Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1744: Be in trouble

As the Seal of the Falling Abyss was about to open, a low, majestic voice suddenly sounded.

"Who is it?" This caused the practitioners on both sides to ask and look.

Everyone took a closer look, but saw a man wearing a gold crown and wearing a gold robe strolling out of it.

This man's golden veins are dazzling, like the blooming of the gods, and there is a dusty temperament spreading between the walks. His eyes are wide and majestic, revealing majestic, just like a **** son coming to the dust, the void behind him. With ripples rising, there is a vast Tianyang world vaguely evolving.

But if you look closely, there is nothing behind him.

This way of rhyme, it seems to have reached a point where ordinary people cannot.

"This person has the breath of Tianyang!" Yan Shifei and others frowned immediately.

In this case, the person coming is most likely to be from the Jiuyang Holy Palace.

"This is the goddess of Yang Kun!"

"Oh, it's my **** son at Jiuyang Holy Palace!"

After seeing this person, the quasi-gods of Jiuyang Holy Palace are all excited.

"Is it the Goddess of Yang Kun?" Even Yang Lingtian had a slight discoloration, and he looked dignified when he met people.

Obviously, even he had a bit of awe at this **** son.

"Yangkun God Son!" When this Yangkun God Son strolled, even the fairy of that month couldn't help but change color.

This is the Son of God, aloof, that is, the current master of the Jiuyang Holy Palace is not as honorable as the Son of God.

Yang Kun Shenzi is slender and valiant.

He strolled, his eyes twinkled with gold, pierced through the void, penetrated those tumbled flames, and his eyes fell on Yan Shifei and others in front.

"I've seen the Son of God!" As he strolled, the people at the Jiuyang Holy Palace bowed and saluted.

Even Yang Lingtian saluted together.

Yang Kun slightly gestured, and immediately turned his eyes toward the front.

"What's going on?" Yang Kun Molu asked.

"Return to the Son of God, seal the two traitors of my Jiuyang Temple in this abyss of the falling sun, now these people want to rescue them when the seal is weak." Yuexian said: "I will rush immediately after I know Came, but didn't want them to have a strong background and embarrassed themselves, which made me fail to take it down, so I disturbed the Son of God to meditate and asked the Son of God to forgive him. "

"Aren't you a traitor?" Yang Kun's eyes condensed, and coldness emerged.

Then, his eyes glanced at everyone in front of him.

"It can't be repaired, but there are two beauties!"

A faint radian evoked in the corner of Yang Kun's mouth, and then that sight fell on Sister Yan Shifei.

This light made the sisters feel that goose bumps were born on the skin.

"Leave them to me." Yang Kun raised a brow lightly, a slight smile twitching the corner of his mouth.

"So, trouble the Son of God." After hearing the words, Yuexianer was happy.

She was also worried that she could not deal with these people.

But now there is a son of God, but it is different.

You know, the Son of God is strong enough to sweep contemporary human beings.

One godson can defeat several, even ten contemporary heroes.

Moreover, the **** Yangkun is extremely honorable, and his father is the king of gods.

He is also second only to Yang Hao among those ancient gods of Jiuyang Holy Palace.

How many people can fight against in this world?

At this point the seal in front had cracked.

"It's going to be!" Lan Xinyue and Yu Tianjiao in the fall of the sun have seen hope.

"The fall of the sun is the seal left by the ancestors of the Jiuyang Holy Palace. The mystery is infinite, and it is also the time when the world does not know the power of pulling the **** array, so that you can take advantage." He glanced at the seal that was about to fall and then shook his head.

"It's just that you don't want to save people when you have a son."

When the cold words fell, Yang Kun pulled with both hands, condensing a divine seal.

This divine seal is like the sun, and there is a divine flow in it.


All he saw was that he was pulling with both hands, and the seal of God was poured into the light curtain of the **** array ahead.

When the divine seal was poured into the seal light curtain of the sundown abyss in front, the seal light curtain immediately rose with endless fire patterns.

These fire patterns, like the sun, surfaced together.

If you look at it from a distance, it is as if it is covered with thousands of gods, and it is breathtaking.

In addition, the vast power of the Emperor also emerged from the seal array.

It seems that at this moment, the power of this array is excited.

In the past, the force of repulsion was only a faint force, and it was simply not enough.

When the power of this divine array was stimulated, the seal originally torn by the Yangxu Sword began to heal immediately.

Not only that, the fire pattern squirmed directly, soared directly, flying the Yangxu Shenjian outrageously.


The magic sword was smashed by the air. Under the traction of the air machine, the old man walked back, his mouth spilt with blood.

"No!" Seeing this, everyone felt bad.

"Oh!" Princess Yan quickly supported the old woman.

The people next to me were also concerned.

"Now that the formation method is activated, I'm hopeless." The old woman said with regret.

"What then?" Yan Shiyan frowned.

They had been planning for this matter for a long time, and it was difficult to succeed, but suddenly, there was a change of heart in her mind.

"Now missed this opportunity, I'm afraid that there will be variables. It shouldn't stay here for a long time, and withdraw!" Said the old stunner Guang Yining.

After all, they are too weak.

If the Jiuyang Holy Palace sends strong men here, they will almost escape.

"Okay, withdraw!" At the moment, everyone nodded.

A beautiful woman moved her hand, took the treasure, and enveloped everyone.

"Want to leave?" Only then Yang Kun grinned.

Then he moved a large hand, a round of Shenyang flickered, suppressed down towards the void in front.

This is a **** king soldier, a round of Shenyang, the shape is almost consistent with the sun.

The lines on Shenyang flowed and evolved into a Shenyang heaven and earth, blocking all directions.

Suddenly, Yan Shifei and others felt that the way forward was blocked.

Not only that, but also a vast force of the magic soldiers suppressed.

This Yang Kun shot, the power of that blow was much stronger than that of Yang Lingtian.

Although they are both quasi-gods, Keyang Kun's divine power and blood power are both strong enough to approach the gods.

Driven by this kind of power, the power of the magic soldiers was also exerted to the maximum.

In addition, Yang Lingtian and others are ready to take action at any time.

"The Son of God is too strong, I can't wait for an enemy!" Suddenly, everyone looked dignified.


At this moment of crisis, the dark-faced man immediately urged a shame.

This **** flashed, as he swept towards the void ahead.

At the same time, they also urged a treasure to wrap up the crowd and quickly leave the place.


God was ashamed to the void and then exploded.

The terror force came in, shocking the **** king soldier and flying out.

In this way, Yan Shifei and others were able to get rid of that divine power.

"Where to go!" At this moment, Yang Lingtian shot.

Not only that, Yuexianer also took advantage of it.

The Sisters of Yan and others immediately responded.

All kinds of magical soldiers burst into the air and issued fierce attacks.


The magical powers collided, the magical soldiers clashed, the void was shattered, and horrible waves swept across all directions.


Yan Shifei and others were flown by a powerful shock wave.

Everyone was slightly embarrassed.

"Come on!" A beautiful woman rolled her hands, and Yan Shiyan was enveloped in a fetish like a flying carpet.

"Oh, now that you are here, leave without leaving two people. Is it true that the Son of God is incompetent?" Yang Kun smiled.

I saw him stride forward.

On that day, the sun **** flashed, and the golden pattern bloomed, covering the void.

"Shenyang Fengtian!"

A low voice came out of his mouth.

Then Yan Shifei, who was about to evacuate, was bound by this divine power.

The beautiful woman who just rolled up with a flying carpet in the rear felt a great divine power.

The flying carpet was shaken by Zhen Fei.

By the time they held their figures, the golden divine pattern had covered Yan Shifei.

She was suddenly trapped by the magic soldier.

In addition, Yang Lingtian and Yue Xianer have already killed.

The situation today is dangerous and they cannot be tolerated for a moment.

"Come on!" Said the black-faced man.

At the same time, he took out another shame.

Ashamed, he flew towards Yang Lingtian and Yuexianer.

This made Yang Lingtian frown and quickly backed away.

God exploded, the void was drowned by horrible divine power.


The beautiful woman waited for the distance.

But at this time, Yang Kun was a big move, that day, the **** of Yang flashed, and Yan Shifei wrapped in it came down.

"Unfortunately, only one remains."

He felt the consciousness of Yan Shifei, who was bound by the power of the magical soldiers, with a regret in his eyes.

It was just that he looked up, but Yan Shiyan and others in the distance were far away.

"The woman has silver hair and is extremely cold and gorgeous. It would be nice if she could put it around." Yang Kun murmured.

This shot, he just fancy the sister flowers.

It was just that the other side did not hesitate to humiliate himself, so that he could not win the two for a moment.

At this point the aftermath dissipated, Yuexianer stabilized her figure, and when looking forward to the sky, her eyes showed a gloomy color.

"It's a pity that those people escaped."

But she did not rush to chase.

After all, those people are ashamed, and if they explode, she can't even resist it.

"However, the goddess Yang Kun won one person. If there is such a girl, would those people throw themselves into the net?" Yue Xianer thought for a moment ~ ~ and turned to Yang Kun.

But she didn't rush to speak at this time.

She could order others at the Jiuyang Holy Palace, but she did not dare to disrespect these gods.

"At this time, the formation method is activated. I cannot wait for the Son of God. No one can break it. Let's go back to the Holy Palace first." Yang Kun glanced at the crowd and said in a deep voice.

Originally, he came here to realize the kind of scene when the sun went down.

I don't want anyone here.

In this way, Yang Kun will stop feeling.

Now that he has won a charming and charming lady, he came to a leisurely moment, intending to go back and adjust the woman.

"Yes, Son of God!"

Seeing this Yang Kun opening, the disciples of Jiuyang Holy Palace all nodded.

"Three thousand words, ask for a monthly ticket.]

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