Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1866: Prince oppression

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Only a moment later, Xiao Yun followed the half-step **** king to a hall on the top of the mountain.

"Please!" When he came here, the king of the half step reached out and said, "The leader of my house is in this hall."

Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and in front of him, he felt a powerful divine power.

In that hall, there seemed to be a king of gods sitting.

He is taking the world by storm.

"God!" He took a deep breath.

He has memories of several generations, and he knows what this mighty power represents.

"I came to Ren's. I can't help myself, and I have nothing to fear." Xiao Yun's eyes flashed.

He knew what it meant if he stepped into the hall.

From the time he planned to come to Ren, he knew what it meant.

It means that he is facing huge risks.

However, Xiao Yundao has such a heart, how can he step back?

"It's a grind to me!" Xiao Yun's eyes were determined.

Grinding is an essential part of life growth.

If it goes through, it must go further.

If not, it will die.

"Cultivators, who are fighting against the sky, are in danger all the time, why not be afraid?"

As soon as his heart moved, Xiao Yun recovered his emotions and walked forward.

Of course, he is always ready to deal with mutations.

After all, it's a huge risk to meet a strange god.

Besides, there is still a prince with an eye of rebellion!

Dare to face danger is the best test of sharpening the Tao.

Xiao Yun stepped forward and moved towards the hall.

When he stepped into the hall, it felt as if he had come to one side of the world.

Here, he felt that it was difficult for him to breathe, and the invisible avenue rules filled the whole hall, making people dignified.

In the kingdom of God, the rules of Shinto have been approached to completion, and the evolved supernatural world has become extremely real.

Xiao Yun now entered the heavens and earth of a prince.


With each step, Xiao Yun felt heavy like a mountain.

As he walked, his eyes rose and he looked forward.

However, three people were sitting in the hall at this time.

The first thing that caught his eyes was the hall, the man on the throne, with a gleam of eyes, like a hawk.

This man is Ren Zhipeng!

As for the left and right sides of the palace, it was Ren Zhao and another **** king.

These are his confidants.

Xiao Yun stepped forward.

In the end, his pace stopped and he stopped at the center of the hall.

"The junior Xiao Yun has seen all the seniors. I wonder what will happen to the leader to call the juniors?" Xiao Yun's eyes rose and he arched forward.

At this time, his tone was calm, his breath was not shocked, and there was a general trend condensing.

Although fearless, he had to be ready at all times.

"Xiao Yun!" At this moment, on the throne of the hall, the light of Ren Zhipeng's eyes flashed, and the deep voice spit out from his mouth.

The sound fell, like a thunderous billowing, with a mighty oppression.

This kind of prestige frowned even those two **** kings.

In the hall, Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and his steps retreated slightly, but he kept his heart firmly and did not show a trace of fear.

This sound did not shake his mind at all.

"It's a personal thing!" Seeing this, the two **** kings couldn't help but stare at each other.

It's just a real god, but it can calm down under the coercion of the prince. Such courage is rare in ancient times.

"Where is he confident?" When surprised, Ren Zhao looked suspicious.

At the same time, his eyes moved and Xiao Yun could not help but glance at it.

However, the hall was completely oppressed by the monarch, and it was not easy for him to evolve the avenue, but what was detected.

"Yes, it's a personal masterpiece." Ren Zhipeng was also surprised by this, but he didn't calmly, but nodded slightly in praise.

"God is ridiculously praised." Xiao Yun still looked freely.

However, his Yuan Shen is always on guard.

The general trend of the condemned land has condensed in consciousness.

At the same time, he also prepared a restraint.

Because the prince is too strong, it gives people a feeling that they can claim all beings in the world.

That looks like a king in God who can control life and death.

In front of the god, ordinary gods are just like mortals, easily killable.

Therefore, Xiao Yun had to be prepared.

"I heard that you came to my clan, are you looking for Kexin?"

Ren Zhipeng's eyes were sharp and he locked Xiao Yun, saying word by word.

This sound seems to contain a magic power that makes people feel like enemies.

Xiao Yun did not dare to relax in the slightest, otherwise his mind would collapse.

This Ren Zhipeng didn't seem to make a shot, but he was always testing Xiao Yun.

As long as Xiao Yun has a little slack, he will take advantage of it.

"Exactly." Xiao Yun replied, still calm, but the voice was obviously a little thicker, such as being unable to breathe when pressed by the mountain.

"Kexin, this girl is from the Nether, so are you." Ren Shenjun spoke again.

It was only his voice that strengthened.

When the tone was strengthened, a momentum also oppressed Xiao Yun.

"Exactly!" Xiao Yun said again, but the brows were slightly frowned. "This guy is constantly oppressing me, what does he ... do?"

"He's trying to disintegrate your mind." Swallow the sky, and Supreme Swallow speaks.

"This turtle god, you have a bad heart!" In addition, Phantom Worm also found abnormalities.

"Who did you scold?" Changsheng Turtle rolled his eyes, but it was also worried.

"We are fused together to resist."

Subsequently, it supported Xiao Yun with Yuanshen power.

In this way, Xiao Yun's pressure was reduced.

But still not very useful.

After all, the opponent is a god. If you really want to shoot with all your strength, aren't three true gods working together to resist?

"Human world, did not expect that after ten thousand years, finally opened the way to God!" Ren Zhipeng sighed quietly.

His tone was loose.

At the moment, the pressure felt by Xiao Yun relaxed with his tone.


Xiao Yun was relieved.

"Just, why the **** king of the Golden Wing Beast ambush you?" Suddenly, Ren Zhipeng's tone changed, and his eyes shone like an eagle, locked Xiao Yun, a general trend, and then oppressed Xiao Yun. In his eyes, the divine patterns squirmed, and the rules of Shinto were evolving.


At this moment, in this hall, there seemed to be howling winds.

Xiao Yun felt that the world was agitating, and seemed to collapse.

At the same time, a powerful force came under pressure to drown him.

The rules of Shinto that are unique to the Anti-Chaos God's Eyes are evolving. It is necessary to invade Xiao Yun's mind in order to counter the chaos of heaven and earth and deduct some pictures from the past.

"You ..." When that horrible force oppressed, Xiao Yun felt that his body was about to burst ~ ~ It was really oppressed by the world.


His bones crackled and began to crack.

"Condensing the world." Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and he immediately condensed the general situation of the place of condemnation.

Suddenly, his body flowed, a powerful momentum added to his body.

In this way, the blood vessels of his cracked bones were stabilized.

Then, he knew that there were yin and yang lines on Yuanshen, preventing Ren Zhipeng from deducing.

[On the first day of the beginning of the month, I ask everyone to support the monthly pass. In addition, very last month, Mi Gu was unable to vote for twenty days, but in the last few days, all of your brothers and sisters really helped, and they went all the way. Fighting against the sky, this month's guaranteed monthly pass, don't forget to give it! 】

[Thank you all for your continued support. This time-from 515 Fan Festival, the writer Glory Hall and the general election of the works, I hope to support one. In addition, there are some red envelopes for the fan festival. Get a collar and continue the subscription! 】

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