Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1887: Ghost Avenue

Li Jinwen got up to challenge Xiao Yun. ? E novel ??

Somehow, he hated this sudden emergence of genius from the beginning.

Especially when Xiao Yun said that he couldn't understand, it made him feel too crazy.

This is simply madness, and treats other geniuses as nothing.

"Okay, now that Li Daoyou wants to double-check with the next, can Lingmou not?" Xiao Yun Huo stood up.

"Please!" Li Jinwen arched.

"Please!" Xiao Yun arched his hand.

Then, the two walked forward together.

Suddenly, the two men appeared on the front stage.


On the edge of the battle platform, the **** pattern was activated and rose up, covering the entire battle platform.

"Hehe, Shicai listened to Ling Daoyou's argument. Presumably, you have several avenues. Lee is not talented. I want to learn from him. I also hope that Ling Daoyou will not hesitate to enlighten me." On the battlefield, Li Jinwen's eyes flickered toward Xiao Yun. He said he was very polite, but everyone could hear the provocation.

"Don't worry, I won't keep my hands. You will have to be careful later. After all, the avenue is ruthless and hurts your foundation, but it's not good."

Xiao Yun laughed.

His words were even more rude.

For a while, people who watched the war also became interested.

"Golden Winged Beast, this is a powerful ancient clan. That body is unparalleled. Can the supernatural powers of this yin tribe compete with it?"

Some people are suspicious and don't have much confidence in Xiao Yun.

The strength of the Golden Wing Beast is recognized by all races.

But they don't know much about the Yinlings.

"This Lingyun has a bit of insight on the Tao. It's eloquent, strong Lingyun, but I don't know what his combat strength is."

The Ren's **** of **** also looked like a play.

Almost, most of the deities in the field have such a mentality.

Of course, there are a few people who really want to see Xiao Yun's strength.

"This Lingyun boy's philosophy on the avenue is very similar to that of Brother Xiao, and I hope he can have some strength." Ren Tianxing murmured in a flash of light.

He looked cold as he turned towards Li Jinwen.

In the last ambush, Ren Tianxing had guessed that these people had done it.

Earlier, the wing front said to go to Wing Island.

With a little speculation, you can guess the cause of the matter.

Wang Changtian's eyes were so deep that one wondered what he was thinking.

However, his concern for Xiao Yun remains the same.

"Haha, hurt me? In the same realm, too few people can hurt me, I hope you will be that person." After listening to Xiao Yun's words, Li Jinwen laughed and looked proud and confident. He It has already reached the real state of true gods long ago. Three months ago, he even stepped into the half-step **** state.

But this Ling Yun, but just stepped into the half-step heaven.

Moreover, how powerful is his Golden Wing Beast, how many people can fight against it?

When the words fell, there was immediately Jin Guang coming out of Li Jinwen.

Then, his body suddenly rose, and turned into a giant Gundam.

Pieces of scale armor appeared on his skin, turning it into a humanoid monster.

At the same time, a golden light flashed behind him, and a pair of golden wings appeared.

The mighty blood power burst out from him.

The dazzling golden light was like a blade, cutting the void into pieces, making people feel cold.

Before he shot, this Li Jinwen has already excited the momentum to a peak.

Look at this, he really wants to teach Xiao Yun fiercely.

A guy who doesn't know where to run out, dare to fight against these ancient people, isn't this to death?

"Half-step god, the blood of the golden wing beast, is very powerful, but even a barbaric beast, even if it gives you invincible defense?

Seeing that Li Jinwen showed a powerful bloodline power, Xiao Yun was light-hearted.

Even the contempt shown in his words had become contempt.

"This guy dare to say that the Golden Wing Beast is a barbaric beast?" The words immediately caused an uproar.

"This Lingyun is too crazy!" Many people could not help breathing down.

It is not a wise move to provoke the Golden Wing Orc in this way!

Many people are already waiting for Li Jinwen to do his best to learn from Xiao Yun's scene.

"He's deliberately angering Li Jinwen." Wang said with genius.

"No, it's not that simple to intentionally anger. He is really confident and invincible." Wang Yousheng shook his head.

At this time, Xiao Yun on the battle platform, that indifferent did not come out of thin air.

It's a kind of confidence.

Li Jinzhong's face was very gloomy, his eyes stared at the battle platform, and anger was suppressed.

"Dare to despise my clan, you are ready to bear my anger!"

Li Jinwen was so angry that he stepped out with a cold hum.


I can only see his back wings like a blade, slashing directly towards Xiao Yun.

The golden light of the wings flickered, and the divine pattern was like a streamer's pattern, which caused a golden wind to drown the heaven and earth in front.

At the same time, Li Jinwen discovered with his large hand that a giant hand like a mountain was photographed towards Xiao Yun.

The giant hand fell, as if the stars could be crushed.

This kind of attack is extremely bullying, and few people dare to face it.

Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, but in his mind, he was already deducing, trying to use various magical powers to find the best way to repel this Li Jinwen.

At this time, his identity was a ghost, so the previous six reincarnation supernatural powers were not available.

This cost him some advantages.

"Even if I don't need six reincarnation supernatural powers, I can still defeat him."

Just a little deduction, Xiao Yun's eyes revealed a confident light.

All he saw was his stride.

Ghost World!

A low voice came out of Xiao Yun's mouth.

Then, the Shinto rules of the ghost family pervaded him.


A ripple rippled and a ghost world appeared.

However, Xiao Yun's body disappeared out of thin air.

He is like a boulevard and oppresses directly toward Li Jinwen ahead.


Suddenly, a mighty avenue of prestige shook the void in front of him, and the Shinto rules from Li Jinwen were shocked and met with resistance.

This Li Jinwen is only half a step into the **** state.

Xiao Yun is also half-step heaven.

Although it seems Xiao Yun has just stepped into a half-step heaven.

But is his understanding of Shinto comparable to Li Jinwen?

Moreover, what Xiao Yun realized was that I was the main road.

That rhyme is naturally superior to Li Jinwen.

The same was true of Xiao Yun's avenue, which immediately oppressed Li Jinwen's momentum.

"This momentum ..." Li Jinwen frowned, feeling great oppression.

Under that avenue, he felt his rules of Shinto shatter.

Just then, Xiao Yun shot.

Ghost World, Ghost Seal!

Xiao Yun's eyes flashed.

The big hand pulled and evolved a huge seal, suppressing that toward Li Jinwen.

In this giant seal, there is a ghost roar.

These ghosts, like the ghosts, have a terrifying momentum.

The ghosts are not ghosts!

However, the avenue of Yin Ling, to the extreme, they want to evolve into a world of Yin Ling.

According to the clan's vision, the backward soul will be transformed into a ghost and integrated into this world.

This is similar to the Hades.

Of course, the ghost world that Xiao Yun evolved is not complete.

These so-called ghosts and ghosts are just evolved from the rules of the road, not the ghosts that he pulled.

The Yinyin suppressed, and was bombarded with the golden giant hand.


Suddenly, the loud noise was rumbling like the sky and the earth were about to crack.

The rules of Shinto are like dragon dances, and they are confronting each other.

The Golden Wing Beast is extremely powerful, and the pattern is immortal.

Only the will of the people is contained in the rules of the avenue.

This Yinyin repression came, not only aggressive, but the Yinyin roaring, intrusive sound waves, disturbing humanity.

This makes Li Jinwen's momentum slightly less.

This became his second shot this time, passive.

When his momentum decreased slightly and he was affected by the Yinyin Seal, Xiao Yun shot again.

Xiao Yun's body disappeared.

At this moment, the whole world of ghosts seemed to disappear.

Li Jinwen's wings just swept across, but swept away.

However, at this moment, Xiao Yun appeared again.

He appeared behind Li Jinwen.

"What's going on?" Li Jinwen's face changed suddenly, and he felt Xiao Yun's breath for the first time.

When he appeared behind Xiao Yun, there was a sudden panic in his eyes.

You know, at this point he's finished shooting and still has time to get ready.

Although as a deity, when the mind moves, the rules of Shinto follow.

However, this is a process of accumulation.

How can you withstand a full blow from someone in a hurry?

Xiao Yun did not give Li Jinwen a chance.

All he saw was his big hand moving into a giant hand covering the sky, and when he was empty, he hit Li Jinwen.

The attack seemed simple, but it was suppressed like a ghost world.

At that moment, the void was collapsing, and the Shinto rules released by Li Jinwen's expression were collapsing.

Li Jinwen gritted his teeth and tried his best to stimulate the power of Shinto rules.

Suddenly, Jinguang soared into the sky, like a thousand blades, trying to resist the giant hand.

However, the big hand's momentum covered the sky, and he pressed down strongly, crushing the golden light to pieces.

An immense amount of Shinto power drowned Li Jinwen like the sky.


The loud noise came out, and Li Jinwen was directly suppressed by the giant hand.

However, at this moment, he also burst out the blood of horror.

The blood flew into the sky, shaking the giant hand back.

Xiao Yun withdrew his hand and retracted.

He stood there just as lightly.

On the other hand, pale golden blood was flowing from the corner of Li Jinwen's mouth.

Moreover, his breath was slightly weak.

He shot just now, and he also burned a trace of blood to shake Xiao Yun's big hand.

It can be said that he has been defeated in this battle.

After all, the first battle of the Burning Origins is already desperate.

"Just now, this Lingyun disappeared out of thin air, is this the magical power of the Yinling tribe?" On the viewing platform, the gods' eyes condensed ~ ~ For this, they could not help but take a deep breath.

How powerful Li Jinwen had been before, he was defeated in this way.

This was unexpected.

"If it is prepared, it should not be so." Someone said the same.

At this time, on the battlefield, Li Jinwen's eyes were scarlet, staring closely at Xiao Yun.

"Sneak attack, this is your method?" Li Jinwen said with a little unwillingness.

"Every family in the world has its own magical powers. It is the ability to win with magical powers." Xiao Yun said, "I know you will not be willing to admit defeat, so I just shot, I did not do my best. Now, you have some preparation, if you lose , Presumably convinced to take it? "He smiled confidently.

It seems to start from the fight, everything is under Xiao Yun's control.

"Well, now that I have defense, how can you defeat me?" Li Jinwen snorted coldly.

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