Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1890: Invincible


The giant seal fell.

Seen from a distance, the giant seal seems to contain a ghost world.

When he fell, all the Shinto laws emanating from Ren Feiyuan collapsed, and the divine power collapsed.

Then, he was severely suppressed by Ju Yin.


Screams followed.

The eyelids of all ethnic groups on the viewing platform could not help but jump.

Especially Ren's people, his face was extremely ugly.

On the battlefield, the divine pattern dissipated, and the light was dim.

Ren Feiyuan was lying on the ground extremely embarrassed. He vomited blood in his mouth and his eyes were dim.

This time, he was seriously wounded, and the deities in his body were shaken by the divine power before they condensed a little shinto law.

This is about to hurt the foundation.

"Admit it!" Xiao Yun arched his hand and said lightly.

"Linggongzi has great magical power and is admirable." Ren's **** came to power, and after taking over Xiao Yun, he took Ren Feiyuan away.

Looking at the seriously injured Ren Feiyuan, the gods of all races looked dignified.

Golden Winged Beast, Rebellious Eyes!

These are the two ancient families, which are quite famous in the Celestial Gods.

Now that the gods in their clan are so embarrassed and defeated, how dare ordinary children of the clan fight against Xiao Yun?

At the same level, few people can really fight Xiao Yun.

But if you let a high-level person take the shot, even if you win, you will lose your face.

These gods are all arrogant, and naturally disdain.

"Would you like to try it up?" Liu Wuxiang flashed his eyes and looked at Ren Tianxing, smiling.

At this point, they all stepped into the half-step heaven.

"I?" Ren Tianxing's eyes froze and smiled, "I really feel the anti-chaosing eyes this time, but I am full of confidence, but this son Ling is very comparable. The anti-rebellion eye is very strong, but it is the foundation of the road. "

"So, this battle, even if it is, you can find other people to practice their hands."

In his opinion, as Xiao Yun said, supernatural powers are only auxiliary, and talent is fundamental.

If you don't have enough understanding of the avenue, even the dragon will lose.

So he didn't play.

Moreover, at this time, he seemed to feel more and more that this Ling Yun had a similar acquaintance.

"This son Ling is indeed not comparable to ordinary people." Liu Wuxiang nodded slightly, and he did not mean to shoot.

"Haha, haven't any friends made shots?" At this moment, Wang Yousheng looked around and smiled.

"I'm coming!" Someone got up now.

This is a big family child, a vein for the golden lion.

"I see that Ling Tao's Shinto is amazing. I want to learn about it and increase my knowledge."

This person is very humble.

It's shot, it wants to learn, really want to verify, not because of jealousy, resentment.

"Please!" Xiao Yun was naturally welcome.

The half-step **** of the golden lion walked away.

This is a very ancient group.

They have unparalleled physiques and are no worse than the Golden Wing Beast.

Even they have powerful ancestors, such as the sound of the lion roaring.

The sound wave can shake the sun and the moon.

On the platform, Xiao Yun fought with this golden lion.

The opponent did not stay, and evolved into a golden giant lion.

A lion stands tall and towering like a mountain.

It opened a roar, the sound waves rolled, and the void in front of it shattered.

This is overbearing and almost impossible to resist.

Xiao Yun turned into a avenue, like a world, and swallowed all the sound waves directly.

Then the world changed immediately, and he turned into a world of ice and fire.

The Shinto law of ice freezes the sound waves, blocking the attack of the Golden Lion.

The fire law rule swept out, turned into a blazing fire, and burned the sound wave into nothingness.

Then, Xiao Yun made a strong shot, using the Yin Spirit Shinto, and evolved the Ling Yin to suppress it.


The gold lion was shaken.

Magic Road!

When the golden lion was shaken by flying, the magic road was also cast by Xiao Yun.

Suddenly, the mind of the Golden Lion affected.

Then, the ice fire uprising swept away.

The golden lion's body began to be frozen.

"I'm defeated!" When his Shinto law was frozen a little bit, the Golden Lion immediately spoke.

The ice and fire avenue made him chill.

If it continues, it will be frozen.

this is too scary.

"Ice and fire avenue?" Seeing this, the gods of various races were stunned.

"This ... how many avenues will this Lingyun have?" Ren's **** was surprised.

"Why can't he realize, Ling Daoyou really is a wizard of all ages, Shi admire." The spirit of the golden lion bowed, then stepped back.

This shot, it really did its best.

However, under the strong attack of the other party, it has no power to fight.

In this regard, it is convinced to take it orally.

"This person can really be called a wizard of all ages!" When the **** of the golden lion confessed his defeat, the people in the field could not help but take a deep breath.

"My son, what do you think?" Wang Yousheng turned to Wang Changtian.

"These characters are rare throughout the ancient times and even ancient times." Wang Changtian said.

"Oh!" Wang Yansheng's eyes brightened when he heard that.

Rare, it means that there have been such characters.

"Someone was proficient in three hundred avenues in ancient times." Wang Changtian said. "Someone was proficient in three thousand avenues in ancient times ..."

He paused and said, "It's just, but few can reach the top."

"Why is this?" Wang Yousheng asked.

"The stronger the road, the harder the road." Wang Changtian said lightly, and then he said nothing.

Seeing this, Wang Yousheng did not dare to ask more.

"Linggongzi has different talents, but he is not talented, but he wants to learn something from you and hopes to enlighten him."

Just then, someone got up.

However, this person's tone is obviously much better.

This is to see Xiao Yun's talents and want to learn from him.

Only by consulting with Renjie can we verify and we can feel more.


In this way, one by one, the gods appeared.

However, the result was the same, all were defeated.

Not only is Xiao Yun superbly powerful, but he is like a avenue. He already has an advantage.

Even the Dai people cannot fight.

That's it, every scene comes down.

It's dark.

But people of all races still don't want to disperse.

Therefore, the consultation is still going on.

In this way, it lasted for three days.

In the end, Xiao Yun won 99 games in a row.

In these ninety-nine games, he lost all the gods in a row, and almost no one can fight.

At the same time as this kind of battle, his realm is constantly rising.

The laws of Shinto of various ethnic groups are also constantly under control.

Unconsciously, Xiao Yun is about to touch the quasi-sky **** state.

Of course, in these ninety-nine games, Xiao Yun did not use six reincarnations and swallow the avenue.

This led to You Ziying, Qiu Ang and others still did not associate it with the original hero of the Hydra family.

"Haha, this exchange, Lingmou has learned a lot, thank you for your enlightenment." On the battlefield, Xiao Yun arched his hands to the gods and backed down.

In so many games, he has been exposed to too much Shinto.

At this point, he had too many Shinto rules in his mind to deduct ~ ~ to control.

"Linggong is polite."

"Linggongzi's talents are so different that it makes me wait for an eye-opener."

"Thank you, Gong Ling.

When Xiao Yun strolled back, many deities of various ethnicities stood up and arched hands in honor of him.

At that time, Li Jinzhong and others were gloomy.

Especially Li Jinwen and Ren Feiyuan.

The two were seriously injured and had already hurt their foundations.

Even if she had served Shendan in the past two days, she was not able to improve immediately.

This made them full of hatred when they turned to Xiao Yun.

Just because they were helpless.

The same was true of those gods, and their faces were bitter.

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