Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1889: Shocked the audience

"This is how you can't understand!"

A low voice echoed in Li Jinwen's ears.

His eyes were bewildered, and the light gradually faded, so he looked up at Xiao Yun in front of him.

An inability poured into my heart.

Moreover, the sound of the sound waved into the ears, dementing and trembling Li Jinwen.

He developed a feeling that he would sneer at any time as long as the opponent shot.

A great fear poured into my mind.

Along with it was a sense of failure.

His thoughts seemed broken at this time.

"This is how you ca n’t understand! Now, are you convinced?" In Li Jinwen's ear, the voice was lingering, getting deeper and deeper in his heart.

This is why Xiao Yun deliberately did so. He used the soul art of the Yinling tribe to blend into the sound waves, capture the soul, and the spirit law invaded his heart.

This can ruin humanity.

This is the power of the ghost family.

If you don't pay attention, in words, you can put the enemy in a state of inevitable danger.

"Ah! Ah!" This sound wave kept echoing in Li Jinwen's knowledge of the sea, breaking his heart, he couldn't help but howl.


Then a spit of blood spit out, his eyelids rolled over, and he passed out.

"This injury is enough to ruin his way." Xiao Yun's eyes showed a coldness.

In the future, Li Jinwen's path will inevitably be blocked.

Even if he had the chance to become the **** king, after this time his heart is damaged, he will most likely stop at the king.

"However, this is just the beginning. If there is an opportunity, the ambush's enemies must be liquidated." Xiao Yun secretly thought.

Li Jinwen and Youzi Ying attracted the King of God and ambushed him.

How can such hatred end?

Li Jinwen fainted, and the Shinto power in the field gradually dissipated.

At this time, the gods on the viewing platform could not help but widen their eyes and stared at the front of the platform with shock.

There was silence in the field.

"Li Jinwen lost?" It wasn't long before someone said so.

"How powerful is Brother Jinwen's golden hole swirling ancestral technique, how can he fail so easily with all his strength?" Youzi Ying murmured.

At this moment, he made waves in his heart.

"Li Jinwen was defeated. How did he ...?" Even many people did not understand why Li Jinwen was defeated.

"This Lingyun evolved the cave swirling technique, but how can this be comparable to the ancestral technique of the Golden Wing Orc?"

"Does he really understand everything?"

The gods were in an uproar, and the argument started suddenly.

The gods of all races showed their awe to Xiao Yun.

Just now, many people sensed the breath of Shinto by virtue of the battle formation spar.

"It seems that he also evolved the uprising of uprising!" Ren's **** muttered.

"That is indeed the uprising of upheaval." Ren Feitian flashed his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "This guy has actually learned the mystery of Shinto of my tribe."

His face was gloomy.

"Why can't I comprehend?" However, Ren Feiyang groaned.

"Just now, this Ling son temporarily performed the golden wing beast tribe's cave ancestral technique. Although there is some gap, he also has some essence." The power of the Shinto law dissolves and defeats all of them. "

Just now, he has been watching this battle.

"This guy actually has this talent!" The Golden Wing Beasts, then Li Jinzhong's eyes sank. By this time, he could not help looking at Xiao Yun a little more. This young man, the horror of his talent, exceeded those he knew It is difficult to imagine how terrible it would be if he were allowed to grow up.

Let's just say there was a battle.

If this Lingyun didn't cooperate with all kinds of magical powers, how could he defeat Li Jinwen so easily?

"It's a personal thing!" Next to him, Ni Cang, Qiu Yufeng and others were all astonished.

At this moment, they did not dare to be a stranger to Xiaobian.

You know, at the beginning, Xiao Yun touched a hint of Changsheng Avenue.

This has shown how terrible his talent is.

Today, he has evolved the ancestral art of the Golden Wing Orc in a short time.


Too bad!

"Go, help Jin Wenyu down." At this time, Li Jinzhong said to a true god.

At present, a true **** of Li's rushed up.

After taking office, the man glanced at Xiao Yun next to him, his heart was beating inexplicably.

"It seems that Ling Ling's momentum is still above my family's Admiralty." The devil murmured and took Li Jinwen back.

On the platform, only Xiao Yun was left.

The expressions of the gods of various races are complicated.

Especially Ren Feitian and others.

Originally, they were not convinced by Xiao Yun, thinking that the latter was just talking about it.

What can't be realized!

Anyone can say, but how many people can do it?

Only now, Xiao Yun's ancestors of the Golden Wing Orc family may have this ability.

"Perhaps, he has learned the ancestral art of the Golden Wing Beast before." Someone thought so.

"It should be so." Then, many deities nodded.

They couldn't believe it, nor could they accept that the young man could realize the Shinto mystery of others in an instant.

If so, wouldn't he want the world to be invincible?

"Ha ha, Ling Daoyou is indeed a gifted talent. For the Wizards of the world, this battle is very exciting." Wang Changtian stood up and applauded Xiao Yun.

Then he raised his glass, looked around, and said, "Come, I'll wait for Ling Daoyou."


Seeing Wang Changtian doing this, the gods of all races stood up and drank up their wine glasses.

"But I don't know anyone else to discuss with Ling Daoyou?" Wang Changtian laughed.

"I!" One of the gods stood up.

This is also a half-step god, named Ren's deity, named Ren Feiyuan.

"But I don't know if Prince Ling is willing to enlighten me?" Ren Feiyuan held his fist.

"Renshi!" Xiao Yun blinked, "Good!"

Since these people are not convinced, he also has a long time.

In addition, he can learn more about the magical avenues of various ethnic groups, and he can understand more and verify these mysteries.

Then, Ren Feiyuan strolled and landed on the stage.

"Please!" Ren Feiyuan said to Xiao Yun.

At the same time, his eyes were sharp, with Shinto mystery permeating.

Previously Feitian probed and hurt Yuan Shen by Xiao Yun.

Of course, Ren Feitian, as a **** of heaven, was embarrassed to take the shot.

Now that Ren Feiyuan has shot, he wants to find a place for Ren Feitian.

"Please!" Xiao Yun said with a cold face.

This Ren Feiyuan is obviously not Ren Feiyang's vein, so Xiao Yun does not need to be polite.

You know, at the beginning Ren Ren, in addition to Ren Feiyang's pulse, but everyone else had to take the treasure!

"I heard that Xiao Gongzi can understand everything, but today, I don't know if you can understand my way of rebelling against God's eyes." Ren Feiyuan said with a sneer.

Then, beside him, the shinto law with the eye of chaos permeating pervaded.

This rule of uprightness swept all directions, making the world rebellious.

Xiao Yun's spirit was also drawn out.

"Is it against the upheaval?" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and then he said, "It just so happened that I really realized it."

Anti Upheaval!

This is not the mystery of the **** of anti-chaos.

Such as Xiao Yun's Yin and Yang Baojian, you can reverse the chaos and reverse the world.

Even more, the kind of insurrection is more perfect than the insurrection mystery of the insurrection eye.

You know, the rebellious mystery of Yin and Yang Baojian can communicate with all realms and blinds the world!

Recently, Xiao Yun has been comprehending the mystery of the **** of anti-chaos, and he also has a clear understanding of the anti-chaos of Ren.

However, it has not been verified yet.

I saw a wave of ripples around Xiao Yun, the atmosphere of anti-chaos diffused.

The deity in his body evolved, and the rules of chaos permeated.

Throughout the battlefield, the violent wind rose, and heaven and earth seemed to be upside down.

In fact, the six reincarnation also has the mystery of rebelling against the world.

When this upheaval evolved, Ren Feiyuan's face changed suddenly.

He felt that his Shinto laws were beginning to be reversed and not functioning properly.

"Let me tell you, what is anti-chaos!" Xiao Yun stepped forward.

All he saw was a ripple around him.

He is like a world of chaos.

Then, this heaven and earth carried the infinite law of inversion and capsized towards Ren Feiyuan.

That horrifying Shinto law fell down, making Ren Feiyuan dare.

Because he felt that the laws of Shinto in his deity were all drawn out.

"No ... my Ren's God of Rebellion has the purest sense of rebellion. Who can reverse my rules of Shinto?"

Step into the realm of the half-step heaven and start to understand the power of the law.

The law is like a chain, which you control.

It is difficult for ordinary people to interfere.

Even though the half-step **** is still initially touched, the rules are not perfect, but they are also very powerful.

But at this time, Ren Feiyuan felt that the laws of Shinto in his own deity were to be led out.

This is too scary!

Even, he felt that the laws in his deity were starting to confuse.

You know, the true God is only in charge of the rules of Shinto.

[Rules is a general term, including the laws of this avenue]

Half-step God's control of the rules of Shinto began to improve, and he could understand the rules of the rules of Tao.

Rather than simply touching the rules in general.

However, that rule is not perfect enough, and it can easily break.

Once broken, it will affect the realm.

This made Ren Tianyuan frighten his shot immediately.

Anti-chaos, broken virtual!

I could only see Ren Tianyuan's imposing **** pattern rising.

These divine patterns intertwined and evolved into a huge world of anti-chaos.

At the same time, the broken virtual mystery burst out.

The **** pattern is like a gun, piercing the void, and heading forward, wherever it passes, the void is broken, like a rain of guns, to destroy Xiao Yun.

Such a momentum, so that those who infiltrated the consciousness of God on the battlefield can not help but tighten their nerves.

"Rebellion and fragmentation should not be underestimated!" Many gods sighed.

"Rebellion and fragmentation are indeed powerful Shinto laws. However, Shinto laws are like martial arts, they are only auxiliary, and talent is the root."

Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and the corner of his mouth evoked a radian.

All he saw was that he strode forward, without fear of the broken mystery that would break the void.

When one step was taken, the avenue swept out.

Xiao Yun is like a world, and he is like a avenue in this world.


Suddenly, the shattered imaginary pattern in front of him shattered.

A mighty force swept forward.

Xiao Yun then hauled with both hands.

"Rebellion!" An uprising mystery erupted from his body ~ ~, and then the Shinto law from the front reversed.

Suddenly, Ren Tianyuan's offensive was broken.

Ren Tianyuan's law of Shinto shattered.

Then Xiao Yun took the opportunity.

"Take the heavens and the earth as the seal!" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and a ghost world evolved.

Then, the world turned into a giant seal, and when the air was suppressed to Ren Tianyuan.

In this giant seal, the power of a vast soul rule emerges.

When the power of this rule came out, it immediately penetrated into Ren Feiyuan's mind, his mind shook, and the Shinto law on his body stopped working.


At this moment, the giant seal fell and hit Ren Feiyuan firmly.

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