Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1898: Identity exposure?

Orc, strict levels.

Often the presence of powerful blood veins, the power of a blood vein can make the low-level orcs tremble.

"Haha, so, I'm also welcome." Qiu Yufeng beside him smiled.

It took out an ancient clock.

This is also precious.

God is not allowed in here.

But these treasures are restrained and not restricted.

Now that the shot was made, it didn't motivate the Shinto mystery.

But this mighty power is enough to deter low-level practitioners.

In this way, Qiu Yufeng also obtained Changshenglian.

Later, children of other ethnic groups followed suit.

In this regard, Wang Yousheng did not have much expression.

This longevity lotus is not high grade, but in their Wang family, they have more to go.

Therefore, Wang ’s people did n’t even pick.

Their goal is that longevity hole.


However, when someone followed suit, there was a roar from the beast.

A king's might spread.

The roar came, shaking a bone.

Suddenly, the godson quickly took the bone tool back without urging him.

Because if it is urged, it will lead to the backlash of Changshenghai, and the consequences are unthinkable.

"Ancient beast of the monarch level?" Suddenly, the gods of all races were shocked.

Obviously, the ancient beast was angry, and then it shook the sky and repelled the restraint.

The protoss of the Protoss tribe, afraid of Changsheng Hai's prohibition and backlash, did not dare to urge the device.

"Oh, everyone, if the ancient beast is already angry, it is better to be careful." Wang Yousheng reminded.

The gods of all races are jealous.

No one dares to shoot.

After all, the ancient beast is not easy to mess with.

If the ancient beasts shot with all their strength, I'm afraid they won't even have the chance to urge the Longevity Seal to escape.

"Hehe, the next step is the Changsheng Bridge, but the Changsheng Bridge is more dangerous. If you want to see it, you have to think clearly."

Wang Yousheng said to the gods of various ethnic groups.

"Changsheng Bridge!" Ni Cang's eyes condensed and looked at the Changsheng Bridge in front of him.

There was a fiery flash of light in his eyes.

However, it is more jealous.

"There are so many dead bones on the Changsheng Bridge. It is said that since ancient times, no foreigner has successfully crossed the Changsheng Bridge!" Qiu Yufeng said solemnly.

The gods of all races have fears.

"It seems that the Changsheng Bridge is not so easy to step on." Seeing this, Xiao Yun's eyes lightened.

"Longevity lotus can prolong its longevity." Xiao Yun turned his eyes to the longevity lotus.

Originally, he was hesitant to take a shot.

It is easy to reveal your identity when you use it.

Today, the ancient beast is angry, making him a little more daunting.

The other gods set their sights on that longevity bridge.

Even outside, Wang's people stared at Changsheng Bridge.

In the void ahead, there is a huge light curtain.

This is the evolution of Wang's people, for people of all races to watch, so that they can know the situation of their own people.

"Now, Changshenglian has gotten, there is no need to take risks." Some elders of the Dai people secretly murmured.

This is also their entrustment to Ni Cang.

In fact, many deities have told their juniors to step on the bridge of longevity and think twice.

"It's time to step on the Changsheng Bridge." Wang Changtian's eyes flashed.

At this moment, Xiao Yun locked his eyes tightly.

If you look closely, there are a few promises in his eyes.

"Now it's time to surface, right?" Wang Yunhai's eyes flashed.


Changsheng Bridge.

"Oh, I really want to eat that longevity lotus!" On Xiao Yun's shoulder, the phantom bug's gray eyes blinked, and the corners of his mouth were drooling.

It has been performing the mystery of the avenue. If the body is integrated into the void, ordinary people cannot see it at all.

Even if it speaks, it is a sound.

"Unfortunately, if the strength of this seat is still there, it is necessary to take all these longevity lotuses back." Inside the tower, sighed with supreme expression.

Xiao Yun also regrets this.

However, as soon as he was at ease, he sank into the sea of ​​knowledge.

This time he will come to the Longevity Secret Realm because of the Longevity Turtle.

Otherwise, his goal is to leave the heavens.

At this time, inside the sea, the long-lived turtle was covered with blue road patterns.

Its breath became even more majestic.

When the lines lingered, it gave an ancient feeling.

It seemed that the bound force was unsealed.

Especially on its turtle's back, there is a world to wake up.

That feels surprising.

"It's awakening blood?" Xiao Yun froze.

Suddenly, Changsheng's eyes opened.

When the long-lived turtle's eyes opened, the blue light flickered, and the gods seemed to be able to penetrate the world.

Then, he stumbled towards the longevity pond.

"Jangsheng pond, what a familiar place!" Changsheng turtle muttered to himself.

"Are you awakened?" Wen Yan said, Xiao Yun froze.

"It's awakening, but it's not awakening," said Chang Shenggui.

"Oh!" Xiao Yun looked suspiciously.

"I'm familiar with this. Maybe this Changsheng hole can help me solve the mystery." Changsheng turtle said.

"So good." Seeing this, Xiao Yun nodded.

If so, it would be worthwhile.

I saw a glare of the longevity turtle's eyes, and the turtle protruded from Xiao Yun's knowledge.

Accompanied by a strong longevity Daowei.

In this way, others can see that Xiao Yun suddenly had monstrous blood around him, and a turtle's palm went straight to the Changsheng pond in front.


The turtle's palm is protruded, and it is necessary to ingest the Changsheng lotus.

When it appeared, there was an ancient animal agitation.

However, before these ancient beasts attacked, a thick and long-lived breath permeated.

The beasts that were about to get angry all closed their eyes and felt the kind of long-lived breath.


Such as falling into an inexplicable Tao.

"What's that!" Just then, people outside found the turtle palm that suddenly appeared.

An uproar suddenly sounded.

"It's this breath!" Wang Changtian's eyes flashed.

"This palm ..." Wang Yunhai stared forward.

"This seems to be a turtle's palm!" As for those kings next to him, they were all surprised.

"Tortoise ..." In amazement, the Wangs' gods froze, and then seemed to think of something, and then his face suddenly changed, staring straight ahead.


The turtle's palm protruded, swept away, and directly picked seven Changsheng lotuses.

Then, the turtle's palm flashed and fell into Xiao Yun's knowledge.

"Wow ha ha, Chang Sheng Lian, boss, you are too good, you will be my elder brother in the future!" Seeing this, Phantom Worm was excited.

Then, it fell into Xiao Yun's knowledge.

"This turtle has pure long-lived vitality." The glory of Tuntian's eyes flickered. "Long-lived turtle ... Wang, do they have any connection?"

He also knew the existence of long-lived turtles.

Whether it was the original crossing or the wing island, the long-lived turtle has appeared.

When the longevity lotus ingested the sea, the longevity turtle groaned.

It twisted a plant and ate it.

As he ate it, he recollected it.

The phantom worm thief head and brain, picked up a Changsheng lotus and began to eat.

"Eat the lotus leaves first, or the lotus seeds?" The guy groaned.

"Ah, Xiao Yunzi, give the old husband a strain. My old man is too old, and he will hang up if he doesn't make up!" Swallowed the Supreme Supreme.

He was afraid that the Phantom Worm would eat up all the Changsheng lotus.

Xiao Yun's eyelids rolled, and a Changsheng lotus was stuffed into the Tower of Devouring Heaven.

"Ah, Changshenglian, I haven't tasted it for a long time!"

He also seemed very excited.

"It seems that Changsheng Turtle has nothing to do with it here." Xiao Yun ignored them, he was secretly in his heart.

At this time, the side was boiling.

"Lingyun shot just now?"

"Yeah! He grabbed a lot of eternal lotus!" The gods of all races were envious.

"He ... how did he do it?" It was shocking.

You know, someone shot just now, but the ancient beast gave Zhenfei.

But this Lingyun was successful.

"What the **** is going on?" Many people were surprised.

Even Wang Yousheng was extremely suspicious.

He was planning to go to the Changsheng Bridge just now.

After a while, Xiao Yun shot.

"It's a turtle's palm, and there is still a long life." However, at this time someone found some clues.

That is the man of the Phantom Eye.

You Ziying is awesome.

Their eyes are powerful and their eyesight is comparable.

Moreover, even if you didn't pay attention just now, you can still run the magic power and see what just happened.

"Turtle palm?" Li Jinwen's eyes flashed.

He has been following the gods of the Golden Wing Orc at this time.

"The breath of this turtle ... somewhat familiar!" Yuzi Ying murmured.

"What's wrong?" Li Jinwen said.

"In the beginning, wasn't Xiao Yun just to save a turtle and a bug?" Youzi said.

"You mean he's Xiao Yun?" Li Jinwen's face changed suddenly.

"It's possible," Youzi said.

Originally, the appearance of the phantom worm changed the breath.

In addition, the Phantom Worm has always been a mystery of the avenue, integrated into the void, and most people cannot find its existence at all.

You know, the magical power of the phantom worm is to penetrate the void, merge into the void, giving a fatal blow.

Therefore, it appears that most people do not know.

Unless it is a top god.

Or the King of God can detect it.

But these people, who did not know the existence of Phantom Worm, naturally did not associate Ling Yun and Xiao Yun.

They won't bother with these little things.

As a god, who does n’t have a pet?

Therefore, You Ziying did not notice it before.

This time, he also saw the appearance of the long-lived tortoise, and only then thought of it.

"However, Ling Yun's repair is Yin Ling Avenue, which is different from Xiao Yun." Li Jinwen shook his head.

He has played against Xiao Yun.

"A man can be easy to look at, but how can he change his breath?" Li Jinwen said.

"This too." You Ziying frowned slightly.

The Shinto breath of Ling Yun and Xiao Yun is really different.

"Will he ..." You Ziying stopped talking, but quickly shook his head, feeling impossible.

Master, is that still human?

Is there such a person?

So he shook his head.

However, he paid more attention to Xiao Yun.

"Why, I feel like they are the same kind of people?" The more he looked, the more similar Ling Yun and Xiao Yun were.

"Watch it first," Li Jinwen said.

"Well." Youzi nodded.

Here, they can't make it.

"These two!" Xiao Yun frowned, and found You Ziying and Li Jinwen's eyes.

It made him feel a little bad.

"After this incident ~ ~ have to leave as soon as possible." Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

Although judging from the expressions of You Ziying and Li Jinwen, it seems that his identity has not been determined.

But such things, it is always bad to drag on.

"Hehe, Ling Son is really a **** and a man. He can still get a longevity lotus in this situation, but I don't know if I can set foot on the longevity bridge?"

Wang Yousheng laughed.

"Changsheng Bridge!" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and he looked towards the long bridge ahead.

"Haha, the Changsheng Bridge is very dangerous, but in front of the Changsheng Cave, there are two Changsheng trees. Even if you can't step into the Changsheng Cave, you can benefit greatly from the Changsheng Tree!

Wang Yousheng laughed, "Wang's trip is to realize the Tao under the longevity tree, and to fully appreciate the supreme mystery of the Changsheng Avenue."

"Longevity Avenue!" Xiao Yun's eyes were exposed, and he squinted and smiled. "Since he's here, Lingmou should try it."

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