Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1897: Changsheng Bridge


In the sea, Xiao Yun took a sea shark into the devouring tower.

This sea shark exists in the real state of God, its flesh, bones and bones are all treasures.

Moreover, the sea shark was born in Changshenghai and sucked a lot of anger.

Its flesh and blood is absolutely comparable to the god.

In this way, Xiao Yun kept moving forward.

However, the sea sharks in that sea are getting stronger and stronger.

Not only that, but also storms.

This kind of storm, like the eye of the highway, contains the power of terror, and even the gods are afraid.

"Ah!" In the sea, a true **** was engulfed in the storm.

During this storm, a sea beast appeared and swallowed the true **** directly.

In this way, a true **** slumped.

In addition, many sea beasts appeared, engulfing some.

The farther in, the more scorned gods.

In addition, there were sea monsters at the level of the gods in the sea, which caused many gods to fall.

Of course, most of these gods were killed by surprise.

Most people left this place with the help of Changsheng Seal to communicate immediately.

It only took time to communicate with Changshenghai and evolved the leaving cyclone. Many people were suddenly attacked and died when they were about to leave.

"It seems that we can't move on!" Chang Tiansheng, Ren Tianxing and Ren Tianming stopped moving forward.

Although they have some insights on Changsheng Avenue.

But the sea beasts ahead are too strong, and they are no longer able to fight.

After all, they didn't step into the heavens.

As for those powerful treasures, in Changshenghai, they are restricted and cannot be urged.

If it is urged, it will be directly introduced into the outside world.

"There are some islands here, there are also palace halls, you can go and see." Ren Tianming said.

"Well." Liu Wuxiang nodded.

They met in the sea and moved forward together.

In order to resist those sea beasts.

Because it was not compatible with the clan people, Ren Tianxing did not go to those people.

Of course, many people keep moving forward.

Like those gods.

They marched in groups and moved forward together, but also came to the vicinity of the archipelago.

After all, there is no shortage of powerful gods.

Fortunately, those sea beasts are at most heavenly and have no stronger presence.

Relying on the relationship with Changshenghai, Xiao Yun can sense the existence of sea beasts in advance, thereby avoiding those powerful sea beasts.

However, ordinary people can't be so calm.

Of course, Wang Yousheng can do them too.

As children of the Wang family, they are in and out of Changshenghai, just like in their own courtyard.

Therefore, Wang Yousheng stepped into the end of the Changsheng Sea first.

Beside him, there are many followers of Wang's family.

In front, there is a bridge.

At the end of the bridge, there is a wide field, completely covered by the lines.

In the hazy room, you can see a cave house between the cliffs.

"Changsheng Bridge!" Looking at the long bridge in front, Wang Yousheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and a corner of his mouth could not help but evoke a radian.

Here, it is a forbidden place for Wang's children.

In ancient times, few people could enter this place.

If you want to set foot on the Long Bridge and enter the Changsheng Cave, you need to see your own good fortune.

"As long as you cross the Changsheng Bridge, you will have a chance to enter the Changsheng Cave."

For them, Changsheng Cave is a sacred place and makes people yearn for it.


However, as they continued to advance, sea beasts raided ahead.

This is a group of sea scale beasts, all like tigers, with fins on their abdomen.

The fins are like wings that make them take off.

At the same time, their fins flapped, as if falling from the sky, towards the Wang's people.

Some of these sea beasts have reached the perfection of heaven.

In this regard, Wang's people have no fear at all.

Among this group of people is the half step **** king.

Originally, if this state were foreigners, they would be restricted from entering.

But Wang ’s people are different. They are pregnant with Changsheng Avenue and are close to Changshenghai. They have very little restrictions.

Moreover, their highest treasures are all longevity soldiers, engraved with longevity road patterns, blending with this world, and they will not be too limited.

The power of the Divine Soldier can be fully exhibited.

This makes Wang's people like fish here, there is nothing to fear.

"This is the sea scale beast. Shoot it together and fight it back." Wang Yousheng's eyes flashed, and he was ordered to shoot now.

"Yes!" Wang's **** nodded.


Only to see Wang Yousheng traction with both hands, a blue excalibur broke out, chopped to a sea scale beast ahead.

The long sword broke through the air, and the cyan sword light tore the space, and directly cut off the fins of the giant beast, splashing a blood light.

Wang Yousheng is a great man of the Wang family and has already stepped into the heavens.

Although he is not as brilliant as Wang Changtian, he is also a character.

The gods of the Wang family shot.

Suddenly, the sword on the surface of the sea soared, killing those sea scale beasts unable to approach.

Wang's slender sword.

That sword came out, endless, and it never seemed to sever.

That sword's meaning makes the world change color and makes people scared.

"Wang's people really arrived first." In the distance, a young man came.

This young man is Xiao Yun.

Brush, brush!

At this time, Wang Yousheng took a big step, holding a sword, into the herd, it seemed extremely heroic.

A long sword passed and a god-level seascale beast was cut.

It's hard to imagine that a young man who usually looks at the gentle and elegant people would have such combat power.

"This Wang Yousheng has some combat power." Xiao Yun's eyes lightened.

Seeing Wang ’s people take his shot, he was also very happy.

The battle ahead continued for an hour.

Those constantly killing sea scale beasts finally retreated.

It seems that they also know that the coming people are fierce, not that they can be enemies.

After all, Wang ’s people are already very strong, and with the power of the magic soldiers, naturally, ordinary sea beasts can compete with them.


At this time, someone came here one after another.

It is Ni, Qiu, Ren, and the Golden Wing Beast.

These big clan children met in the sea, and then came together.

Many of them are strong and have their own means, and the trip is quite smooth.

However, those casual repairs were miserable.

Those people are a little weaker, and many have failed to come here.

Even Liu Wuxiang and Ren Tianxing chose to look for opportunities on the way to the island.

"The front convenience is the Changsheng Bridge!"

"Finally came here!" After seeing the Changsheng Bridge in front of them, the gods of all races were glowing.

"This Lingyun, should we come here one step first?" However, as soon as everyone's eyes turned, they saw Xiao Yun standing on the sea.

This makes many people's faces slightly changed.

"Are these people also here?" Xiao Yun also found these people.

There were many people, almost seven hundred deities.

"Haha, Ling Daoyou, you're here." At this moment, Wang Yousheng put away the sword. He turned back and smiled at Xiao Yun.

He discovered Xiao Yun during the war.

This surprised him.

You know, Xiao Yun is just a quasi-god.

In this sea, there are all kinds of sea beasts in the heavens and gods. It is easier said than done.

"Oh, brother Wang is brave, let Lingmou admire." Xiao Yun walked away, smiling with a arched hand.

"You're welcome." Wang Yousheng smiled slightly.

At this time, Qiu Yufeng and others have come forward.

"Brother Qiu, Brother Ni ..." Wang Yousheng arched toward you.

These deities are also arching hands.

Then, the crowds juxtaposed and looked forward.

In front, a bluestone bridge is particularly noticeable.

A pool was built by the bridge.

There are green lotuses in the pond.

At this time, the green lotus was in full bloom, the middle of the pond was dangled with mist, and a long anger was filled.

In ancient times, someone watched flowers on the long bridge by the sea.

"Longevity lotus!" But at this moment, the gods on the seashore, all the light of the eyes fell into the pond, and a fiery light appeared.

"Longevity lotus, a legend that can prolong your life!" Qiu Yufeng murmured.

"My old ancestor Shouyuan has little left, and now I need a long-lived lotus to prolong life." Ni Cang's eyes flashed, showing a firm light.

It wasn't for a longevity hole.

Because Changsheng Cave is not so easy to enter.

This longevity lotus is its goal.

"It is said that the Changsheng lotus in the Changshengchi can let mortals live directly for thousands of years?"

"Yes, even the gods can take a hundred years to live!"

Fiery eyes gathered in the Changsheng Pool under the Changsheng Bridge.

Said it was a pool, but it was also connected to the sea.

However, it was piled with bluestone and isolated from the long bridge to become a giant pond.

There are many long-lived lotuses throughout the pond.

The lotus flower is in full bloom above it.

"There should be ancient beasts in this longevity pond. You must be careful if you want to ingest longevity lotus!" Seeing this, Wang Yousheng smiled slightly.

He naturally knew the goals of these people.

"Thank you Brother Wang for reminding me." Qiu Yufeng and others nodded.

However, they still have no intention to give up.

Xiao Yun also set his eyes in that longevity pond.

First, he left by telepathy.

Xiao Yun frowned.

"In the pond, there are ancient beasts, and the realm is not low." This frowned.

This long-lived secret was opened in ancient times.

Now 20,000 years have passed.

If there were ancient beasts in the ancient times, how terrible is that realm?

"This long-lived lotus can prolong life and make up for human flesh and blood."

Xiao Yun was also eager.

However, he did not shoot.

"Then, I'm welcome." At this time, Ni Cang shot.

All he could see was his eyes fixed and he took out a bone.

This is a bone claw.

The claws are sharp, like the claws of a dragon, exuding an immense ancient power.

This power is trembling.

"This is a bone tool made from the bones of His Holiness?"

"No, it should be the bone of a quasi-god deity." Renshi said a god.

"The quasi-god's bone!" Many people could not help but take a deep breath.

This is definitely a powerful bone.

This bone claw leans forward, ingesting a Changsheng lotus ~ ~ However, no **** pattern on the bone claw is activated.

In this way, the power does not exceed the limits of this place.

But that mighty power made the ancient beasts in the Longevity Pool dormant and did not dare to act rashly.

This is just a deterrent.

But this is enough!

In this way, the bone claws fell down and caught the four Changsheng lotuses, and this was taken back.


When the bone claw came back, Ni Cang collected the long-lived lotuses.

"It's okay!" Seeing this, many gods' eyes were stupid.

"This bone claw has the presence of the quasi-goddess of God, so that the ancient beast will be jealous. In this way, it will be possible to take the Changsheng lotus back without effort."

Xiao Yun's heart moved.

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