Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1865: God calls

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"Am I right?"

Xiao Yun's words shocked the gods of the Ren clan.

This is a arrogant remark, but it is difficult to calm down.

"Can Xiao Xiaozi have a good opinion?" Ren Feiyang inquired slightly.

"Get out of your own thinking, find yourself, and be your own." Xiao Yun said rather vaguely.

He also knows that Tiandao is a taboo topic and cannot be said more.

The same is true, he said that I am Tao, not heaven.

Although it is one word behind, it is quite different.

"Get out of your mind?" Ren Feiyang groaned, seemingly feeling.

"Out of my mind, I am the right way?" The two true gods next to him looked blank.

However, Ren Tianxing nodded from time to time, it seems that Xiao Yun said this to his heart.

Of course, although he is aware, it does not mean that he can do it.

The word is unspeakable, and it is useless to say more, it will only make people confused.

Do not believe the word.

Otherwise, it will sink, cannot extricate itself, and fall into the magic barrier.

Afterwards, Xiao Yun didn't say much, just sat here.

In preaching to others, his own mind became stronger and clearer.

It's like being enlightened again.

This is the benefit of Confucianism.

It seemed that Xiao Yun had nothing to gain, but it was invisible, but it made him firm and his foundation solidified.

When Ren Feiyang and others felt, Xiao Yun closed her eyes.

When he was at a loss, he was deducing.

He has too much Shinto control.

At this time, it was deduced and continuously evolved to improve the ethnic ethics.

Even more, Xiao Yun is deducing the mystery of Shinto against the chaos of the gods of God, to control it.

It's just that the road rule of this god's eye is difficult to deduce.

People who are not in this vein, simply relying on the rules of Shinto evolved during the war of Ren's children, it is too difficult to control this rule.

An hour later, Ren Feiyang and others suddenly opened their eyes.

They seem to realize.

Feeling this movement, Xiao Yun also withdrew from the deduction.

"Listening to Jun's words is better than retreating for a hundred years, please accept me." Ren Feiyang looked solemnly, bowing to Xiao Yun.

So are the two true gods next to it.

Xiao Yun's words just touched them so deeply that a new world was opened.

This conversation can change their way.

This is extremely meaningful.

"You're welcome." Xiao Yun reached out, and a divine power held up Ren Feiyang.

"Xiao Gongzi, you can rest assured that I will stay with Ren's. When the young girl leaves the forbidden area, we will definitely tell you." Ren Feiyang said.

"Good!" Xiao Yun nodded.

Then, after the conversation turned over, Ren Feiyang left.

Because he's going to retreat and realize it.

In this way, Ren Tianxing and Ren Tianming, Xiao Yun were arranged in a separate courtyard.

After checking in, they all started retreating.

Ren Tianxing and Ren Tianming both felt something and are now at a critical moment.

Xiao Yun is also improving himself, deducing the avenue rules of all ethnic groups.

As for Ren Xian, he talked with Ren Zhiyuan and others.

They also rarely get together, and naturally they will not miss this opportunity to communicate.


At this time, Ren's hall.

In this temple, a man in a blue armor is sitting.

The man's eyes were sharp, like eagle eyes.

This is Ren's guard leader, responsible for Ren's security.

This post can be held by ordinary people.

Everyone who is in charge is a very talented and extremely powerful person.

Similarly, he is also a **** named Ren Zhipeng.

Although he has just stepped into the realm of gods, the momentum is far from comparable to the king of gods and half-step gods.

At this moment, a man was walking outside the hall.

"Ren Zhao, what's the matter?" When the man stepped forward, Ren Zhipeng's eyes on the hall condensed, and he sank.

"Back to the commander, today at the edge of my Ren's territory, the waves left by the battle of the King of God were detected." Ren Zhao's eyes lightened and arched.

This is a **** king.

Although it is only a small state, the breath permeated in those eyes is still scary.

"Oh!" Wen Yan said, and Ren Zhipeng's eyes flashed, "You can find out who is doing it on my Ren's site."

"Look at the leader!" This Ren Zhao stepped forward and took out an ancient plate.

This ancient plate looks very strange, like an eye.

On it were carved an obscure pattern.

A mighty divine power followed, making this void seem to be rebelling.

The ancient mirror was taken out and suspended in the air, then Ren Zhao's hand drew, and the **** pattern squirmed, and the picture evolved immediately.

This picture is the scene of several **** kings of the Golden Wing Beast ambushing Ren Xian.

"That's Ren Xian. The Golden Wing Beasts dare to ambush him in the area of ​​my Ren clan?" Ren Zhipeng's eyes lightened, revealing surprise.

The risk of ambushing Ren ’s God King in Ren ’s territory is conceivable.

A little later, the picture turned, and Ren Zhiyuan repelled the kings.

Then, Xiao Yun also appeared.

"This junior doesn't seem to be Ren's child." Ren Zhipeng's eyes were surprised.

"He is indeed not a child of Ren." Ren Zhao said.

"Oh." Ren Zhipeng asked.

"Ren Xian came to my tribe this time because of him." Ren Zhao said.

"Why is he here?" Ren Zhipeng was suspicious.

"For that Ren Kexin little girl." Ren Zhao said.

"Oh!" Wen Yan said, Ren Zhipeng's eyes flashed, "So, he's from the Nether."

"It should be so," Ren Zhao said.

"Just, why do the people of the Golden Wing Beasts intercept them?" Ren Zhipeng's eyes were surprised.

"This, the subordinates don't know." Ren Zhao said.

"Sending to the Golden Wing Beasts, this one wants to see that Li Quan, and dare to intercept my people. Is it true that my people are no one?"

Suddenly, Ren Zhipeng's eyes flashed, Shen channeled.

"Yes!" Ren Zhao nodded.

Soon, Ren Zhao sent a message and directly questioned the elders of the Goldenwing Orc branch.

Orcs in the Golden Wing.

"This Li Quan, actually went to ambush Ren's?" The elder immediately became very angry when he learned of this.

He didn't know about it.

He then questioned Li Quan and others.

"Renshi, sure enough to come to trouble." After receiving the news, Li Quan frowned.

At this time they have not returned to the clan.

"What should I do?" Said the **** next to him.

"If we tell this matter, we will lose our chance." Li Quan frowned. "But if Ren finds it, it will be very troublesome."

After all, they are just **** kings.

In Ren, there is a god.

"Tell this to the old man!"

"Just suspect that the young man has the treasure." In the end, they had to compromise.

"That's fine."

In the end, they had to tell the people about it.

Otherwise, if the clan does not shelter, they will be difficult to handle.

The same is true of the Phantom Eyes.

"Maybe there is a **** soldier close to the deity level in that youth?"

"If so, it's understandable." He nodded slightly.

Facing the treasure, God King will turn his face.

After all, that's a treasure close to God's honor!

Even the prince-level treasure is enough to make people shot.

In the end, they discussed with each other and gave Ren a reply.

"Because of the revenge against the young man named Xiao Yun, will he ambush?" In the hall, Ren Zhipeng's eyes narrowed.

Just now, Ren Zhao received such a message.

"What is it?" He asked Ren Zhao.

"Their tribe has a young true **** attached to it. The young tribe is ridiculed by this Xiao Yun." Ren Zhao said.

"Oh!" After hearing the words, Ren Zhipeng frowned.

"They said that after this incident, they will come to pay personally, and please look at the friendship between the two races, forgive me." Ren Zhao said.

"Compensation!" Ren Zhipeng looked cold.

However, he didn't say much, but groaned.

"A **** king will deal with another **** king for the sake of others?"

"It's definitely not that simple."

At this moment he was full of interest.

What makes God the King like this is nothing more than words.

"What is the leader planning to do?" Ren Zhao said.

"Don't you know when you see Xiao Yun?" Ren Zhipeng said. "Order to summon Xiao Yun."

"Where is Zhizhi far?" Ren Zhao slightly hesitated.

"Anyway, as Ren's leader, I have the right to know the identity of everyone who visits." Ren Zhipeng said.

"Yes!" Ren Zhao nodded and immediately retreated.



Ren's starry sky is particularly bright.

At this time, Xiao Yun still deduced Shinto rules in a martial arts room.

Every time he deduced, he realized that his realm was improving.

Unknowingly, Xiao Yun is about to reach the true God's perfection.

Just then, his room murmured.

This is a sign of a visit.

"Who will it be?" Xiao Yun's eyes were surprised.

Afterwards, he was moved to the outside, feeling away.

"Gong Xiao, my guard's commander wants to see you." Outside the courtyard, a man in a brocade said quite politely.

This is a deity in the half-step **** king realm.

When this sound fell into his ears, Xiao Yunmu hesitated.

However, he still pushed out the door.

Under the moonlight, Xiao Yun stepped out and came to the gate of the courtyard.

"Beyond the spirit of the **** of heaven, is a half-step **** king." Xiao Yun stepped out and immediately felt the coming cultivation.

However, he was still hesitant.

"I don't know what your leader asked me to do?" Xiao Yun asked.

"My family leader heard that you are coming to see Kexin, so I want to know about you." God said this half-step.

"Know my situation?" Xiao Yun frowned.

"Well." This half-step **** is king, "Now, that girl Ke Xin is the object of my family's training, how can you let anyone see her casually?"

"Even if you are her deceased, it won't work."

Speaking later, his tone became tougher in vain.

This made Xiao Yun's brow a little frown ~ ~ let's go! "Xiao Yunduo was not allowed to say that the half-step God King was talking.

Then he turned straight and walked forward.

Xiao Yun frowned slightly and had to follow.

"I was summoned by the noble guards." When leaving, Xiao Yun sent a message to Ren Tianxing and Ren Feiyang.

Somehow, he felt that the other side was not friendly.

Ren's is very wide, the mountains are stacked, and the palace urn is suspended in the sky. Even at night, there is a flash of colorful light.

Xiao Yun stepped forward with that half-step **** king and went straight forward.

The gods stepped into one inch, and the mountains and rivers at their feet were moving backward at a rapid pace.

[Thank you all for your continued support. This time-from 515 Fan Festival, the writer Glory Hall and the general election of the works, I hope to support one. In addition, there are some red envelopes for the fan festival. Get a collar and continue the subscription! 】

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