Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1876: After 3 months

Renshi Shenjun dispatched, but did not find Xiao Yun. One novel ????????

"Father, your elders did not find Xiao Gongzi." In a large hall, Ren Feiyang reported to Ren Zhiyuan.

"Seven days have passed. Since he hasn't found it yet, presumably Xiao Gongzi has gone too far." Wen Yan said that Ren Zhiyuan was slightly relieved.

"It's just that he was hurt." Ren Feiyang looked worried.

"That's it, now you can only look at his fortune." Ren Zhiyuan sighed.

"I hope he can survive this disaster, otherwise, it's a pity." Ren Feiyang murmured.

Although he and Xiao Yun knew each other not long ago, he was full of respect for the latter.

If such a character grows up in the future, he may really become a world hero.

Unfortunately, Xiao Yun was hurt.

This regrets Ren Feiyang.

In another hall of Ren's.

"It's a pity! Seeing that Zhibao is about to get it, he was yellowed by Ren Zhiyuan's waste." Ren Zhipeng regretted his face.

"The young man didn't know where he hid, we couldn't find it at all." Ren Zhao said, "even the deduction could not deduced his situation."

"He's obviously been injured. How can he be isolated?" Another **** king was surprised.

"The afterlife is rich, I am afraid that there are a lot of treasures in my body, it is normal to be able to isolate you and me. After all, we have not left his essence." Ren Zhipeng was full of regret. "I knew this, I should have stayed at the beginning. His essence and blood, unfortunately, his essence and blood have become nothing. "

At the beginning, Xiao Yun was in jail, was seriously injured, and bleed a lot of blood.

However, how powerful is that monarchy.

In the aftermath of that horror, those essences and blood became nothingness.

Therefore, Ren Zhipeng did not get the essence of Xiao Yun.

In this way, it is difficult for him to deduce what he is just because of Xiao Yun's appearance and breath.

After all, Xiao Yun is not an ordinary god!


In the Star God Realm, there is an area named Tian Yan Yu.

At this point, Xiao Yun was in this large area.

There are two large domains separated from Tianyi God Realm here.

In a Jedi, Xiao Yun was hiding in a cave.

Although it is hidden in Dongfu, Xiao Yun has been practicing on the yin and yang sacred place in the place of condemnation.

First, the land of condemnation is like a separate little world.

This is different from the Star God Realm.

It is difficult for outsiders to deduct, and it will be rejected by the condemned land.

Therefore, Xiao Yun directly entered the retreat in the place of condemnation.

In addition, he carefully evolved the yin and yang **** pattern to cover the Yuanshen.

In this way, people can also prevent deduction.

This is also the case, none of Ren ’s princes deduced the whereabouts of Xiao Yun.

Without deduction, how can they find Xiao Yun?

Xiao Yun's eyes were closed on the yin and yang stage.

At this time, he was merging that monarchy.

If you look closely, in his body, there is a rule of God in the deity.

These Shinto rules emit a shocking wave.

These are exactly the rules and patterns of the monarch.

The strength of these lines is enough to destroy the true deity of a true god.

Fortunately, Xiao Yun has used Ren Zhongtian's God Dan to obliterate the will of the ruler of Shinto.

In this way, these rules of Shinto are less manipulative and less aggressive.

"After one month, the strength of Daowen was continuously worn away, and it was weakened by the original meaning of Junyuan Avenue. However, I have not been able to integrate it into the Yuanyuan Avenue." Feeling the situation in his body, Xiao Yun brow slightly A wrinkle, blending the lines, was harder than he thought.

However, it is worth mentioning that at least these gods will no longer invade his sea of ​​knowledge.

Relatively speaking, he will not be a big deal.

Of course, if he guides the uprising, he will still be affected.

This is a road injury that will limit one's growth.

Like the original Soul Eater, he suffered a road injury, which prevented him from doing his best when he shot.

Otherwise, traction road injuries will put yourself in danger.

Of course, Xiao Yun was fine at this time.

Because after he was injured, he immediately took the elixir donated by the **** and destroyed his will.

"However, now that the rules of chaos and chaos have been moderated, if my hybrid road is stronger, it should be able to gradually integrate it." Xiao Yun did not give up, at least for the past month, he felt himself The more the induction of the uprising of uprising becomes more compatible.

"How about merging this one?" Xiao Yun groaned.

This injury was a grind to him.

He felt that if he had passed this difficult time, he would go one step further.

By this time, he had reached the perfection of true God.

As long as he improves a little bit, he is half a step away.

At that time, quasi-god, god.

If you step into the heaven and **** realm, you will be closer to the **** king.

Without being a king, he is a low-level **** after all.

Time passed quietly.

Xiao Yun is constantly trying to merge the doctrines of anti-chaos.

Under the running-in of Yunyuan Avenue, the power of that road gradually weakened.

However, the avenue has not dissipated, and Xiao Yun's devotion still exists.

"Now, the rule of God ’s Road does not affect me to fight with others." Finally, after three months of retreat, Xiao Yun felt that he could fully shoot, but the Lord of God ’s Road would not be drawn because With the Yuanyuan Avenue, Xiao Yun has been deducing the mystery of the Avenue of Rebellion.

At this point, he has initially taken control of the mystery of God's Eyes.

Although the rules of Shinto have not yet been condensed, this Tao has also been touched.

In this way, the avenue left by the gods will naturally feel close to Xiao Yun, if he encounters the same kind.

The meaning of backwash disappeared.

"Now, it's time to go out." Xiao Yun was moved.

After a long retreat, but it is no longer possible to progress, he should go out.

"Now, after all, my strength is still worse, and the resources are almost exhausted. The star **** domain is not suitable for me to stay."

Xiao Yun stepped out of the ground of condemnation.

Then he appeared outside the Jedi cave.

This is an ancient forbidden ground with many remaining formations and cracks in space.

Xiao Yun looked around, thinking about the way forward.

Although he is precious, he is only a true **** after all.

Facing the King and King, there is still some weakness.

Now Ren looks down on him.

Besides, there are also Golden Wing Beasts and Phantom Eyes.

"It must have its own power ~ ~ Xiao Yun's heart is like a mirror.

With their own power, it is naturally fearless of the oppression of the older generation.

As for the younger generation, there is nothing to say about winning or losing depending on their abilities.

"Xiao's and Jiang's, should they be in the Starfield of the Emperor?"

Jiang has a deity.

Even in this divine realm, there is a great power.

It is not difficult for them to establish a foothold in the realm of the gods.

And now there are two large domains suitable for human living.

One is Haotian Star Field.

One is Renhuangxingyu.

In the ancient times, the families of the Jiang and Xiao families had their roots in the human horoscope.

Come to the divine world at this time, they should go there.

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