Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1867: Powerless escape

Inside the hall.

Xiao Yun tried his best to resist the derivation of Ren Zhipeng because of the yin and yang lines flowing on Yuanshen.

However, the power of the prince was too strong, and the power shook Xiao Yunyuan and the road pattern dangled slightly.

That is, in this neutral position, Ren Zhipeng felt that the light and shadow flickered in front of him, and some pictures appeared.

This is Xiao Yun's recent scene in the divine realm.

There are pictures in Liu's, as well as pictures in Xinghe, and Yidao.

After seeing the picture of Yidao, Ren Zhipeng's face changed.

"The devil ... what is that treasure? It can actually allow a true **** to compete with the devil. Is it the Supreme Soldier? Also, it is a forbidden device!"

After seeing Xiao Yun defeat the Queen with a forbidden device, Ren Zhipeng's face suddenly changed.

"This kid has an imprisonment on him." He stared.

"Is this your hospitality?" At this time Xiao Yun gritted his teeth, his eyes rising, and he stared coldly at Ren Zhipeng.

At the same time, the light pattern on his palm flickered, and a golden sun bead emerged.

At this moment, he looked slightly emaciated, and blood was flowing from his teeth.

The oppression of this divine monarch has exceeded his tolerance.

It is also Xiao Yun against the sky. If it was an ordinary true god, it would have been paralyzed.

Even the gods are powerless to resist.

"Bold madman, actually want to damage the seat with a restraint, you, then go to my god's prison to enjoy it."


All I saw in this hall were the lines of the rule of anti-chaos.

Then the void was disordered, and a space cyclone evolved.

This cyclone immediately wrapped Xiao Yun.

Subsequently, Xiao Yun felt bound and was introduced into a space channel.

"This ..." Xiao Yun's face suddenly changed, "Yin Yang Bao Jian!"

He immediately urged Yin Yang Bao Jian, trying to get out of here.


Yin Yang Bao Jian communicates the world.

However, at this time Xiao Yun was completely bound by Shinto rules.

That yin and yang **** pattern evolved and was smashed.

Under this terror avenue rule, he could not break through that power at all.

"I ... can't get rid of the shackles of the Lord." Xiao Yun's eyes sank.

He can break through some divine formations, but he cannot escape the shackles of the power of the king's avenue.

After all, the rule of the avenues controlled by the gods is approaching completion, which is not comparable to the general **** array.


Light and shadow flashed, Xiao Yun disappeared in the hall.

And the cyclone in that hall gradually dissipated.

At this moment, inside the hall, the terror was restrained.

The two **** kings were only slightly relieved.

The kind of oppression of the monarch just now, even they felt unbearable.

It's hard to imagine that this guy in a real state has resisted for a while.

"Just now, he seems to want to use a mystery to leave the place." When the cyclone dissipated, Ren Zhipeng's eyes flashed, his heart darkened.

With the telepathy, he can clearly feel the power fluctuations brought by Xiao Yun.

During the evolution of the uprising, he felt a divine power trying to break through.

However, he is a prince, and the rules are approaching perfection.

When the Shinto came out, like a heaven and earth, he was the master in it, and everything in it was controlled.

"This young man should have the treasure, and the Golden Wing Beast ambush outside my clan, and it must be for this reason." At this time, Ren Zhipeng's eyes flashed with the light of wisdom. Screen, haha, these guys actually lied to this place for revenge? "

Ren Zhipeng was very proud.

If it was someone else, it might really have been cheated.

But his anti-rebellion eye is as powerful as he can explore the past and see the future.

How can these things be hidden from him?

"He has the treasure, and I don't know if he can hurt the god. At this time, he was introduced into the **** prison of my tribe, but he could just try it out."

There was a smug smile on the corner of Ren Zhipeng's mouth.

Even as a god, he could hardly calm down before the treasure, revealing that greedy nature.

However, at this moment, outside this hall, the figures shone, but Ren Zhiyuan and Ren Xian hurriedly came.

Behind them were Ren Tianxing, Ren Tianming and Ren Feiyang.

After receiving Xiao Yun's message, they immediately felt bad and rushed here.

Of course, because two **** kings had to be notified, it took a few breaths.

"I hope Xiao Xiong has no problem." Ren Tianxing thought to himself.

Ren Zhiyuan and Ren Xian also looked stern.

When they came outside the hall, they released their hearts and sensed the situation inside the hall.

This induction changed the faces of several people suddenly.

"Xiao Yun is not here?"

"But there is a clear sense of his presence here."

Ren Tianxing's face went down completely.

Ren Feiyang's frown was anxious.

"You don't need to worry." Ren Zhiyuan said.

Then he strode forward and walked into the hall first.

In the main hall, Ren Zhipeng was going to deal with Xiao Yun at this time.

After seeing these people coming, he frowned.

"Zhiyuan, why are you here in such a hurry?" Ren Zhipeng said coldly.

"People?" Ren Zhiyuan asked, without being polite.

This Xiao Yun is the person he led to Renshi.

However, Ren Zhipeng summoned him in private to find out his details.

This is not to give Ren Zhiyuan's face, so naturally he will not give Ren Zhipeng's face.

"Who!" Ren Zhipeng said lightly.

"Don't pretend, come to my clan's guest, Xiao Yun." Ren Zhiyuan said, "I have sensed his breath. Just now, he was still here, and there is still the power of the road rules here ... You shot him? "Ren Zhiyuan's face looked ugly.

The more he sensed, the more disturbed he became.

The **** shoots at a true god, does the latter have a life?

Ren Xian was so calm beside him that she was very dignified.

"The next life will attack me, and I have been wiped out." Ren Zhipeng said lightly.

"Joke, this Xiao Yun has no grudges against you, why should you attack you?" Ren Zhiyuan said, "In the end, what's wrong, don't treat me as a fool."

His eyes were scarlet, and his murderous spirit permeated.

If it wasn't for the opponent, he would really have shot it.

Unfortunately, although he is among his peers, Ren Zhipeng has a better chance than him. In ancient times, he stepped into the perfection of God King earlier than him.

Now, he stepped into a half-step prince, but he is already a prince.

This gap made him weak.

But he Ren Zhiyuan ~ ~ is not afraid of things.

His people ...

How can the friends he brings make people bully?

Seeing Ren Zhiyuan's hysterics, Ren Zhipeng's eyes flashed, and then he said, "You should also know that the Golden Wing Orc ambushes him for disaster?"

"Golden Wing Orc?" Ren Zhiyuan frowned.

"You are ..." Ren Xian flashed his eyes and immediately thought of something.

His face became extremely ugly.

"What does this matter?" Ren Tianxing was surprised.

Because the realm was not enough, they did not see what happened to Xiao Yun before.

Therefore, they did not know that the Golden Wing Orc was for the treasure.

In the same way, Ren Tianxing was bright and light, and did not think about these things.

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