.

There, the Yangxu Divine Sword was breaking the seal.

Because of this shame, Yang Lingtian shot to stop the failure, but gave them a chance.


The seal cracked.

Then the cracks continued to spread.

"No, this seal is about to be broken!" Yue Xianer frowned.

At this time, an elder beside Yan Shifei took out her shame and looked ready to explode at any time.

This makes people in Jiuyang Holy Palace have some fears ~ ~ Damn, hasn't it yet? "Yue Xianer looked around at this moment, and her brows frowned.

If they were more powerful, they would not be so stretched.

"Who is disturbing this godson retreat!" Just then, a low voice suddenly sounded.

This voice floated, as if from heaven, an inexplicable Supreme Majesty permeated in all directions.

"There are still people here?" When the voice came out, people on both sides of Jiuyang Holy Palace and Yan Shifei were surprised.

Then everyone asked and looked up, but they saw a man in a gold robe walking towards the sky on the left side of the falling sun.

"Thank you all for your support, and there will be one more later."


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