Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1886: Side by side

People of all races stared at Xiao Yun. ?????

Many people have bad intentions.

Of course, more people are curious.

"Yinlings? Are ghosts ghosts?" Many people groaned.

In many people's cognition, the ghost is the form after death.

However, since the ancient times, there have been few people of the Yin tribe, so the world does not have a deep understanding of the Yin tribe.

"Haha, the underworld?" Xiao Yunlang laughed and said, "I'm afraid you are misunderstood."

"Oh, please ask my son Ling to wait for my confusion." Seeing Xiao Yun opening, Ni Cang couldn't help asking.

Even though he didn't know much about the ghosts.

"Yinlings are not so-called ghosts, but Yinlings are the creatures born of the extremely yin-qi of heaven and earth. Our people cultivate their yin-qi to nurture their souls, so the souls have Yin ... Tribe, also has similarities, but it has nothing to do with my ghost family. "

Xiao Yun said slowly to the gods.

The yinlings cultivate the extreme yin atmosphere, use the extreme yin atmosphere to refine the Yuan God, and communicate with many souls and mysteries.

But they are also real people.

"That's the case, but we are short-sighted." After hearing the words, many gods' eyes were stunned.

Although most of them were born in ancient times.

However, they do not necessarily know many ancient things.

"Linggongzi is a Yinling tribe. Why can you gather the seal of eternal life so fast?" Asked a quasi-god god, "Did you practice the road of eternal life before?"

He was suspicious of this.

You know, there are many people condensing the Changsheng Seal this time.

Even many people are strong in the heavenly realm.

But these people have not been able to condense the four longevity gods.

The practitioners of Xiao Yun's true God's perfection have condensed the eternal life seal with Tao pattern.

Not only that, he also stepped into the half-step heaven.

It's amazing.

Therefore, as soon as this word came out, the gods of various races locked Xiao Yun again.

"My Yin Ling tribe was born close to the avenue. Furthermore, man-made one of the heavens and the earth, the avenue of the thousands is also a part of the heaven and the earth." Xiao Yun frowned, looking around the gods of various ethnic groups, said, "Man and the thousand Avenues are all part of heaven and earth. How can we not realize? "

"Why can't I comprehend?" After hearing the words, many people were speechless and felt that the words seemed to make sense.

But if you think about it, you don't think that it can explain the mystery of Changsheng Avenue so quickly.

"Why can't I understand, so arrogant guy." Li Jinwen's eyes flashed, his heart revealing a bit of hesitation.

However, he did not say this.

"His point of view is somewhat similar to that of Xiao Yun." Not far away, Li Chenghai murmured.

However, more people feel that Xiao Yun's remarks are a bit arrogant.

"Hehe, why ca n’t we realize it, my people cultivate the golden body avenue, but I don't know if Ling Ling can realize it?"

At this point, a genius within the clan of the Golden Wing Beasts stood up, arched his hands toward Xiao Yun, and laughed.

This statement is obviously provocative.

In this way, everyone next to him looked at Xiao Yun with a smile.

"Golden Wing Orc?" Xiao Yun frowned, but with a slight induction, he realized the breath released by the other party.

"Exactly!" The man was a little cold.

This man is a **** named Li Jinyuan and is a member of the Golden Wing Beast clan.

"If you give me enough time, you will naturally understand." Xiao Yun laughed.

His words were plain, but full of confidence.

"Enlighten?" After hearing the words, Li Jinyuan's eyes flashed, and then he said, "You can say everything, but can you do it?"

"If the aristocracy can open the avenue like Wang's for enlightenment, I can understand it." Xiao Yun laughed.

"This ..." Wen Yan said, but Li Jinyuan was speechless.


Make the avenues of your own tribe public, isn't that a second-goods act?

Who will do this?

Even the Wang Family, at this time, there is no complete Changsheng Avenue in the Changsheng Monument.

"If Li Daoyou cannot do this, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Lingmou." Xiao Yun laughed.

"The teeth are sharp and sharp." Li Jinyuan snorted coldly, and then took his seat without saying more.

"Oh, do you talk about it, naturally you have different ideas, why do you need to be angry?" At this time, Wang Changtian laughed. "I think the statement made by Mr. Ling is very reasonable. Since people are part of heaven and earth, thousands of roads are also heaven and earth. In part, why ca n’t we realize? However, manpower is limited. It is already difficult to cultivate one. It is easy to talk about it. Of course, you ca n’t, but it does n’t mean that others ca n’t. Maybe, Ling Dayou is such a great person. "

What he said was very simple.

First, I agree with Xiao Yun's point of view.

At the same time, the difficulties are pointed out.

In the end, he pointed out that you ca n’t do this because you do n’t have enough talent.

In short, he is saying that your talents are not as good as Xiao Yun.

"Haha, Chang Tiangong's words are extremely true, but in theory, after all, it's just talking on paper. Actual combat is the only way to verify the Tao. How about all ethnicities sending people off to discuss it?" Li Jinyuan was wearing a gold crown beside him. Man, his eyes narrowed, and he arched his hands and smiled.

This person is Li Jinzhong, the first contemporary of the Golden Wing Orc.

At the same time, he is also the fourth-ranked figure in the Ten Stars of the Celestial God Realm.

"Study?" Wang Changtian frowned slightly, then laughed, "What's your opinion?"

"Oh, I'll wait for a rare meeting. It's also good to see the magical powers of various ethnic groups."

"That's right, say it, and double-check it."

Everyone nodded.

"So, that's fine." Wang Changtian nodded and said, "I don't know what Prince Ling means?"

He also knew that Li Jinzhong said so, presumably because he was not satisfied with Xiao Yun, he would have to consult. .

"Since you all have Yaxing, it is naturally good." Xiao Yun laughed.

"So, everyone!"

Wang Changtian got up.

After that, the gods of all races stepped out of Yuyu.

The crowd moved and came to a Yanwutai.

The battlefield ahead is ancient and exudes immense power.

The battle platform is an ancient battle platform.

At the edge, there is the Battle Hall.

Wang Changtian stands high.

Wang Yousheng, Xiao Yun and others were seated on the left and right in turn.

As for ordinary gods, they are located in all directions.

"Who wants to fight first?" Wang Changtian's eyes flashed, and he said.

"Since it is a discussion, let the people in the realm consult, so as not to affect the result because of the realm gap."

"That's fine." Wang Changtian nodded.

"Jin Wen, you are a half-step god, and there is no difference between Ling Gongzi's realm, so you can double-check with him."

Subsequently, Li Jinzhong's eyes flashed and his eyes fell on Li Jinwen.

This Li Jinwen is a branch of the Golden Wing Orc.

However, he also had friendships with these clans.

Among the clan, most geniuses have already entered the quasi-sky **** realm.

A few top-notch ones have stepped into Tenjin ~ ~ these people are naturally not good at challenging.

Therefore, Li Jinzhong thought of Li Jinwen.

"Good!" After hearing that, Li Jinwen got up without any hint of resignation.

Instead, he was trembling with warfare, a look he had long wanted to learn from Xiao Yun.

"Linggong, are you willing to double-check with the next one?" Li Jinwen's eyes flashed and he turned to Xiao Yun.

"Study!" Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a slight arc in the corner of his mouth.

In this arc, there is coldness.

At first, if it was not for this person, would the God King of the Golden Wing Beasts go to ambush him?

Due to his identity, Xiao Yun didn't make a good shot.

Now that this guy is provocative, will he miss this opportunity?

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