Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1877: Makeover

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"Okay, let's go to Emperor Xingyu. ?????" Xiao Yun set a goal.

First of all, he still has many people to find.

Like the Sisters of Yan.

Ling Xi, Xiao Linger, Yi Yi.

So he must find the Protoss who were in the Holy Land.

Only in this way can he have his own camp and find his loved ones.

Otherwise, as this time, he will be killed before seeing Xiaoshimei.

"This time out, we have to find the domain gate, but this will inevitably meet some practitioners." In front of the cave, Xiao Yun groaned.

If something is revealed, it will inevitably cause trouble.

Therefore, he must find a way to make it impossible for him to deduct him.

With the help of Xiao Yun, people in the same realm are naturally unable to deduce anything.

But those **** kings and kings are different.

There are too many strangers in Divine Realm, Xiao Yun has to defend.

Then he began to look for mysteries.

First, Xiao Yun asked the Supreme Devourer.

"Isolate people deduction?" Swallowing the Supreme Frown, "If the Swallowing God is strong enough, it can completely make it impossible to deduct, of course, you are in a real state, obviously you cannot do it." The real state of God is really too low, Those who are strong, the rules of Shinto are oppressed, and they must break you down.

Before facing Ren Zhipeng, Xiao Yun used the power of Yinyang Baojian to upend Qiankun to resist.

It is a pity that the **** is too powerful, that shinto power oppressed, and Xiao Yun was almost broken.

In this case, it is difficult for him to resist.

"So there is no other way?" Xiao Yun said.

"It's hard," said Supreme.

Finally, Xiao Yun sank into the ground of condemnation and asked the three races.

"My tribe's illusions can confuse others' minds and affect deduction." The patriarch of the Yinling clan said, "But if the other party is strong, it is difficult to resist, after all, under the mighty Shinto myth, everything will turn into nothingness." What supernatural powers If they are not as good as the other party, they will be like chickens and dogs.

"It seems that it is really difficult to isolate the detection of the **** king." Xiao Yun sighed.

"God, if you don't want others to feel, why not change your identity?" Said the patriarch of the Yinling clan.

"Changing your identity?" Xiao Yun froze.

"Makeovers, of course, others will not deliberately detect you," said the head of the Yinling clan.

At least, the chances will be small.

For ordinary people, if you are strong enough to detect a person, it must be tearing your face.

After all, this is taboo.

Only enemies can do this.

If Xiao Yun changed his identity, even Ren's people would not easily detect him.

After all, if Ren was to detect each one, wouldn't he offend all the gods?

"So too." Xiao Yun nodded.

"The psychedelic ghost ball of my tribe is a treasure. If you fuse it, you can make you like a ghost person, and people cannot be linked to their original identity. First, they will be bitten back by the psychedelic spirit beads. So, under the jeopardy, most people are afraid to detect easily. "

Said the Patriarch.

"This method is feasible." Xiao Yun nodded.

Ordinary gods, because the Taoism is fixed, even if it is easy to disguise, it is difficult to conceal its own breath.

Because the godhead you gather has a special Tao.

This is something that cannot be changed.

But Xiao Yun is different.

He controlled all kinds of Taos, and the atmosphere changed when he wanted to change.

"Fusion of psychedelic ghost beads!" Xiao Yun was so moved that he took out a bead.

This is the most precious treasure given to him by the patriarch of the Yinling tribe.

The beads were taken out, and there was an old dow on it.

If you leave by telepathy, it will immediately make people sink into an abyss.

It also makes people feel like they are about to fall into a new world.

"This bead is a precious treasure. If it is fused, it can withstand detection by others." Xiao Yun was secretly secretive.

Yin Yang Bao Jian is also strong.

You can isolate the secret.

However, Xiao Yun has not fully controlled the treasure.

The deeper the Tao, the harder it is to control.

This is the case of the Yin-Yang Baojian.

Fusion of psychedelic Yinzhu can not only prevent people from detecting, but also change the breath of Shinto and let Xiao Yun make a complete makeover.

This is also a good way.

At the moment, Xiao Yun runs the avenue of the Yinling clan, trying to fuse that bead.

Beads are precious, but there is no pearl spirit in them.

As long as you control the avenue of the Yinlings, you will have a chance to merge.

Xiao Yun controlled the avenues of the three protoss.

In addition, he is also the master of the condemned land, and has achieved the true consummation of God, and has deeper control over the road.

Therefore, the fusion of this bead was surprisingly smooth.

When the psychedelic ghosts merge, the beads are integrated into his primordial spirit.

A psychedelic road pattern diffused from within the beads.

There is also a peculiar atmosphere of the ghost family.

Xiao Yun's whole body exudes a charm of the Yinling tribe.

His body seemed to be immersed in the void at any moment and drifted away with the wind.

The Yinlings control several Shinto mysteries.

As ghosts, they are close to the void, and they want to blend into the void.

Their souls are extremely strong, and they have excels in the soul.

When Xiao Yun's mind moved, his skeleton moved and his appearance changed.

His face became pale, his face pale, like a person living in the dark, the whole person exuded a cold atmosphere.

The light in those eyes was sharp, giving a feeling of intimacy.

Although he is just a true god, he has an extremely dangerous feeling because of the relationship between psychedelic ghosts.

Such a person, the average true God will never be willing to provoke.

"Now I am a child of the ghost family." Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a radian.

It is difficult for ordinary people to associate him with the young man named Xiao Yun.

In addition, he also took a costume of the ghost family.

It was a white-grained robe, very old and engraved with special patterns.

"Now, it's time to go out." Xiao Yun's eyes lightened and he stepped out.

When stepping out of the Jedi, Xiao Yun could see some monks coming and going.

Here, for thousands of years, has been the Jedi.

Because below the deities, stepping into it is easy to fall.

But now that the gods are born, the true God is here.

"Go, go to Yuntian City!"

"I heard that this long-life secret realm is about to open, and the gods of all races have gathered towards Yuntian City, waiting for the long-life secret realm to open."


"It's a natural, long-lived secret. This is a secret that existed in ancient times. It is said that it has the secret of longevity."


At this moment, some real gods in this Jedi are flying from the depths to the edges.

That argument was also heard by Xiao Yun.

"Longevity?" After hearing these words, Xiao Yun frowned.

"Longevity, how do you feel so familiar?" Changsheng turtle muttered in a low voice.

"Ancient secrets, I like it." The Phantom Worm was fiery.

"Let's go to the nearby city first." Xiao Yun's eyes lightened and murmured.

At this point, his purpose is to inquire about the domain gate, by the way, to see if he has crossed the teleportation array.

As for what secret environment, it is another matter.

There is a big city nearby, called Yuntian City, which is an ancient city.

Xiao Yun's eyes flickered and he flew forward.

Generally speaking, those big cities also transfer arrays across domains.

It is obviously the easiest way to leave the Star God Realm by the domain gate.

At this time, some true gods in the Jedi are also heading in that direction.


Yuntian City is huge.

This is a magnificent city.

Looking far, you can see some suspended temple platforms in the city.

At this time, many gods are coming together.

Among them is Xiao Yun.

"So many gods come together here, it seems to be for the so-called long-life secret realm." Xiao Yun whispered in his heart, "I don't know what the secret realm is ... oh, that's not the Golden Wing Orc Is it a human? "Just when the light of the eye moved, Xiao Yun appeared the familiar ethnic group.

At this time, a team of true gods was riding the ancient beast and heading for Yancheng that day.

These ancient beasts are magnificent and have the cultivation of gods.

The man sitting on it, wearing gold armor and holding a spear, looked extremely powerful.

However, Li Jinwen was not seen among the crowd.

"It should not be Li Jinwen's pulse." Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

Then he landed and walked towards the gate.

This ancient city is guarded by a long-lived family and the oldest clan, the Wang family.

It is said that this clan has the technique of longevity.

It can be said that the Wang family is the most ancient and mysterious ancient group in the Star God Divine Realm.

Xiao Yun came to the gate of the city and was stopped immediately by an empty **** wearing a battle armor.

"To enter the city, please show your identity and pay the **** crystal." Although he is an imaginary god, he is aggressive and not polite to Xiao Yun.

"Show your identity!" Xiao Yun frowned slightly.

He does have an identity card.

That was when the gods entered the heavenly realm, the will of the gods was condensed.

However, if you show it at this time, will it be found by Ren?

After all, there is inevitably a connection between these big groups.

"Oh, this brother, you see, this is Shenjing, and there are a few soldiers here, please smile." Xiao Yun took out the storage bag with a smile.

There are four guards here.

He took out four magic soldiers.

Although it is a secondary **** soldier, it is also a good wealth for the virtual god.

"Come in!" The guard first froze, but nodded with satisfaction after sensing the storage bag.

Those who can enter the sky **** domain are not the demons and the underworld.

As for identity ...

In this star **** realm, it is inevitable that some people do not want to reveal their identity.

For example, people wanted by some ethnic groups.

There will never be fewer such people.

After all, the sky is so big that the gods will inevitably complain.

In this regard, these guards do not care, they just perform their duties.

Now that there are still magic soldiers, will they retreat?

Moreover, their Wang family is not afraid of any trouble.

There is no one in their celestial celestial body that their Wang family is afraid of.

"Thank you very much." Xiao Yun smiled slightly before entering the city.

Four secondary magic soldiers, save the trouble and worth it.

You know, there are so many magical soldiers in his hands!

Entering the ancient city, Xiao Yun felt a special breath.

"The taste of longevity?" Xiao Yun frowned.

An eternal life Daoyun came from the depths of the city.

That breath makes people yearn.

"Changsheng ..." Xiao Yun knew the world ~ ~ Changsheng's turtle eyes were confused.

It also felt a familiar rhyme.

"This way ... is like the way of longevity, but it is not enough." Changsheng turtle whispered.

As a longevity turtle, no one is more familiar with the way of longevity.

"You feel it too," Xiao Yun said.

"It's weird, I feel familiar, it makes me dreamy, and I feel like I've known each other." Changsheng Turtle's eyes murmured, "Let's go to the place closest to this rhyme." It wants to know , See what is there, permeating the eternal meaning of this longevity.

"Good!" Xiao Yun nodded.

At the same time, he pervaded the consciousness, and felt in all directions, knowing a lot about Xiayuntiancheng and Xiawang.

[Immediately 515, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list, by the day of May 15, the red envelope rain can give feedback to read

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