Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1878: Longevity Family

ps. Offer today's update, and by the way, get a ticket for "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Each person has 8 votes, and the starting point coin is also given for voting. I beg everyone for support and appreciation!

The sky is huge. ?????????????

This is an ancient city, located outside.

In ancient times, it was extremely brilliant.

Unfortunately, the war made Wang's people abandon this ancient city and temporarily live in a secret place.

However, after the ancient war, when the demons retreated, the people of the Wang family regained control of the ancient city.

Because this ancient city is very close to the land of Changsheng.

At this point, Xiao Yun was heading towards the city.

The mind was permeated, and he could sense that many gods gathered here.

People of all races.

Many of them are the clans he has seen before.

Such as the ancient rhino, prisoner cattle.

There are many ancient Jedi near Yuntian City.

So many monks come and go.

There are also many trading venues here.

At this time Xiao Yun went to a shop called Yunhai Shop.

The shop looks small from the outside, but there are things inside.

Various bones were placed on the walls.

These ancient artifacts are surrounded by divine patterns. At first glance, they are artifacts.

At this time, many gods walked around the shop and watched the treasures in the shop.

Many of them are false gods.

When Xiao Yun came, a man who was pale and white in the counter on the left, but his eyes were dazzling brightly.

"This young man has an extraordinary temperament." The boss murmured secretly.

The boss is a **** king, named Wang Yunhai, a divine king, and his vision is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

Before Xiao Yun entered the shop, he could feel that temperament.

Even though he has changed his face now, the charm is still more common.

Right now, the boss greeted him with a smile.

"Hehe, is the son buying artifacts or selling soldiers?" Wang Yunhai laughed.

"Sell the fetish." Xiao Yun said.

"So, please!" The shopkeeper smiled and led Xiao Yun into the inner hall.

The inner hall is very large and extremely wide. It can be tens of thousands of meters deep, and some ancient animal remains are also placed on both sides.

"This is a true **** animal bone. How much can it sell?" Xiao Yun took out a dead animal directly.

This is an ancient beast that he killed when he entered the Jedi before.

This ancient beast is very powerful, and its strength is comparable to that of the true god, but it is a wild beast. It does not have a powerful spirit and cannot be transformed.

The corpse was taken out, and it was a wild beast with a single horn.

"Yes, this is a dark gold beast. The strength has reached the true god. If you take its horn, it can be refined into a treasure, and the skeleton can also be a tool." , Nodded with satisfaction, "Unfortunately, this arrow shot through its leather armor, otherwise you can make a perfect armor, although you can still refine the armor now, but the natural **** pattern on it It's broken. "

There is a huge hole in the chest of the ancient animal, and there is still a trace of dynamism in it. He reveals a trace of regret.

"Little brother, look at you breathably, like a ghost clan, but this arrow has a mighty spirit, it was you who killed?" He turned back.

"We don't accept unreasonable artifacts."

"The shopkeeper rest assured, this thing was killed by me." Xiao Yun said, "What price can you make."

"Did you kill it?" The shopkeeper nodded his head, and then said, "I don't beat you, old man. This dark gold beast is very strong and can be worth a million **** crystals. If you want to sell it, I will give you a hundred. 200,000 **** crystals, do you trade directly with **** crystals, or replace the equivalent **** extract, magic soldiers, etc. in my shop. "

"Let me see if you have what I need." Xiao Yun said.

"Okay!" The king nodded.

Xiao Yun then walked around the shop.

At the same time, the treasurer and Xiao Yun introduced those gods.

"Treasurer, why are there so many people in Yunhai City today?" Xiao Yun asked with a brow lightly as he walked around.

"I don't know?" Wen Yan said, the shopkeeper's eyes were surprised.

"I entered a Jedi experience and killed the ancient beast, but I was slightly injured before I came out. I planned to sell the beast, so I didn't know much about the city." Xiao Yun said.

"Oh." The shopkeeper glanced at Xiao Yun and said immediately, "The legendary secret place of eternal life is about to be opened, so the gods of all races have heard the wind, and they are going there to find opportunities. It is only half a month , Yuntian City has gathered the deities of the major races, even the tribe in the marginal areas. "

"Everyone can live in a secret place?" Xiao Yun asked.

"Isn't my brother from the star **** domain?" Wen Yan asked the king's shopkeeper.

"Don't hide it, shopkeeper, I'm really not a person from the Star God Realm." Seeing this, Xiao Yun laughed.

"Since you asked, I'll tell you." The shopkeeper groaned a little, and then said in detail to Xiao Yun.

It turned out that this eternal life was a secret place of the Wang family of the eternal life.

This secret place has not been opened for a full 18 thousand years.

If you want to enter, you must first gather the immortal imprint, otherwise you will be rejected by the immortal realm.

Of course, this long-lived secret has great opportunities, but it is also very dangerous. It was opened once in ancient times, but many gods were also ridiculed.

In addition, due to the restrictions of the secret realm, you cannot enter the kingdom of God.

"We must first consolidate the immortal imprint." After hearing the words, Xiao Yun's eyes were curious.

"I think the younger brother is good. There seems to be a long period of anger, but I can try it. Maybe I can gain a breakthrough in it."

The king's shopkeeper laughed.

Somehow, he felt a familiar atmosphere in the young man.

But the other side is clearly dazzling, not a fellow in the same circle.

"Long angry breath," Xiao Yun laughed, "how can I have this breath, right, where can I get a teleportation array to the nearest domain gate?"

"Door?" The shopkeeper frowned.

"I have learned something from this trip, and it's time to belong to the clan." Xiao Yun laughed.

"I have Yunhai City in this teleportation array, but I want to open it, but I have to control the city's deacon to take charge." Wang said, "The average person is afraid that it is difficult to use this array."

"Oh." Hearing, Xiao Yun frowned slightly. "What can I do to get them open?"

"This is difficult," said the shopkeeper.

"Oh, thank you shopkeeper." Xiao Yun arched.

"You're welcome, the old man also met you." The shopkeeper laughed.

Later, Xiao Yun exchanged some divine extracts, and took a million **** crystals and left.

"Why do I always feel a familiar atmosphere in this later life?" Looking at Xiao Yun's departing back, the king's shopkeeper was skeptical. "But he is obviously not my Wang family? In his lifetime, there were How many people will have this breath? "He shook his head again and again.

"There is a teleportation team in the city, but how can I let this clan open the teleportation team for me as an outsider?" Xiao Yun groaned.

At this time, he walked on the street, but he was helpless.

The shopkeeper of a shop just now is the **** king. Will the person who controls this city be the **** king?

Dignified gods, how easy is it to move?

"I'm afraid that even giving him a million **** crystals is useless." Xiao Yun muttered.

Million God Crystals are nothing more than hunting and killing an ancient beast in a real state of God.

That God King shot, why not worry about killing the gods and the existence of God King level?

Therefore, the wealth of the monarch must be unimaginable.

Their horizons will naturally increase with it.

"My son, why don't we understand this eternal life?" Knowing the sea, the eternal life turtle said, "I always feel that the atmosphere is a little familiar."

"Longevity Secret Realm?" Xiao Yun's eyes groaned, and then said, "Yeah, you are a longevity tortoise. If that Secret Realm really has this meaning, it will be of great benefit to you. Since you have encountered it, you will stay here. Yes. "Anyway, he could not find a way to open the teleportation array for a while.

Moreover, he is also very curious about the way of longevity.

Since the secret place here can attract the gods of all ethnic groups, it is also extraordinary to want to come.

Later, they found an inn and settled down.

This is a very exclusive inn located near the core area.

Of course, most of the people who live here are gods who have heard the wind.

They don't have a good identity, just ordinary gods.

Those big family children were entertained by Wang and went to live in some other gardens.

In those places, it is inconvenient to inquire about the news.

In this inn, the gods of all races also like to have a drink in the restaurant for communication.

Xiao Yun came to the restaurant.

At this time, there are deities of various races talking to each other.

"This time the secret of longevity opens, it is a rare opportunity for me!"

"It is said that this long-lived secret has existed for a long time, even in the ancient times, it was quite famous in nine days."

"If you can get the Changsheng liquid, you can increase your life!"

"I heard that they will not exclude outsiders from entering the family, but they will have their own destiny, and after three days, they will open the eternal monument, so that the gods of all races will try to consolidate the seal of eternal life. Later, there are even more chances for life. "


"After three days, go to the Changsheng Monument and consolidate the seal of Changsheng?" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened.

After hearing these people's conversations, he had a certain understanding of Wang's and this long-life secret place.

First, the Longevity Secret Realm is a secret realm for nine days.

But, somehow, with the battle of ancient times, came to the kingdom of God.

Secondly, Wang!

This is a Ran clan, repairing Changsheng Avenue.

It can be said that in the Star God Realm, he is a well-deserved hegemon.

The Wang family is the first group.

It is the prisoner cattle, and so on.

This is not to say that prison cattle are not strong.

But these big clans of the Celestial God Realm can't represent them.

In nine days, there is a stronger presence.

But Wang's is different.

They are the strongest pulse.

This is like letting the vein of the Ren clan be compared with the Ren clan.

There is naturally an insurmountable gap between the two.

"However, I can take a look at that long-life secret place." After getting the news, Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a slight smile.

At this moment, he is also very curious about this secret place!

Longevity ...

Who doesn't want to live forever?

Xiao Yun touched many avenues.

There are avenues of life and death, six avenues of reincarnation, avenues of life, ...

Each one contains heaven and earth, and is extremely mysterious.

However, this Changsheng Avenue, he has not yet realized.

Although there are long-lived turtles in the sea.

However, Xiao Yun still feels that the longevity turtle's avenue seems to be incomplete ~ ~ The same is true, the realm of the longevity turtle is limited to the true God's perfection.

Otherwise, it is such a naturally-cultivated spiritual thing that cultivation should be leaping forward without any bottleneck.

Longevity Turtle itself felt confused.

So it is also eager to look at this long-lived secret.

"I don't know if this Wang's son repairs Changsheng Avenue, but can he live forever?" Xiao Yunmu showed the desired light.

[Do you know what to have next? Please leave a lot of comments at the end of the book review chapter, wow haha, the next small copy of the plot, if you think of it, then I will, I will ... I will ask for a monthly ticket, and the plot will become more and more exciting Many pits will appear, and Xiao Yun will become more and more powerful. 】

[515 is coming soon, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain will give back to readers and publicity works. One piece is also love, it must be better! 】

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